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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > EXHIBIT: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam > Victim writes Authorities

Victim of 4-1-9 Scam writes to Authorities

What on Earth the Fraud-Fighting Agencies
Are Doing For The Victims?

Dear Sirs,

I am a victim of "419-Sting". I was deprived of my fortune my by a Nigerian fraudstar Gerald Kanu-Ukwu. I knocked every available door to get heard/read but to my dismay got no response from anywhere. I believe this is a case where one individual fed the police with the information that, hitherto, never had been done in the past. The police might have hand-picked the culprit.

In spite of my advanced age and failing health, I traveled to Nigeria and tracked down the 419'er, personally, to his accommodations and business addresses in Ikeja-Lagos on 26 June 2001. I was assaulted by him, harmed physically and ransacked (US$ 13,800.00) while I was returning from his residence. I was threatened to be assassinated/eliminated and warned to leave Nigeria immediately. I was given refuge by the God-fearing Nigerians , who escorted me safely to the air port for my departure to Pakistan. I lodged a complaint (Attachment), through the Embassy of Pakistan-Abuja, Nigeria with the SPECIAL FRAUD UNIT-ABUJA on 29 June 2001. Sotonye LeRoy Wakama, Chief Superintendent of Police, handled the case. The officer was given all vital proofs and concrete information collected by me about the culprit but the swindler could not be apprehended up to now.


>From : "Wakama, Sotonye LeRoy" <>
To : "dr khan" <>
Subject : Your Complaint
Date : Mon, 23 Jul 2001 18:35:24 +0200

Dr. Khan,

I have some news for you. However, I caution on your hopes of recovery. The house you mentioned was eventually located, and in the morning of Friday 21st July 2001 it was entered and searched. Unfortunately, the man of the house and the prime suspect - Gerald Ikechukwu Ukwu (Kanu) - was however not in. His wife - Obianujunwa Angela Kanu - was however in. The house was searched but nothing of significant value recovered except a very expensive ladies wrist watch. In this respect, you are kindly requested to let me know if you gave a watch as a present, its make and serial number where possible.

The office of Gerald was also searched and his computer and other items taken away. The telephone receipts are for the number that has been used to defraud you. I'm still looking through some of the items brought to Abuja, but we have details of a bank account other than the one he referred to you, and evidence of land ownership in Lagos. We do not know yet if the land is developed.

In the meanwhile the wife is in our custody. The hope is that the husband will come to attend to her. Let's wait and see.



>From : "Wakama, Sotonye LeRoy" <>

To : "dr khan" <>

CC : <>

Subject : Re: Court Hearing For Bail

Date : Thu, 6 Sep 2001 15:18:49 +0200

Dear Dr. Khan,

You requested to know the outcome of the request for bail instituted on behalf of Mrs. Gerald Kanu.

Well today the Court released her on bail to a surety found suitable to the court. We, the Police thus have no option other than to release her. As stated earlier, we shall pursue the other investigative options open to us. However let me state this. Experience has shown that tackling in economic crime in this country is currently an up hill task. Where one expects support unfortunately one does not receive it. I had hoped that a representative/official of your country would simply sit in court as an "observer". This in my opinion would have made it a lot more difficult for Mrs. Kanu to be granted bail particularly considering your statement. As it is let us all hope for the best.



>From : "Wakama, Sotonye LeRoy" <>

To : "Dr Khan" <>

Subject : Re: What Next?

Date : Fri, 7 Sep 2001 09:55:39 +0200

Dear. Dr. Khan,

The court only released the suspect all other evidence recovered remains in our custody.

As regards the next step, as earlier informed there are one or two options open to us regarding his accounts, landed property etc. I do not expect any money to be in his account, but we hope to have an address of a referee if the account is a current account. We may be able to trace the culprit from that. The property will be properly identified and the documents

tendered before court for a decision to be taken. Kindly remember that Mrs. Kanu was granted bail by the courts and is expected on the 17th of this month for hearing.

Finally, as to whether there is hope of recovery. I do not know and will not know until I can track the principal culprit down.


The most painful aspect of the case is that CSP Wakama lost contact with me after 21 September, 2001.

I addressed all concerned officials of the Nigerian government, even the president General Olusegun Obasango but got no response.

<>, <>

All known Fraud-Fighting Agencies were contacted but, to my dismay, without any positive outcome. Here plese find the list:


My High Commossion was unable to get update on my case due to the bureaucratic attitude of the concerned authorities.


Kindest Regards,

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Khan
81-Grand Trunk Road, Shahdara, Lahore, PAKISTAN.

TEL/FAX: 92-42-7925778

Complaint to SFU

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Nigerian 4-1-9 Forum
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Brad Christensen Forum
Comment on the Brad Christensen Exhibit of humorous replies to Nigerian scam letters. Suggest names and scenarios for Brad to lure the scammers to some faraway and exotic location in search of Brad's money.

Spoofing the Nigerian Scammers  This is a forum for people who have picked up Brad's lead and have started correspondence with 4-1-9 scammers of their own. Start your own string and update it with suggestions from readers, and collaborate with other readers to respond to the scammers.

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