"Your Birth Certificate is worth $650,000"

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Re: "Your Birth Certificate is worth $650,000"

Post by fortinbras »

Since birth certificates in the US are issued by the individual state govts, not the federal govt, I am surprised (and maybe a little doubting) that they all have ten digit serial numbers. Ten digits suggest numbers above 1 Billion and I don't think any state would register that many for (maybe) another century. Is it possible that some states don't have ten digit numbers?
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Re: "Your Birth Certificate is worth $650,000"

Post by Jeffrey »

It was a cursory search.

http://www.floridahealth.gov/certificat ... index.html

Florida has a thirteen digit serial number (9 digits if you exclude the year).

http://www.columbia-center.org/bllingg/ ... vlswm..jpg

Copy of a 1910 birth certificate from Texas that appears to have no serial number.

http://freepages.family.rootsweb.ancest ... _birth.jpg

1937 birth certificate from GA with no serial number.

http://www.ussaram.com/data/file/us_law ... educed.jpg

What looks like a 2006 certificate with 9 digit serial number from San Francisco.

http://democratic-republicans.us/images ... ficate.jpg

1980 birth Certificate from Virginia, 7 digit serial number?

So I guess it depends on the state you're in and what year you were born.
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Re: "Your Birth Certificate is worth $650,000"

Post by DailyPlanet »

And it is not surprising (with some many different codes) that a few of them look like CUSIP numbers.

But there remains Absolutely Zero Logic behind the concept that BC's could be successfully traded there. Only someone with zero knowledge of how trading works - and no function brain cells (saying: "hmm. How might this work?") would make such an absurd claim.

Yet I see it repeated and repeated on the web; including on some websites that do provide some useful info from time-to-time, as the J.Haines Blog does occasionally.
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Re: "Your Birth Certificate is worth $650,000"

Post by wserra »

DailyPlanet wrote:"BC's as wealth" is one notion that does not stand up.
Ya think?
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Re: "Your Birth Certificate is worth $650,000"

Post by Lambkin »

fortinbras wrote:Since birth certificates in the US are issued by the individual state govts, not the federal govt, I am surprised (and maybe a little doubting) that they all have ten digit serial numbers.
I don't imagine there is any consistency to what the states do, or did, but FYI the Feds also issue birth certificates to US citizens born abroad. (Those ones are worth an extra million in imaginary money.)
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Re: "Your Birth Certificate is worth $650,000"

Post by DailyPlanet »

They can have my US BC for far less than $1 million (and the US ppt. too)
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Re: "Your Birth Certificate is worth $650,000"

Post by bobhurt »

Fake Traficant comments just another scam

AFN has published a fake congressional record excerpt alleging James Traficant made comments about the gold standard, US bankruptcy, and other nonsense during a budget discussion.

That AFN document immediately linked below largely constitutes a lie. Only the first paragraph came from the Congressional Record content of Traficant's comments. The rest constitutes a fabrication of some unknown blowhard.


See the actual video of Traficant's comments before Congress on 17 March 1993 here:

Actual Video of Rep. Traficant Telling Congress They Are Trustees of US Government Bankruptcy

I have attached a written transcript from the Library of Congress. Attorney Larry Becraft posted the transcript which he copied from the library's microfiche record of the session, on his web site at http://hiwaay.net/~becraft. Larry also debunks other patriot myths there.

You may visit this site to search for and download those very Traficant budget comments during the 103rd Congress on 17 March 1993

http://thomas.loc.gov/home/LegislativeD ... ?&n=Record

TO AFT: Please remove the afn page linked above and replace it with the real comments from Traficant. You might also publish a retraction for the lie on the existing page and an apology for misleading fellow Americans into believing hogwash. THE US NEVER WENT BANKRUPT.

Furthermore, take note that the birth certificate is NOT a bond, and using birth certificate-based bonds or bonded promissory notes for discharging debt constitutes a felony. If you don't believe this, ask Shane Buczek. See his ridiculous court filings here:


If you have access to PACER.GOV, you can read the case documents for these case numbers in the USDC New York, Western District


See the FBI article about his conviction here:

https://www.fbi.gov/buffalo/press-relea ... 030810.htm

Note the bold-face items in the text.
Shane C. Buczek of Derby Convicted of Bank Fraud and of Committing a Felony While Free on Bond
U.S. Attorney’s OfficeMarch 08, 2010

Western District of New York(716) 843-5700

United States Attorney Kathleen M. Mehltretter announced that on Friday, March 5, following a four-day trial and about 90 minutes of deliberations, a federal court jury found Shane C. Buczek, 40, of Derby, guilty of bank fraud and that earlier today, after deliberating for only an additional 30 minutes, that same jury found Buczek guilty of committing the bank fraud violation while he was free on bail in an unrelated case in which he is accused of passport fraud.

The maximum penalty under the bank fraud statute is 30 years' imprisonment and the maximum penalty for committing the offense while on release is 10 years' imprisonment. Buczek will be sentenced after the court considers the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.

According to Assistant United States Attorney Mary C. Baumgarten, the lead prosecutor in the case, the proof at trial demonstrated that Buczek used a fictitious account at Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation of New York City to "pay off" balances he incurred on an HSBC credit card in buying electronic equipment and expensive home appliances from Best Buy in Hamburg. Use of the non-existent account made it look like Buczek had a zero balance just long enough for Buczek to make additional purchases before his payment "bounced." In all, Buczek, who had only a $3,300 line of credit, made about $8,900 in purchases in this manner, never intending to pay for them. Ms. Baumgarten stated further that once HSBC discovered Buczek’s scheme, Buczek sent HSBC a fictitious "bonded promissory note" reflecting that Buczek had $100 million in yet another fictitious account supposedly maintained for him by the U.S. Treasury. The merchandise Buczek obtained from Best Buy was seized from his home by federal agents during a search conducted pursuant to a warrant issued by Magistrate Judge Jeremiah J. McCarthy.

Buczek, who was assisted by Assistant Public Defender Brian Comerford, called three witnesses, all of whom testified that they were familiar with the defendant’s beliefs that because the United States had gone off the gold standard in 1933, money currently in circulation (Federal Reserve notes) is worthless.

A sentencing date has not been set. Buczek still faces an April 6 trial on allegations that he committed fraud in attempting to obtain a replacement passport and a June 28 trial on allegations that he committed criminal contempt by disobeying an order issued by Magistrate Judge H. Kenneth Schroeder, Jr. The fact that a defendant has been charged with a crime is merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

The case against Buczek was investigated by Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the direction of Special Agent in Charge James Robertson.
This content has been reproduced from its original source.

Shane Buczek appealed the conviction. See the Appellate opinion here:

http://www.leagle.com/decision/In%20FCO ... .%20BUCZEK

"Shane Buczek appeals from a judgment entered in the United States District Court for the Western District of New York convicting him of one count of bank fraud and one count of committing an offense while on pretrial release. We assume the parties' familiarity with the underlying facts, the procedural history, and the issues presented for review..."
In the comment section to the appellate opinion posting at leagle.com, Shane Buczek (apparently, using names of Ron Gold, Alex Jones, and Ron Paul) provides some pretext for his certiorare petition to the SCOTUS, claiming that because of an irregularity in the presentation of his case to the grand jury, the grand jury should never have indicted him. In other words, he believes the DOJ attorney faked the indictment. Apparently he does not understand that after a petite jury found him guilty, the indictment has no relevance.

Sadly, Shane Buczek swallowed, hook, line, and sinker, the nonsense of the redemption theorists, patriot myth mongers, and birth-certificate-account scammers telling people how there is no money, the US bankruptcy in 1933 (which never happened) made people into chattel for the creditor, and lack of money means our debts are prepaid if we only make a proper claim via 1099 OID tax return or some other bogus paperwork. He bought into the idiotic scheme, acted on it accordingly, the FBI caught him, the DOJ prosecuted him, the jury convicted him, and the judge sentenced him. It didn't help his case that he became quite vocal in his beliefs in the truth of the patriot myths and associated, crooked, "get-stuff-free" schemes.

Nobody can blame Shane for fighting to remain free or get his conviction reversed. But he did the crime, a jury convicted him just as it should have, AND he did the time just as he should have.

That should serve as a lesson to everyone claiming to use a birth certificate account, bond, bonded promissory note, A4V money order written on an invoice, or other flim-flam false financial instrument to cheat government or merchants or fellow Americans out of money.

Bob Hurt
Phone number redacted, we're not your billboard, Bob, no commercials allowed