Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Open forum where offshore scams and offshore scammers can be freely discussed. Includes offshore investment and tax fraud and the latest goings-on in the Dominion of Melchizedek, Principality of New Utopia, Kingdom of Enen-Kio, the OITC, and other fake nations and world agencies.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

A little update on the Melchizedek scheme since the pre-2000 Quatloos article.
Pedley/Korem et. al. is still in prison - release date June 2012.

He is a serial fraudster, no question, including at least one default judgment before being indicted and imprisoned.

Scottrade, Inc., Plaintiff,
Modern Energy Corporation; First Public Securities Transfer Corporation; Defendants. ... 8/75/0.pdf

For those interested in Melchizedek matters, even more gory details and allegations involving Korem/Gamboa are outlined in detail here:

Having said that - the alleged victim in the instant matter is still trying to prosecute his own personal civil complaint via the Internet.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by webhick »


Been gone a few days due to some personal issues. I come back to a flurry of PMs and you edited the first post in this thread 50 times! I specifically told you to stop doing that! Twice! What the hell!? Final warning: knock it off or I'm taking away your ability to edit your own posts. Look what you made me do, I had to break out the colored print. I almost never do that.

Now, it seems you want us to turn into pitbulls, call all the papers, call in favors, do the research to provide your claims with credibility and throw whatever power we have behind your cause.

We get that you fully believe in your cause, but you haven't provided anything that would spur anyone to participate in this massive call to arms you seem to be demanding. As a matter of fact, you've really turned everyone off on doing anything for you - which says a lot because in the years I've been on this forum these folks have proved themselves to be an incredibly helpful and supportive bunch.

Your posts are still really disjointed. I feel like I'm reading a free e-book that jumps around the timeline, puts peripheral characters at the center of the story, strings together ideas in such a way that they seem to be completely unrelated, and assumes that anyone reading is automatically deeply invested in the characters and story just because the author believes that it's the most important story ever.

And that's likely one of the reasons that you can't get anyone here or in positions of authority to actually help you.

I'm going to try again, because the names you've listed have had legal problems.

You can't tell us all about crimes against Victim 1 and only give us documents that name Victim 2. It confuses the whole issue. Imagine that I wrote a non-fiction book called "San Fransisco for the Native San Franciscan." Now imagine this book was filled with stuff about SF, but all the pictures and figures were for Maine. Not only would I put that book down and go "Someone should be fired for incompetence." Since you've made it clear that you can only provide proof of crimes against Victim 2, stop bringing Victim 1 into it. Also, if I was Victim 1, I would be pretty pissed off (and embarrassed) at the way you have flaunted my victimness as a way to get people to read about Victim 1's victimness.

Your proof is a lot and lacking at the same time. It seems you're having difficulty understanding the difference between proof and stuff that can fool someone into thinking it's proof. For instance, your requests to the banks for bank transfers. They don't prove that a bank transfer happened, just that Victim 2 requested a bank transfer. Any idiot can type up a request for transfer and never send it to the bank. I know the banks give confirmations for those large-sum transfers. I've seen them. The reason they give them to you is so you can prove the transfer happened. The "account summaries" you've provided suffer the same issue. I don't know who the hell typed that up. And it bears no actual relevance to the story.

Some of the things posted on this topic are extremely inflammatory at best. And it's making me very uncomfortable keeping it within sight of the public, especially since you've been unable to provide real proof to a lot of the other claims you're making.

People just want to figure out what's happening here and they're getting very frustrated trying to get it out of you. Worst part is, some have requested a summary and they probably didn't realize that you posted one to the first post of this thread during one of your many edits. Which, again, I specifically told you to stop editing your first post.

I want you to answer the following questions, in short answers in a new post in this thread. No more than four sentences each and please, no links to documents.

1. Was the elder abuse/nursing home neglect issues reported to any law enforcement or government agencies? Which ones?
2. Did V2 report the financial crimes to any law enforcement or government agencies? What agencies?
3. Did V2 contact an attorney about suing the perpetrators?

To any mod/admin still reading:
And I feel the need to warn you that I am thisclose to locking this thread down and moving it and the other Gamboa thread out of the public areas of the forum. At this point, given the strange machinations of the thread, I'm not sure where I have any hope of this going to a meaningful place. I mean, I guess we've all heard the accusations enough times and it's clear that Nicole somehow thinks that we can somehow magically fix this either by making it a big pubic spectacle or ...what, I'm not really sure. I do know that it's sounding increasing more like spam/forwarded emails I get from time to time about how we all need to call the police/FDA/FTC/SEC/etc in an outrage over some sensationalized crime that the email is telling me about. Anyone else get those? Usually name-drops 60 minutes, or some big newspaper...

Anyway, with any luck I might be able to back online later tonight if not tomorrow to see Nicole's answers, but if she posts more of the same just lock down the thread since she had a second shot and it just turned into another variation of the other thread and is now being given a third shot. I'd like to investigate these people further and post any findings on it later, but not in this nightmare of a thread.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by notorial dissent »

So far, with the exception of some real and verifiable material posted by the honorable judge and LaVidaRoja there has been EXACTLY NOTHING of any substance or validity posted to this thread or the other thread. The fact that the only things linked to are either more equally unverifiable rantings on Wiki, or unverifiable emails is enormously suspicious and suggestive.

There is no question about what was going on with the Melchizedek scam, or that Gamboa has been busted for what amounts to securities fraud. I have no doubts or questions about the Gamboa integrity, but so far have seen nothing to persuade me that there is anything here but random and wholly useless rantings and ravings.

The question then is what is Bourbaki’s and her sock puppet’s interest here real or otherwise? The plain and simple answer is who can tell, and quite honestly who cares??? After pages and pages and pages of what amounts to incomprehensible blathering, hearsay, drivel, and evasion, if not outright libel, we are no closer to that answer than we were to start with. Other than that they are trying to try this whole matter on the internet without any thing to try it with.

If Bourbaki et al actually had anything of substance, anything at all, they would have / should have gone to either their local DA or to the CA AG’s office and filed a complaint, they either 1) haven’t because they don’t actually have anything to back up their ravings, or 2), they have and they have been told to push off and take their fantasies with them or be cited for wasting public time. I’m personally betting on 1), there is nothing concrete here!!!!!

In any event, other than that Bourbaki and her sock puppet have an ax to grind there is nothing of substance here, and this is not the forum for that. Unless and until they show that an actual, real, and verifiable fraud complaint has been filed with the CA AG’s office, where this should be filed, as this is not a police matter, I say it is time to put a sock in it and cork this whine as it has gone completely off and it is time to end this waste of time and electrons. While patience may be a virtue, in this instance it is an abuse and needs ending.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Gregg »

I maintain my earlier position that this is a case of one scammer getting scammed by another, and then trying to get people with a better reputation to go after the person that scammed them, because their own involvement would not hold up well to examination.

The secrecy inherent in the accusations, the dribbling out of information a little bit at a time, the editing of posts (and if I had know of that I might have been moved to lock the posts to prevent it, I don't think I'm alone here in beliveing in the sancity of the record), it all stinks of one less than innocent victim trying to get back at the scammer who got them first.

If there is a kidnapping and torture, as you say, and the victim is known, the identity and location of the suspect is known and the police know about it, it's a pretty good bet that the story has a part you're not telling. You don't find a lot of Police agencies who just turn their head and ignore it when you talk about torturing seniors. Which leads me to believe, again, that you have some motive here that I'm not interested in advancing.

Oh, and a quick sample of your writing style makes me suspect you're nuts. That don't help much, either. :mrgreen:

Now, quit sending me PMs asking for me to help you with this nonsense. I build cars, read books and serve as humble slave to a vicious weinerdog, which leaves me little time to chase kidnappers 3,000 miles away.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by notorial dissent »

It all comes back to my original comment of wanting to see a real complaint filed with the local DA and with the State AG, which I am betting will never happen either because the authors of this nonsense can't afford that kind of legal attention, or else there is nothing for them to report. If the kind of fraud alluded to here is/has taken place, then it is something that the AG's office would be interested in and take some action against. If there is actual elder abuse going on here it is something that they local DA would be interested in and take action, yet nothing like that has taken place. To me it smells to high heaven, and smells like fraud on the part of the authors more than anything else, and I am quite frankly tired of it. Otherwise, there is nothing we can do about any of this other than the suggestions we have already made, and continuing the cold blooded murder of innocent electrons is a waste of time and effort.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by JamesVincent »

I dont think Ive posted in this thread at all and hadnt planned on it either. The posts are too damn long and confusing to get anywhere with and its outside of my normal area of expertise. However, after reading that Im not the only one unable to make heads or tails of this trainwreck, I would also agree that this needs to be ended and we move on to something else. Unless, somehow or the other, the entire action can be summed up in a short, concise paragraph of 100 words or less, like was mentioned in the opening statement posts, I dont believe we will be able to get anywhere. And from what I did understand of the posts, Im kinda in agreement with Gregg on this one. Sounds like one possibly shady dealer got out shaded. And from being married to a CNA/ Med Tech for 12 years, I know damn well senior abuse allegations do get looked into, at least here they do.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Cathulhu »

Why the hell do you think a deleted post that anyone could write proves anything? Quit wasting my time. Get a succinct statement of what you think is happening, or get proof, or drop dead. Bored now.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by webhick »

And I see that it's just more of the same. We've given you enough chances to get your shit together. Enough now. Take it elsewhere.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by webhick »

Looks like our verbose poster finally got bit of what she wanted: The SF Weekly published a story on the Gamboa stuff called Fantasy Island: The Strange Tale of Alleged Fraudster Pearlasia Gamboa. It's a five page article, with about 3 pages of backstory before it starts talking about the stuff posted here. Not that I'm complaining. At least this mess is making a bit more sense. It also looks like the authorities aren't investigating for the same reason we didn't - it was unintelligible.

There's also a video of Gamboa explaining herself.

Unlocking this thread for discussion.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Odd - there is no mention of Louis Lesser, the elderly man Diesel was allegedly so intent on helping.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by notorial dissent »

Odd only in that it is all fantasy land time.

I personally think that both of the posters, if there actually was more than one poster should have been busted for wasting police and official time with their gibberish. I'm sure there is a work crew somewhere in LA county that could benefit from their boundless energy, and lack of connection to reality.
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by ChuckD »

First of all, thank you guys for an amazing site. Many online forums get so overrun with spam and idiots that they become unusable. I run a small investing/stock market forum and know how hard it is to maintain. Kudo's to you Mods and Admins for a quality site.

I first ran across the subject of this thread on another site, it was so convoluted that I (like you guys) had trouble making heads or tails of it but found it intriguing enough to try and learn more.
But, after devoting several hours to trying to untangle the unintelligible rantings I still can't figure it out. LOL :roll:
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Re: Report of Gamboa-Pedley-Rooks Crime Ring to LAPD

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Welcome to Quatloos, Chuck.

From time to time people with bizarre beliefs find there way onto the 'net and even here. Some of them are fraudsters and perpetrators of schemes and others are genuinely deluded - then there are those who are both.

IMHO, Mr. Diesel in his various guises did more damage to his "cause" than good. Worse, it appears he may have been attempting to take advantage of an elderly man's past reputation and present situation for the purposes of gaining notoriety about his personal dilemma with Gamboa.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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