"Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Origen »

Normal Wisdom wrote: Child rapist run Nottingham ... A disconcertingly heavy breathing Ceylon walks down a couple of streets in the "Meadows" area of Nottingham talking about plans to build a "gated private community for the rich". Since he obviously visits this site regularly I'm challenging him to produce some evidence for this. I think I know why he is saying this and it wouldn't be the first time that his pathological hatred for the Council and barely functioning cognitive abilities have combined to produce a spectacular misunderstanding of facts. Otherwise it's just a vehicle for him to parade some of his favourite buzzwords: corrupt, child rapist, paedophile, parasites. There's a lovely bit where he says "this is what you can expect from bunch of corrupt parasites that have only ever lived off us ...... normal men and women. I have a feeling that he was going to say "working men and women" and just managed to correct himself in time. Mind you "normal" is a bit of a misnomer too.
He only walked down Arkwright Walk and briefly shown 1 other alley way for the last 15s of the vid, he forgot to mention that it is part of a rejuvenation project that the area has really needed for a good 15-20 years as the area was one of the main reasons we got dubbed "Shottingham" and even after they do that, it won't be a gated community for the rich folk it will continue to be a rat run for the poor but he does have experience living in a rich folks area, though if he wants to help the poor, disadvantaged and those really down on their luck and needing help there is a drop-in center that is just a 5 min walk away from where he possibly lives, though i doubt he even knows it exists.

Pretty sad that his site still exists giving people really stupid idea's which they actually attempt though that were bank he is probably involved in did entertain me while at work.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

PeanutGallery wrote:The debt would be statute barred if six years had elapsed from his last payment of a pound, but they haven't. As such I don't think an argument that the debt is out of time would succeed.
Strictly, I think the law says last contact, not last payment.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by FatGambit »

Last 'acknowledgment', which could be either be paying a pound, or discussing/offering repayment terms with the claimed creditor. To go down the pre-2007 route you have to be absolutely 170% sure of it beforehand, because it's effectively admitting liability, but saying to them you can't enforce it in a court because the contract is unenforcable due to non-compliance with statutory terms so go do one.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by longdog »

Personal experience says that debt collection agencies will eventually stop writing once the debt becomes statute barred but this is a very long term strategy and you have to be absolutely determined in ignoring them.

Long story short... Around 2002 my long term partner and I split up for various reasons including my having a manic episode (I have manic depression) and running up massive unsecured debts. I can't remember the exact amount but it was in the low five figures. In 2004 had a complete breakdown and we sold the 'family home' at a large profit and walked away.

I moved to a different town and it took a couple of years for most of my creditors to find me. The biggest creditor never did find me.

For a while I paid a nominal £5 per month to three or four creditors but then decided it was pointless as A) I would never pay off the debt... B) As I was living in rented accommodation with no assets and very little income there wasn't much they could do to me and C) I didn't care about a bad credit rating, in fact I welcomed it as I'm not to be trusted with a line of credit and don't want to go through all that again. So in 2007 I stopped the payments and studiously ignored every letter they sent me.

At first they sent threatening letters once a week. After a couple of years it dropped to one a month and then one every three months or so. As of the end of June 2015 they seem to have given up and I've not had a single letter this year.

So it seems you really can 'get out of debt free' in the sense that they will give up eventually but to be totally confident in the strategy it does depend on you being the proverbial 'man of straw' and not worth suing, not having any contact for at least 7 years and probably a healthy dose of luck. If you own property, have an income beyond state benefits or care a tuppenny f**k about your credit rating (or have a penchant for silly debt avoidance strategies) then that's a different ball game.

To my way of thinking the statute-barred route is the weapon of last resort and not something you use to bait your creditors. If you have ignored them for the requisite period you carry on ignoring them, you don't suddenly start sending them letters saying "The debt is statute barred and you can't touch me narr-narr-ne-narr-narr". You wait until they actually do sue you and put that down as your defence.

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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by FatGambit »

That's similar to the route I took, although I stood toe to toe with a couple of them and challenged them to provide the CCA, they all sent photocopies, no signatures etc. So I wrote back pointing out they were all pre-2007 and case law stated what they had provided was unenforceable in it's present form, amazingly the next thing I knew was I got letters saying they confirmed the agreements were unenforceable at law and they wouldn't, nor couldn't launch proceedings against me, but it didn't stop them asking which they would continue to do, good luck with that :lol:

I then worked through the remainder and have had a peaceful few years, pretty much everything is either unenforceable or statute barred now, that was all thanks to GOODF, I wouldn't have had a clue what to do if it wasn't for those guys, but as i 'be said previously, they've forgotten their core values in the last year and some of them have completely lost the plot.

There was also this funny one with one DCA, I did the usual, plus I sent them a section 10, they did the usual dance and said they could ignore it, but I never heard anything from them again. About a year later I got this letter from them, saying they had purchased a massive alleged debt of mine but their records shows that I had withdrawn my consent for them to process my personal data, and in order to manage the account, they required my permission to continue, they asked me to sign a form giving them permission, I wrote a one liner back saying nothing had changed and 'hell would freeze over before I gave them consent to process my data', never heard from them again :lol:

So some of the GOODFy methods do work, pretty well too. I'm not saying avoid paying debts to the person you borrowed the money from, but when a stranger comes along and says you owe me this amount, everybody should task them to prove what they're claiming, not just accept that because you had a debt with company a, that debt is now payable to company b, just because they say it is.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by YiamCross »

For no particular reason other than to weep at the depths of stupidity Ceylon is able to plumb, here's something I came across while meandering around a bit of Lenz land.


About 1:56 in, with just one simple point to get over, the amazing C fails and requires a prompt from the wings. I've owned rodents which could do a better job as a sock puppet. Dammit, I've owned socks which could have made it through that without help.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

Only a flesh and blood man can have a wish
The seriousness that he says this is just beyond me. It really is. We have to question does he really believe this himself or is he just stark staring mad? I think it is both.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Origen »

wanglepin wrote:
Only a flesh and blood man can have a wish
The seriousness that he says this is just beyond me. It really is. We have to question does he really believe this himself or is he just stark staring mad? I think it is both.
I would say neither, he only has to convince people to believe in some what he says.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

Didn't Sack (ballbag) and Crack (ass****) hold a meeting yesterday ? Where are the video's !!!!1!!!!

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Syf »

well thats him told.. :snicker:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

Do we have any more background on this, I understand that Mr Knight is a bit upset about a video Ceylon posted which makes an allegation against him, but I don't know what the allegation was or why it was defamatory.

I don't think Ceylon's understanding of libel law is up to snuff, as I am pretty sure that their is a fair old chunk of libel case law where someone has used a spoonerism of a name to refer to an individual they were defaming and found that it had consequences. Private Eye, the most sued magazine in the country, uses pseudonyms for just about everybody and still winds up with writs a plenty.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Jeffrey »

In the last Ceylon video with Tom Crawford they talk smack about Bradley Knight I believe.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by vampireLOREN »

Syf wrote:well thats him told.. :snicker:
What a delight to hear Ceylon getting hot around the collar. :whistle:
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by YiamCross »

Jeffrey wrote:In the last Ceylon video with Tom Crawford they talk smack about Bradley Knight I believe.
Anyone got a link?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Jeffrey »

It's somewhere in this 3 hours of video:


They bleeped his name but you could infer from context they were discussing him.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Syf »

I loved the excuse, "the computer did it"!
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by YiamCross »

Ahah. I did wonder, it's about 9 minutes in and hard to hear. Hardly anything and not what I'd call defamatory but it would be interesting to see these guys using the criminal corporate courts for a libel action. Unless Bradley Knight (who is he anyway?) can get together a grand jury and enforce a golden sealed judgment against Ceylon.

You couldn't make it up, "I'll have you in court quicker than anybody"... Nothing about the courts having no jurisdiction in the fotl world. Or wherever. Painful. I look forward to the hearing.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by vampireLOREN »

Syf wrote:I loved the excuse, "the computer did it"!
Auto Cue's should be our slaves not the other way round.
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by YiamCross »

I can see why Ceylon and Tom Crawford might not like Bradley Knight but he's a lot easier to listen to than most of them. He often appears to talk sense and has nothing nice to say about the tactics employed by those who advise TC, would that be Ebert? (a F**king to**er I think is the technical term).


Maybe worth a listen just for the background on some of this stuff, Elizabeth Watson, Tom Crawford, Ebert and Danny Bamping. The girl friend is good value too. Really, it would be hard to make this stuff up but it's tragic that it exists in real life.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by SoLongCeylon »

Would'nt it be great if this video was embedded into the GOODF forum????

Also someone has listed Haining's home address on the Bradley Knight Youtube channel B K Videos.

Bradley also states in his comments he has filed papers in Court

Haining is heading for a fall in think!!!!