Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

“You’re a freakin’ idiot.”

So spake Mr. Griffiths, tow truck driver, as he observed Brian Arthur Alexander [Brian-arthur: alexander], a Freeman-on-the-Land, after Alexander was stopped by Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers for speeding.

On November 4, 2010 Mr. Griffiths, was called by members of the RCMP to pick up and tow away a vehicle that belonged to Alexander. Alexander was inside, and refused to come out. Mr. Griffiths observed one, then two, then three RCMP officers attempt to convince Alexander that he should leave his vehicle, the officers were indeed police officers, that Alexander had a speeding ticket, and his vehicle had been seized.

Of course, this roadside drama involved a lot more fun, and thoughtfully British Columbia Provincial Court Judge Cleaveley has recorded the events of that day in great detail in this decision:
There is much here to entertain the interested reader. Alexander called 911 to summon help alleging he had been assaulted by what appeared to be an imposter posing as a police officer. Alexander was cautious – as he:
… was aware of several instances of people impersonating peace officers. Mr. Alexander said that he is diligent in learning who they are and their name, in case of “acts of tort”. He is also aware of cases where peace officers have assaulted people, and he was concerned about “acts of tort”.
Even as additional officers arrived, Alexander continued to refuse to leave his vehicle. Alexander’s claims “… he was a “freeman”, a “common law man”, he was in “Common Law”, he did not want “joinder”, and that he did not “consent”.” Alexander warned he would apply his mighty fee schedule - $100 per half hour.

Freemanish antics continue at the RCMP station. Paras. 40-52 document the police interview. He said all the magic words, too!

Alexander testified. He described a terrifying early-morning encounter with mysterious men who claimed to be police officers – but had not provided identification. They were bullies, rude, and when he exited the vehicle he was savagely thrown over the back of his car, and handcuffed. His rights to silence and counsel were not respected. The RCMP had no authority anyway to take his car! He knew the law and his rights – and these so-called police had gone too far:
[99] It was then suggested to Mr. Alexander that he felt that the Motor Vehicle Act did not apply to him. He responded, “um under this particular law, because it breached my Charter rights, I would say that law did not apply to me and overall as per section 32 of the Charter of Rights, it’s plain and simple that those laws don’t apply to flesh and blood men and that is how I was identifying myself and not a legal fiction”.

[100] Mr. Alexander explained that the R.C.M.P. cannot impound a vehicle without consent because “statute law is based on contract and contract is based on consent and when there is a breach of contract then that makes it pretty much void, and when that also, that statute law goes against supreme law, which is the constitution, then again it has no force and effect and people have rights”.

[101] It was suggested to Mr. Alexander that he had no intention of surrendering his vehicle, no matter what the legislation said. Mr. Alexander replied, “I was trying to do as much as I could not to”. Mr. Alexander also said, “... it doesn’t apply to me, it applies to my person”.

[102] In terms of the Motor Vehicle Act, Mr. Alexander said, “the legislation that they were enforcing went against my rights and went against my inherent rights of liberty”. As a common law man, the legislation did not apply to him because, the legislation applies to the legal fiction and not the man and it says that in s. 32 of the Charter of Rights. The legislation went against his common law rights, his inherent rights, Charter of Rights, and under the Criminal Code he has the ability to ignore legislation that is inconsistent with the Charter of Rights and the true law. In Mr. Alexander’s words, “he (Constable Rose) presumed me to be guilty on the spot”.
Judge Cleaveley did not find Alexander a credible witness:
[117] The second, and more problematic aspect for Mr. Alexander when assessing his credibility and reliability, are the extremes in his evidence. For example, Mr. Alexander’s evidence that he could not or was not able to identify Constable Rose as a peace officer is nonsense. It would have been patently obvious to any reasonable person, when considering all the circumstances, that Mr. Alexander was stopped by a member of the R.C.M.P. Mr. Alexander’s evidence that Constable Rose may have been an impersonator and that he was concerned about “acts of tort” is sheer gibberish. There is also no objective basis for Mr. Alexander’s claims that he feared arrest (other than for obstruction), he felt threatened, and that he was under duress. This was an routine traffic stop made difficult by Mr. Alexander. I also do not believe that Constable Rose told Mr. Alexander that his vehicle was being seized “arbitrarily”. Constable Rose was acting in accordance with the Motor Vehicle Act. Referring to the “standoff”, Mr. Alexander said that there was a “conditional acceptance”. If by the use of this expression, Mr. Alexander is implying that the constables acknowledged his point of view, he is seriously mistaken. Mr. Alexander told Mr. Griffiths that he did not know or understand the reason why he was stopped. In the earlier 911 recording, Mr. Alexander told the operator he was stopped for a speeding offence, and he would accept a ticket, but he did not want his property seized. It was very apparent to Mr. Griffiths, an independent objective witness, what was happening, and he used very blunt language when he told Mr. Alexander that he did not accept his protestations. On this point, Mr. Alexander’s evidence is internally inconsistent and untrue.

[118] At the detachment, or as Mr. Alexander called it, the “enemy’s lair”, he continued to be difficult and deliberately obtuse. Mr. Alexander claimed he did not understand why he was arrested. This is contrary to Mr. Alexander’s earlier statement to the 911 operator. Similarly, when Constable Leckie read to Mr. Alexander the police caution, he responded by saying he did not understand. This is inconsistent with Mr. Alexander’s earlier evidence. Not only did he understand the right to silence, he asserted it, and the constables respected his right. Mr. Alexander said that he was confused about Constable Leckie’s use of the words “lawyer” and “counsel”. I do not believe this. Mr. Alexander had been given a limited version of his right to counsel at the roadside, which he said he understood. This was simple game playing by Mr. Alexander and is inconsistent with his evidence that he was trying to be “most cooperative as possible.” Mr. Alexander took a similar approach when Constable Leckie read to him the Supplemental Charter Warning. He said he did not really understand, the words were “kinda weird”. Not only did Constable Leckie use “counsel”, a word which Mr. Alexander said he understood, she also said “lawyer” in a comparative sense. Mr. Alexander was being disingenuous when he said he did not understand.

[120] Also when assessing Mr. Alexander’s evidence, I must take into account his many claims that he was somehow protected or exempt from scrutiny by the police because he was a “freeman” or a “common law man”, who did not “consent” or want “joinder”, and that the laws did not apply to him because he is a “flesh and blood man”, the laws only apply to legal fictions or his person. Similarly, Mr. Alexander testified as to the genesis of statute law and how it is based on contract, which has its basis in consent. These two examples illustrate the extreme, and completely illogical evidence given by Mr. Alexander.
I particularly enjoy how at para. 117 the judge endorses Mr. Griffith’s evaluation of Alexander as “an independent objective witness.”

Alexander is found guilty of obstruction of a peace officer, without lawful excuse. The court rejects arguments that Alexander is not “a person” and subject to the Criminal Code on the basis of parallel case law that evaluates income tax obligation.

Sometimes Freemen-on-the-Land are complete cyphers, they appear in court, do their thing, and we learn nothing else about them. Then there are those who very much want to share. Alexander falls into the latter category. You see, Alexander is a interesting and enthusiastic fellow, and his antics have led to considerable media interest. Here’s a few stories I found:

An account of the trial and Alexander’s history: ... ply-to-him

[And it turns out Alexander has municipal aspirations, having run for mayor in 2008. He’s outspoken and “…was banned from City Hall in 2008 after scaring employees with his loud, intense style.”]

Here’s another report – the associated photo is less than flattering:

His philosophy? “It’s kind of a real deep subject and it takes a long time to understand”.

That was in 2008. What do you do when facing state oppression of the kind Alexander experienced in 2010? Why, simply run for mayor again!

This leads to further reporting:
Last January, he issued a manifesto titled CONSENT TO BE GOVERNED BY OLIGARCHY TYRANNY? NO THANKS, in which he railed against Stephen Harper.

“What’s next?” he asked, “a law against picking my nose or scratching my ass, check points at every corner, mandatory DNA testing, micro chipping of every man/woman/child to control every aspect of life?”

He vowed that authorities “will have to yield their authority as freemen blossom in numbers like flowers on a spring day.”

His mayoral election profile ( ... -alexander) indicates his favorite book is the Criminal Code of Canada. And a lot of other silly things.

And this lovely, tasty gem – an interview with Alexander in 2011, mayor-to-be: While he decries media reporting that distorts his message, Alexander can't actually explain what he thinks and believes, because he is under "duress".

Alexander also has a bunch of webpages. He clearly is a graduate of the Eldon Warman school of webpage design:

His business - it turns out he’s a chimney sweep! ( A somewhat eccentric one, but nothing compared to his other websites: – What’s Become of our Great City?? Rants galore with a municipal focus. He had a public access radio show for awhile in 2010, thoughtfully the transcripts are available for all to review:

There’s yet more fun at Citizen Solidarity – Improve Quality of Life through Citizen Solidarity ( This is a sort of general activism website. A few representative excerpts.

Darn those corrupt police:
IF RCMP repeatedly kill innocent citizens with tazer's or assault citizens over and over with out stiff reprimand or change in policy then the truth is revealed that superintendents or "TopCops" with their policies are not doing their jobs....THE TRUTH IS REVEALED!!
He’s generally pro-pot, and notes the history of Henry Ford’s lost hempmobiles:
Henry Ford designed and built a car made from hemp that was 3 times stronger and didn't rust out of hemp fiberglass, his intension's was he could grow his own cars right hear in his back yard, as indeed at that time he owned thousands of hemp fields.
Microwaves are deadly:
If you have ever wondered whether or not microwaved food is safe, here's an experiment you can do at home. Plant seeds in two pots. Water one pot with water that has been microwaved, the other with regular tap water. The seeds that receive microwaved water won't sprout. If microwave water can stop plants from growing , think of what microwaved food can do to your health!’’
So are carbonated beverages:
-carbonated drinks cause major health problems, not just the chemical sweeteners, but the the carbonation, tiny bubble that tickle our noses are causing calcium not to be absorbed into the body in turn, bones brittle and osteoporosis sets in, imagine all those brittle bones, hips and knees elderly people suffer from, A result of people who drink to much pop or carbonated drinks, and not much of any thing else. It is fact most Canadians don't drink the required 7 glasses of water suggested, in fact most people rely on either coffee, tea, or soft drinks as their staple drink.
The modern world is twisting us, even before we are born:
humans being born with asthma, mental and physical deformities, such as Down syndrome, and multiple sex organs equate to one in ten children having some health issue before even taken a breath outside of the womb.
Theology – turns out heaven and hell is a kind of diamond-shaped structure:
God only knows how many layer’s of Heaven and Hell, though perhaps the secrets are hidden in plain sight. Much like the Illuminati who seek the 33rd level; the all seeing eye, top of "their" pyramid is: Hell and all its secrets. Hell is selfgradifacation of one's self, and the actions that benefits ones self, where as heaven includes gratification of others, or thoughts/actions that benefit others/mankind.

Commonsense referance from the Illuninati hand book would indicate that there are 33 levels of heaven as well as hell. The lower layer’s near entry level of both Heaven and Hell contain the most souls, billions probably, though less and less enter into higher levels, thus is why it is said that there is a mere 144 000 souls in heaven, or upper heaven.
Cinnamon and honey can cure pretty much anything, many examples are provided ( Alexander’s authoritative source? The Weekly World News!

Of course Alexander has plenty of resources where one can learn about Freemanism:
Last, we move to or as Alexander suggests we call it? “[SS]”! Hmm. Hope no one gets the wrong idea from that. This appears to be a webpage in support of his latest political aspirations - as in 2013 Alexander decided to run to become a member of the British Columbia provincial legislature. Yes, Alexander decided to ascend the Congo to the Heart of Darkness.

Against what does [SS] lead the fight? Mindless police terminators!
Be it from witnessing police manifesting into mindless "terminators" that have no accountability via treasonous government that has been subrogated by corporations, or wether it be the obvious deterioration of our environment and Mother Earth as a result of corporatism acting above "true" law for mere profit with governments blessing; people have generally had enough!
And then there’s a thoughtful and only somewhat revisionist account of Alexander’s interactions with police on that fateful November 2010 day:
The second time was a few months later after Fiberals brought in new over 60 K they take it away ICBC unconstitutional legislation in a speed zone on the highway that has a posted speed limit of 50k, regardless the majority of citizens indeed do travel at 90-100K because it is a deserted stretch of two lain highway with no residential, though its been a cash cow for ICBC years. However, one day on the way to work, not a soul around, the cop lurks from the bushes like a highway robber, I stand my ground, and refuse to give up my work van, I phone 911 to ask for a supervisor to show up, Cst EDINGER arrives, and within 15 seconds, proceeds to threaten me with physical force, and indeed presents a large steel shaft and proceeds to bash on my window 2 times in an attempt to smash it. Though being the pussy that he is, the window didn't break, again shocked at their behavior and fearing for my life, I calmly peacefully exit the van only to be pounced on by three cops. My own inexperience and corrupt system lead to my person being found guilty of obstruction of a peace officer even though I refused to consent to their jurisdiction, informing them I was acting under a claim of right as a private man under common law [recognized by H.M. legislation; section 52 constitution act 1982 & sect 15. &]. It was at that time that I confirmed that the courts have been subrogated as well. I filed for appeal, but was hit with a $8000 price tag for transcripts which I couldn't afford, proving justice is sold like good beef in Canada, as usual, only the rich can afford the blind justice. Again, I reserve my right to sue the ass off of several of Her Majesty's public servants in the private for their breach of oath. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Ezekiel 33. 6-10

Two things stick out, the first is I had a video recording of the whole incident, as I had my own personal cam. Though when I was released from detainment on the day of arrest, the video was missing from the camera, I know it was recording bc of the red light. During the trial, CROWN withheld three important disclosure items, one was the jailhouse video, [of which there was no audio] indeed the jailhouse video showed the officer bring in my cameral and wallet in after I was in lock up, it then shows three of them turning it on, and going in the back off camera for 15 minutes before returning and putting my camera in personal belongings...yet the judge found there was no issue with that, the judge also ignored my claim of rights, ignored the incompetence of RCMP agents failing to arrest me, or read me my rights properly, and failed to recognize my inherent rights under common law. Of course the Judge is obligated to ignore justice because if he would have allowed me to win, the case would set president province wide, and once again the province would be liable [billions] for harming citizens with unconstitutional legislation as it has with the drinking driving legislation found to be unconstitutional.
Oh, the election results? Didn't win. 1.6% (377 votes) of the ballots cast. (

How's that feel?
He vacillated between believing he had a 50/50 chance of winning and recognizing that “it’s really a long leap for people to understand me.”

“The days are numbered for this system. There’s got to be some alternative,” he said before adding dejectedly, “I’m probably ahead of my time here.”
( ... ect-to-win)

What's next for Alexander? We can only wait and see...

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A small update on everyone's freakin' idiot. He recently posted an explanation of how to avoid CRA audit procedures in a message thread on Robert-Arthur: Menard's Facebook page ( ... 1471268891#). I was so struck by Brian's comments that I will reproduce the two posts in full for the reader's review:
Brian Alexander
fuckn'eh! those CRA bastards are acting above their law got my person's account siezed a couple of weeks ago...for the second time...first time I got it removed with in 3 days, then I boasted about it in my election platform n in media...guess they didn't like that, [they just can't let us win or its all over for them]. thats ok, I will just have to go above their head in rank, and when I get done, getting it released again, I am going to sue Karen Johnson;[and company] the woman acting as H.M. agent, in the private with civil charges. [been iching to practice civil law suites] "lets roll"

Brian Alexander
I think I figured it out though...[this is not legal advice, it is purely for enertainment purposes...if your not haveing fun, your doing something wrong]

you see, we have the right to contract; [not file their paper work for free] so I got them in default of a contract. [nothing to heafty, has to be based in reality, though more than any ballance owing with a bit extra so they are the ones owing you] I think it is a couple grand a month; $1000 each for filing and keeping an office per month...

..but the way the concept goes is to demand payment before doing any action...this is where this got me into "legal' trouble, cause even though their shit has got nothing to do with us, they still make all war legal by changing their own rules, such as the income tax act that allows them to seize shit for not filing, [even though I told them I was more than willing to file as soon as they pay and deliver a few things to me] ..... so the twist to this methode is to go ahead and get them in contract, [cant be a jillion $$] then go ahead and file your person's income tax papers..

..BUT....INCLUDE WHAT THEY OWE YOU, SO THE BALLANCE COMES OUT IN YOUR FAVOR BY A FEW GRAND. you have ful-filled all your it stands now, if you don't file; they do what the did to this guy in the post which is the same thing they did to me....did a assesment, and when they do the assement, they purposely inflate it 10X's the value as a means of I demanded to see the ORIGINAL asessment, the one with the dickheads signature, [some one has to take responsibility n sign...but they won't give it to yah, cause they know their assement is fraud.] so then after they have done their phony assement, that allows them, [by their own crooked legislation which has been manunipulated] to take further action like start seizing shit if they get you in default of their notices, [which they didn't with me, thats the trick never go into default, agree to pay as soon as they deliver the original assement].

Tthis is their "Scheme" in a nut shell, spread it far n wide....but make sure you put the time in to learn the details...and by the way, this is only ONE of many ways to skin the CRA dont freek out if you have learnt a differn't process.

peacelovehonour, minister Brian-Arthur
Mr. Alexander's communications skills never cease to impress. In any case, I think this is how he proposes to 'beat the Man':
  • 1. Foist a unilateral contract on the CRA that demands payment in exchange for your labour and effort in preparing and filing income tax.

    2. Calculate your income tax following the usual procedure.

    3. File your income tax but overpay the amount.
  • A. The CRA will not re-assess you for grossly larger amounts (Brian suggests 10 fold the actual tax owed) as an intimidation tactic.

    B. You can now enforce your "contract" in step 1.
I am stunned. I think Brian has hit upon a strategy that actually has a good possibility of not triggering a re-assessment. Further, if he implements this strategy he may be shocked to find that following step 3 he receives a refund cheque for the 'overpayment'.

Sadly, I do not think he will find the court willing to enforce his step 1 foisted unilateral 'contract', regardless of his providing consideration in the form of filing his income tax return and outstanding payment due.

Still - a great leap forward in Freeman-on-the-Land thinking! By paying his income tax obligation he WILL likely evade CRA retaliation for not having paid his income tax!

(I note the signature at the end of his second message. The lowercase "minister" title is characteristic of CERI membership. I hope that "minister" Alexander and "minister" Belanger find their collaboration fruitful. Fruity? Fruitilicious?)

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

My fellow CRA employees are going to be really upset when they find out about this. Alexander has finally found a way to beat the oppressor. Pay your taxes in full and the CRA can't do a thing to you. We're helpless in the face of this tax genius!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Burnaby49 wrote:My fellow CRA employees are going to be really upset when they find out about this. Alexander has finally found a way to beat the oppressor. Pay your taxes in full and the CRA can't do a thing to you. We're helpless in the face of this tax genius!
I believe the technical phraseology for that reaction is to "Quiver in their Space Boots."

[I can't believe I publicly made a Rocket Robin Hood reference. I shall no doubt be held to account for this, in time.]

But on the positive side of this development - Brian is eager to teach his new approach. And he may have an opportunity to do so! Menard today announced a 'think-tank' meeting of the great minds of the Freeman and associated communities. Oh, and a few native elders for flavour:
Robert Menard
ANNOUNCING HUGE GATHERING OF FREEDOM ACTIVIST AND LIBERTY LOVERS! By Invitation Only. On the weekend of August 23rd, there will be a three day gathering of some of the most active freedom and liberty lovers. DC, RAM, MEC, PS, MS, MMcM, PV, and a host of others, including Native Elders and along with a couple of dozen of the up and comers in the movement. The purpose is to establish unity and develop strategies and share ideas. It will be held at a very nice resort just outside of Vancouver with swimming pool, tennis courts, awesome fire pits and plenty of space. Food and accommodation will be provided at a cost of $250 for the weekend. If you wish you can bring a tent and halve your cost to attend. Food is all organic with most grown on site in the resort's garden. NO ORGANIZERS ARE MAKING ANY MONEY FROM THIS!!! If you think you should be invited, please contact me. SPACE IS LIMITED! This is a chance to learn about exciting developments and projects, network with others of like spirit, share perspectives, speak with legal professionals, and have some fun. If you think you should attend, let us know. We have a dozen or so spaces still available.
Brian has excitedly replied:
Brian Alexander
I want to be put on the list Robert Menard....great idea, be nice if it was an anual event...have em in every province. united we stand devided we fall.
I can only hope everyone who attends listens and learns.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

Möwe, I think that should be "everyone's favorite freakin' idiot", and my but doesn't it have the sweetest little mouth on it? "I got my person's account siezed", what is he, someone's house pet? Not box trained at the very least, I'd bet.

Right legal genius this one is, not an original thought in his head either. I can see where he is going to "contract" himself right in to a real legal mess very shortly, if he hasn't already accomplished this. I don't know how it is up north, but they take a real dim view of the suing of tax people because you got caught routine down here. I haven't noticed him going for liens against the agents and judges yet, but bet that'll be next, when he doesn't get his fees back.

So he's going to foil de ebil tax man/CRA by
overpaying his taxes due. I'm not sure that I've come across that sneaky, underhanded, definitely unique one before, if so, he is a true legal genius of the first water!!!!???? I can't wait to see how this one comes out.

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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:So he's going to foil de ebil tax man/CRA by overpaying his taxes due. I'm not sure that I've come across that sneaky, underhanded, definitely unique one before, if so, he is a true legal genius of the first water!!!!???? I can't wait to see how this one comes out.
The check will bounce?
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:The check will bounce?
I was kind of wondering myself where he was going to get the additional funds to pay the taxes when I was pretty sure he wouldn't have had the funds to actually pay what he really owned to begin with.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by wserra »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
Robert Menard
What's the point of announcing an "invitation-only" event?

Oh, wait, it's Menard.

And, if you're "invited", you still have to pay?

Oh, wait, it's Menard.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

If you pay for your "invitation" at the door, then you're invited.

It's Menard!!!
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by rogfulton »

But isn't that forcing a contract?
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by The Observer »

But what if you declared yourself a Freeman? Shouldn't that force Menard to let you attend without paying?
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The Observer wrote:But what if you declared yourself a Freeman? Shouldn't that force Menard to let you attend without paying?
Don't you just write "accepted for value" on the bill?
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
The Observer wrote:But what if you declared yourself a Freeman? Shouldn't that force Menard to let you attend without paying?
Don't you just write "accepted for value" on the bill?
Wankspittle nailed it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
The Observer wrote:But what if you declared yourself a Freeman? Shouldn't that force Menard to let you attend without paying?
Don't you just write "accepted for value" on the bill?
No - that's just old fashioned. What you do is write "Consumer Purchase" on the bill, and sign your name (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9326).

Or just charge it to your Menard Card. Accepted by Freemen everywhere!

SMS Möwe
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Brutal! Kidnapped without cause! Stripped! Alone for days in a pee-pee soaked heck-hole!

It's a human rights issue, you know... ( ... 998113143/):
Brian Alexander
NEWS FLASH: I was kidnaped last wednesday on a warrant, I gave no id, I did not answer to the name, they presumed, kidnaped and stole the truck I was traveling in for 7 days, forced me to sign, did not let me sign under threat and duress, the judge acted with extreme prejudice, they threw me in jail over night, in solitary confine ment, in a dirty room to boot, blood and piss on the floor, completly cloths, no personal hygen like tooth brush and soap, no contact with the outside world, no way of letting my familyand friends know I am ok, no paper or legal document, would not give me a bible, would not show me the warrant of commital or warrant of arrest, I went on a hunger strike, did not eat for the better part of two days, no fluids other than water...frooze my ass off, all they gave me was a dirty matress on the floor, dirty toilet,and a small canvas blanket that wouldn'tt cover my whole body...all because I wouldn't sign or recognize the legal fiction name...I kept telling them there was a mistake, and that I am under threat and duress, a political prisioner being held for randsom...they draged me out the next morning and demanded I sign again or I would be left in there untill court date on 19th of dec...which is just discovery and arrangnment. the court date would be a month or two I caved in cause I got a business I have to run and family to take care of. so now its a human rights issue.

Robert Menard; careful, they may be comeing for you too seems so they got dean and me...we three were the ones to stand up nationaly on national media.
[Nov. 30, 2013]
Well, let's see what's on the B.C. Courts Online database when it comes to our friendly Freeman-on-the-Land. Oh. I can't - the website seems offline.

I guess I'll update this at a later point.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well, let's see what's on the B.C. Courts Online database when it comes to our friendly Freeman-on-the-Land. Oh. I can't - the website seems offline.

I guess I'll update this at a later point.
Please do, I'll see if I can fit it in my dance card.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by LordEd »

Robert Menard; careful, they may be comeing for you too seems so they got dean and me...we three were the ones to stand up nationaly on national media.
[Nov. 30, 2013]
Menard has little to fear as he does not practice what he preaches.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by wserra »

And all because (1) there was a warrant out for his arrest, (2) he refused to identify himself, (3) he refused to sign the documents which were, in all likelihood, necessary to secure his release, and (4) he was generally an asshole.

Oh, the humanity.

And catch his comment on himself:
I gave them every chance, the benifit (sic) of the doubt...and this is the way they play...I can play hard ball to (sic)
I'm sure they're quaking in their boots. After all, the first inning of his "hard ball" consisted of his agreeing to do the same things which would in all likelihood have avoided two days in jail.

Another internet Rambo. Maybe next time he'll again agree to do what they want, but this time use harsh language.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by The Observer »

This was the best part:
I went on a hunger strike, did not eat for the better part of two days, no fluids other than water.
Ok, so he lasted longer than Gene Chapman would have.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I managed to get onto the B.C. Courts Online database and I think I know what is going on with the Freakin’ Idiot. His latest detention clearly relates to his being found guilty on April 26, 2012 for resisting arrest – this is the incident that brought him fame where, when stopped by police, he called 911 to summon more police because the first were imposters! See R. v. Alexander, 2012 BCPC 108.

The result of that action was he was found guilty and fined $1,725.00.

On August 23, 2013 a summons was ordered for Brian under Criminal Code, s. 734.7, which deals with what happens when an offender does not pay their fine. In brief, they are arrested and imprisoned. Brian did not appear at the hearing scheduled for Sept. 23, and a warrant was issued. He then was picked up last week, and released on judicial interim release on Nov. 27, 2013.

Brian is next scheduled to appear in Kamloops Law Courts on Dec. 19, 2013 to set a date for his next hearing.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]