Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Paths of the Sea
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Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Who knows, maybe there will be a groundswell of effort to bring Kent Hovind around; maybe even Jo will be instrumental in getting Kent to "see the light".

The following action by the Creation Science Hall of Fame appears to have been stimulated by the recent Forbes article found at: ... d-remains/

(There's a lot more to that story!) :snicker:


From: Nick Lally (Creation Science Hall of Fame)
To: Maury Enthusiast!
Date: Sunday, April 7, 2013 08:44:50 -0400

Subject: Maury Enthusiast, from Nick CSHF

Maury Enthusiast, this email is going out to all Creationist today.

You are the first recipient.


Dear Creationists and Friends,

Dr. Hovind is due for release on August 11, 2015, but Lord willing,
the government could let him out of jail a year earlier, no different
then they did for Wesley Snipes after serving his debt to society
for the same conviction.

We here at the Creation Science Hall of Fame want to send him a
message, but we need your help:

The message to Dr. Hovind from us Creationists would be simple:

We want to convey to Dr. Hovind to give up his Tax Fight with the
IRS and concentrate on “Creation Science” where we need him
the most.

If he continues his fight, he will surely end up back in jail where
he is no use to the Creation Science Cause, nor to his family.

Please write a short email back to
conveying your message to Dr. Hovind.

We want Kent back with us ready and willing to give an answer.

We will hand deliver your emails directly to Kent Hovind as written.

In Christ serving the Creationist Community,
Nick Lally,
Chairman, Board of Directors,
Creation Science Hall of Fame.

PS Please forward this email to every Christian.

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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by Gregg »

Because proving that the world is only 6,000 years old is so much more productive than proving you don't have to pay taxes.
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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Gregg wrote:Because proving that the world is only 6,000 years old is so much more productive than proving you don't have to pay taxes.
...or at least less likely to land you in federal prison.
Dr. Caligari
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Paths of the Sea
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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by Paths of the Sea »

It now appears that the Creation Science Hall of Fame and Forbes have teamed up to cooperate in encouraging Kent Hovind to repent of his anti-government/anti-tax ways:

See: ... nt-hovind/

Maury Enthusiast!
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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by Paths of the Sea »

From: Erin Imagine
Date: Friday, April 12, 2013
Time: About 10:00 AM MT

The Kent Hovind Story: The IRS, Something God did NOT Create.
by Fritz Springmeier

Non-Christian fb friends will want to see the legal issues in this post.

Some of us have already had noxious knocks on our doors. Minds feel safer w/ law
& order, they feel scared facing repression, secret police & mock trials. For
good reason, more people were killed by secret police in the 20th century than
all the wars of that century! Defenseless citizens are subjected to constant
surveillance, illegal interrogation, torture & terrorism by their govt. As a
soviet shrink enlightened a political dissident, "Your disease is dissent."

Since its creation, the dog that has been sicced on Amer. dissenters has been
the IRS, which keeps secret profiles on everyone & falsely codes dissenters of
govt. tyranny with false codes like "drug dealer". (This was told me directly by
an ex-IRS whistleblower, Joe Bannister, who ended up in a secret Fed. prison
island while I was in.)

After coming out hard against the elite PTSNB, Father Coughlin & Texe Marrs had
the IRS sicced on them. Their investigations showed the IRS owed them, but
others haven't been so fortunate. (Another topic—too large for here—is how the
IRS is used to control churches. Gov't. sanctioned IRS approved churches sign a
document declaring all rel. are equal, & no one will be required to renounce
other beliefs! So much for separation of church & state!)

Now to Why Pastor Kent Hovind was put in prison. (He has strong appeal issues;
so did I, they were ignored.) Creation Science Evangelism (CSE) began Jan. `89
shortly after Kent & family moved to Pensacola, FL. The outreach grew quickly &
soon he was travelling to all 50 states & over 30 foreign countries. They
produced videos & DVD's of the creation seminar & allowed free copying . Kent
Hovind did over 100 debates with evolutionists, 20 of these are also available
on DVD.

In `99 CSE became part of Faith Baptist Fellowship & the 2 (at that time)
properties were transferred into their name. In 2002 Pastor Mooneyhan was
retiring & the board of elders voted to disband FBF. To prevent CSE from being
"orphaned", church ministry trusts were created and the property & bank acts.
were put in these trusts to give Kent Hovind the freedom to travel & preach as
he had been doing 700+ times/year. So what happened?

Over the many years, Kent Hovind's wife would withdraw money to pay ministry
bills & compensate the people serving in the ministry. In 2002 this stopped. On
7/13/2006, w/ no warning or notice of any kind that there was or had been a
problem, about 20 armed IRS agents swarmed onto the ministry property as Kent
was preparing for staff devotions & his wife was sleeping. 4 armed agents
surrounded her bed & woke her up to handcuff her in her nightgown. She was not
allowed to get dressed, put on a robe or go to the bathroom even though she
begged for these simple courtesies.

They were taken to the Fed. courthouse & indicted for "structuring". They had no
clue about what that was let alone that they had broken it. They banked at the
same bank & normally at the same teller for over 10 years. They learned later
laws were passed years ago to try to slow or stop drug dealers from moving large
amounts of cash. Any transfers over $10,000 would require the bank to fill out a
form & notify the govt. Although 4 times Kent Hovind's wife did take out over
$10,000, the bank filled out their form. No problem.

They had also made it illegal to "break down" a large sum into smaller amounts
to "evade" this reporting requirement. For example: if you had $25,000 to
deposit but broke it down into 3 deposits of less than $10,000 & made 3 deposits
at the same or even different banks on the same day you could be found guilty of
one count of "structuring" and sentenced to 5 years in prison! As it turns out,
the IRS had cherry picked 45 times out of hundreds of transactions over the
years that were under $10,000 & charged each one as a separate count of
structuring even though they averaged 12 days apart (not same day), were not
part of a large amount being "broken down", were not from drugs or any other
illegal trade and were not trying to evade anything. It was money donated or
earned in legitimate ways & spent on legitimate ministry bills.

After a 2 wk. trial their attorneys advised them not to even give a defence
since no laws had been broken & in Amer., in theory at least, you are innocent
till proven guilty. (Sounds like mine who said we needed no defense because they
never proved anything.) It is not illegal to take any amount of money out of
your own bank! (Unless they say it is.)

As Hovind's attorney was giving his closing argument he was reading the jury
instruction verbatim that said the amount had to be over $10,000 in order to
structure a transaction. The Asst. US Attorney stood up & objected to her own
jury instruction! The judge took a 45 min. recess & returned with a new jury
instruction that said if they found that Kent Hovind & his wife had taken out
less than $10,000 then they must be found as guilty! The Hovind's attorneys
objected since this was not what the law said & changing jury instructions after
trial is against the rules. The objections were overruled and they were found
guilty. Kent Hovind was given 10 yrs. & his wife a year & a day. She is now out.

If this case is not overturned, anyone who takes any money out of their own bank
will eventually be guilty of structuring. If you took $100 out each week for 100
weeks you would be guilty of 100 counts of structuring & could be given 500
years in prison!

To make matters worse, the govt. said all the money w/drawn in those 45 counts
should be given to them – even though the govt. admitted that the money was used
for legal purposes!

Kent's lawyers objected since there were no drugs involved, the money was earned
in legitimate ways & spent on ministry bills years go. There was never a tax
loss to the government. The fellow ministers at CSE testified that they had paid
all taxes they owed. There were no damages & no one can figure out what this
money was "owed" to the govt. for but the judge overruled the objections. So
now, Kent Hovind was not only in prison, but he also owed $430,000! Next, the
govt. seized all of CSE's property.

All 3 forms (CIR, 940 & 941) that Kent is in prison for, were expired forms. The
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) says he cannot be penalized for not filling out a
form that is expired yet he is still in prison. If the SC rules for them on this
one it will not only free him & remove forfeiture but will help thousands of
others currently in prison. The PRA can be raised as a complete defence at any
time, even post convictions. A PRA defense has never been brought before the
Sup. Ct. yet.

This case is one of the first to bring this issue before the SC since the 1995
PRA was passed.

This issue is HUGE for many.

See for lots more on the PRA.

The 11th circ. ignored this issue in their denial of his appeal. Just the PRA
alone will remove 57 of the 58 counts Kent Hovind is in prison for. Count 58 was
for "threatening" an IRS agent in the "DUE administration" of his duty. When he
was asked during trial how Kent Hovind threatened him, he said it was when he
prayed for him in his daily radio program! Kent got 3 years for that!

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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Ignoring the rest of this hogwash, I only have to look at Springmeier's description of what "structuring" is in order to have proof that he has no clue as to why Hovind was convicted and what the law is in cases like this.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Paths of the Sea
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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
I only have to look at Springmeier's description
of what "structuring" is in order to have proof
that he has no clue as to why Hovind was convicted
and what the law is in cases like this.
I have since run across this. It appears Fritz does have a "history", but I didn't find any discussion here when I tried a search.

Fritz Artz Springmeier is an American conspiracy theorist
and religious right wing author, formerly a resident of
Corbett, Oregon, who has written a number of books claiming
that satanic forces are behind a move toward world domination
by various families and organizations.

He has described his goal as "exposing the New World Order

Conspiracy theories

Springmeier has written and self-published a number of books
based on the ideology of what's been described as an "ultra-right-wing group"
called the Christian Patriot Association;
this group was shut down in 2002 after convictions for tax
fraud and tax evasion.

He has endorsed the plausibility of Project Monarch, a
purported Central Intelligence Agency mind control project
whose conjectured existence is based only on the testimony
of Cathy O'Brien under hypnosis.

Springmeier's early work, The Watchtower & the Masons, focuses
on the relationship between Jehovah's Witnesses and Freemasonry.

In this book he describes a relationship between Charles Taze
Russell and the so-called "Eastern Establishment".

Springmeier followed these links into Masonry and did a
further examination of the Eastern establishment.

Criminal conviction

On January 31, 2002, Springmeier was indicted in the United
States District Court in Portland, Oregon in connection with
an armed robbery.

On February 12, 2003, he was found guilty of one count of
armed bank robbery in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2113(a) and
(d) and one count of aiding and abetting in the use of a semi-automatic rifle
during the commission of a felony in
violation of 18 U.S.C § 924(c)(1).

In November 2003, he was sentenced to 51 months in prison
on the armed robbery charge and 60 months on the aiding
and abetting charge, fined $7,500, ordered to pay $6,488
in restitution, and assessed an additional $200.

Springmeier's conviction was affirmed by the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

He was imprisoned, and was released from federal prison on
March 25, 2011.

Paths of the Sea
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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by Paths of the Sea »


I didn't find anything when I searched here for Fritz.

I have since found some discussion here about the CPA case.

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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by grixit »

My van meter registered 2 and started laughing.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Bringing Kent Hovind to repentance?

Post by tracer »

Paths of the Sea wrote:The Kent Hovind Story: The IRS, Something God did NOT Create.
by Fritz Springmeier

Non-Christian fb friends will want to see the legal issues in this post.
The implication being that you have to believe the Earth is less than 10,000 years old to be "Christian"....