Peter of England: A REal guru.

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by longdog »

YiamCross wrote:At last, a currency we can rely on to see us through when the world financial system crashes and burns. Which is definitely going to happen soon. (Courtesey of Peter of England's facebook page, reproduced below for those of you sensible enough not to bother with FB)

"Peter Of England... So if you wish to do yourself a favour then turn paper into gold and only a fool would argue against that...."
Perhaps I'm a fool but I can think of two good arguments against that...

1) If I want to convert my worthless paper in to gold I can do that by the simple expedient of buying gold. Why do I need Poe to supply me with gold backed notes which won't be accepted anywhere when I can actually walk in to a shop and buy actual gold.

2) Shops, as a rule, don't accept gold in payment for goods and services. A twenty pound note will buy me an ounce of tobacco, two packs of green rizlas, four tins of dog food, a bottle of reasonable quality red wine and something nice for tea.

What will £20 worth of gold buy me?.. Nothing.

What will a 20 WeAu note buy me?.. Nothing.

I think it has already been revealed that Poe is planning to "back-up" his WeAu notes not with their actual value in gold but with 10% of their value in gold. £10 worth of gold will "back-up" £100 worth of WeAu. You don't need to be a genius to realise that backing a note up with only 10% of its value is as near a "toxic" fiat currency as makes no difference.

Of course the whole plan for a WeAu note falls down in exactly the same way as the WeCheques falls down... Nobody will accept them. It doesn't matter two hoots whether Poe claims they are backed by gold, platinum, depleted uranium or clods of sheep shit... They are still going to be as worthless as me writing "Twenty Quid (Gold)" on a blank sheet of paper and expecting it to be accepted.

Shop-keeper: "That will be £20 please"

Me: "Here you are"

Shop-keeper: "WTF is this?"

Me: "It's a piece of paper with 'Twenty Quid (Gold)' written on it"

Shop-keeper: "What use is that to me?"

Me: "It's OK... I have twenty quid's worth of gold at home to back it up"

Shop-keeper: "That will do nicely sir"

Can't see it happening some how :haha:
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

IDIOT wrote:The content of this video is well off topic from Piss Take of England but the point I make is the venue. Look familiar? Same venue, different crank.
OMG, that was funny. One opinionated crank arguing that the earth is flat, all space travel was faked and evolution didn't happen. I wish I had time to attend some of these lunatic conventions.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Jeffrey »

£10 worth of gold will "back-up" £100 worth of WeAu.
Just gonna say this again. Peter unilaterally declaring that his gold is worth ten times as much as the market rate makes WeRe/WeAu a form of fiat currency. It is no different than the Government taking 4 cents worth of copper and nickel, minting it into the shape of a quarter and saying it's worth 25 cents, save for the fact that you have to accept the quarter.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

pigpot wrote:Just like I don't enjoy religious nuts posting their stuff on anarchist sites I shall respect this site and its intentions.
A perfect analogy, thank you. Except of course you are not a nut. There are serious questions to asked about the purpose and legitimacy of state power, especially where it is tangibly influenced by vested interests (priests, financiers and warmongers, to mention but a few). But that is for another place.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
pigpot wrote:Just like I don't enjoy religious nuts posting their stuff on anarchist sites I shall respect this site and its intentions.
A perfect analogy, thank you. Except of course you are not a nut. There are serious questions to asked about the purpose and legitimacy of state power, especially where it is tangibly influenced by vested interests (priests, financiers and warmongers, to mention but a few). But that is for another place.
He is (to be kind) a nut. I think he's demented. Be careful debating him. As far as I can tell Pigpot is here because he has been banned everywhere else on the web.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

PeanutGallery wrote:What's more troubling is what will prevent someone from counterfeiting a load of Re's (which don't exist)
That's the beauty of the Re, no one has to go to all the effort of counterfeiting it, though of course they have Guy on hand if they want any advice in that area. If you want more Re in your account you only have to mow your lawn or do some chores around the house or a bit of overtime at work then go to and enter the hours on your account. Peter then pays you in Re for your energy.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote:
pigpot wrote:Just like I don't enjoy religious nuts posting their stuff on anarchist sites I shall respect this site and its intentions.
A perfect analogy, thank you. Except of course you are not a nut. There are serious questions to asked about the purpose and legitimacy of state power, especially where it is tangibly influenced by vested interests (priests, financiers and warmongers, to mention but a few). But that is for another place.
He is (to be kind) a nut. I think he's demented. Be careful debating him. As far as I can tell Pigpot is here because he has been banned everywhere else on the web.

Being cruel, to him/her, to be kind, to us, s/he is complete nutjob who's incoherent ranting evidently has nothing to do with a desire to communicate anything or better understand anyone. As far as I can see the only intent behind these posts is to goad others into reacting, which I believe is the definition of internet trolling. That's why one of the mods made a pigpen for his/her posts and hopefully someone will be along later to scoop up the poop from these threads and put it where it belongs.

Hate to shout troll but I can't see anything else behind these gems of gibberish and I recommend a strict starvation diet.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Quatloos is extremely reluctant to ban posters but Pigpot, as new as he is, is right at the edge. He's not a stranger to us, He's been banned all over the web for exactly the same behavior he's exhibiting here. We started moderating him immediately on his first posting. So don't debate or answer him. If you do you are just throwing fuel on a fire. If he makes his demented off-topic posts on discussions like this we mods will eventually move his posts to his own personal pigpen right here;


And if you want to debate him there go to it. He's waiting for your call!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Bones »

The WeRe Bank "successes" are stating to come in thick and fast now


isn't the WeRe Bank fanboy newleaf on GOODF that signs off namaste ?

If it is him, what he says in a private forum is very different to what he says in a public forum

And another "success" for WeRe bank


When will these idiots ever learn, it is impossible for a single WeRe cheque to clear
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by vampireLOREN »

Bones wrote:The WeRe Bank "successes" are stating to come in thick and fast now


isn't the WeRe Bank fanboy newleaf on GOODF that signs off namaste ?

If it is him, what he says in a private forum is very different to what he says in a public forum

And another "success" for WeRe bank


When will these idiots ever learn, it is impossible for a single WeRe cheque to clear
Well, whoever the esteemed 270964AR is ? he must rate a mention in the idiot of the year awards. Cheques "stolen" .....not really the smartest choice of description, and look at the amounts! these people deserve everything coming their way. :beatinghorse: I bet Shoosmiths LLP have it framed on the wall :haha:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

Bones wrote:The WeRe Bank "successes" are stating to come in thick and fast now


isn't the WeRe Bank fanboy newleaf on GOODF that signs off namaste ?

If it is him, what he says in a private forum is very different to what he says in a public forum

And another "success" for WeRe bank


When will these idiots ever learn, it is impossible for a single WeRe cheque to clear
Yes i believe that to be the same goofy poster bones. It beggars belief how completely insane these freeloaders are & given the average age you'd think they ought to know better. A half intelligent 12yr old would piss their sides at such buffoonery.

As a side note has anyone been in touch with HMRC regarding Peter's failing to declare his "toxic" stash of cash?
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Bones »

Just when you think the iq of a WeRe Bank member, could not drop any lower

Last edited by Bones on Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Bones »

Even more WeRe Bank successes !!!!!1!!!





I am sure no one here will be surprised to learn that there is not a single thread on the WeRe Bank forum about a proven success
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Bones »

A sneak peak in the world of a delusional mind




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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I really enjoy seeing the GOOFs getting scammed by one of their own. :haha:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Bones »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again. I really enjoy seeing the GOOFs getting scammed by one of their own. :haha:
lol I know what you mean, you have people like Karl Lenz, White Rabbit and Brown Rabbit all charging for everything from DVD's to books, from healing medallions to over night meetings.

These suckers are all to happy to throw their money at any old rubbish that comes along. No doubt Ceylon earns a percentage from all this as he helps to promote all them.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Bones wrote:
rumpelstilzchen wrote: No doubt Ceylon earns a percentage from all this
If he does I suspect he would demand pound notes and not that worthless Re rubbish.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by mufc1959 »

Bones wrote: I am sure no one here will be surprised to learn that there is not a single thread on the WeRe Bank forum about a proven success
But the problem people will find they have got is that PoE says that when the cheque is deducted from their WeRe account, that means it's paid - and it comes off their promissory note. So not only do they still owe the original debt, they also owe PoE for what he says he's paid on their behalf.

He, of course, will tell them that the evil bank is trying to get payment twice - once from him as he's 'paid' it, and a second time from the customer.

I've also noticed the increasing complaints from WeRe bank members about the complete lack of support. Maybe they thought it'd be like, you know, a bank, where you can phone customer service 24 hours a day and get a response to your queries pretty much instantaneously. Someone on GOODF asked a question the other day (can't find it now) about how the logistics actually work - who's answering the 'Clearing Hotline', Peter or his backroom staff. Who is accessing the account information to tell the calling bank a cheque has cleared and what happens if it's only Peter who's answering the phone, given the number of cheques he says are in circulation. It's probably been deleted now and the asker banned as a shill, because he asked some legitimate questions that I suspect not even Bertie Bert knows the answer to.

There don't seem to be any more meetings planned, at least not that I can see advertised. And on the PoE FB page yesterday there was a post from someone asking for a response. PoE replied to it, then deleted the thread. His response was something about Agincourt and that the cheques weren't meant to succeed, they were just a scare tactic and the first salvo in the battle. Or something. It was pretty much his usual nonsense, but without reference to aliens.

But having positioned and sold WeRe Bank as a method of discharging debt through WeRe cheques, he's now retreating from that position rapidly.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by daveBeeston »

I know one of the partners of Shoosmiths(he is the chair of Governors at a School my Brother used to work in aswell as head of the Nottingham branch),i shall ask him what has happened to the weRE cheque that was sent in to pay a £31,000 debt and what action they are taking against the person who sent it(obviously he may not be able to discuss but i shall ask anyway)
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

daveBeeston wrote:I know one of the partners of Shoosmiths(he is the chair of Governors at a School my Brother used to work in aswell as head of the Nottingham branch),i shall ask him what has happened to the weRE cheque that was sent in to pay a £31,000 debt and what action they are taking against the person who sent it(obviously he may not be able to discuss but i shall ask anyway)
Doesn't Shoosmiths have a specialist division for debt collection on behalf of clients? I'd love to know how he managed to end up owing Shoosmiths £31k in the first place.
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