The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

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The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Famspear »

I just posted this at another forum, and it occurred to me that the one person who has not been heard here much lately is Peter Eric ("Blowhard") Hendrickson himself.

Blowhard Hendrickson -- the ex-con.

Blowhard Hendrickson -- the man, the myth.

I know much of this has been posted in Quatloos before, but let's look at some of the comments that Hendrickson has made about his book, Cracking the Code, at his web site.

Let's see. Hendrickson describes his Cracking the Code "tax research" as being:
[ . . . ] the most comprehensive and sophisticated research and analysis of the common, Constitutional, statutory and "case" law related to the American tax system in general and the "income" tax in particular ever conducted.
Ooooooh. That sounds impressive! Peter E. “Blowhard” Hendrickson IS SO MODEST! He goes on and on about his “tax research”:
The accuracy of that research and analysis is then incontrovertibly confirmed by an unending series of real-world, actual events, starting with my series of historic accomplishments as the first American to ever recover Social Security and Medicare "contributions", the first subject of both IRS summonses and IRS/DOJ injunction efforts to defeat each such assault (and not once, but three times), and the first to have forced the tax system into the choice of either watching its gravy-train be derailed by the truth I have revealed or abandoning all pretenses of legitimacy and law and trying to coerce me into undoing the bonds I have placed upon it.

Ohhhhhhh, Blowhard Hendrickson! We bow down and worship you! All hail to your Infinite Wisdomness! But, but it doesn't stop there, either, does it Blowhard? No! Read what else the Blowhard has written about his own book:
But it doesn't stop there, either. Since the initial publication of CtC [Cracking the Code] nearly five years ago, thousands of Americans who have gone to the trouble of putting aside their pre –conceptions and their skepticism and carefully read CtC have duplicated the first of my historic accomplishments . . . . EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE AMERICANS IS SIMPLY THE NEXT ONE ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING NEVER ACHIEVED IN THE HISTORY OF THE INCOME TAX UNTIL CtC REVEALED THE TRUTH.
Ohhhhh Blowhard...... But wait! What if this supposed river of victories is the result of a sustained computer glitch, or an administrative loophole? What say you to that, Oh Wondrous Blowhard?
Oh, thank you for clearing that up, Blowhard!

Oh! But wait! Tax is a complex subject! Shouldn't we read something other than Hendrickson's Cracking the Code? Surely there are other good sources as well. After all, Hendrickson is neither an attorney nor a certified public accountant. What about treatises found in tax law libraries? What say you to that, oh Pete Hendrickson??
Oh, OK.

So, uh, Pete, I guess your book pretty much shows that you've figured it all out, eh?
CtC [Cracking the Code] has the tax pegged...The only ongoing development the...accumulation of...authority...and the refinement of our understanding of...the the entrenched beneficiaries of the crumbling status-quo...
Wow, Pete, I just didn't realize that your work was so comprehensive. Oh, uh, what's that you say???
At the risk of vulgarity, I will say as plainly as possible what I have by necessity said many times before, but usually with more circumspection (and can't seem to say often enough): Any and all notions concerning the nature of the "income" tax-- how it is applied, why it can be thus applied, how it interfaces with the legal system and so forth-- which are not taught in CtC [Cracking the Code] or on this site [] (exclusive of forum posts, of course) are just inherently wrong or are entirely irrelevant to the tax. They are raised or promoted either in ignorance or for ill purposes.

Such notions should not be debated or discussed-- doing either is a waste of valuable time and energy. There is one simple response that is appropriate when presented with "alternative" or "supplemental" notions of this sort: "You didn't find that in CtC or on, so put it out of your mind. Here is what is actually true about that aspect of the tax...
(Note: All of the above quotes are from Peter Eric Hendrickson, at his web site,
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

What's a little scary is that his narcissistic diatribe probably turned off more people than it attracted. If he had toned it down or had the resources to hire a Washington lobbying/PR firm he'd have sold millions of copies in the first year.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Brother Dave

Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Brother Dave »

This is the dude who tried to mail a firebomb, right?

Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Nikki »

No. Not "tried to" -- did.
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Brother Dave wrote:This is the dude who tried to mail a firebomb, right?
As Nikki said, not only tried but did.

And I'll amend that with rat-snitched on everyone involved in order to save his own ass from a lengthy prison stint, later claimed he didn't want anything to do with it (even though he never alerted the authorities that a bomb was about to be mailed) and then later had the unmitigated gall to tell everyone on his website that his crime was nothing more than "shooting off 4th of July fireworks in the wrong place".

That right there is why I think he's a turd, weird theories on taxation not withstanding.
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by LPC »

Famspear wrote:I just posted this at another forum,
ANOTHER forum?

You've been seeing other forums? Buenos Aires, perhaps? Or just one of those forums along the Appalachian Trail?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Lambkin »

I think he's creating tax-denier forums as an agent provocateur. Or if he hasn't yet, he will as soon as Pete's forum craters.
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:
Famspear wrote:I just posted this at another forum,
ANOTHER forum?

You've been seeing other forums? Buenos Aires, perhaps? Or just one of those forums along the Appalachian Trail?
Can't a fella get a little chicken on the side once in a while?

Does he have to go all the way to Argentina to get it?
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Thule »

Since it's all caps, I guess the above statements are merely legal fiction.
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by The Dog »

Famspear wrote: Oh! But wait! Tax is a complex subject! Shouldn't we read something other than Hendrickson's Cracking the Code? Surely there are other good sources as well. After all, Hendrickson is neither an attorney nor a certified public accountant. What about treatises found in tax law libraries? What say you to that, oh Pete Hendrickson??
"In 642 AD the library holdings of the Serapeum at Alexandria supplied the public baths with six month's supply of kindling. To the city's Muslim Arab conquerors, these thousands of books and scrolls were clearly worthless: if their contents agreed with the word of the Prophet, they were superfluous; if they disagreed, they were blasphemous. And so the last great collection of antiquity was consigned to the flames."

Evidently the same approach may be used today.

Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by mutter »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:
Brother Dave wrote:This is the dude who tried to mail a firebomb, right?
As Nikki said, not only tried but did.

And I'll amend that with rat-snitched on everyone involved in order to save his own ass from a lengthy prison stint, later claimed he didn't want anything to do with it (even though he never alerted the authorities that a bomb was about to be mailed) and then later had the unmitigated gall to tell everyone on his website that his crime was nothing more than "shooting off 4th of July fireworks in the wrong place".

That right there is why I think he's a turd, weird theories on taxation not withstanding.
What he did was place a legally obtained "cheery bomb" like explosive device in a mail bin. A fuse lite device at that. It wasnt mailed per se. It subsequently went off, when the fuse burned down. he claims someone else there did it over his objections and he rolled cos they were trying to put it all on him when they all got charge with placing an explosive devise in the US mail or something close to that. so in reality it was a legal firework. The wrong place just happen to be a mail bin at the post office. Which of course makes it an explosive device. the law doesnt make a distinction between like a fire cracker and a stick of dynomite.
No Iam not defending such stupidity the gov should have tossed all of them in jail

Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Nikki »

mutter wrote:What he did was place a legally obtained "cheery bomb" like explosive device in a mail bin. A fuse lite device at that. It wasnt mailed per se. It subsequently went off, when the fuse burned down. he claims someone else there did it over his objections and he rolled cos they were trying to put it all on him when they all got charge with placing an explosive devise in the US mail or something close to that. so in reality it was a legal firework. The wrong place just happen to be a mail bin at the post office. Which of course makes it an explosive device. the law doesnt make a distinction between like a fire cracker and a stick of dynomite.
No Iam not defending such stupidity the gov should have tossed all of them in jail
The people who were injured weren't very cheery.

Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by mutter »

Nikki wrote:
mutter wrote:What he did was place a legally obtained "cheery bomb" like explosive device in a mail bin. A fuse lite device at that. It wasnt mailed per se. It subsequently went off, when the fuse burned down. he claims someone else there did it over his objections and he rolled cos they were trying to put it all on him when they all got charge with placing an explosive devise in the US mail or something close to that. so in reality it was a legal firework. The wrong place just happen to be a mail bin at the post office. Which of course makes it an explosive device. the law doesnt make a distinction between like a fire cracker and a stick of dynomite.
No Iam not defending such stupidity the gov should have tossed all of them in jail
The people who were injured weren't very cheery.
Quite picking on me. Get it picking? :lol:
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

mutter wrote:...
What he did was place a legally obtained "cheery bomb" like explosive device in a mail bin. A fuse lite device at that. It wasnt mailed per se.
I love the attempt at goofy definitions.

Dude, if you put something in a mail box it's mailed. It was mailed the moment it dropped in there.
mutter wrote:It subsequently went off, when the fuse burned down. he claims someone else there did it over his objections and he rolled cos they were trying to put it all on him when they all got charge with placing an explosive devise in the US mail or something close to that. so in reality it was a legal firework.
My "so what" light is on full. Putting even a "legal firework" in the mail is against postal regs, let alone putting one in that is designed to actually detonate.
mutter wrote: The wrong place just happen to be a mail bin at the post office. Which of course makes it an explosive device.
No, that's not what made it an explosive device. I was an explosive device as soon as it was used for purposes other than for what it was intended. Putting it in someone's gas tank, using it to ignite a fire, etc., etc., can also make it an explosive device.
mutter wrote:... the law doesnt [sic] make a distinction between like a fire cracker and a stick of dynomite [sic] .
Oh, but it does. Trust me, the twit who puts enough explosive into a mail box that could be expected to kill multiple people is going to face much more serious charges.
mutter wrote:No Iam not defending such stupidity the gov should have tossed all of them in jail
They couldn't. Despite the lunacy at work there, the law worked as intended.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Randall »

mutter wrote:What he did was place a legally obtained "cheery bomb" like explosive device in a mail bin. A fuse lite device at that. It wasnt mailed per se. It subsequently went off, when the fuse burned down. he claims someone else there did it over his objections and he rolled cos they were trying to put it all on him when they all got charge with placing an explosive devise in the US mail or something close to that. so in reality it was a legal firework. The wrong place just happen to be a mail bin at the post office. Which of course makes it an explosive device. the law doesnt make a distinction between like a fire cracker and a stick of dynomite.
No Iam not defending such stupidity the gov should have tossed all of them in jail
One man's cheery bomb is another man's liberty tool.
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by LPC »

mutter wrote:What he did was place a legally obtained "cheery bomb" like explosive device in a mail bin. A fuse lite device at that. It wasnt mailed per se. It subsequently went off, when the fuse burned down.
I don't think any of that is correct.

From the published opinion in United States v. Scott Scarborough, 43 F.3d 1021 (6th Cir. 1994).
6th Circuit wrote:On April 16, 1990, the last day which tax returns could be postmarked that year, a firebomb was placed in a bin at the United States Post Office in Royal Oak, Michigan. At about eight p.m., a postal worker standing near the bin and collecting mail from individuals driving in front of the post office noticed smoke coming from one of the bins. He rummaged through the bin and retrieved a smoking brown padded envelope, addressed "to the tax thieves" from "freedom loving Americans." When the postal worker tried to extinguish whatever was causing the smoke by placing it in a puddle of water and stomping on it, the bomb detonated, injuring the postal worker and a bystander.

A federal grand jury investigation uncovered witnesses who testified that several members of the Metro Detroit Libertarians had a meeting to discuss the possibility of placing a device in the mail on that day to protest the tax system. The witnesses testified that this meeting included Peter Hendrickson, his girlfriend Doreen Wright, defendant Scott Scarborough and his wife Karen. The investigation also showed that Wright had taken the red phosphorus used in making the bomb from the school district at which she worked.
Hendrickson is quoted in a thread at Lost Horizons as claiming that the device was a "a simple smoke-bomb" that "consisted of a padded mailing envelope, containing a couple of teaspoons of loose black powder, a smoke agent and a fuse."

To sum up:

1. The device was not "legally obtained cherry bomb" but a homemade device that included stolen phosphorus.

2. It was placed in a mail box, which means it was "mailed per se."

3. The kind of fuse that was used is not clear. The kind of fuse attached to a "legally obtained cherry bomb" burns in a few seconds, and is extinguished by water. So the actual fuse must have either been a special underwater fuse or some kind of chemical fuse. And it must have been a slow fuse, because the Royal Oak post office closes at 7 p.m. but this fuse was apparently still burning an hour later.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by mutter »

As usual we need to go to the case for the truth
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Famspear »

Chairman Peter Hendrickson addresses the Party Faithful in his newsletter at losthorizons. See if you can detect any evidence of projection, of transference, of narcissism, of megalomania, of a growing mental illness (bolding added by me):
I had occasion this week to browse a few CtC [Cracking the Code] state forum exchanges, and I was disturbed to encounter several ongoing discussions of the, "Why is it that some of us keep facing balky tax-agency behavior? What are we missing?" variety. The underlying notion is that there is something overlooked in CtC that is being exploited to legitimize the scattershot tax-agency bad behavior to which a few CtC-educated filers have been subjected over the years, even while most continue to win victory after victory in invoking and upholding the law without ever having to deal with any evasions by the relevant governments.

Simply observing that the bad behavior is scattershot should be enough to put such errant notions to rest by itself. Obviously, if there were actually "something missing" from what CtC teaches about the law that legitimizes tax-agency resistance to educated, accurate filings, it would be being exploited uniformly. There would be no [Cracking the Code] victories to post-- or certainly none since 2004, when, according to the testimony of IRS agent Shauna Henline, CtC-educated returns began being subjected to special scrutiny in addition to the standard extra attention that any filing showing little or no "income"-- but seeking the return of amounts withheld-- already receives.
Hendrickson is essentially repeating the lie that since tax refunds are obtained in at least some cases using his method, the IRS is not enforcing its procedures "uniformly." Somehow, in Pete's mind, this proves that he is right. [EDIT: See my clarification, below.]

Pete continues:
Even more obviously, if there was something missing from what CtC teaches about the law that legitimizes tax-agency resistance to educated, accurate filings, there wouldn't be a single case of an agency attempting to offer resistance to such a filing-- sometimes stretching out for more than a year of intense contact between the agency and the educated filer-- before ultimately surrendering to that filing, as is documented in the dozens of such cases presented in the 'Every Which Way But Loose' series and the 'Victory Highlights'. (You'll see the latest of these posted this week as 'Every Which Way But Loose' Episode XXVI-- Forest Anderson's slap-down of an IRS effort to disregard his educated filing for 2007, making for his fifth victory on behalf of the rule of law so far.)

This is bizarre; Hendrickson seems to be implying that the fact that the IRS is "resisting" him proves that there is "nothing missing" from the theory of his Cracking the Code scam. Gee, where have we seen this kind of delusion before?
For that matter, if there was something missing from what CtC teaches about the law that legitimizes tax-agency resistance to educated, accurate filings, the IRS would have been able to actually win (or at least engage in) a court case against me. Instead, it was forced to formally concede that it cannot by withdrawing from its first three attempts, and then eventually resorted to an elaborate charade of bringing a bogus "lawsuit" against my wife and me in which the district court carefully makes a deliberate series of due process (and other) errors so as to enable it to issue a "ruling" which is inherently void, but which the IRS and DOJ have callously flashed in front of the naive as a "victory", confident that most folks won't trouble themselves to look behind the press release and learn the truth.
This pretty much speaks for itself. He lost his erroneous refund case, went all the way to the Supreme Court with it, had his petition rejected by the Supreme Court, is under a court order prohibiting him from using the scam on his own tax return, is facing a criminal trial in the fall for using the scam on his own return, and yet claims it's all "void" and that he has actually "won."
Folks, those of you that have been doing so have got to stop wasting time looking for holes to plug. There are no holes.

What you have learned in CtC is the complete picture. The constant capitulation to CtC, more and more evidence of which is posted every week at in a multitude of different ways, makes this unmistakably clear. The fact that the beneficiaries of the corrupt status quo haven't stopped flailing about looking for ways of evading the truth, and haven't abandoned periodically testing such ploys and evasions on unfortunate victims who then have to ride out and defeat their own personal little storm of bureaucratic bad behavior, isn't an indication of holes. It is simply an indication that those who deny the truth and the law are thuggish criminals who will persist in trying to keep their gravy-train rolling for as long as possible.
Despite losing every single court case, and despite watching his followers lose every single court case, he refers to the government's interface with his scam as being "constant capitulation" by the government.

When you're looking for "holes" (or letting fear of them sap your strength) you're NOT out in the community explaining to everyone you can that unapportioned federal capitations-- that is, taxes on general, unprivileged receipts or earnings-- are illegal; that what can (and does) qualify as "income" within the context of the unapportioned "income tax" is therefore necessarily (and as a matter of statutory specification) circumscribed accordingly; and that the government is doing everything it can to keep the American people from becoming aware of these facts, by doing everything it can to discourage the reading of a transformational little book entitled 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America'.
Ah yes, the transformational book -- the book that may transform Hendrickson from a free man to, once again, a resident of the Federal Bureau of Prisons system. The book that transforms his followers from miserable, deluded people to miserable, deluded people with severe tax problems, tax liens, and levies.
When you're looking for "holes" (or letting fear of them sap your strength), you're NOT confidently moving forward, introducing your testimony, and standing up prominently as an example to all of what a real American does to uphold and enforce the Constitution against all its enemies, foreign and domestic.

When you're looking for "holes" (or letting fear of them sap your strength), you're NOT impatiently correcting or dismissing every "tax honesty" guru, media-figure, or simple correspondent who persists in wallowing in CtC-denial.

When you're looking for "holes" (or letting fear of them sap your strength), you're NOT rebutting or deleting every "silver-bullet" email about social security numbers, or citizenship and residency, or Title 15, or PRA, or UCC, or whatever else is the "distraction-of-the-week" launched into cyberspace by an "ignorance tax"-addicted government desperate to keep you in a state of confusion; desperate to keep you milling about and ineffective; and most of all desperate to keep you doing ANYTHING except forthrightly acting on what you have learned about the law in CtC and spreading the word to others.

The facts are simple and inescapable:

>CtC presents the complete, liberating truth about the income tax, which will prevail universally when enough Americans know that truth;

>the government is corruptly addicted to the conveniences it enjoys by exploiting general public ignorance of that truth;

>the government is persistently flailing about trying to suppress that truth both by periodic efforts to intimidate individual educated filers, and by constant efforts to put disinformation and doubt into circulation; and

>the only way those efforts at suppression can succeed is if you cooperate, by letting yourself be distracted or intimidated into inaction or silence.

Yes, it's obvious that by losing his own erroneous refund case in federal district court, by losing at the court of appeals, by having the Supreme Court reject his petition on June 15, by having all his followers lose their own court cases, and by facing a federal criminal tax trial that could result in a conviction putting him in prison for much of the rest of his life, PeterEricBlowhardMeister Hendrickson has those mean ol' bad ol' government people just where he wants 'em.

Edit: Clarification -- Above, where I say:
Hendrickson is essentially repeating the lie that since tax refunds are obtained in at least some cases using his method, the IRS is not enforcing its procedures "uniformly." Somehow, in Pete's mind, this proves that he is right.
.....what I should be saying is:
Hendrickson is essentially repeating the lie that since tax refunds are obtained in at least some cases using his method, and since the IRS is not enforcing its procedures "uniformly", this somehow proves that Pete is right.
In a sense, the IRS has NOT been enforcing its procedures uniformly. Sometimes the IRS catches the CtC filings and correctly denies the claim for credit or refund, and other times the IRS erroneously issues the refund or credit. The latter is what happened, of course, in Pete's own case. The problem for Pete's followers, of course, is that they almost universally swallow the doofus theory that the mere issuance of all those refunds somehow means that CtC must be "correct." Again, this is analogous to arguing that if you steal money by false pretenses, your "success" in stealing the money "proves" that there is no law against the theft.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Nikki »

For that matter, if there was something missing from what CtC teaches about the law that legitimizes tax-agency resistance to educated, accurate filings, the IRS would have been able to actually win (or at least engage in) a court case against me. Instead, it was forced to formally concede that it cannot by withdrawing from its first three attempts, and then eventually resorted to an elaborate charade of bringing a bogus "lawsuit" against my wife and me in which the district court carefully makes a deliberate series of due process (and other) errors so as to enable it to issue a "ruling" which is inherently void, but which the IRS and DOJ have callously flashed in front of the naive as a "victory", confident that most folks won't trouble themselves to look behind the press release and learn the truth.
Pete has finally, publicly crossed the line from tax evader to deluded resident of Planet Merrill.

He is still 100% right, but he's now the victim of a corrupt collusion between the IRS, DoJ, and the courts.

What you are seeing is another Ed Brown in the making.
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by grixit »

Peter Hendrickson wrote:
When you're looking for "holes" (or letting fear of them sap your strength) you're NOT out in the community
...with your hands over your ears going "lalalala can't hear you!"
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4