Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by webhick »

A note to moderators:

Please do not lock this thread or merge it with the other thread. We're giving this topic of discussion another go, hopefully with more favorable results than the last.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nicole - if you actually have a claim against these parties, show us the court cases you've filed. No wait - all of this wasn't enough to get an attorney to run the risk of filing a specious case.

News Flash: You cannot try a case over the Internet - civil or criminal.

Putting incomplete scans of specious "evidence" on Wiki and calling them LAPD documents to imply they are evidence in a criminal matter in semi-coherent rants does not make them evidence, let alone proof of anything.

File the suit(s) and then, if your attorney thinks it's a viable strategy, put up the case records.

IF a REAL investigation is underway - don't damage it by publicizing potential evidence. When and if a grand jury decides there is sufficient evidence to have a prosecution proceed, THEN post a link to that fact.

Until then - as has been suggested numerous times, get your own web site.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by webhick »

Nicole Bourbaki wrote:that crimes of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks is somehow funny
Considering what you told me via PM, a comment like this from you is really rich. And I don't think anyone here found the crimes funny, hell we didn't even find the way it was presented funny.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by webhick »

You mentioned that Mark Logan Pedley AKA David Korem, Robert Rooks AKA Mickey Rooks, and
Kimball Dean Richards were successfully prosecuted. Do you know where they were tried? What the case numbers are? Anything we can go on to confirm what you are saying?
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Olsenfin »


What do you hope to accomplish by your efforts here? Are you under the impression that this website is a court of law?
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nicole Bourbaki wrote:A "real" investigation is not underway.
That explains a lot.
Nicole Bourbaki wrote: That's why Lou wrote a notarized letter to the Police Commission.
You've shown no notarized letter to the Police Comission, only a concocted image with his alleged signature on it.
Nicole Bourbaki wrote: The LAPD would not hear a report of senior abuse, would not give a crime report number, and would not even give an incident number, even to make an insurance claim.
If you presented them with what you've presented here, they couldn't.
Nicole Bourbaki wrote: Redowood CIty Police said they looked on the internet and could not find any information on Gamboa, that there is nothing linking her to Redwood City anywhere on the internet, and that the partnership should just write it off, since "$300,000.00 is not that much money to Louis Lesser". He is broke, having been defrauded by so many.
Why would Redwood City police care about a civil matter?
Nicole Bourbaki wrote: The attitude of law enforcement is similar to the attitude of posters at this web site,that crimes of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks is somehow funny, and that the victims should just get over it.
They are only alleged "crimes." If the police aren't interested, it may have something to do with the apparently delusional accuser.
Nicole Bourbaki wrote:Why do you call the exhibits submitted along with the report via certified mail "specious"?

Why did you call it "incomplete"? This is the identical report with supporting documents that was sent via certified mail.
Because in the real world, evidence is not proof until it has been submitted at trial and ruled on by a court. Until then, it is simply material you claim substantiates your allegations.

You need to take the material back to your attorney and discuss the viability of the case. Better yet, an attorney for Mr. Lesser needs to see it.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by webhick »

I'm still trying to make some sense of a how all these people fit together. This is what I came up so far (my lunch break doesn't last all day, ya know):

Per the Ex1 document, there are two company names at play:

United Assurance Company Limited at 880 W. 1st St., Los Angeles CA 90012. I looked up the company at the California Secretary of State and found that there is indeed a United Assurance, Inc. registered at that address. The entity number is C2441410, it was registered in 2002 and the registration status is "active." There's not enough information on the site to determine who is running the company, only that the registered agent is a William Middleton, which is a lawyer. Since companies often uses lawyers as their registered agent, this means nothing.

I tried looking the company up on the insurance commission website with no luck. So, I googled the address and found that a civil complaint for trademark infringement had been filed against a Robert Rooks at that address. The complaint is dated 12/2008, almost a year before the binder was signed so at this point it's iffy as to whether or not he was still living there when the binder was issued eight months later.

Moving on to Apple Juice Productions. According to the binder, it's located at the same address as United Assurance. But, the binder also states that it's organized in Nevada. I searched the Nevada Secretary of State and located an Applejuice Productions, Inc. (NV Business ID NV20061692310). It was registered in 2006 and the status is "revoked." It doesn't say when it was revoked, but I'd have to guess sometime after 2008 since the next annual list was due in 2008 and up here it takes one to two years after you've gone AWOL for the state to get rid of you. It is interesting to note that the registered agent William Middleton.

As for the officers of the company, they are Deron Carr, Kenta Rooks, Hiroko Sagawa, and Gary Troy. All but Deron has the company's Los Angeles address listed as their contact address. Deron uses a Las Vegas address. I should point out that the civil complaint above lists a Darron Carr as one of the people involved in the Las Vegas portion of Allied Artists Pictures Corporation. So we have a few more connections: Darron Carr, and Kenta Rooks (who may be related to Robert Rooks).

Starting on page 49 of the complaint, the plaintiff submitted a bunch of documents that squarely place Robert Rooks in connection with Allied Artists Pictures Corporation in LA (p49), in connection with (or "association" as it is phrased) United Assurance Company Limited and International Synergy Trust (p51). It also clearly says that Apple Juice Productions is a division of Allied (p54). There's additional stuff after that that further intertwines International Synergy and Allied. Mostly etrade and Yahoo finance releases.

So, now we have a couple more connections to look at. I checked at the California Secretary of State for Allied. I pulled up one in recent history. On 04/30/2008 one was registered. The agent was a Mark Nolte located at the same California address as above. Reg # was C3039892.

Heading over to the Nevada SOS, looked up the same (#NV20081417216) and got a list of the board of directors: Robert Rooks, Jammie Padilla, Darron Carr and Carlton Jenkins. Their last annual list was filed at the beginning of last year and the status is "default" which I guess is one step in front of "revoked."

I looked up International Synergy at the California SOS, but it's not there. Nevada is a different story. NV Reg # NV19931034941 was registered in 1993. Its status is permanently revoked. The board consists of Robert Rooks, Hiro Sagawa and Andre Sanders all at an address on Avenue of the Stars in LA.

That's all I feel like doing right now. Incidentally, the whole operation already screams "shady" what with the lawsuit and the connections between the principals. Also, the fact that I couldn't find the insurance company using the online search.

If I'm up for it later tonight, I'll continue down the list.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by webhick »

I think I figured out part of what's been bothering me. The OP is claiming that Louis Lesser is the one being wronged, etc. But, on many of the documents I've been able to recover some of the data under the redactions and the name is clearly not Lesser. Because this person is a possible victim, I'll refrain from posting the name and will instead call this person John Q Doe. Most, if not all of the documents are either clearly addressed to John or have indications that it is addresssed to John. There was apparently a trust named after John that these wire transfers were in reference to. All this talk of "we did this" and "we did that" appears to be not entirely truthful when the documents show that only one person was doing anything and the trust was in that person's name.

That brings me to Lesser's letter to the commissioner. Totally fishy. First of all, it's only part of the letter (which is notated at the top). In the first two paragraphs, Lesser talks about himself. Whatever. Then it skips ahead to #5 in which there is a generic complaint about the police not doing their jobs, huge financial losses, and a vague threat to sue the state. The bulk of his letter has been omited.

Given the other documents provided, for all we know Lesser is complaining about John Doe taking shitloads of money and putting it in series of shady investments that didn't pay off. That's not to say that this whole Gamboa thing doesn't smell like scam, but there are other things that are stinky, too.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Arthur Rubin »

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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Arthur Rubin wrote:...

Did anyone notice the "source=" field in the Wikipedia commons entries for those files? "source: own work". This suggests that the images are commons:User MineWatcher's own work, and do not reflect actual "annual reports".
Actually, those appear to be bona fide (I'm old enough!) - but given their age they serve no purpose in the extant complaints.

The problem with most of the alleged victim's material (I won't refer to it as evidence) is it lacks relevance to his fundamental complaint and much of it is hearsay.

About all we really can discern from this is:

He and Louis Lesser were allegedly engaged in a partnership: "Victim 1 and Victim 2 Enterprises." We see no documentation of same.

Victim 2 regards his involvement in that alleged partnership as somehow controversial for Victim 1 because of a run in Victim 2 had with the state/county authorities over a do-it-yourself road grading project that resulted in arrest, prosecution and payment of fines by Victim 2. For some reason, he goes to elaborate lengths to promote his version of the allegedly-interesting, very old story on Wiki and yet doesn't want his name to be used here.

Victim 2 apparently believes Victim 1 is a victim of elder abuse and alleges that the authorities are ignoring his complaints and efforts on Victim1's behalf thus he is wont to point out who is responsible for the elderly man's current problem(s).

In conjunction with that effort, Victim 2 has gone to elaborate lengths to publicize Victim 1's status as a once-powerful, wealthy executive. In doing so, Victim 2 has gathered a mountain of documents, from which he seeks to convince anyone and everyone that forces associated with any number of individuals are engaged in a concerted effort to conceal the crimes committed against Victim 1 and Victim 2 and thus avoid being brought to justice and/or made to compensate the victim(s) for damages.

A relatively small number of the growing list of named individuals include persons who have been charged with various civil and/or criminal acts, some of whom were tried and convicted and some of whom were enjoined from other acts.

Some of the names used are nothing more than name-dropping to reinforce/inflate the image of the victim(s).

Allegations are made of significant financial loss but neither party has filed a civil case in any of these matters. Instead of exhausting the appropriate civil remedy (or, perhaps having done so and not being satisfied with the result), Victim 2 has decided the Los Angeles Police Department is the appropriate law enforcement agency to handle his complaints.

More troubling is the number of allegedly nefarious connections to other entities, presented as if they automatically have relevance, i.e., a Catholic school (Priory) where the son of one of the alleged perpetrators supposedly attends and participates in Karate tournaments under the tutelage of yet another alleged perpetrator; several defunct entities and people involved with them; military regimes in foreign countries; redacted "copies" of meaningless emails, etc., etc.

I do believe Victim 1 still needs legal counsel - his own. If, as you say, he can no longer afford it, contact your local bar association.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nicole Bourbaki wrote:Pearlasia Gamboa email continued...

There are hundreds of Gamboa emails of this length, and thousands of texts, her preferred method of communication, but remember,

The case for ARREST is simple. It requires no testimony of anyone directly involved, only bank records. The other crimes can be sorted out while Pearlasia Gamboa is behind bars:
1. BankAsia is an illegal bank.
2. Gamboa owns BankAsia AG, and was ordered in 1996 never to use the name again, or represent that she was a banker.
3. Gamboa operated BankAsia AG from Redwood City, CA in 2010 and 2011.
4. Hundreds of thousands of dollars was deposited into BankAsia AG in 2010, and Gamboa will not return it.
5. Case closed. Arrest and Convict. Sort out the complicated other stuff while Gamboa is in jail.
That's not how the law works. All the complicated stuff must be investigated first.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Nicole Bourbaki wrote:Electronic threat and other Gamboa Admissions sent to US Prosecutor, Redwood City Chief of Police; and SF Weekly reporter Peter Jamison

Electronic threat and other Gamboa Admissions sent to Prosecutor Timothy Lucey - US Attorney; Jenny Corral - Secretary of the Redwood City Chief of Police; and San Francisco Weekly reporter Peter Jamison

Image of actual email - ... _et_al.jpg
4. Are you all aware that this **** John **** has 3 DUIs, Warrant of Arrest, Revoked License?? and was arrested again in June,
2010 by 3 Sheriffs of Redwood City all at the same time, due to DUI over .400 alcohol level???
I'm sure I would have heard if there was someone arrested for a DUI over .400; I thought that 0.35 was the limit for consciousness.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Gregg »

My reply to someone who hs askedme to post this word salad elsewhere...
In Re: Useless waste of my time gibbverish you want me to post someplace else.


Trying to make sense of the stuff you post is like nothing as much as a bad acid flashback. It makes my head hurt to read it and weeks ago I gave up trying. My last bookmark in the whole strange saga is next to a self made mental notation that you were a criminal of some sort or another and want to find someone with more credibility and less baggage to fight your battle against nother, even bigger crook than you. And to make it harder figure out, you had Van Pelt write the narrative.

The hell with you, leave me alone, I have enough insane people to deal with already and don't need any more.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Moderator - I know we seldome censure, but, perhaps ALL of this poster's entries should be removed to flame wars -- or somewhere else where they might disappear shortly??
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by wserra »

Nicole Bourbaki wrote:Are you calling the actual copies of Melchizedek's former president Gamboa's emails "flames"?
No, I don't think that's what LVR is doing.

You may not realize it, but your stuff is impossible to read unless the reader has a strong personal interest in the subject matter - and maybe even then. You apparently lack the ability to edit yourself. You claim that these folks run multiple scams, and you may be right; speaking for myself, all I needed to know was that they were connected with Melchizedek. But you disgorge page after page of . . . stuff, with no discrimination at all.

Take it from someone who has tried cases to juries - some of them quite complex - for thirty-five years. In order to persuade people with no personal stake in the matter, you first must get their attention. You must simplify. You must, as much as possible, take things that are inherently dull and make them interesting. The fact that this is a sophisticated audience doesn't mean that anyone wants to do your work for you. You must organize your data, make your point succinctly, and figure out how best to support it succinctly.

War and Peace is readable because Tolstoy was a great writer. You're not. No one will read your version.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Cathulhu »

Wes is correct, and kinder than I'd be as your editor. Haven't had the patience to read a single one of your multicolor, large font size!, unproven rants. I vote flame wars for rant qualities.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Wes should have pointed out that, when he tries a case before a jury, his first presentation to them is his opening statement -- a succinct summary of what he is going to present to them as the trial moves on. Like all trial attorneys, he knows that hitting the jury with the evidence, right off the bat, will make them tune him out in short order and possibly cause his side to lose the case.

This is the first time, in several days, that I've come back to this thread because, like the others, I've gotten bored with your turgid posts. If you don't want this thread to be moved to the Flame Wars section, your next step is simple. Give us your opening statement.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Parvati »

Since other people here have helped me sharpen the axe I grind, I'm going to throw my hat in and provide a couple of court documents from a previous action against Gamboa in CA, 2009--the complaint first, then the resolution. (Which was a guilty finding, FWIW.)

Complaint from the 2009 CA case against Gamboa (as "Elvira Gamboa") and a mining company.

Final Judgement (Amended) in the case mentioned above.

What the people here are trying to get you to produce is concrete evidence of wrongdoing. After plugging Gamboa's various aliases into PACER's search engine, I found the case above. It doesn't exactly make her look like a particularly honest person, but it doesn't mean she's cheating or abusing the gentleman you're concerned about, either. That said, the links above are to official court documents and some of the names are familiar (if one has been trying to follow this tangled thread). Do you have scans or copies of any official documents that indicate wrongdoing on the part of Gamboa or her associates?
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nicole Bourbaki wrote:
LaVidaRoja wrote:Moderator - I know we seldome censure, but, perhaps ALL of this poster's entries should be removed to flame wars -- or somewhere else where they might disappear shortly??
Are you calling the actual copies of Melchizedek's former president Gamboa's emails "flames"?

The short comments about them are provoking Gamboa into sending more admissions in them, which can be used by law enforcement.
They are ALLEGED "actual copies." Anyone can write anything as if it were an email. Whether they can be used as evidence of wrong-doing by law enforcement is questionable.
Nicole Bourbaki wrote:... why not take the same time to call in a report on what you know of Melchizdek's history and help out at the number provided, or email one sentence, that Gamboa did own a bank fraud micronation. ...
Because, as with most readers, unless they have direct, personal experience with the party you're complaining of that they can attest and swear to, what they have to offer is known as HEARSAY. Not only that, it's OLD hearsay and the relevance to your situation may be limited.

The events being depicted can be summarized as a nasty series of incidents among people who are now bitter enemies and have their own version(s) of the events and axes to grind.

"Nicole" believes this whole sordid saga is best played out in public on the Internet in the hopes it will get news attention and expose the evil nature of the other parties which will then attract more rigorous attention from law enforcement. (In this matter, law enforcement has apparently been skeptical and as I understand it, no attorney has considered it viable for a civil case.)

That approach has been marginally successful in a number of cases but typically only when large numbers of victims have come forward against a large commercial enterprise. In the extant matter, it appears one alleged victim is trying to find persons similarly situated - doing so awkwardly and with possibly defamatory accusations against a number of individuals.

Whether those people are "public" figures, providing some protection for the accuser, is a good question.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I say that it's "Flame Wars" time, people. Nicole Bourbaki is giving us more of the same vague lists of assertions, rather than the cogent summary we've all been asking for. Instead, she is asking US to do her work for her.

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