Toronto Sun column on Porisky

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Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Lambkin »

Alan Shanoff's column in the Toronto Sun addressed Canadian detaxers yesterday ... come-taxes
According to a recent Supreme Court of British Columbia decision, the natural person vs. artificial person distinction “is a failed attempt at word magic and has no validity.”

The judge illustrated the absurdity of the natural person vs. artificial person distinction in an exchange that took place during a tax protester’s tax evasion trial.

The judge asked the accused, Russell Anthony Porisky, of Chilliwack, B.C., if he wanted to call any evidence.

Porisky asked the judge “I need to know if I make the decision to get into the stand, from which perspective can I speak? Like therefore I need to know, in the eyes of the law, if one man is two persons, the natural or the legal, okay, which one can I speak as …? … If I make the decision and I go in that box, which person, in the eyes of the law am I?”

To which the judge correctly answered “Mr. Porisky.”

That evoked the nonsensical reply “Am I Russell Anthony Porisky in my inherent personality as a natural person, or am I a sovereign-granted personality?”

These word games notwithstanding, Porisky was convicted of tax evasion, failing to collect and remit GST and counseling others to commit tax fraud.

Porisky joins a long list of Canadians who have failed in their attempts to convince courts of the merits of the natural person argument. Indeed, the natural person argument has never been accepted by a Canadian court.
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Burnaby49 »

I covered the Porisky saga here;


Although he and his wife were convicted of tax evasion months ago I'm still waiting for sentencing. Probably be grounded for a few weekends, Canada's idea of throwing the book at him. If he was facing your sentencing rules he'd be looking at serious jail time.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by notorial dissent »

What I find fascinating, is that even though the dominions do not even have a concept of "citizen sovereign" or whatever you want to call it in their political or social history, they still persist in dragging it and our UCC in to their tax and legal arguments. I've even seen here they try to use (US) constitutional arguments that fail here in legal cases up north.

Any thoughts on the subject???
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

notorial dissent wrote:What I find fascinating, is that even though the dominions do not even have a concept of "citizen sovereign" or whatever you want to call it in their political or social history, they still persist in dragging it and our UCC in to their tax and legal arguments. I've even seen here they try to use (US) constitutional arguments that fail here in legal cases up north.

Any thoughts on the subject???
When you're grasping at straws out of ignorance, you don't even take the time to understand what you've grasped; you just hope no one will really examine them in any depth.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, they certainly haven't. Some of the stuff I have seen is direct cut and paste from stuff our losers regularly use and lose with, right down to the IRM references. Apparently reading isn't required when you are making it up as you go since it was guaranteed sure fire by the TP guru who sold it down here and they just took him at his word, and it didn't work any better north of the border than it did for the guru's suckers. Still, I find it amusing, if not somewhat baffling.

I can't remember the name of the pilot yahoo who went up north and started peddling his nonsense, and using exactly the same things that he lost with down here, and still kept right at, until they finally did put him away as I recall. He was a real mental case too.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:What I find fascinating, is that even though the dominions do not even have a concept of "citizen sovereign" or whatever you want to call it in their political or social history, they still persist in dragging it and our UCC in to their tax and legal arguments. I've even seen here they try to use (US) constitutional arguments that fail here in legal cases up north.

Any thoughts on the subject???
The clowns I have written up have largely relied on their own idiosyncratic interpretation of "person" in the Canadian Federal Income Tax Act. They pull the same stunt your US tax evaders pull of assuming that when the Act uses "includes" this automatically excludes anything not specifically defined under the "includes" definition. So, since the Act says that the word "person" includes a corporation, by their twisted logic it excludes what they call natural persons, being we carbon based entities. As one decision said;

The issue of the applicability of the Income Tax Act to natural persons has been dealt with definitively by the British Columbia Court of Appeal in R. v. Lindsay, 2006 BCCA 150 (CanLII), 2006 BCCA 150. Madam Justice Newbury stated at paragraph [3]:
As far as not being “a” person, Mr. Lindsay relies on the definition of “person” at s. 248 of the Income Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.), as amended, which states:

“person”, or any word or expression descriptive of a person, includes any corporation, and any entity exempt, because of subsection 149(1), from tax under Part I on all or part of the entity’s taxable income and the heirs, executors, liquidators of a succession, administrators or other legal representatives of such a person, according to the law of that part of Canada to which the context extends;

Notwithstanding the word “includes”, Mr. Lindsay takes the position that only artificial persons such as corporations come within the definition, so that he is not subject to the requirement to file a return under the Income Tax Act. This position ignores the fact that the ordinary meaning of “person” is a natural person (including, I would have thought, a “free will, full liability flesh and blood living man”) and that the purpose of the statutory definition is to extend the meaning to include other specified legal entities as well. Mr. Lindsay’s position that he is not a “person” for purposes of the Income Tax Act is simply not tenable.

I believe you Americans have the same problem with your tax avoiders saying that if they live, for example, in Ohio, they are not part of the United States for tax purposes because a definition of United States somewhere in your code says that the United States includes DC and the territories. Therefore, through twisted logic, it excludes the actual states.

So yes, our tax dodgers may have had inspiration from their American counterparts but Porisky wasn't basing his argument on constitutional or sovereign arguments. It was definition misuse.

However, overall, Notorial Dissent is right that our felons-to-be are importing many of your sovereign/constitutional arguments whole-cloth even though totally inapplicable in the Canadian context. Why not, as much chance of succeeding as their home-grown arguments. As I said in my original Turiner/Porisky post;

Sadly I have to admit to a paucity of imagination up here. I spent my career (now retired) in tax and pretty much every tax protester argument I saw was regurgitated straight-up from your sovereign nutcases. The Canadian wannabes don't even bother to try and convert the arguments to local laws and legal standards. Turnnir is as good an example as any. He seemed, on his testimony, to have no clue about Canadian tax laws or even what "includes" means in standard English. He just kept repeating what he'd heard in some seminar given by a total stranger. He apparently saw no downside because, if caught, he thought he could claim an honest belief that he was right. I believe you have this as the Cheek defense. Court didn't buy it and nailed him on wilful blindness since he made no attempt to actually check it out. it didn't help that his long-time accountant testified that he told Turnnir he was wrong and got fired for his troubles.
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:Well, they certainly haven't. Some of the stuff I have seen is direct cut and paste from stuff our losers regularly use and lose with, right down to the IRM references. Apparently reading isn't required when you are making it up as you go since it was guaranteed sure fire by the TP guru who sold it down here and they just took him at his word, and it didn't work any better north of the border than it did for the guru's suckers. Still, I find it amusing, if not somewhat baffling.

I can't remember the name of the pilot yahoo who went up north and started peddling his nonsense, and using exactly the same things that he lost with down here, and still kept right at, until they finally did put him away as I recall. He was a real mental case too.
I believe you're thinking of Eldon Warman who was actually a Canadian. To quote from a Canadian thread on the detaxers;

"In the early ’80s, Warman – a Canadian by birth – was living in the San Francisco suburb of Benicia. While working as a pilot for American Airlines, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service audited him and determined he owed a substantial amount of unreported tax dollars. Things went downhill fast.

Allegedly, Warman threatened the IRS agents with violence if they tried to collect. This was an imprudent action – around the same time, Gordon Kahl, a member of the Posse, made headlines for getting in a deadly shootout with U.S. federal marshals when they tried to arrest him for violating his parole. Kahl did time for not paying his taxes. Suffice to say, the authorities may have been a bit touchy. Warman was arrested, lost his pilot’s licence, was fired from his job and found his wife had committed suicide (Warman maintains IRS agents murdered her). The trauma and legal problems caused him to hightail it back to Canada."

Typically, he's also a raging anti-semite.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49, pretty much spot on. I don't know if it is selective illiteracy or just selective stupidity, but it seems to be pretty common on both sides of the border from what I have seen. I don't know why includes is such a hard one for them, but they all seem to get hung up on it. I guess the temptation to go for something hard and complex instead of the simple and easy is just too much to resist, that and if they actually paid attention their arguments go right out the window.

What's really fun is when you see them try this nonsense in and English court. English judges don't seem to be quite as forgiving or long suffering as some of our home grown variety for some reason, and I rarely see any of them get past the first try at it before they are shut down.
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:Well, they certainly haven't. Some of the stuff I have seen is direct cut and paste from stuff our losers regularly use and lose with, right down to the IRM references. Apparently reading isn't required when you are making it up as you go since it was guaranteed sure fire by the TP guru who sold it down here and they just took him at his word, and it didn't work any better north of the border than it did for the guru's suckers. Still, I find it amusing, if not somewhat baffling.
And, just in time for a response to dissent is a new Canadian criminal tax evasion case. A farm family (no excuse about desperate farmers barely scraping by, they had gas leases). I won't bother with the citations etc, all that is of interest for this discussion is a quote from the decision;


[52] The defendants argued that they could only be taxed if they were agents of the Federal Government or performed a specific function of the Federal Government. They allege that since there was no production of payroll stubs indicating they were doing a function of the Federal Government, they could not be taxed. They argued that compensation for labour was not taxable. The defendants provided no authority to support this proposition and I find that it has no merit.

Apparently they just pulled this one off one of your American tax avoiders and, since there was no context in Canada, they didn't bother to try providing one. They just threw it in the mix with other equally stupid gibberish (see below) hoping something would stick. The result? Guilty as charged.

54] The defendants also report a number of miscellaneous arguments relating to the Royal Bank being a trustee due to a garnishee, res judicata, slavery, and the need to produce an injured or damaged party by their actions. They also referred to the use of NLPs (which I understood to be neuro-linguistic programming), which they argued are mind thought altering pretences which put them at a disadvantage. The Desautels also argue that they were acting as executors for their own estates, and the government cannot bind their estates. They did appear personally at the trial and filed their birth certificates as exhibits, so there is no doubt that the defendants were personally present in the Court being the personal defendants as set out in the Information. All of these claims were without merit and there is no need to further comment on them.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by notorial dissent »

See, toldja so!!! All they were missing was one of our resident loons, no offense to the Canadian flying variety, "Truth Language", that would have been the icing on the cake as it were. Those cases are always a real thrill to wade through, and I'm betting even your patient Canadian judges would bottom out on this bunch.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I turned up some more information on Norman and Dorothy-Anne Desautels, the defendants of the case quoted by Burnaby49 above (R v Desautels, 2012 SKPC 29:

They received significant penalties for their tax evasion convictions ( ... ews&ID=845). Norman received a one year jail sentence and was fined $105,922. Dorothy-Anne received a six month jail term and was fined $99,548. They also are required to pay their outstanding tax.

The local newspaper has a couple interesting reports.

The trial appears to have been 'colourful' ( ... is-illegal), as the Desautels put on a bit of a show. Here are some excerpts:
McVeigh said disclosure was first given to the Desautels on July 14. The accused returned the disclosure the following day. Dorothy said what was given to them was a "box of garbage."


Norman told the judge, "I did not consent to a trial. I don't know why we're here. I don't understand." Chief federal prosecutor Christine Haynes, addressed the issue of consenting to the trial, noting that not guilty pleas were entered for both of the accused, which is the court's prerogative when the accused refuse to enter pleas.


"How can they be admitted when there's no contract? The act doesn't exist," said Dorothy.
Bazin said they are free to make the argument that the affidavits are not permitted without witnesses at the end of the trial but not right now.

"Is it not your duty to follow the law?" Norman asked the judge.

"We're following the evidentiary process now," Bazin responded.

"You are aiding the Crown in perpetrating a fraud against the estate," Norman said, then calling on Bazin to accuse himself and dismiss the case.

After Bazin deemed the affidavits permissible, the Desautels became a little upset by the way the trial was moving forward.

"You're not taking notice of my administration of process," Norman told Bazin, referring to a document he submitted to the court.

Bazin said they would have their chance to submit evidence, but the Crown gets to present their evidence first.

"My evidence is already in," Norman said, again referring to the document. "We did our judicial process. You've obviously ignored it."

As Dorothy began packing her bag, she asked Bazin, "Can I see your oath? Show me your oath in this courtroom."

She then put on her coat and left.

"I make a motion that this case be dismissed," said Norman, packing things from the desk.

"Are you staying or leaving?" Bazin asked him.

"No, this is it. It's obvious it doesn't make any difference whether I'm here or not."

Bazin suggested the prosecutors would proceed ex parte if he chose to follow his wife out the door. Norman asked for a 10-minute recess. The Desautels returned shortly after court reconvened.

The Crown began its case by calling Phyllis Kingston, who works for the non-filing and non-registered unit of the Canadian Revenue Agency in Regina.


Norman asked her, "Was I performing a specific function of government?"

Kingston said she had no knowledge of that. He then asked if there were any payroll records. Kingston said she had payer information but no payroll records.

Norman then requested Bazin strike Kingston's claims from the record on the basis of prejudice. Bazin denied the motion. When the Desautels protested Bazin said, "I've made my ruling."

"On whose authority?" asked Dorothy.


The Desautels brought Douglas Nagel, who wished to speak for himself, but Bazin didn't allow the request. Nagel was found guilty of similar charges in Regina and called the proceedings against the Desautels a "travesty."
You might think that the couple would have smartened up by the time their sentencing came around, but no ( ... -jail-time). For starts, they did not show up for their sentencing hearing on April 26, 2012, and for their trouble were arrested and detained until the second May 12, 2012 hearing.

The judge was not impressed by their conduct:
In his decision, Bazin equated the Desautels’ actions to a “long-term fraud.”

“The GST conviction for Norman Desautels and the conviction for the child-tax benefit is nothing short of deliberate theft,” said Bazin. “The Desautels’ actions speak louder than their words. They did what they did for money.”

An aggravating factor to these offences is the time frame, as the Desautels failed to complete tax returns from 2004 to 2008.

Bazin said the Desautels’ actions are further aggravating because they continued to benefit from a tax system that they stopped paying into, noting that they accepted a child-tax credit and Norman charged companies GST through his business.

“He simply charges them the GST and does not remit the money to Revenue Canada. Such an act shows that despite what he professes, that his reason for not following the Excise Tax Act is based on it not being legal and his profession that there is only one law, being God’s law, actually tells us that, at the end of the day, he did it for the money,” said Bazin.

“The evasion of tax, the receipt of child tax and GST is done out of personal desire and greed. They simply carry on their lives, which includes trips and holidays.”
Neither offender cooperated with a post-conviction evaluation of their character (a "pre-sentence report") so the judge had no basis to identify any mitigating factors that might have reduced the sentence. No doubt that was to avoid 'contracting' with the court.

And defiant to the end:
Bazin asked the Desautels if they had any questions, but cut them off when it was clear they had other statements to make.

They both then asked the judge, “Do you hold us against our will?” a question Bazin ignored.

The Desautels are reported to be facing a separate failure to appear trial scheduled for July 26, 2012. I have not identified any report on the result of that action.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Burnaby49 »

A fun couple. Thanks for the update. Funny how adhering to God's law seems to frequently involve tax evasion and fraud against the government.
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Re: Toronto Sun column on Porisky

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
The Desautels are reported to be facing a separate failure to appear trial scheduled for July 26, 2012. I have not identified any report on the result of that action.

SMS Möwe
And the results are in. They guaranteed a loss by retaining Dean Clifford to represent them! ... -jail-time
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".