Scams & Frauds Exposed

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Financial & Tax Fraud
Education Associates, Inc.

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Quatloos! > Investment Fraud > FOREX Scams

FOREX Scams and Commodities Fraud

Tired of the stock market? Leverage your dollars into millions in foreign currencies traded on the spot market and thousands of dollars daily with little risk. Never mind that your FOREX trader lacks any financial education and isn't registered with any administrative body, as the money to be made in FOREX completely overwhelms any slight risk that you will have. Yes, believe that and I've got some beautiful beachfront property outside of Albuquerque to sell you.

FOREX Information
Release by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission about foreign currency (FOREX) scams.

Consumer Advisories
Links to a number of warnigns about commodities fraud and FOREX scams.

Enforcement Bulletins
Identifies the worst commodities fraud artists and FOREX scammers.

Enforcement Actions
Links to specific actions taken by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission against commodities fraud artists and FOREX scammers.

Reporting FOREX or Commodities Fraud
Links for reporting commodities fraud and FOREX scams.

NEW! -- CFTC Warning About Investment Opportunities Promising Large Profits and Little Risk, Even When Offered by Friends and Aquaintances

Russell Allen Erxleben Sentenced to Federal Prison for Conspiracy to Commit Mail Fraud and Securities Fraud in FOREX scam.

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Securities Fraud - Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc

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