Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I’ve been meaning to write about this character for some time, but have been impeded by a rather unusual phenomenon. With many Sovereign / Freeman characters one has to work from a small number of reported decisions, a few scrounged documents, and perhaps a web post here and there. My current subject, Sean Wesley Henry, a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: El: of the At-Sik-Hata Nation of Yamassee Moors is a challenge for the opposite reason. This guy has deluged the Internet with material, cached away in at least a dozen separate websites. He bombards public official, courts, his relatives, and the cosmos as a whole with all kinds of documents, many of cryptic intent. It’s damned hard to keep up!

Worse, after all that, he still is a cipher. Is he mentally ill? A religious zealot? A conman? Simply a jerk? Or some amalgam of each of these?

An immediate warning: whatever else, Henry is clearly associated with the Moorish Law phenomenon, and this is a subset of Sovereign / Freeman eccentricity which I find particularly opaque. I will try to warn when I simply do not understand what I have encountered.

Due to the scope of interesting material that relates to this subject I will make my commentary in three parts. I think the best place to start (Henry would probably say “Begin All Things By First Using The All”) is with the life history I have reconstructed of this individual. Much of this report is derived from material Henry himself has put online, but another major source of this biography is a series of documents posted on Scribd by a user identified as “Take Your Meds”. Those documents are now gone, but their content very closely matches Henry’s own documentary record, and is largely confirmed by other independent sources.

Henry is Canadian, and his parents reside in an acreage near Edmonton, Alberta. His brother suffered from severe schizophrenia ( ... -Ken-Henry) and died earlier in 2013 at age 35, no credible cause identified ( ... =163060184). Henry has two surviving sisters.

“Take Your Meds” reports Henry fathered and abandoned a child, and then relocated to the U.S. in his teenage years to join a cult. Henry spent a decade in the U.S. before he was deported to Canada. This narrative appears very plausible.

Henry was indeed in the U.S. between at least 2002-2007, and was found guilty of false claims of diplomatic status,
United States of America v. Nanya Shaabu El, a/k/a Sean Wesley Henry ( ... 5197-0.pdf). In May 2006, he was found in possession of marijuana, a loaded handgun, and carried reams of official looking documentation. At that trial Henry claimed he must be innocent because the country which he claimed to represent as a diplomat, “Atlan”, was non-existent. Henry was sentenced to six months incarceration. A note in passing, I very strongly suspect that there are additional U.S. criminal proceedings against Henry, but I have not found records to confirm that. Followup by better positioned researchers would be appreciated.
  • [Crazytime Excursion #1 – Nanya has official responded to this “unpublished opinion” on this website ( ... according2) where he explains:
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit. this means that the court is allowing their own rules to be violated. This decision should not be on the internet period. As Lien Holder against the United States corporation( see UCC Financing statement 060200513869 on File in the State of Georgia and AUthenticated by the U.S. Department of State Authentication Number 06021440-3 done on May 22, 2006 in Washington, D.C.( Postmaster-Banker-Judge of Atlan, Amexem, Turtle Island & Land of the Frogs, I [:Nanya-Shaabu:El] of the At-sik-hata Nation of Moors - United Nations IPO #2718, accept for value and consideration with reservations under UCC 3-401 the above postings.

    I think this is a document which was fired at the trial judge in the same proceeding ( ... affidavit2) Enjoy!]
“Take Your Meds” religious cult claim is clearly accurate. In his most recent online activities Henry has begun making unfamiliar religious references to entities such as “The Whisperer Nakhash” and various holy “Tablets”. A bit of poking led to the Nuwaubian Nation and its materials. Many of Henry’s documents are marked with strange hieroglyphic-like characters. It turns out this is a simple substitution code ( What definitively proves this link is a testamentary webpage set up by Henry for his father, “Celebrating Jensey Selwyn Henry” ( ... lwynhenry/) which includes many photos of Henry and his father posing in structures in the Nuwaubian “Tama-Re” complex in Georgia.
During his period in the U.S. Henry hooked up with his “wife”, “Diani Naja Ba’al Mashiyah Bey”, who “Take Your Meds” identifies as “Dianne Freeman”, and describes this relationship as being arranged or an aspect of Henry’s involvement with the Newaubian cult. This too seems plausible, as Henry has filed quite a number of documents published online that dispute foreclosure of a property owned by “Diani”, located in Georgia and not too far from the Tama-Re complex (for example: ... onofFiling).

I am now going to move into an area of educated guess. It appears Henry had some degree of standing in the Newaubian cult (“Take Your Meds” says very high status and that he was being groomed for leadership), and I suspect that Henry attempted to take on a leadership role in the period after York was arrested and sentenced, and the Tama-Re complex was seized and razed. However, he is not the only person competing for leadership in the remnants of that group. One thing that is clear is that Henry still has persons cooperating with him in the U.S., and will, for example, appear on various “Moorish” Internet radio broadcasts.

Second, certain subgroups within the “Moorish” community have specifically responded to Henry’s claims as though he is some form of competition (for example, here the “Canaanland Moors”: Money from “temples” is a point of contention. I have no idea how to interpret these materials beyond these simple observations.

Henry was then deported to Canada, and moved in with his mother, Merle. Henry now begins his extensive and ongoing interaction with the Canadian legal system. Review of the documents Henry has posted online indicates there are more actions (how many is hard to say) than those that have resulted in reported decisions.

One major dispute involves the April 2008 death of Henry’s father, Jensey Selwyn Henry. Henry appears to allege his father’s death was caused by an ever-evolving and expanding conspiracy of between the RCMP, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service [“CSIS”], the hotel and its management where Jensey worked, health services and the medical examiner, and most importantly, Jensey’s brother Kenyouth Lucien Henry. This leads to a number of reported cases:

Henry v. El, 2010 ABCA 312:

Henry and his mother (administrator of Jensey’s estate) sue uncle Kenyouth and medical officials. This is an appeal decision of an oral hearing where one variation on the conspiracy to murder / cover-up was alleged. Henry’s appeal is rife with OPCA schemes: the U.C.C., that the judge was improperly dressed, foisted unilateral agreements, and magical effects for typical phrases such as “accepted for value and consideration and honor”. Kenyouth wanted security for costs and a vexatious litigant order, and gets both (paras. 6-7). It’s unsurprisingly Kenyouth is annoyed:
[4] The appellant has also purported to fire the applicant’s counsel. His rationale is that at one point the applicant had prepared a will naming his late brother and his sister-in-law (the appellant’s parents) as his trustees. When the applicant’s brother died, his sister-in-law was the last remaining named trustee. The appellant persuaded his mother to give him a general power of attorney. The appellant then claimed to have full control of the applicant’s estate, the appellant apparently being oblivious to the fact that a will only speaks as at the death of the testator. On this basis he purported to discharge the applicant’s counsel, and objected to him appearing in this appeal.

[5] There is ample proof of harassment on this record. Despite being advised that he has no authority to act on behalf of the applicant, the appellant has persisted. The applicant has had to contact the police several times, and the appellant has been required to enter into a peace bond. The appellant has posted on the Internet a $15 million bounty for the arrest of the applicant.
Justice Slatter takes a hard response, including a requirement that the action will only proceed if Henry provides a $15,000 security deposit (para. 6). The court is clearly very aware of certain documents of dubious pedigree:
… If the appellant purports or attempts to pay the security by any other means (including in particular any “bond” or “bill of exchange” or other instrument by which he purports to transfer the obligation to pay the security to any other person) the appeal will be deemed to have been immediately abandoned.
Henry seeks leave to appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada but that is dismissed for lack of jurisdiction:
  • [Crazytime Excursion #3 – what do you do when you get an unfavourable vexatious litigant order? Well, that’s simple – ‘A4V’ it!
    Thank you for the evidence that this order is Extortion (U.C.C. 3-305, UCC1-202)

    ( ... rNov112010)]
Henry v. Starwood Hotels, 2010 ABCA 367:

Next we have an action against Jensey’s employers. This was struck at the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench level (unreported) and that result was affirmed at the Court of Appeal. The nature of the claims is not detailed, other than (para. 4):
The appellants advance a number of arguments that are at best misguided and at worst scandalous. For example, they argue that the order is null and void because the Chambers Judge was not gowned. They also allege gross judicial negligence, bias, obstruction of justice and disobedience.
The Supreme Court of Canada denies leave:

Henry Estate v. Alberta Health Services, 2011 ABQB 113:

Henry is acting for his father’s estate and his mother, and sues to force the RCMP to provide the name of a secret informant. Master Breitkreuz endorses a previous assessment by Justice Sanderman that Henry’s materials are “absolute gibberish”, observes there is no proof Henry actually is representing anyone, and concludes this action is fatally flawed because the RCMP do not have to reveal their sources.
  • [Crazytime Excursion #4 – Nanya has posted dumploads of material on the alleged murder and conspiracy. I will highlight just a few examples: - a weird composite document of material, including court submissions in the hotel lawsuit. The first page is a labeled wedding photograph, one caption at the bottom reads:

    notice how EVERYONE is looking DIRECTLY ahead at the Camera, EXCEPT Kenyouth Lucien Henry; this is how you know he is a Police Informant, if there is any DOUBTS about that then [go to a video link] and WATCH the Kenyouth Turn his face and RUN from being MADE and his face being caught on video.

    This might be the video ( mentioned in that caption; the original appears to be gone. ... oogle9.pdf - another weird composite webpage of allegations and documents. Henry prefaces this page with the following notice:


    Sadly, this kind of response to family events appears to continue at present. Recently Nanya posted this account of his brother’s 2013 funeral ( ... neralChaos).]
During the last few years Henry hooked up with “minister” Belanger of CERI (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9261). That linked thread includes a collection of videos where Henry and Belanger compare notes and legal documents in a food court in Edmonton’s West Edmonton Mall. This friendship and potential collaboration appears to have since faded.

Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 reports at paras. 157-158 that Henry is acting for his mother beyond just these lawsuits, and for example has attempted to negate an outstanding debt. The result is unpleasant:
[157] OPCA gurus and community members sometimes are ‘legal busybodies’ who attempt to introduce themselves into other proceedings. This Court’s experience has been that kind of participation consistently leads to further issues. Worse, there may be a potential resolution masked by that intervention. For example, a Moorish Law advocate, Sean Henry, has acted to represent his mother in a credit card debt collection proceeding. Henry’s conduct, described in more detail below, is exceptionally problematic.

[158] The initial hearings to address this matter were entirely unsuccessful. Henry was then arrested. At the subsequent hearing before Belzil J. it was discovered that the mother was not only entirely willing to pay her outstanding debt, but had an investment account which she suggested could provide those funds. For whatever reason, the mother had not been willing to communicate those facts while her son, an OPCA litigant, was present. One can only guess at how many other conflicts might be resolved, were it not for interference of this kind.
Henry seems to have spent a lengthy time in detention following this incident, and perhaps other arrests. These are portrayed to his supporters as “kidnapping” ( For some time after his deportation Henry’s “wife” “Diani” was also living with him and his mother, but “Take Your Meds” reports she was actually a U.S. citizen living illegally in Canada, and was ultimately deported. Henry eventually got out of detention, and for no reason I can suggest, in April changed his name from “:Nanya-Shaabu: El:” to “Nanya-Shaabu: Eil” ( ... Eil-R-C-TM). Perhaps he was bored.

This leads to the final part of this historical review. Henry’s mother, Merle, has apparently had enough, contacted Elder Abuse advocates, and obtained an ex-parte restraining order against her son. An ‘annotated’ copy of the transcript for that proceeding has been uploaded by Henry ( ... ry-Perjury). And here’s Henry's evidence Merle is lying ( ... nice-Henry) ( ... usedrafted). Henry is demanding the restraining order be vacated “with prejudice”, and that his mother “take counseling / anger management”.
There are two more very recent developments. One is that Henry is, in my inexpert opinion, losing it. On July 26, 2013 he posted a message on Facebook ( ... 8841199854) which, in part, reads:
… In the Name of the All, I command Anubu to make this document and these facts known All over the Planet Tiamat / Tiwawat [ MISNOMER: Earth] and for all the guilty parties on Northern Turtle Island, Atlan, Amexem, Muu-Lan, Utla, Hexian, [ MISNOMER: Edmonton, Alberta( seat of the Illuminati), Canada ] - Canada Corporation, Registered on Dun & Bradstreet and on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has Been Since March 17, 2008 on U.S. Export Declaration 7525-V been COMMERCIALLY EXPORTED ALONG WITH THE U.S. & MEXICO Corporations to the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean …

Greetings to ALL,

as you can tell they are blocking me from uploading the court transcripts of what my mother Merle Berrinice Henry said in Edmonton Law Courts ( :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors Courts - )Court on July 4, 2013. I have scanned these documents TWICE and both times I am being told that cannot convert the file - Yet the file is ALREADY a PDF File.

This proves Merle Berrinice Henry has succumbed to the Whisperer Nakhash and is working with them against me, who was protecting here against these same demons she cursed( Sheriff's and the Edmonton Law Courts) on November 17,2011; otherwise WHY are the court transcripts being blocked? WHY is this file have to be loaded via googleupload( file is over 25MB)

There is No Allah Except Anu, A'lyun A'lyun El 19x( Holy Tablets, Chapter 4, Tablet 5 v 245( 2nd Edition) - this is for you Nakhash, I know you are monitoring all my emails and even the scanner at the Edmonton Public library; you cannot block TRUTH Nakhash your time is up Now - There is No Allah Except Anu, A'lyun A'lyun El 19x.

UNIVERSAL CONSENT GRANTED TO ALL WHO RECIEVE THIS EMAIL/ link TO FORWARD, UPLOAD, SCRIBD, GOOGLE, YAHOO, MYSPACE, FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, FILESHARE, LINKEDIN ETC. once people who know merle see the court transcripts they will know she Perjured herself in a courthouse that she Cursed. We ALSO know that Melanie Perka, EPS, RCMP are monitoring Facebook(c) and Youtube(c) so they know my mother perjured herself in accord with ccc 131 - perjury. They are in violation of International Law and they know it.

Amun-Re, Amun-Re, Amun-Re. Aum

Please make note, everyone, the Illuminati headquarters are now in Edmonton, Alberta. Update your Cabal Address Books accordingly.

And Henry will be back in court on August 8, 2013. He has thoughtfully uploaded the documents he will use to crush whatever that litigation may be. ( ... om-355-pdf), Though I do not know what this hearing is about, I have one little bet on which I am fairly confident – there will be some extra security present.

So that’s my reconstruction of the Life and Times of Sean Wesley Henry. Next I move to his ‘legal’ perspective on himself, his People, and the various Corporations who claim to be countries.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

To this point I have not dug into Henry’s claims, as I think it’s more useful to attack that as a separate topic. In brief, Henry claims that he is chief of an aboriginal group, the At-Sik-Hata Nation of Yamassee Moors, that owns all of North America, now renamed “Atlan, Amexem, Turtle Island, Land of Frogs”.

The basis of this claim is a most unusual document (
The Nu Altamaha Yemassee Olmec Nation –XI (She) Clan Dynasty- “Unity Kingdoms of the World” TREATY OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP”, between “THE GOVERNMENT OF NU ALTAMAHA YEMASSEE OLMEC NATION Of: Atlan Teotihuacan, Wahanee North, South And Central America”, MAGNOLIA INTERNATIONAL CENTRAL WORLD BANK & TRUST Of: Atlan Teotihuacan, Aboriginal Land Australia”, and “THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ATSIK HATA NATION of: Canada, Atsik Hata Clan of Atlan, Amexem, Turle Island Land of the Frogs.
[You will have to scroll down a bit to see the start of the treaty - it’s easy to recognize thanks to the attractive Olmec stone head carving graphics in the lower corners of the pages.]

It’s worth a read and many a giggle, but in brief, the authors claim that since Africans were the first to colonize North and South America, they own it. Their evidence? Big stone heads! Olmec heads, to be precise (! Arguably, if you squint real hard and tilt you head the features on these sculptures are undeniably of African character. And that proves that. Bizarrely, this is not an entirely isolated belief.

My favorite kook site for this concept is “Hypnotique Olmec Punch” ( It will exceed your wildest expectations. Go ahead. See if I’m wrong.

Needless to say, ‘cabal’ archeologists attempt to cover up this link ( ... eculations).

Oh, and the TREATY OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP is dated 2005. Which is odd, given the Olmec culture collapsed about … 400 B.C.? Hmm. A small continuity gap there…

Henry’s materials and concepts appear to be Sovereign Citizen in origin, though run through a Moorish filter. One unique thing is a focus on Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation proceeding, and a U.K. decision, R. v. Jah. Again, I think this deserves to be split out as a separate concept because Henry is relying on someone else’s work. Here is how Henry references and relies on R. v. Jah in a recent court filing ( ... eReginavEL):
REGINA v. JAH( case Ref. number: T20107746). On May 14 2011 at Southwark Crown Court( 1English Grounds in Southwark, London, England) Defendant: John Anthony Hill in the United Kingdom proved before an english jury that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor-Mountbatten, was not the rightful monarch and never was:
“queen” Elizabeth is not the rightful monarch, and never was. This was a two-point argument. First, that Elizabeth knew - both then and now - that she was crowned on a fake coronation stone instead of the real Stone of Destiny/Coronation Stone, which meant not only was she never properly crowned, but she was also knowingly and fraudulently conning the public, and that is why she didn't want her coronation televised.

The second and absolutely irrefutable part of the argument, is that Elizabeth had broken her legally binding coronation oath, which is a valid contract she made with the British people allowing her to be their queen. Although more proof exists and was to be used in court, the skeleton legal argument summarizing this jurisdictional challenge can be found online at: REGINA v JAH. ( At the end of March 2011, Muad’Dib
submitted the basics of this challenge to the court, alongside applications
to subpoena ―queen‖ Elizabeth to testify, and also for production of the Sovereign’s Coronation Bible, which Elizabeth had used when swearing her
legally binding oath. Elizabeth also signed a written version of the contract, and a high-quality picture of the original can be seen here: Signed Coronation Contract.(
By doing that ‘Liz breached a contract with all her subjects, and thoughtfully Henry is suing for lots of remedies, including tort damages of 99 trillion Euros, punitive damages of $76 billion Canadian dollars for “genocide, apartheid, rape, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing, kidnapping, conspiracy, extortion, violations of Indigenous Rights, crimes against humanity, violations of human rights” directed at Chief :El’s people, liquidation of the British Commonwealth, and the more modest order that “Alberta Sheriff’s to stop shadowing my wife and myself when we enter the Edmonton Law Courts Building.”

So just what is the relationship between Sean Wesley Henry and Chief :El? Thoughtfully Henry has laid that out in this 2007 letter to a U.S. assistant attorney general ( ... ssage/4348)

For your Knowledge, Information and as a courtesy reminder, If you are going to address mail to me it must be under my Correct Legal Name and NOT the Cestui Que Trust/Artificial Person/Strawman known as “Sean Wesley Henry”( which I have given notice and placed in my motions for your Knowledge). “Sean Wesley Henry” is a Copywritten and Trademarked Name, I do not give you or the Respondents permission nor the authority to use that name in this Public Venue as a basis to communicate with me. The name “Sean Wesley Henry” is my Intellectual Property ( See UCC Filing of August 8, 2003 in Bibb County Georgia , Exhibit A, in My Motion filed on October 11,2007).

I have not used “Sean Wesley Henry” in association with the Titles of Postmaster, Bailor and Secured Party. It would be in your best interest to correctly address me. My Correct Legal Name is indeed[:Nanya-Shaabu:El:®] ©TM, as evidenced by my World Service Authority Passport Claim of the Life, my Form 56 which is on file with the IRS ( I am the Fiduciary for Henry, Sean Wesley who resides, according to DHS/ICE, at 77 Forsyth Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303, and the various affidavits, averments and filings which by now you have seen in my motions and on my website: .

You have received mail from me with my proper name, so it goes with saying, that you must address me correctly as you are aware I signed no documentation under that name while I was kidnapped and Illegally and unlawfully detained by the USDHS/ICE, violating my International and Constitutional Rights in the process (aside from the fact the Respondents cannot produce nor will they ever produce the alleged documents of June 30 2004, because the so-called documents do not exist. The “ alleged ” Canadian Passport, I-94, I-551, nor the “alleged” “ visitor visa” in the I-831N on June 30, 2004 ; nor did I have any Identification under that name in my possession when I was kidnapped by the DHS/ICE). The Respondents are knowledgable that I am an American Indian born in Canada Possessing 50 percentum or more of the Blood of the American Indian Race and recognized by the United Nations as such, with no dispute from the Respondents whatsoever. The Respondents continually fail and acquiesce to rebut the claims presented and delivered in my motions. I accept for Value, Honor and Consideration (UCC §3-419, §3-501) your Georgia Bar No. 057307 in accord with UCC §1-103,§9-607 and UCC §9-609. I also Accept for Value, Honor and Consideration the Respondents Dishonor and fault for Value, Honor and Consideration and return their Dishonor and fault to them for discharge, closure and settlement of the accounts in accord with: Congressional Record Page A 3220 May 11 1955, Articles 55 &56 of the United Nations Charter, constitution for the United States of America, March 2005 Security and Prosperity Partnership, House Joint Resolution-192(Public Law 73-10), Title 31 USC §5118 d(2) and Title 18 U.S.C.§ 1700-1709, Title 39 U.S.C. § 601, Title 50A §7(c), §7(e), §9, §12 and Presidential Proclamation 7500.

My Legal name is [:Nanya-Shaabu:El:® ©TM, so until you or the Respondents have any substantial and veriable proof to rebut their fictitious presumptions and assumptions, I stand Affirmed.

UCC 1-308 All Rights Reserved. I.N.A 289.1-3, Title 8 USC § 1359.
By: [:Nanya-Shaabu:El:®] - United Nations IPO#2718
Postmaster, Bailor, Secured Party and American Indian

Or at least until he changes it again.

So, what do you do when you own all of North America, and are a wildly empowered self-administered community? Well, you act like it! Nations Is as Nations Does. So you issue your own ID ( And you need a flag - a nice one ( ... 7303_o.jpg). You produce fancy documents that … I have no idea what this is supposed to do ( ... -of-Atl-An). And always, always, wear a fez, and optionally, carry a scepter ( ... 2249_n.jpg).

And any so-called government entity better not be monitoring his privileged Facebook page for nefarious purposes ( ... 8841199854)

Warning, any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" art posted on my profile.

You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein - see: I am creditor-in-fact and the penalty for unauthorized use is: $750 000 times quadruple(4x) damages in: gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, oil/sweet light crude, functional currency, all tradeable resources minerals or commodities . The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee, agent, student or any personnel under your direction or control the contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by: The Uniform Commercial Code(UCC), Hague Statute on Private International Law, The law merchant/ lex mercatoria/ UNILOS/ UNCITRAL/ 1666 Dekis Treaty - Bargain of 1835, and the constitution of the :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors. - I am :Chief:Nanya-Shaabu:El(R)(c)TM

You also become excruciatingly obsessed with international recognition of your status. Now, it turns out that in years past Henry and Co. managed to get observer status at a number of U.N. aboriginal events. Of course that proves your claims, like this one demanding the U.S. cease

… persecution, apartheid, genocide, rape and kidnapping for manifesting our Indigenous rights as we are entitled to by law. It is well known that Africans in America who claim their Indigenous Status as Native American / Indian are subjected to persecution, ridicule, discrimination, genocide, abuse and scorn as if that is not possible they could be Native American /Indian …

(See ... eMoors.pdf)

Here’s another application to work with the U.N. ( ... an-descent) where Henry explains his ongoing activities:

Consulting Peoples of African Descent of their International Human rights, Hosting of a Weekly Conference call, allowing questions and answers for Peoples of African Descent wishing to learn more about their Human, Indigenous and International Rights, filing and assisting with Legal briefs / documents for peoples of African Descent, Self-Produced Educational DVD’s on the History of peoples of African Descent and their domestic and International connection to the Law.

And here I thought he was “50 percentum” Indian blood. Huh.

Well, sadly, it looks like the U.N. has caught on and is not letting the At-Sik-Hata join in their more recent events ( ... PFII052013). Very much tension and outrage!

Dissatisfied with the service and respect you receive, as a autonomous people, in the courts? Why not complain about it! These two judges appeared in court without their gowns and red scarves ( ... iceShelley) ( ... iceMarceau)!

I am not sure of the statistics but it is self-evident once Justice Shelley was exposed for sitting in a civil proceeding without her gown and red scarf on as required by law, the trial should have been held over until aproperly attired Justice was present. The attach transcripts and Notes to the profession is prima facie evidence that the September 1 2010 Court Proceeding should never have gone forward and Justice Shelley was bought and paid for to help out Starwood Hotels and the other Defendants from paying a $10 Million dollar lawsuit. Aside from an obvious Judicial inquiry / investigation into Justice Shelley’s actions, which are not supported or endorsed in domestic or International law nor the Supreme Court of Canada, Justice Shelley should be charged under Rackateering and Influenced Corrupt Organizations(R.I.C.O.) or Canadian Equivalent and disbarred for conducting a fraudulent court proceeding on September 1 2010.

An important legal principle – incorrect dress? Disbarred!

You file liens on everybody imaginable – Queen Elizabeth II, RCMP, CSIS, the Pentagon, etc. Henry’s Scribd account has dozens. Whatever do you do with your collection of multimillion dollar liens? Why, put those up for sale ( “I will not refuse any reasonable offers.”

And when Canada and the U.S. ignores you? Just relocate them to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean ( (

Those who want more (and there is so very, very much more), can visit the following websites:

And Henry usually keeps the world informed of his activities via his Facebook page ( ... 8841199854) which is very frequently updated.

In summary, Henry’s litigation approach seems a hybrid of authority derived from his fictitious indigenous claim, and various mechanisms to supposedly cancel state and court authority. When in doubt? Lien.

I see no influence from the Freeman-on-the-Land movement, and have never seen any real cross-reference between the two. Henry does not appear to use foisted unilateral agreements, but instead makes his claims with U.C.C. filings. Henry subscribes to A4V theory.

One interesting question is whether Henry should be classified as a guru. He clearly has followers, though they all are in the U.S. (so far as I can detect). I have not caught him trying to sell his advice or ideas, but he promotes them aggressively on Moorish Internet forums. In general, he seems so busy trying to keep his own head above water that I suspect he has had few opportunities to ‘develop’ and ‘export’ his trade.

It looks like Canada is stuck with this guy for the next while. Lucky us. I suspect Henry will be spending some time in institutional settings in the future. The question is, psychiatric, or correctional?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Burnaby49 »

It looks like Canada is stuck with this guy for the next while. Lucky us. I suspect Henry will be spending some time in institutional settings in the future. The question is, psychiatric, or correctional?

I'd put my money on psychiatric. The guy is losing it. Now that he has been kicked out of his mother's house and his lawsuit against Starwood Hotels stomped I expect the paranoid lunacy to start accelerating.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Burnaby49 »

I watched the lien fire-sale video, if nothing else nice and short. Sound like attractive offers, I'll have to give it thought. However, am I right in my understanding that Henry (his Cestui Que Trust/Artificial Person/Strawman name) said that he has filed the liens in Kentucky against Canadian federal government institutions in Ottawa? Even though he is a Canadian citizen living in Edmonton? If that's true Kentucky mustn't pay the slightest attention to the words on documents filed with the state.

He's lost the flamboyance and self-confidence, the flair, that he demonstrated in the Belanger food-fair video. Maybe he's getting desperate now that he's been evicted from his mother's kitchen.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by wserra »

All you ever wanted to know - even you, Möwe - about Henry's pre-deportation U.S. activities. Henry was kind enough to bring a habeas contesting his detention pending deportation, to which the linked affidavit was part of the govt's response. His birth certificate is particularly amusing - born in Edmonton, to parents both of whom were born in Trinidad and Tobago.

Oh, those Native Americans.

For anyone who wishes to read the entire fictional account, see Henry's affidavit in support of the writ.

As for the North Carolina pretending-to-be-a-diplomat case: here is the complaint. Henry, although pro se at trial, was represented on appeal. Among other things, his lawyer argued - hey, what else can you say? - that what Henry and friends claimed about being diplomats was so stupid that no rational person could have believed it. In the more polite phrasing of the Fourth Circuit, "Nanya El argues that ... the story given to the police was so far-fetched that the police could not have reasonably believed he was from a nation having diplomatic relations with the United States". That last-resort argument never works, and didn't for Henry.

A particularly funny vignette: Henry didn't want stand-by counsel, and refused to fill out a financial affidavit so that the Court could appoint someone. The Court did anyway. So Henry filed one in an apparent effort to rid himself of the unwanted BARista. Financial affidavits are sealed, so I can't link to it. But, in a subsequent order, the Court directed Henry to "identify the allegedly 173 rental units in Macon, Georgia, which he claims to own and which he claims are valued at $2 billion" (emphasis supplied). Henry never did, and the Court didn't pursue it.

BTW, Möwe, Henry's pro se filings in the fake diplomat case certainly read like sovrun stuff - see here and here for examples. He likely got them from fellow Nuwaubians. We've discussed them here - including their POS pedophile-in-chief Malachi York - on several occasions.
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by fortinbras »

With reference to the Fourth Circuit decision in US v Nanya Shaabu El a.k.a Sean Wesley Henry (April 25, 2008), this is readily available in print: 275 Fed.Appx 205, and therefore also available on Lexis & WestLaw.

Nanya/Henry has it wrong when he parses the court's statement that it is not precedential. This does not mean that the court is violating its own rules; it often means that the court is following precedents and statutory authority so closely that it feels that it is not offering anything new or significant in this decision, or that the side that lost was so badly handled that there really wasn't a halfway decent legal argument to refute.

In any case, the 'unpublished' decision was cited as, if not precedent then at least an example, in a subsequent case - US v. Roland Lee Morrison a.k.a. Rashad El-Mumin Muhammad (4th Cir., Aug. 6, 2012) 491 Fed.Appx 367 - who was nailed for fraudulently pretending to have diplomatic immunity because he tried to use his 'Moorish National Road Traveler card' to get out of a police confrontation (it wasn't clear if it was a simple traffic stop or something worse). Among other things, Morrison tried arguing that 'fraud' would have required that he get something of value out of the pretence, and the court cited Nanya as an example that the intangible of immunity from prosecution was plenty valuable enough to be the goal of fraud.
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Kestrel »

When you think about it, a declaration of "not precendental, not for publication" is the ultimate slap-in-the-face for such precedent-setting wanna-bes, to which they're completely oblivious.

They stand on a soapbox to grandstand that such an order means the Great Government Conspiracy is targeting them (again) with secret-squirrel tactics. They never stop to think that the courts are marginalizing them into insignificance with a declaration of "nothing new to see here, folks, move along."
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by notorial dissent »

The ultimate in nonentitydom, can't even make the police blotter.
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by grixit »

That's a lot like the use of the term "state of the art". Advertiser's use it to mean "cutting edge", but its legal meaning is "pretty much the same as everyone else is already doing it". So if the patent office says your invention is "state of the art" that means your application is rejected.
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Burnaby49 »

Thanks for the post wserra, fills in some background to our resident nutcase. Maybe I should be careful what I call him, he claims to own Canada, Britain, the US, Mexico, and who knows what else. If true I'm screwed.

I didn't know that he'd tried to enter the US Department of State in Washington pretending to be a diplomat. The guy is like a chameleon, he is whatever he wants to be. A diplomat with immunity for some purposes? Done! A native American for domestic reasons but a person of African descent when he wants money from the UN? Done again! A postmaster? Sure, why not. The domestic battery charge against a Khalifa Vaneroff, who is not in any other documents to date and who gets no hits at all on Google, is new too.

I have to disagree with you on this statement:

All you ever wanted to know - even you, Möwe - about Henry's pre-deportation U.S. activities.

I don't think there is any limit to what Mowe seems to want to know about Nanya's activities. He apparently watched all those videos.
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote: Even though he is a Canadian citizen living in Edmonton? If that's true Kentucky mustn't pay the slightest attention to the words on documents filed with the state.
Of course it's all nonsense. But the quirky side of me would enjoy seeing Kentucky foreclosing on Canada. It would serve all of you Canadians right for giving us Justin Bieber.
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Burnaby49 wrote:I have to disagree with you on this statement:

All you ever wanted to know - even you, Möwe - about Henry's pre-deportation U.S. activities.

I don't think there is any limit to what Mowe seems to want to know about Nanya's activities. He apparently watched all those videos.
Oh god, no! While I admit to a mid-scale addiction to the illogical and spurious trainwrecks in the Sovereign / Freeman / Moor community, there are limits! Nanya is only tolerable in moderate doses - and after putting that review together the last thing I want to hear is his dulcet tones. Please, give me a new Belanger video to savour...

To be fair, Henry is pretty slick when he's plugging his ideas to a semi-receptive and hideously naive audience. He knows the material, and has a real talent for stringing together bits to make it appear there is something behind his claims.

I think Henry could have a very real chance of translating into a Moorish guru, if he could access the appropriate market pool. However, that seems unlikely. Somehow I don't think the U.S. will be letting him into the country anytime soon, and Canada's urban black population has never endorsed the more radical black nationalist fringe.

If nothing else, Mom has had enough. I can't blame her - after all her son has put a lien on her family home in exchange for his 'valuable' 'legal' services and bringing her groceries.

Interestingly, Henry has attempted to cozy up to Canada's actual aboriginal population. Here he is attempting to chum around with the leadership of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Indian band
( It's just a suspicion, but I would not be surprised if these folk would not take too kindly to being told a guy from Trinidad & Tobago actually owns their reserve land and that the Indians are squatters.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Burnaby49 »

I disagree with your argument that he has the potential to be a guru. I agree that he has a certain glibness and charisma and he has demonstrated an encyclopedic knowledge of moorish and sovereign gibberish. However he doesn't seem to have the focus and self-discipline necessary to put it all together into even a semi-coherent package and promote it in any consistant and long-term way. He's all over the map all the time depending on what personal self-inflicted crisis he's fighting right now. Maybe a jail term would give him the down-time to reflect.

In any case the craziness seems to be gaining the upper hand.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Jeffrey »

Hey I actually just registered to this forum because I came across this forum while trying to get more information on "Nanya". It's a bit of a hobby of mine to study these groups, research their crazyness.

Anyways, I had a question about your statement that he was being groomed as a successor to Dwight York. What's that based on? I really don't think anyone was being considered as successor since York thought he'd never get convicted, and just from the outside it's been pretty difficulty for me to figure out what sort of internal hierarchy existed in York's organization.

I think if you take into account the hereditary aspects of schizophrenia and the things you point out, that seems to be the best explanation for Nanya. There are a few videos on his Youtube page where he says that internet problems he is having is due to people interfering with his internet, classic paranoid delusions. There may be a lot of overlap between mental illness and these groups.
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Jeffrey wrote:Hey I actually just registered to this forum because I came across this forum while trying to get more information on "Nanya". It's a bit of a hobby of mine to study these groups, research their crazyness.
Jeffrey - welcome to Quatloos! As for your path of studies, let me be a dark harbinger - That Way Madness Lies! Of course, since that is my favorite jogging path I can only say, looking forward to your observations on the matter! Gibber gibber gibber...
Jeffrey wrote:Anyways, I had a question about your statement that he was being groomed as a successor to Dwight York. What's that based on? I really don't think anyone was being considered as successor since York thought he'd never get convicted, and just from the outside it's been pretty difficulty for me to figure out what sort of internal hierarchy existed in York's organization.
I took that information from the "Take Your Meds" 'scribd' commentator mentioned above. Going from memory, she described Nanya as being identified as the new or next Messiah. "Take Your Meds" appears to be very reliable, her comments aligned very well with what I have been able to independently identify / assess.

She posted two documents that I read on Scribd. The first one is extensively quoted in this post on the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans web forum (, and the quote text matches exactly what I recall from her first message.

"Take Your Meds" later posted a second document, which appears lost, where she commented that Nanya was in detention (correct), that Nanya's "wife" had been deported to the U.S. (correct), and that Nanya's mother was now 'unattended'. The author urged readers to contact Merle Henry and confirm her health/status. It was in this second post that I recall Henry was identified as a successor to York.

So Jeffrey all I can say is this is hearsay on hearsay. Take the data as, at best, unconfirmed. I will update this thread if I find out more. I do note, however, than Nanya definitely has followers south of the 49th parallel. Make of that what you will.
Jeffrey wrote:I think if you take into account the hereditary aspects of schizophrenia and the things you point out, that seems to be the best explanation for Nanya. There are a few videos on his Youtube page where he says that internet problems he is having is due to people interfering with his internet, classic paranoid delusions. There may be a lot of overlap between mental illness and these groups.
I think you will find a wealth of mental health issues if you study the folks who make up the Sovereign Citizen/Man, Freeman-on-the-Land, Moor, and Detaxer communities. Particularly if you classify "incomprehensibly stupid and gullible" as a mental health issue.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
Kuz'kina Mat'

Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Kuz'kina Mat' »

I have been itching to share this with you. A couple weeks ago, I was tipped off that Mr. E(i)l would be making an appearance in the Provincial Court for a trial on his resisting arrest charges. As Möwe briefly mentioned above, Mr. Eil has been arrested and spent a lengthy period of time in detention. The arrest was originally executed based on three (!) outstanding warrants for failure to appear in court. One day, upon exiting master's chambers where he was doing another run of acting as his mother's "legal agent", Mr. E(i)l was warmly greeted by a couple of sheriffs who promptly informed him that he was under arrest on those warrants. Mr. Eil did not take this kindly. He became very agitated, insisting that he was a representative of a sovereign nation, a diplomat, etc. — the bottom line being that the sheriffs had no authority to arrest him. Of course, that really impressed the sheriffs. They proceeded to handcuff him, at which point he attempted to resist arrest, leading to these charges.

That was the background. How do I know all these details? We have people everywhere. Which reminds me — I should renew my annual ZOG membership soon.

Anyway, back to the courtroom. I come in, and Mr. E(i)l is already there, dressed in a white ceremonial dress and a matching white fez with a stylish golden tassel to boot. Though clearly self-represented at this point, he was sitting quietly and calmly in the public gallery. Nothing foreshadowed a show we were in for.

A few moments pass, and the Crown prosecutor arrives. Before even opening his briefcase, he turns to Mr. E(i)l and makes him an offer: a guilty plea in exchange for time served. He patiently explains that Mr. E(i)l has already spent 5 months in custody, and that it is more than what the Crown was planning to seek. Anyone in Mr. E(i)l position would have probably taken it and just walked out of the courtroom. But not Mr. E(i)l. Instead, he launches into a lengthy tirade accusing the Crown, among other things, of: (i) attempting to deny him access to critical materials (which he was invited to pick up at the Crown's office) and (ii) engaging in "mail fraud." As the Crown would later explain to the judge, all of its letters were consistently being returned despite being sent to Mr. E(i)l's current address. Suspicious that Mr. E(i)l simply returned any envelopes bearing Alberta Justice's logo, the Crown put their envelope inside a larger, unmarked grey envelope without a return address. Apparently, they later received their own envelope, but not the larger grey envelope, confirming their suspicions. But according to Mr. E(i)l, sending mail in an envelope without a return address is equivalent to "mail fraud".

With this "mail fraud" tirade, Mr. E(i)l reaches the end of the Crown's patience. After a rather heated exchange, the prosecutor decides to proceed and asks the court clerk to call the judge. The next 15 minutes are probably the most surreal in the whole hearing. At 2-3 minutes into our wait, strange sounds begin emanating from Mr. E(i)l direction. He is now sitting with his eyes closed, palms on his knees facing the ceiling, as if he is drawing the cosmic energy of Ra or some other deity into his body. His lips are moving slightly, with strange whispers emanating from his mouth, his eyes closed at all times. Gradually, he increases the volume, and a short while later everyone can hear that he is repeating a strange mantra-like prayer in an unknown foreign language (presumably, it's the long-lost language of the At-sik-hata Nation). Here is the best part, though: every time he finishes another instance of the prayer-mantra, he makes this weird, throaty, almost hypnotic sound that goes something like: "Uuuuuuuuuuuhhh" and lasts for about 5 seconds each time. After going through this exercise about 10 more times, he simply takes a deep breath, opens up his eyes and resumes his normal conduct, as if he just snapped back into his body.

A few minutes later, the judge arrives, and the Crown proceeds to explain the case. After hearing from the Crown, the judge indicates to Mr. E(i)l that it is his turn to speak. This is where the show truly begins. In what appears to be a very well-rehearsed routine, Mr. E(i)l jumps from his seat, stands in the middle of the aisle in the public gallery and unfurls a massive 3' x 5' flag of the At-sik-hata nation that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. With his arms stretched, the flag facing the judge, he proceeds to declare himself to be the cestui que trustee of the At-sik-hata Nation, the judge and the Crown to be the "fiduciaries", and the court clerk — an executor (you should have seen the look on the clerk's face). He then spreads the flag on the counsel table and sits down next to it, declaring that he is appearing in court as the representative of this flag and the nation.

The judge seems unimpressed by his antics. Apparently having been briefed on the Chief's background, she handles the matter in what I can best describe as a surgical fashion. Precise, to the point, and soft and firm at the same time. As an aside, in Canada, provincial courts occupy the lower rung of the judicial hierarchy and frequently have to deal with a lot of odd characters, most of whom are self-represented. Thus, they can be said to have extensive experience in dealing with difficult litigants and to have developed a certain level of tolerance to unfamiliarity with the court's procedures and decorum. This particular judge gave a great example of how to deal with an OPCA litigant like Mr. El. She did not take issue with him wearing a fez inside a courtroom (generally, one must remove his headgear), she consistently addressed him as "Chief Nanya-Shaabu El", and her strategy throughout was to distill every argument he made back to him to make sure (i) that she fully understands it and (ii) that he cannot later assert that his arguments were ignored. And whenever she felt Mr. E(i)l was going on a tangent, she would promptly interrupt and return him back on track, directing him to answer her questions.

Despite this, Mr. E(i)l still attempted to conduct the proceeding in his usual colourful manner. There are too many examples, but a few still remain fresh in my mind. Any time he wanted to say something that he considered important, he preceded the substantive phrase by words "and let it be known for the record, on the record, and by the record that...". He also tried to engage into an argument with the Crown in front of the judge, referring to the prosecutor by his first name, which prompted the judge to remind him to use last names and speak to the court only. He also took another opportunity to explain his "trustee" status, staring directly at the court clerk and directing her to transcribe the words "cestui que trust", spelling it to her letter-by-letter. Finally, every now and then, when the judge would say something to him, he would reply by saying "I accept that for value and consideration ... in accordance with the UCC." I think the third or fourth time he used the phrase, the judge had to look down to avoid laughing.

Flowery language aside, during the hearing, Mr. E(i)l made the following thoughtful arguments:

- that the Crown has engaged in mail fraud by delivering an envelope without a return address
- that Queen Elizabeth II is not the rightful monarch for she used a fake coronation stone during her coronation
- that Queen Elizabeth II has breached her agreement with the people (i.e. the Coronation Oath) and thereby nullified her authority to govern
- something about the Holy See and the Pope being personally implicated in all of this
- that he can't conduct a full answer and defence, since some of the documents he needs to cross-examine witnesses and prove that the Queen has no authority are located at his mother's house, and he cannot go there unless he can vacate an Emergency Protection Order (mentioned in the YouTube videos linked by Möwe).

Unfortunately, it was that last argument that ultimately ended the show early. The judge, with her careful and methodical approach, was able to fish this argument out of the rest of Mr. E(i)l's contentions, distill it, and address it on its merits. Naturally, the Crown did not have much ground to object to it, as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms grants every accused a right to make a full answer and defence, which requires full disclosure, access to relevant documents, etc. That, of course, includes any evidence that the accused needs to effectively cross-examine the Crown's witnesses, which is what Mr. E(i)l referred to. In the end, the trial was adjourned until the time Mr. E(i)l will have had an opportunity to contest the Emergency Protection Order in the Court of Queen's Bench.

So, as they say, this chapter is over, but the story never ends. If I get lucky enough to get tipped off when and where the next chapter of this saga takes place, you can expect another update from the battlefield.
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by grixit »

Seems simple enough. One cop takes his mother out somewhere for a coulple of hours. Another cop accompanies him into the house and supervises his retrieval of documents while ensuring that he doesn't touch anything else.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Kuz'kina Mat' - thanks for the narrative of an ... interesting session in court!

Oh, I should start this properly:

Begin All Things By First Using The All!
Kuz'kina Mat' wrote:At 2-3 minutes into our wait, strange sounds begin emanating from Mr. E(i)l direction. He is now sitting with his eyes closed, palms on his knees facing the ceiling, as if he is drawing the cosmic energy of Ra or some other deity into his body. His lips are moving slightly, with strange whispers emanating from his mouth, his eyes closed at all times. Gradually, he increases the volume, and a short while later everyone can hear that he is repeating a strange mantra-like prayer in an unknown foreign language (presumably, it's the long-lost language of the At-sik-hata Nation). Here is the best part, though: every time he finishes another instance of the prayer-mantra, he makes this weird, throaty, almost hypnotic sound that goes something like: "Uuuuuuuuuuuhhh" and lasts for about 5 seconds each time. After going through this exercise about 10 more times, he simply takes a deep breath, opens up his eyes and resumes his normal conduct, as if he just snapped back into his body.
I think that explains this rather cryptic statement in the coversheet to a fax sent the following day to "Howard Tibbs III" that Nanya has since posted on his Scribd site ( ... Notice-pdf):

Greetings Brother, Here is a Fax of this Fraud Trial. I did not Consent to and I do Not Consent to. I went yesterday and they moved the case to Court Room 448. The case was not set For that Room So they are playing Games @ [Edmonton law Courts] Now: :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamaessee-Moors Courts.

While Waiting, I did the Violet Flame in the Court Room before Susan Came Out. I had to wait an Hour before she [footnote Court States at 9:AM] Came Out. Moor Prima Facie Evidence of Genocide, Apartheid Crimes Against Humanity, etc Committed by, Corporations; HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA (Registered in Washington, DC); PROVINCE OF ALBERTA (ALSO Registered in DC); EDMONTON LAW COURTS (On DUNN & Bradstreet) etc. As Always Post on, Send me the Link so I can Post on FACEBOOK. THE PLANET IS WATCHING EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA which is ON TREATY 6 / Indigenous Land.

UCC 1-103; UCC 1-308 All Rights Reserved
:*: Chief Nanya-Shaabu: Eil: ®©TM
Treaty 6, UNDRIP, UCC 1-308
So I guess what you observed was "The Violet Flame".

Nanya then attaches a copy of the May 5, 2014 court date schedule notice which he has scribbled all over with that he doesn’t consent, the judge hasn’t given her oath or “Her Bonding Agreement” or “Her Writ of Commission”, along with other instructions to forward this stuff to the International Criminal Court, the Vatican, and IRS.

And a lot of his older dreck.

Still - a one hour delay is prima facie evidence of genocide, apartheid, and crimes against humanity? I'm very thankful the hearing was not cancelled! Ma'at only knows what dire offence that would represent!
Kuz'kina Mat' wrote:...He also took another opportunity to explain his "trustee" status, staring directly at the court clerk and directing her to transcribe the words "cestui que trust", spelling it to her letter-by-letter. ...
Spelling is everything, you know. Along with capital letters, colons, and dashes. Speaking of which, did Sean identify himself as Full Colon Nanya Dash Shaabu Full Colon Eil Full Colon, per the teachings of David Dash Wynn Full Colon Miller?
Kuz'kina Mat' wrote:Flowery language aside, during the hearing, Mr. E(i)l made the following thoughtful arguments:


- that Queen Elizabeth II is not the rightful monarch for she used a fake coronation stone during her coronation
- that Queen Elizabeth II has breached her agreement with the people (i.e. the Coronation Oath) and thereby nullified her authority to govern
So sometime next year we actually are going to get a judgment that comments on R. v. JAH (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9476) in the Canadian context? Ah, I can hardly wait...
Kuz'kina Mat' wrote:- something about the Holy See and the Pope being personally implicated in all of this
I think that has to do with this "Apostolic Letter" ( ... ri_en.html). Nanya attached it to that last package of documents.

Frankly, I'm a little vague as what the intention of that document is, but it seems to have excited the entire conspiratorial world much like whacking a wasp nest with a crowbar.

['Cause Freemans use crowbars.]
Kuz'kina Mat' wrote:So, as they say, this chapter is over, but the story never ends. If I get lucky enough to get tipped off when and where the next chapter of this saga takes place, you can expect another update from the battlefield.
I'll post intel if I gather any. One nice thing about :Chief :Eil, he leaves the kind of documentary trail that any historian would envy.

Hail, Hail the Whisperer Nakhash!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Chief El has thoughtfully uploaded a PDF version of the court transcript for his August 8, 2013 hearing: ... inavEl-pdf

I could try to go through it, pick out bits, but frankly that would simply tamper with the overall effect.

And while I do not disagree with Kuz'kina Mat's assessment that this was a very patient judge, an alternative explanation is that Judge Richardson is already preparing herself for the all too probable complaint to the Canadian Judicial Counsel.

At least she was properly dressed. I hope.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Sean Wesley Henry a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: E[i]L:

Post by Jeffrey »

I wonder whose responsibility it is to deal with these sorts of situations. If I recall, Nanya was locked up in a psychiatric institution for a while, I wonder if that is the right place to deal with these sorts of cases. I mean for example, if someone who understood Sovereign jargon and his worldview sat with him patiently and explained to him that he's incorrect and why, that he isn't "indigenous" and even if he was indigenous it wouldn't give him any of the rights he claims, etc. Would that be enough to set the guy right?

While his origins are a little fuzzy, that's really the tragedy of the Dwight York cult, he's unleashed a bunch of people with no marketable skills, completely incapable of functioning in the real world, with dangerous and nonsensical beliefs. I have to feel bad for the guy even though his treatment of his mother was abhorrent, but this is a guy that at most barely qualifies for a fast food job, so I imagine there's some comfort in his delusions of being chief of an independent nation or thinking that he can sell liens on different government agencies for billions of dollars. It's definitely frustrating to see these other sovereign groups reinforcing his delusions by giving him interviews and letting him do lectures.

Is this guy destined to a lifetime of constant run ins with law enforcement, will it slowly escalate to the point of violence?