Why Do We Seek to Know the Future of Our World?

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Why Do We Seek to Know the Future of Our World?

Post by co-shoot »

Actually ....my thoughts are; NESARA AND RV BETTER HURRY THE UP

Why Do We Seek to Know the Future of Our World?
Posted: June 15, 2011
11:00 am Eastern

by S. Douglass Woodward



Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying,
My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure
(Isaiah 46:9, 10)

History demonstrates humankind covets the truth about the end of the world. But our intent is much more than merely discerning how soon the end may be. It’s more than just curiosity which drives this obsession. It’s about finding certainty. For many, the study of prophecy is the means to determine what worldview is correct. In other words, prophecy has the power to disclose which religious perspective is right and which others are wrong. Prophecy is a litmus test for what we should believe. As such, we don’t just hunger to know the future. We also seek proof that what we believe isn’t ridiculous – but truth we can count on. Therefore, built into our human makeup is the quest for direct experience of spiritual reality, establishing purpose in life, and gaining certitude about what we believe. The spiritual quest involves all three.


Black Sun, Blood Moon
Can We Escape The Cataclysms Of The Last Days?

Today, popular attention is focused on 2012 and the possibility that the Mayan Calendar (which culminates on December 21, 2012), signifies the end of humanity. In reality, there is much more to the whole ‘2012 thing’ that just a few predictions that the world is coming to an end. Most of the ‘hubbub’ about 2012 is actually a loosely formed religion founded on Theosophist roots taking New Age affirmations to the next level. Many of the 2012 books promulgate the transformation of humanity which supposedly culminates late in 2012 (or soon thereafter). This revolution in consciousness links to an old world view that human history is comprised of various ‘ages’ typically characterized as iron, silver, gold, and finally an age usually sporting a disparaging label, normally associated with the world in which we now live.[iii] For instance, the Hindu ‘Kali Yuga’ is the current age of depravity soon concluding (in 2012 or in about 200 years, the timing depends upon which guru you subscribe to) and yielding the next golden age. Likewise, ‘The Age of Aquarius’ – for those into astrology – comprises the next age characterized by enlightenment. According to the ‘2012 religion,’ true enlightenment requires acquiring a ‘higher consciousness’ – wherein we remain in constant contact with the supernatural beings surrounding us – as well as the inner mindfulness that we are gods, capable of infinite possibilities.

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Re: Why Do We Seek to Know the Future of Our World?

Post by co-shoot »

What Happened in 1914 June Lead Up To Market Fall Out!
June 21, 2011

We better not forget the follow:

History will repeat itself. Follow this excerpt from the book THE ASCENT OF MONEY by
Ferguson (Chapter 6). You have to know historic movements between wars and nationalism in EUROPE
in 1914 that still qualifies what I think is about to replay in 2011.

The Balkan atrocities of 1913 and the follow up assassination of the Archduke in Sarajevo on June 28th
lead to the escalation of a full scale European War. We are about to see Libya as the next regional
landing zone for the U.N. and hence forth, good chance we will see again the liquidity being sucked
out of the world economy. Bond and stock prices will begin to slip as investors seek to increase their
liquidity by shifting to cash. Gold follows by going up to absorb the cash resolve and hyper-inflation
and the printing of more fiat currency will be a last ditch effort to keep the waters parted.
Currency crosses will favor the Swiss Franc and the perhaps the RMB/German Mark cross.

In 1914, domestic customers began to fear a banking crisis. Queues formed as people sought to exchange banknotes for gold coins at the Bank of England. The Austrian Stock Market closed first and by July 30th
all markets were closed for several months. You see the pattern forming here. QE3 , market corrections,
Japan economy imploding requiring it to probably peg it's currency against the regional RMB.

The gold standard will return as new laws begin to restrict foreigners from repatriating their capital and thereby draining gold reserves. What a country does is issue EMERGENCY CURRENCY that banks
were authorized to issue under the Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908.
Part 1 is the Debt Moratorium and some bailouts will continue.
Part 2 then as they are doing now since 2008 "there is the release of bankers from all liability.
Part 3 issue a notice that the U.N. will be exercising the 'short-war illusion'.
Part 4 International trade and tariff protectionism

By October 19, 1921, the China Government declared bankruptcy.
China has always been a leader in the use of gold as a lender, influential power broker and this was the case
when China loaned gold to the early USA in 1911 it was to the US Treasury and marked the end of the
Qing Dynasty and the rise of the new world order in China.