Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Quatloosian Master of Deception
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Quixote »

NO answers, all threats.
Most of the posters here are pretty quick to learn when it's pointless to try to answer questions, especially questions the poser doesn't understand.

But, in answer to some of your questions--

Section 63
That is funny. Obviously you didn't actually read that section. It is not clear and unequivocal as it defines income using the word income.
Famspear went to the trouble to answer your questions. You couldn't be bothered to check out the answers he provided or, apparently, to even understand your own question. IRC §63 does not define "income using the word income". It doesn't define "income" at all. It defines "taxable income", which was what the question you posted asked about.

Here's a tip. Don't copy and paste questions. Formulate your own questions. Once you have studied a subject long enough to ask an intelligent question, you might find find that you have answered it as well.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Chemnor »

Quixote wrote: Famspear went to the trouble to answer your questions. You couldn't be bothered to check out the answers he provided or, apparently, to even understand your own question. IRC §63 does not define "income using the word income". It doesn't define "income" at all. It defines "taxable income", which was what the question you posted asked about.

Here's a tip. Don't copy and paste questions. Formulate your own questions. Once you have studied a subject long enough to ask an intelligent question, you might find find that you have answered it as well.
Famspear gave the same old garbage non-answers that all IRS loving Marxists give which are no answers at all.

63 defines taxable income using the word income. That is like defining a taxable dollar without defining what a dollar is or a taxable domewent without defining what a domewent is.

I don't need to cut and paste questions. I have not filed in over 31 years and never had a problem with the IRS that was not solved with a phone call and a couple of letters demanding they show me their delegation of authority orders. Senator Harry Reid wrote to me and told me to NEVER give ANYONE personal information without DEMANDING they prove they have the authority to even ask the questions. So I just followed his sound advice and the IRS went away. If you know anything about the IRS you know that their delegation of authority orders are WEAK! They are liars and ask questions they have no authority to ask while scaring people into violating their right to remain silent. They are all crooks and liars. Everyone of them.

My questions are so well formulated that the IRS, the Treasury, the US Mint, US Senators and many other elected officials cannot answer them or they give me answers that confirm I am right and that I am not a taxpayer or a person liable or that the IRS is nothing but a scam. Heck the IRS former District Director, there are none any more which of course means that one on is liable because there are no federal districts) informed me that I was not required to file and did it in writing. The questions I asked were very well formulated.

From Senator Ensign: "Thank you for contacting Senator John Ensign's office with your request for the legal definition of a dollar. After contacting the Congressional Research Service with your request, they have directed me to a report that explains the definition of a dollar from the 1856 edition of the Bouvier's Law Dictionary, to the 1986 edition of Black's Law, Second Pocket Edition, and explained that the definition of a dollar is actually quite fluid. I have enclosed that report, and I hope it will be of help to you."

It was very helpful. It told me FRNs are not dollars and that the word dollars is not currently defined.

Dean Heller the Representative from Nevada even had to apologize for giving me the wrong answer concerning what statute defined what a dollar is and then could only CONFIRM that I was correct about 31 U.S.C. 5112(e) having the "most accurate definition."

From good ole Dean,

"Thank you for responding to my recent letter regarding the value of the U .S . dollar. I
appreciate your continued interest in this issue.

"To begin with, I apologize for the confusion my previous letter caused. To clarify, 31 U.S .C. 5116(b)(2) does in fact address the sale of silver and not the dollar. As you pointed out, 31 U.S.C. 5112(e) contains the most accurate definition of a dollar coin, which by statute must contain .999 ounce fine silver."

No one here on Quatloos can give me the definition, as defined by Congress, of what a dollar is and they are REQUIRED by the Constitution to do so.

As Justice Kennedy wrote in Clinton v. City of New York 524 U.S. 417

"It is no answer, of course, to say that Congress surrendered its authority by its own hand; nor does it suffice to point out that a new statute, signed by the President or enacted over his veto, could restore to Congress the power it now seeks to relinquish. That a congressional cession of power is voluntary does not make it innocuous. The Constitution is a compact enduring for more than our time, and one Congress cannot yield up its own powers, much less those of other Congresses to follow. See Freytag v. Commissioner, 501 U.S. 868, 880, 111 S.Ct. 2631, 2639-2640, 115 L.Ed.2d 764 (1991); cf. Chadha, supra, at 942, n. 13, 103 S.Ct., at 2779, n. 13. Abdication of responsibility is not part of the constitutional design."

Well here are two constitutional responsibilities that have been abdicated:

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;


Section. 10. No State shall ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;

Congress has failed to To coin Money and regulate the Value thereof.

If they have then where is the law that "regulates the Value" of the "dollar"?

Is that a cut and paste question? Yes it is. It is cut and paste from dozens of letters I have sent to Congress critters and other people that should know and NONE can answer it.

Without the legal definition of the artificially created monetary measurement unit known as the United States "dollar" all taxing statutes are void for vagueness. And Justice Kennedy was VERY clear that the Supreme Court CANNOT define what a dollar is because:

"Separation of powers was designed to implement a fundamental insight: Concentration of power in the hands of a single branch is a threat to liberty. The Federalist states the axiom in these explicit terms: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands ... may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” The Federalist No. 47, p. 301 (C. Rossiter ed. 1961). So convinced were the Framers that liberty of the person inheres in structure that at first they did not consider a Bill of Rights necessary. The Federalist No. 84, pp. 513, 515; G. Wood, The Creation of the American Republic 1776-1787, pp. 536-543 (1969). It was at Madison's insistence that the First Congress enacted the Bill of Rights. R. Goldwin, From Parchment to Power 75-153 (1997). It would be a grave mistake, however, to think a Bill of Rights in Madison's scheme then or in sound constitutional theory now renders separation of powers of lesser importance. See Amar, The Bill of Rights as a Constitution, 100 Yale L.J. 1131, 1132 (1991)...
"Quoting Montesquieu, the Federalist Papers made the point in the following manner: “‘When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person or body,’ says he, ‘there can be no liberty, because apprehensions may arise lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws to execute them in a tyrannical manner.’ Again: ‘Were the power of judging joined with the legislative, the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control, for the judge would then be the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power, the judge might behave with all the violence of an oppressor.’ ” The Federalist No. 47, supra, at 303.
"It follows that if a citizen who is taxed has the measure of the tax or the decision to spend determined by the Executive alone, without adequate control by the citizen's Representatives in Congress, liberty is threatened. Money is the instrument of policy and policy affects the lives of citizens. The individual loses liberty in a real sense if that instrument is not subject to traditional constitutional constraints."

Congress has ABDICATED its duty to define what a dollar is and the Court have NO jurisdiction or delegated authority from the Constitution to define the monetary measurement or "the judge would then be the legislator" and a tyrant.

Confucius circa 500 B. C. is reported to have said: “When words lose their meaning, people will lose their liberty."

So define the words clearly and unequivocally or the statute is void for vagueness.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama promised Americans his administration would reform the "monstrous" U.S. tax system as millions faced the dreaded annual deadline on Wednesday for filing income tax returns.

But it will not happen because the IRS MUST have fear as its weapon because there is no law that requires non-Congressionally Crated Rights accepting Americas to file or pay.

Can you say vague? Nina Olson of the TAXPAYER ADVOCATE SERVICE can.

Small businesses are burdened with a particularly bewildering array of laws. They face a patchwork set of rules that govern the depreciation of equipment, onerous filing requirements for employment taxes, and a vague set of factors that govern the classification of workers as either employees or independent contractors that keep businesses and the IRS battling each other for years with no obvious "correct" answer.

Nina Olsen also told Congress:

- Since the beginning of 2001, there have been more than 3,250 changes to the tax code -- an average of more than one a day -- including more than 500 changes last year alone.

- The tax code has grown so long that it's challenging even to figure out its length. A search of the code conducted in the course of preparing my last report turned up 3.7 million words. A 2005 study by the Tax Foundation, a tax research organization, found that the number of words in the code has more than tripled since 1975.

Madison warned against such so-called laws and questioned whether or not they were law at all.
“It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow. Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed? PUBLIUS. (Madison)

Then on top of that the dollar is still undefined.

How can anyone in their right mind sign a 1040 under penalties of perjury knowing full well they doing nothing more than guessing? Guessing while under penalties of perjury IS perjury.

Every American that files a 1040 commits perjury because they CANNOT know it is correct.
Joey Smith
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Joey Smith »

I have not filed in over 31 years and never had a problem with the IRS that was not solved with a phone call and a couple of letters demanding they show me their delegation of authority orders.
Translation: I have so little income and assets that the IRS doesn't give the proverbial rat's ass whether I file or not.

Well, that's one way to "beat the system". :roll:
- - - - - - - - - - -
"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to
- - - - - - - - - - -

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Brandybuck »

Tax Doofus: "What is two plus two?"

Quatloosian: "Four"

Tax Doofus: "Don't give me the same old garbage non-answers that all IRS loving Marxists give which are no answers at all!"
Warder of the Quatloosian Gibbet
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Lambkin »

The funny thing is you don't actually need a content filter to test whether TP malarky such as chemmy's last posting is true or not. You can tell by counting how many lines he takes to construct a complex answer to a simple question that is the opposite of the simple, intuitive answer to that question. If you have to write a dissertation to explain how "includes" excludes, or how income isn't "income" then it doesn't even need to be parsed.

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

CaptainKickback wrote:Chemnor, there is no fixed value for the dolar. A single dollar is worth whatever goods and services you can get for it. It is a unit of exchange and can be used to pay debts public and private.
Then answer me this Einstein, how can the irs properly and legally **and most importantly** ACCURATELY assess people when the dollar, as you claim, has no fixed value? Without a "fixed" value, the irs cannot have a legally correct claim/assessment of the "value" they claim you owe. Your POV is failing Einstein.

Any "unit of exchange" needs to have a uniform equality of value, within the 50 States, which is one reason Congress was granted the sole responsibility of establishing and adjusting the value of our currency per the federal Constitution.

If any goods sets the value of or currency it would be oil, as we are in an oil based economy, for more reasons than one.
The idea that the dollar needs to be "defined" or have a fixed "value" is ludicrous and non-sensical and holds the same meaning and connotations of a small child asking an adult, "Can I mambo banana face in the dog-patch?"
Is that the best load of horsey flies you can come back with?
Even when the USA was on the gold standard and issued gold coins, the "value" of a dollar (or $20 Gold Eagle) varies from place to place, depending on what you wanted to buy or wanted to get for your money.
True. I suppose the same can be said for merchants who have giant close out sales selling practically everything at pennies on the FRN.

The merchant doesn't determine the value of the FRN. It's the American people as they exchange it among themselves.

"We the people" are the final authority.

Quatloosians tend to forget that. Hmmmmm...... :roll:

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Joey Smith wrote:
I have not filed in over 31 years and never had a problem with the IRS that was not solved with a phone call and a couple of letters demanding they show me their delegation of authority orders.
Translation: I have so little income and assets that the IRS doesn't give the proverbial rat's ass whether I file or not.

Well, that's one way to "beat the system". :roll:
Has chemnor provided you with his income to verifiy your allegation?

If your answer is "no", then your allegation is nothing but biased/prejudiced speculation. It has as much foundation and soundness as a typical TP.
Fed Chairman of the Quatloosian Reserve
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by jg »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:Then answer me this Einstein, how can the irs properly and legally **and most importantly** ACCURATELY assess people when the dollar, as you claim, has no fixed value? Without a "fixed" value, the irs cannot have a legally correct claim/assessment of the "value" they claim you owe.

The IRS does not assess what you owe based on a value (set or otherwise); but rather assesses and collects dollars. In fact, you can not submit anything other than dollars to pay your taxes and the IRS even converts any seized assets into dollars before applying those dollars to the tax due.
So there is no need to value the dollar; since it is simply paid in dollars (regardless of the value of the dollar at the time of assessment or at the time of payment).

For example, if you had an assessment of 10,000 dollars you can not give the IRS some other item worth or valued at 10,000 dollars. If you pay the tax with $10,000 at a later date it does not matter if the value of the dollar has risen or fallen you still only owe $10,000 of tax (ignoring, for this discussion, any interest or penalty that also may be due). Even if the value of a dollar when the tax is paid is one half what is was when the tax was assessed, you still only owe the amount of dollars that were assessed (e.g. $10,000).

So, there is no need to define, or even to compute, the value of a dollar for income tax assessment and collection purposes. It is completely irrelevant to assessment and payment of taxes.
“Where there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income.” — Plato

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Brandybuck wrote:Tax Doofus: "What is two plus two?"

Quatloosian: "Four"

Tax Doofus: "Don't give me the same old garbage non-answers that all IRS loving Marxists give which are no answers at all!"
When one cannot intelligently, nor accurately rebut what Chemnor has to say, one takes the path of least resistance...and criticizes.

Rather than criticizing, put your glass of brandy aside and tell us how and why he's wrong. Feel free to use Congress and judicial case law, preferably from the US Supreme Court.

Go for it, if you can. Then you can toast in victory with your beloved brandy.

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Lambkin wrote:The funny thing is you don't actually need a content filter to test whether TP malarky such as chemmy's last posting is true or not. You can tell by counting how many lines he takes to construct a complex answer to a simple question that is the opposite of the simple, intuitive answer to that question. If you have to write a dissertation to explain how "includes" excludes, or how income isn't "income" then it doesn't even need to be parsed.
Alright then hot rod, tell us where he's wrong. There's way to much whining in this thread without a back up of solid foundation of facts to back the whining.

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

jg wrote:
GoldandSilverEagles wrote:Then answer me this Einstein, how can the irs properly and legally **and most importantly** ACCURATELY assess people when the dollar, as you claim, has no fixed value? Without a "fixed" value, the irs cannot have a legally correct claim/assessment of the "value" they claim you owe.

The IRS does not assess what you owe based on a value (set or otherwise); but rather assesses and collects dollars. In fact, you can not submit anything other than dollars to pay your taxes and the IRS even converts any seized assets into dollars before applying those dollars to the tax due. So there is no need to value the dollar; but simply pay in dollars (regardless of the value of the dollar at the time of assessment or the at time of payment).

If the irs assesses a value in "Chickens", I KNOW what chickens are. Chickens are defined. So, if the irs makes an assessment in "dollars" and they have not defined what "dollars" are, with the example that FRN's ARE NOT dollars, then how does one meet the legal requirements of the irs if one doesn't know what a "dollar" is legally?
For example, if you had an assessment of 10,000 dollars you can not gibve the IRS some other item worth 10,000 dollars. If you pay the tax with 10,000 at a later date it does not matter if the value of the dollar has risen or fallen you still only owe 10,000 dollars of tax (ignoring for the moment any interest or penalty that also my be due). Even if the value of a dollar when the tax is paid iss one half what is was when the tax was assessed, you still only owe the amount of dollars that were assessed.
so the rise and fall of the "dollar" enables the irs to rob one through the vehicle of inflation?
So, there is no need to define, or even to compute, the value of a dollar for tax purposes. It is completely irrelevant to assessment and payment of taxes.
Such is the comfort zone of a well content slave.
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by ASITStands »

'GoldandSilverEagles wrote:
jg wrote:
GoldandSilverEagles wrote:Then answer me this Einstein, how can the irs properly and legally **and most importantly** ACCURATELY assess people when the dollar, as you claim, has no fixed value? Without a "fixed" value, the irs cannot have a legally correct claim/assessment of the "value" they claim you owe.

The IRS does not assess what you owe based on a value (set or otherwise); but rather assesses and collects dollars. In fact, you can not submit anything other than dollars to pay your taxes and the IRS even converts any seized assets into dollars before applying those dollars to the tax due. So there is no need to value the dollar; but simply pay in dollars (regardless of the value of the dollar at the time of assessment or the at time of payment).
Such is the comfort zone of a well content slave.
GoldandSilverEagles wrote:When one cannot intelligently, nor accurately rebut what Chemnor has to say, one takes the path of least resistance...and criticizes.
Pot can't call kettle black! Seems to me you need to answer, 'jg.'
The Operative
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by The Operative »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:
Lambkin wrote:The funny thing is you don't actually need a content filter to test whether TP malarky such as chemmy's last posting is true or not. You can tell by counting how many lines he takes to construct a complex answer to a simple question that is the opposite of the simple, intuitive answer to that question. If you have to write a dissertation to explain how "includes" excludes, or how income isn't "income" then it doesn't even need to be parsed.
Alright then hot rod, tell us where he's wrong. There's way to much whining in this thread without a back up of solid foundation of facts to back the whining.
In order to intelligently rebut what Chemnor has to say, Chemnor has to first write something coherent.

I am not going to bother to completely read his incoherent post, mainly because he constantly jumps around. He also claims that his writings to various people within government were very well formulated. Based upon his writings here, I doubt that very much. He claims that they were so well formulated that people in government cannot answer them. That claim is the very antithesis of a well formulated question.

Let's take a look at some statements within Chemnor's post
Chemnor wrote: No one here on Quatloos can give me the definition, as defined by Congress, of what a dollar is and they are REQUIRED by the Constitution to do so.
Read that sentence carefully and tell me who is required by the Constitution to give him the definition. Don't answer with what you believe he means, but what the sentence says. In any case, he has been provided with an answer to his question asking for the definition of a dollar. However, similar to Ed and Elaine:family forever incarcerated, he won't listen because it doesn't match what he wants to hear.

In another example of erroneous logic, Chemnor also claims that Congress has abdicated the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. However, Congress has done no such thing. Congress has DELEGATED that power to U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve System. The ability of Congress to delegate various powers has been recognized by the Supreme Court as Constitutional ever since the time of Chief Justice Marshall. Also, since Congress has oversight, that delegation to the Federal Reserve is distinctly different from the power given to the President under the line item veto law. The line item veto law was the topic under consideration for Clinton v. City of New York.

Do you now see that responding to Chemnor is similar to arguing with a pig?
Light travels faster than sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak.

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Anti-861 »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:Alright then hot rod, tell us where he's wrong. There's way to much whining in this thread without a back up of solid foundation of facts to back the whining.
Jeesh. I thought this was a heavy-duty Irony Meter.

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

The Operative wrote:
GoldandSilverEagles wrote:
Lambkin wrote:The funny thing is you don't actually need a content filter to test whether TP malarky such as chemmy's last posting is true or not. You can tell by counting how many lines he takes to construct a complex answer to a simple question that is the opposite of the simple, intuitive answer to that question. If you have to write a dissertation to explain how "includes" excludes, or how income isn't "income" then it doesn't even need to be parsed.
Alright then hot rod, tell us where he's wrong. There's way to much whining in this thread without a back up of solid foundation of facts to back the whining.
In order to intelligently rebut what Chemnor has to say, Chemnor has to first write something coherent. Disagee. His POV is very coherant. Not hard to follow at all. Can you prove his claims wrong Operative?

I am not going to bother to completely read his incoherent post, mainly because he constantly jumps around. Do you not have the ability to follow his consistency? His posts do have a common legal standpoint.

He also claims that his writings to various people within government were very well formulated. Based upon his writings here, I doubt that very much. Do you have proof to substantiate you bias, your prejudice?

He claims that they were so well formulated that people in government cannot answer them. That claim is the very antithesis of a well formulated question. Such Bullshit. Either he;s right or wrong. He didn't write the posts in here for a college course, either he's offering legally correct opinions, or he's not, which is it?

Let's take a look at some statements within Chemnor's post
Chemnor wrote: No one here on Quatloos can give me the definition, as defined by Congress, of what a dollar is and they are REQUIRED by the Constitution to do so.
Read that sentence carefully and tell me who is required by the Constitution to give him the definition. Don't answer with what you believe he means, but what the sentence says. In any case, he has been provided with an answer to his question asking for the definition of a dollar. However, similar to Ed and Elaine:family forever incarcerated, he won't listen because it doesn't match what he wants to hear.

In another example of erroneous logic, Chemnor also claims that Congress has abdicated the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. However, Congress has done no such thing. Congress has DELEGATED that power to U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve System. It is Congresses laws' that the US Treasury, and the US Mint have to follow. Congress makes the laws regardless of whom executes them.

The ability of Congress to delegate various powers has been recognized by the Supreme Court as Constitutional ever since the time of Chief Justice Marshall. Also, since Congress has oversight, that delegation to the Federal Reserve is distinctly different from the power given to the President under the line item veto law. The line item veto law was the topic under consideration for Clinton v. City of New York.

Do you now see that responding to Chemnor is similar to arguing with a pig?
Not at all. Simply put, Chemnor asks basic questions that ya'all don't want to deal with within your 'house of straw'.

There is nothing "wrong" with his questions. Quatloosians simply want a legal 'conformity' within their "boys club" and dudes like Chemnor disrupt it.

He has found the quatloosian 'weak spots' and ya'll whine when he questions it. :mrgreen:
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Quixote »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:
Joey Smith wrote:
I have not filed in over 31 years and never had a problem with the IRS that was not solved with a phone call and a couple of letters demanding they show me their delegation of authority orders.
Translation: I have so little income and assets that the IRS doesn't give the proverbial rat's ass whether I file or not.

Well, that's one way to "beat the system". :roll:
Has chemnor provided you with his income to verifiy your allegation?

If your answer is "no", then your allegation is nothing but biased/prejudiced speculation. It has as much foundation and soundness as a typical TP.
No, his conclusion is rational speculation. If Chemnor has not filed returns and has resolved all IRS inquiries by phone, then Chemnor must have annual gross income less than that which would trigger a filing requirement. So, either Chemnor is lying or he has very little gross income.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
Arthur Rubin
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:
The Operative wrote:In order to intelligently rebut what Chemnor has to say, Chemnor has to first write something coherent.
Disagee. His POV is very coherant. Not hard to follow at all. Can you prove his claims wrong Operative?
Nope. There may be claims in there somewhere, but his statements are not coherent.

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by MSA »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:
Lambkin wrote:In another example of erroneous logic, Chemnor also claims that Congress has abdicated the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. However, Congress has done no such thing. Congress has DELEGATED that power to U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve System. It is Congresses laws' that the US Treasury, and the US Mint have to follow. Congress makes the laws regardless of whom executes them.
Wow, you've actually managed to get something right. Seriously, it is correct that "Congress makes the laws regardless of whom executes them." The U.S. Mint and the Federal Reserve are executing the laws Congress made, by minting coins and printing money, respectively.

Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Quixote wrote: Translation: I have so little income and assets that the IRS doesn't give the proverbial rat's ass whether I file or not.

Well, that's one way to "beat the system". :roll:
Has chemnor provided you with his income to verifiy your allegation?

If your answer is "no", then your allegation is nothing but biased/prejudiced speculation. It has as much foundation and soundness as a typical TP.[/quote]

No, his conclusion is rational speculation. If Chemnor has not filed returns and has resolved all IRS inquiries by phone, then Chemnor must have annual gross income less than that which would trigger a filing requirement. So, either Chemnor is lying or he has very little gross income. Have you legally verified that with Chemnor? If not, then your opinion is nothing more than speculation.
Quatloosian Master of Deception
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Re: Big win against the IRS!!!!!

Post by Quixote »

He claims that they were so well formulated that people in government cannot answer them. That claim is the very antithesis of a well formulated question. Such Bullshit. Either he;s right or wrong. He didn't write the posts in here for a college course, either he's offering legally correct opinions, or he's not, which is it?
Neither. Not every utterance is a legally correct or a legally incorrect opinion. Some are simply nonsense. I see you wisely avoided trying to interpret or excuse Chemnor's statement that "No one here on Quatloos can give me the definition, as defined by Congress, of what a dollar is and they are REQUIRED by the Constitution to do so."
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat