Mika Rasila wants to find a notary

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Mika Rasila wants to find a notary

Post by Burnaby49 »

We've had a few postings about Mika scattered around Quatloos but he has not, as yet, been given his own discussion. Time to rectify that. I was somewhat uncomplimentary in my description of Mika in this posting;


And Mowe discussed him here;


Mika's current story, at least the part we know, starts with Mika looking for a notary so that he can file something at what I assume is the Supreme Court of British Columbia, not the Supreme Court of Canada;
Mika Rasila
July 13 at 9:29am · Edited ·
Okay so now we are getting stone walled on this supreme court filing , someone found out who this implicates and all the notaries we have approached will not notarize our affidavits. I will try commissioners of oaths today. They know we are right and the people we are suing own this town. Should be a fun day. Bastards in the "Just us" society. Anyone knows an honest lawyer in the okanagan valley let me know , I know an honest lawyer right ?? should be fun .
But Dani says he doesn't need a notary. The court of public opinion is enough.
Dani Collins
I know one here in the us.

You should name everyone by name who blocks you. They are kabal. They do their own work and they use pseudonyms not their own names. They can be held personally liable and are also guilty of depriving you of your rights in us its 18us242 and conspiracy against rights 18usc 241.

We are both under the same family rule.

If you don't have what you need create it. This is why I urge you to report here every step of they way and this court of public opinion is what will be part of your win. Its more power than any gun.
Like · 2 · July 13 at 12:18pm
So what is this about? It's related to a foreclosure, not his, he's is playing Freeman lawyer for a friend. No firm info yet.

Mika apparently just found a compliant notary. He seems to think that notaries have magic powers. A standard Freeman belief. That was why Chief Rock Sino General was notarizing all those documents;
Mika Rasila
5 hrs · Edited ·
Finally got a notary to attest and the filings are done , Now fully in this supreme court petition for fraud , the house can not be sold till they can prove otherwise. now to start the campaign this is when it gets interesting
But then a setback;
Mika Rasila
4 hrs ·
Turns out the patent on this property was alienated back in 2005 so now I have to find out who did it and why , I thought this was going to be easy. oh well here I go searching records databases. gonna be a long day .
I'll try to keep up with the story. Mika's FB page is here;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Mika Rasila wants to find a notary

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

It's amazing what Facebook recommends to you:


I just want to state something for the record here,

People who say why are you so busy trying to expose dean clifford rob menard and kate of gaia if you are a freemen , I am not a freeman , I am a free man and a pure sovereign . these people are making the lives of real sovereigns very dangerous so yes I get pissed off when the cops say oh your a freeman on the land ? I always tell the cops the same thing when they ask me that , I say no those guys are lowlife sponging off the government and stealing, conning and begging for peoples money and have no idea what sovereignty means.

And every word of that description is the truth from all of the freemen on the land types I have met so far. Be sovereign , Be real , if you need government and still think you can be free you have no idea what is happening.

I have worked so hard to free myself I'll be fucked if I'm gonna let a bunch of hacks destroy the progress of real sovereigns

* "Pieces of shit" has been redacted for abstract childishness. I apologize :)