Linda Shares Her Experiences Aboard The Neptune

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Linda Shares Her Experiences Aboard The Neptune

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Linda Dillon, a lady who's talents include channeling, bi-location, and having no shame, tells us about her experiences aboard The Neptune, Grener's starship miles and miles wide parked in an orbit we can't see. You might remember Grener arranging "joy rides" in The Neptune which caught the UFO-New-Agey-Conspiracy-Crowd's fancy but never came about. People strove to forget it and move on, but Linda as broken out and is talking about it again.

Linda shares her experiences aboard the Neptune
June 4, 2012
A facinating discussion with Graham Dewyea…Linda explains what life aboard a mothership is like, what we can look forward to as we board and how she first became aware of our star brothers and sisters…

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to Our Galactic Family. My guest today is Linda Dillon. Linda is an internationally acclaimed channel, teacher and author, and is the channel for the Council of Love, since 1984. Linda is also the channel for our sister shows, An Hour with an Angel as well as Heavenly Blessings.
She recently completed her book, A Great Awakening, and Linda, welcome to the show.
Linda Dillon. Oh, thanks, Graham. It’s great to be here.
GD: It’s terrific to have you on. It’s really a pleasure, because you come to the show with such a wealth of experience and knowledge about our star brothers and sisters. You have direct personal experience, you have relationships, personal relationships with many of our star brothers and sisters that we reference and talk about, you have a perspective that I think is unique and is important, particularly during these times, and you have a really deep connection, and a conscious connection, to our star family, because you go home at night, back to the ship.
LD: I do. I go home most nights. I go home to, I guess what most of us would think of as my apartment on board the Neptune. So, there’s been so much controversy, actually, in the past about the Neptune, but, yeah, it’s been home for me for, oh, gosh, about 20 years.
GD: Now, is this astral travel or conscious physical travel? Or both? How does that…?
LD: It’s bi-location.
GD: Okay. So…
LD: It’s conscious. And I’m sure if somebody came into my room and — well, my husband, he would see me lying on the bed, sound asleep and resting. But he also has learned that when I’m in a certain state — funny — lots of funny stories to tell you, to share with the listeners, but he knows to just leave me be. Because none of us want to slam back into our bodies, right?
GD: Yeah. What’s the difference between what you’re describing as bi-location and astral travel?
LD: I think … you know, I have to tell you, I’ll preface what I’m going to say by saying that I am not a specialist in either, except the Council has taught me how to do bi-location. So when you are doing bi-location, you have very much of a physical presence and a physical experience. So, for all intents and purposes, you feel you’re there, and, you know, all your five senses are activated, but also the people who are encountering you also perceive you in full physicality.
GD: But your physical form, maybe an alternate physical form, is also back here on Earth?
LD: Yes, that’s true, but let me tell you: I look the same. I’m the same height, same color eyes, same weight. Yes.
GD: So do you have consciousness of both experiences concurrently?
LD: Yes, I do.
GD: Like how do you go back from being conscious and experiencing your form at your Earth home, and then how do you go back to experiencing it on the ship? Can you switch back and forth at will?
LD: I never looked at it that way, to tell you the truth. When I need to come back and be, you know, basically in my Earth body or in my, you know, Earth presence, I wake up. So, whether it’s time to wake up, or, you know, the dog needs to go out, I do wake up. And I can drift back and forth. So, it’s just — it’s not a problem.
GD: So, you’ve been doing this for 20 years. What can you tell us? I mean, what can you tell us about the Neptune, your personal relationships with Grener and Ashira? What do you think is important to hear?
LD: Oh, my. Where to start?
GD: Well, maybe the layout of the ship? I understand it’s huge.
LD: The ship, the Neptune is massive, by any [means?] — miles and miles and miles long. And there are … I want to say layers — floors I guess would be the best term, where there are different assignments, so that you would have, for example, you would have several floors that are simply accommodations or apartments; you would have labs; you would have a place where the scientists are, the science labs, the healing chambers; you would have the portals where the ships come in and — come and go. You have —
GD: [ ? ] ships?
LD: Yes. The scout ships, the explorer ships, the science ships, the small little excursion — you know, the smaller two-man or four-man ships, so there’s — very much of those portals. There’s the command centers, there’s communication centers, there’s lots of meeting rooms, depending on what’s taking place, because the Neptune is also a meeting place for a lot of the inter-galactics.
GD: Because of Grener’s role in the Inter-Galactic Council?
LD: Yes. Yes. Exactly. And then there are places where you go, there’s like — cafeterias is too sterile a word, but there are places where you go to eat, where you go to lounge, where you go to hang out with your friends or play various games. There are also more, mmm, in our terminology, we would think of much more upscale dining. You know, if you really want to just relax and just have a meal with some friends or your family.
Of course, in your own own apartment, you also have the capacity to call up. We don’t cook, but you basically call up what you want to eat.
GD: Through the replicators?
LD: It’s like a dumbwaiter system.
GD: And do you just through thought order it up? Or do you punch in a code? How does that work?
LD: Oh, I punch in a code.
GD: And…
LD: Actually, I’m really lucky. There’s usually food and everything waiting for me. The ships — essentially — let me talk a little bit about the apartments. The apartments — it sounds like such a sterile word, or the quarters that you have. But think of it really as your on-ship home. And so, depending on what kind of day you’ve had, what kind of, you know, mood you’re in, or what you need in terms of your replenishment or your healing or adjustment — you know, as you come back from a long day on Earth?
You come into your apartment and the light, but not just the light, like everything, the fabrics, the, what we would think of as a sofa or a bed or the duvet, like if you need lavender that day or a deep rose that day, everything becomes sort of into that spectrum of light.
And if you need … you know, there are times, and we’ve all experienced this, when you really need a cozy woolen blanket to curl up with, but then there’s other days when you really want to have just the softness or cotton or silk…
GD: Do you order that up, or does the — I mean, the ship is alive, right? So does it pick up on what you need?
LD: Yes, exactly. It’s there waiting for me. And similarly if I need food, which I don’t normally need, but if I do, or if you feel like something to eat or drink, it’s there, it’s available. Mostly it’s waiting.
GD: Just so I’m clear, before you go up on ship, are you putting out intention of what you desire, or is the ship anticipating it?
LD: No. It’s being anticipated.
GD: Interesting! And what would you … how would you describe the energy of the ship? What does it feel like?
LD: Ohhh! It’s wonderful. It’s soothing, it’s relaxing, it’s peaceful.
My favorite part of my quarters, or our quarters, which is quite cool, is the windows. So, you know, I have this huge, much bigger than anything we would think of as picture windows, but I have this huge window that just looks out into deep space, out to a million stars. And that alone just revives me. It’s that sense like when you’ve had — when you’ve been through something really — when we’ve had a hard day or a really traumatic experience, and you get home and you just go, “Oh, thank God!” And you just put your feet up and you relax.
So, I don’t tend to use the Neptune for a lot of socializing, not that I don’t socialized, because a lot of the people that I love and that I think of as my soul family are there, but my primary use of the going home to the Neptune is to R&R, to relax, to really, really, on a whole other level — gives it new meaning — to regenerate.
GD: So you’re not assuming a role there such as working in the labs or the healing center or the command central? You’re going to rejuvenate?
LD: I’m going to rejuvenate. I’m going to spend time with my family.
GD: And when you speak to your soul family, I assume you’re referring to people or beings that have incarnated on Earth. So they’re going back up to the ship with you at night?
LD: There are some people from Earth that I recognize and run into. I’ll tell you a funny story. I have a really good friend, a best friend, actually, that I would see and spend time with all the time here on Earth. And she is one of those people who feels very much connected. Her twin is the first science officer aboard the Neptune. And she is very anxious to, not to leave her mission on Earth, because she’s very committed to completing that, but really to spend time on board ship and with him. And she, on a conscious level, has been very disappointed and frustrated.
Now, I’m sharing this because I think a lot of our listeners can really relate to this. So the other night I’m up there, I’m on board ship, I’m on board the Neptune, and I’m not, when I’m — you don’t find me wandering the halls all that much. But for some reason I was. I was on my way actually to one of the restaurants, for lack of a better word, and… I see her! I see her, she’s heading towards me, she’s in a UFOG uniform, Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxy, she’s got her head down and she’s just walking, and I can tell she’s deep in thought.
And then, I run into her, and I’m thinking, what are you doing here? And so, this happened several times over the next few nights. And so of course I automatically called her and said, “Hey! Guess what!” And so her response was, “Well, I wondered about that, because I’ve been waking up and knowing I am not on Earth, I am not at home, I’m off doing something, but I didn’t know what.
So, and I think that probably happens to a lot of us. And I’m just lucky to be more aware than some about what I’m up to. Because one of the things that — an agreement, which we can all do, by the way, that I struck with the Council of Love when they started teaching me bi-location was that I really wanted to be aware and aware of what was going on.
I went through a period, hmm, probably close to 20 years ago, when, like many of our listeners, all I wanted to do was to go home. That was it. All I wanted to do was either to go on ship or go back to my, my … what I think of as my home planet is Elektra, which is a Pleiadian planet, and I wanted to go home. I’d look at the stars at night — and this was before I’d had what we call first contact — but I would just look, and I would just cry, and I thought, what the heck am I doing here?
Now, I finally made peace with that. I went through one of those dark nights of the soul and decided that, not only was I going to stay on Earth and complete why I came in the first place, and why I lived after three near-death experiences, but I was not only just going to stay here, but that I was going to do so in joy, that I was going to do so and really embrace being on Gaia — because she’s so beautiful, and this is really an incredible planet — but that I also needed to have that clearer, stronger connection with my star brothers and sisters and my full family. And so this was part of how that deal was struck, how it turned out, actually.

This is only part 1, stay tuned for Part 2 with more Neptune and Linda meeting Saddam Hussein, and even more private parts after that!
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Re: Linda Shares Her Experiences Aboard The Neptune

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Linda Dillon eyes met Saddam's and sparks flew, part 2 of her exciting private memoirs.

Linda Dillon: One last thing about bi-location, which is a little off topic, but I want to share it with our listeners, is that a lot of us who are listening to this are thinking, yeah, that’s what I want, that’s the deal I want to strike. Now, the other part of bi-location is that most of us are also doing work with one of the ascended ones or the archangels. And during the first Iraqi war, I volunteered to do a lot of work around Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. And what I did was I bi-located myself into the household of Saddam Hussein.
Graham Dwyeb: Wow.
LD: Uh-hunh. And I was doing, you know, I was holding light, I was — particularly to the women in the household and to — my belief is that if things are really good at home, if love is present in the home, then of course it emanates out, and that it would reach him.
So — plus I wanted to keep an eye on things. But this was what I agreed to do with Archangel Michael.
GD: Were they experiencing you there?
LD: Yes. Fully. And that’s the point of my little story here, my anecdote, is that one day I was walking down the hall. Now, I was in full burka, and I ran into him. And he came up to me, like, face to face, and he took the veil off and he looked at me. And Graham, it was the most terrifying experience. It was worse than anything I’ve ever experienced. Terrifying. Because I knew, not only did he see me, but he really saw me.
GD: [ ? ]
LD: And boy, did I snap out of there fast.
GD: He saw you as an American in your current form?
LD: Exactly.
GD: And how did he respond?
LD: Fury. Absolute fury. It was like looking into the eyes of the devil, and I don’t even believe in the devil. So it was like looking into a black hole, and it just — I knew that he really intended to deal with me.
GD: Well, how did you get out of there? [laugh]
LD: I don’t know to this day. I think Archangel Michael lifted me up out of there, because all of a sudden I just snapped out of there. And I’m sure it blew him away. And I went back, thereafter, and continued to do the work, but I made sure that I was never anywhere, I didn’t even let my presence be known in the residence when he was home. But it was — it was terrifying.
So, the thing is, is that if you’re going to ask for the gift of bi-location, [laugh] be clear what you’re asking for!
GD: Hunh.
LD: Yeah.

GD: Let’s go back to the ship. Can you give us a visual of — or a sense of how many beings are there, and the diversity of them? And — what does that look like?
LD: The diversity — now, don’t forget that our star brothers and sisters have the ability to shape-shift and to make themselves look like us and appeal to us. The diversity, though, of different kinds of races, albeit mostly humanoid, emphasis on “mostly,” is remarkable. I would — oh, I would say there’s probably about, hmm, eight thousand of us as permanent residents? And then there’s everybody else who’s coming and going, who are attached — think of it as people who are attached to a battalion in the Navy, but they’re not always on ship.
GD: Are there family units there?
LD: Yes.
GD: So you’ll see younger star beings and older star beings?
LD: Yes. Yes, and their schools, albeit they’re exactly like our schools, there are schools, and there’s care for the little ones, and there’s care — it’s funny, I’m glad you brought this up because it’s actually not something I really think of very often, either! — there’s care for beings who… I wouldn’t say they’re elderly, because that’s sort of outside the realm of that reality or dimension, but there are beings who simply have decided that they … they’re taking an extended break, let me put it that way. What we might think of semi-retirement.
And there’s also, you know, sabbaticals. When people need to have a break, or to take it easy, then there are things for them to do as well.
GD: Are you going into the healing chambers every night? Or do you need to?
LD: No. No, I don’t — yes, I probably could use it every night. But no, I don’t. Just, let me tell you, going into my quarters, my apartment….
GD: Oh, it’s a healing chamber? Yeah. [ ? ] [ ? ]
LD: But, but, the healing chambers are so intense — I don’t know if they’ve been described or not, but they — what you do is you go in and you lie on a crystal bed, and there are obviously practitioners, what we would think of as physicians, that are present and, you know, are very aware, because of their own intuition and because of technology as well, about what we need at any given point in time. And what they do is they infuse us.
So not only the crystal beds are amazingly soft, but they’re crystal! And then we are penetrated with light, depending on what we need, and inside the light is sound and vibration and attunements.
And so you can, you know … and the thing is about the healing chambers is that it doesn’t have to take long. You can go — you can check in if you’ve been having a rough time, for, you know, 20 minutes, half an hour, and you’ll come out completely regenerated.
GD: What are the various dimensions reflected on the ship? Or what’s the dimension of the ship?
LD: The dimension of the ship is the seventh dimension. The dimension that you can experience on the ship is probably five through eight.
GD: But you still need food at that dimension? Or is that just by choice?
LD: It’s by choice. It’s part of the delight. You see, the whole idea of having physicality is viewed very differently. So, could I go and never eat, or could they go without food? It wouldn’t be an issue, because they would simply live on energy.
GD: On light.
LD: And that’s why, when I talk about the more upscale restaurants, as it were, the issue isn’t the food or the sustenance, what’s going to keep us going, it’s the ceremony, it’s the social, it’s the time together. It’s wonderful experiencing wonderful tastes.
GD: Give me an example of what you might eat in the upscale restaurant.
LD: You can order what we would think of as Earth food, in which, my case, it would probably be some kind of fish, or seafood. But there are other foods that are available, a lot of vegetables or greens or fruits — and I’m not even a fruit eater — but, things from other planetary sources, or things that are grown on ship.
GD: Now, the fish and the meat, it isn’t actually harvested from live animals, right?
LD: No. No.
GD: It’s something that’s manifested, but it’s an exact replica?
LD: Manifested. That’s exactly right.
GD: Where is the Neptune now?
LD: The Neptune right now is over San Diego through, about, the border of Arizona.
GD: How far up? Do you know?
LD: Oh, it’s outside our atmosphere. I don’t know.
GD: So if we were to see it, and if it were to come down, let’s say at airplane height — which is what, I think about 30,000 feet? — you said it’s miles across. Are we talking several miles, hundred miles?
LD: No, we’re not talking hundred miles. I think sometimes these things get over-exaggerated. I would say probably about, hmm, 20 miles.
GD: Still, huge. So, is —
LD: Oh, yes.
GD: — is the Neptune considered a mothership?
LD: It is a mothership.
GD: Okay, so a mothership is really —
LD: It is the mothership for the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies.
GD: Are you excited to go back to Earth? Because I’m thinking about the 3D energy vibrational state. And — right? You know where I’m going with this, right? So…
LD: [ ? ] [ ? ] [laughs]
GD: You’re in this higher vibrational state, experiencing this through bi-location, and it’s time to go back to Earth. Do you have to go through a calibration process or do you have to get psyched up? I mean, how does that work?
LD: No, I don’t. Because I love my life on Earth. I love what I do, I love my clients, I love the work that I’ve chosen to do, I love being connected with, you know, the Council of Love. So it doesn’t feel like a downer at all. And the thing is, is that after — I told you — after I made that decision, it just got easier. I’m really committed, and especially now. I mean, with everything that’s happening, with all the great awakening that’s going on is that, you know, I don’t think I’d be anywhere else.
I think that when I get discouraged, you know, when we see war or, you know, the lies or the cheating or the greed that goes on, that can be discouraged. But then that kind of gives me the feeling that I really need to be here, because if we’re not here, who is? And how does the change take place?
GD: You mentioned you’re from the Pleiadian sector. Are you conscious, or are you aware of the family that you have there?
LD: I’m aware of the family that I have on the Neptune. I have a daughter, who is a science officer. I have a partner. I have my extended family. Yes.
GD: Well, help me out with this. I’m told I’m Arcturian and I have a family on Arcturus, a partner, and what I would consider grown kids, and as this year unfolds, 2012 comes around, we’re going to have some options. And one option that’s presented to me is, well, a few would be to stay on Earth, go up to the Neptune, perhaps, because my specialty is in communications — I might be a communications officer on the Neptune or another ship — or go back home to Arcturus.
And so, I wanted to ask you if you’d be willing to share. You have a family here. You have a husband, and — on Earth — and you also have a family on the Neptune. Are you going to be faced, perhaps like me and many others, with choosing where you’re going to be? Are you going to bi-locate and — are you going to go back and forth? I mean, what are your thoughts around that?
LD: I don’t think I’m going to have to make a choice. My partner on the Neptune is my twin flame, and I think he and I together had a wonderful — made a wonderful choice in my husband, who also isn’t from here. So, I want to see it through. I want … you know what? Because I have incarnated on Earth many times — that was something that the Council walked me through years ago — but this is the time that I’ve waited for and that I feared or — yeah, feared — would never really come to pass.
So as it does finally come to pass, I want to be here. I want to see it through. So, I’m lucky. I mean, I can go back and forth. And I — you see, I feel fully connected to my family. And I know that my family — my kids are grown too — that they have their mission and purpose, but I also know that there’ll be a lot of visiting back and forth. And the thing about our twins is that when we have a mate, it’s a group decision, almost.
So, in this life, in this incarnation of, you know, Linda Dillon rather than, you know, Suzy Q., this is who I am and this is what I plan to see through.

So little Suzy-Q here had her twin flame help choose her husband and no doubt they get into bi-located 3-ways, which may sound strange, but I'm sure there's a porno website dedicated to it (Rule 34).
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Deep Knight
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Re: Linda Shares Her Experiences Aboard The Neptune

Post by Deep Knight »

The third and final part.

Graham Dwyeb: Well, thanks for speaking to that. What can you tell us about some of the technology on the ships? We talked about the healing chambers, we talked about the replicators. Have you experienced the Akashic Records much?
Linda Dillon: A long time ago. And when I said this is something that they led me through…. You know, the very first time the Council came through, and they — I asked, like, “Who are you, and what do you want?” and they explained that they were angels and archangels, ascended masters, brothers and sisters from the stars, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and beings that had ascended into sheer energy.
So, right from the beginning, I understood that I was working with star beings and with star energies. So one of the things that they did was early on they took me through the Akashic Records, and they helped me — my personal records — and they helped me review and understand what many of my lives and my purpose, my bigger purpose, and my smaller purpose, the individual “what did you learn, what did you need to learn, what got left undone?”
And then we looked at the Akashic Records. I don’t interfere in anybody’s personal space. It’s not what I do and not what I’m interested in doing. But we did look at the Akashic Records for Gaia, which she allowed us to look at. And that was — that was phenomenal. When I think of what this planet has done and sacrificed and given up for us, oh, my God.
GD: So you were able to see her in its purest, original form?
LD: Oh, I did. And I do. You know, I do, and I do more lately. I see that radiance just coming through, and it’s like, oh, man! The same way, you know, if we looked at each other and saw who we really are, it would just blow our socks off.
GD: Who are you really?
LSD: Ahh. I can’t say. It is an agreement that I have with the Council that I don’t tend to go into, because I think it’s really important that I’m Linda Dillon and that I’m here, in this form, just like everybody else, doing a job. And trying to have a good time!
GD: It’ll be interesting, when the time is right and that’s to be shared, what what comes out. That will be exciting.
I’d like to hear — one of the great things about you being a guest on the show — I’ve brought other guests on the show, and a lot of people have experiences with ships, but they’re limited, and they might not be conscious physical experiences. You have. Tell me a little bit about your first experience. It was very unique, and it’s something that I think is important to talk about. So, seeing a ship while on Earth.
LD: Yes. And then before we get cut off I want to also talk a little bit more about the technology. But let me tell you, I’d love to share about my very first contact!
I was in Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree National Park, out on the high desert in California. And I was guided there very clearly by the Council of Love, and in fact just getting there was pretty miraculous, but that’s a whole other story. But I was teaching a class, and it was a small class, but one of the things that we wanted to do was to go out on the desert at sunset, and as it moved into evening and to night, to call in the ships, the rainbow ships.
And at that time, that was basically all I knew, that there are and there — that they’re present, and we see them every night in the sky, and we can talk a little bit about that, anyway. So we went out, and we went to a place that is called Crystal Mountain, which is exactly right next to a place called Giant Rock. Now, Giant Rock is where Tesla lived. And he literally lived sort of a cave in the rock. I mean it’s what its name implies.
GD: For those who don’t know who Tesla is, or was, can you speak to that a little bit?
LD: He is a man who worked very closely with the ETs for, oh, I think a period of about 30, 40 years? He was — when you think of Tesla, think of alternate energy and free energy. That’s basically what his mission and purpose was. But he also had a very close contact with Howard Hughes. And this is where Howard Hughes used to test a lot of his very innovative aircraft, was out on this — in this desert.
GD: Oh, I didn’t know that.
LD: Yeah. And in the fifties, in this valley in the middle of nowhere — I mean you have to drive for miles and hope you know where you’re going; now, the edges of this valley are now a military site, a very private, high security military site — but in the fifties, tens of thousands of people would gather for UFOG, for UFO gatherings, to watch the ships as they would fly by.
The valley itself is miles deep — I think it’s three miles, but don’t quote me — deep in crystals, in quartz crystals. And so the ships would literally recharge their batteries, as it were. Now, knowing what I know today, maybe they were just coming to put on a show, I don’t know! But it was a very big and very public phenomenon until the government sort of got involved and shut it down.
So, anyway, so back to the story. We passed Giant Rock and we’re going up on Crystal Mountain, a group of us, and we’re sitting on the edge. And where we are, Crystal Mountain is like a box canyon. So on three sides there are huge boulder cliffs of rock, and then the fourth side is open and we’re there looking out over the valley.
Well, we called in the rainbow ships, had fabulous, fabulous —
GD: And why do you call them rainbow ships?
LD: You know rainbow ships because they change color. So, they come as red, as blue, sometimes as gold or orange, and sometimes blue….
GD: So, while you’re looking at them they change color, from one color to the next?
LD: They can. Or they can be like a red ship or a blue ship.
GD: You know, that’s interesting because the recordings, or video footage of a lot of the, well, most of the UFO sightings that I’ve seen, usually they aren’t colored. You know, I might see colored lights. But is that a rarity, a rainbow ship?
LD: No, they’re really, really common.
GD: Okay. Okay.
LD: And if you look up at the sky at night, you’ll see. And you might think, well, there’s a blue star. Well, guess what, guys, it’s not a star at all. And you can talk to them, you know. I don’t know if any of your guests have asked about this, but they move and they will answer you. They’re very eager to communicate with us.
GD: I saw a really neat clip of a ship at night. It looked like an orb. And it was being — it was on YouTube — and it was being videotaped by some women. And so it was going across the sky, and the women were really excited. And they were saying, “Hello, hello! It’s great to see you,” and, so they asked, “Are you Sirian? Are you Pleiadian? Are you Andromedan?” And then it lit right up.
And they said, “Oh, wonderful! You’re…” I mean, it might have been Sirian or Andromedan, but it was clearly communicating back. And then they said, “We love you! We love you!” And then it really lit up, and it was still flying. And that was really great and cool.

LD: And they’ll bounce up and down. If you say “Give me a yes,” it’ll give you a movement. And if you say “Give me a no,” it’ll give you a movement.
So, back to Joshua Tree. Here we are sitting on the edge of the mountain looking out and having a wonderful time talking to the rainbow ships. But we had gone with a very clear intent that we wanted full contact. We wanted them to land, get out of the ship and come and talk to us.
So, a portion of us, a smaller group, about six or seven of us, decided that we would spend the night asleep out on the mountain, [still in hopes?] that they would come and they would talk to us. And so the rest of the group left, and we were there, and we made a campfire, and we were having a lovely time.
And this huge, like a harvest moon, only the biggest harvest moon I have ever seen rose up, or came down, behind us, just slightly to our side. If you think of it, it would be like on the right-hand side of this box canyon. And the moon just came, and sat there, and it was incredibly beautiful, and it lit the way so that — because we were way out in the desert, there was no light, we had a couple of flashlights and that that was it, and our campfire.
So we finally went to sleep by the light of this beautiful moon, sort of a burnt orangy, yellowy color moon — gorgeous! I remember it to this day. And then we woke up in the morning and we headed back to town, because it was day two of the workshop.
After that, that night, we came back out again to Crystal Mountain, Giant Rock, and decided to give it another try. And so we’re, again, you know, lined up along the edge of the mountain as sunset is coming and dusk is falling. And what happens is, is that this brand new sickle moon is rising out into the desert, over the desert. And we look at each other, and we realize, “Oh, my gosh! That’s where the moon comes up!” And that’s [laughing] — that is when it’s a new moon. It wasn’t a time — it wasn’t even the time, it was in the summer! It wasn’t time for a harvest moon!
So our friends had been there, fully engaged with us, all night and we just didn’t realize it. It wasn’t what we were looking for, and therefore we didn’t see it.
GD: It’s great that you share that story, which you’ve shared with me before. And it’s very unique; I hadn’t heard anything like that before. You mean, that’s in concert with this idea that they can change not only themselves, but they can shape-shift ships!
LSD: Absolutely.
GD: Have you experienced any other — I know you’ve experienced other encounters — but do you have any others that stick out in your mind as, “Well, I’ve got to tell them this as well”?
LD: Oh. Well, I’ve had — since that time I’ve had several experiences — can I say with the moon?
GD: Yes.
LD: Of ships coming. One time when I lived in Phoenix I went up to Colorado, to Durango, with my niece — who is one of my favorite people in the world, whose name is Linda — and we were —
GD: Did you have any influence on that?
LD: No, none at all. And she is also a very gifted channel and an intuitive. So we were driving back from Durango, and we decided we would go across the reservation, the Navajo reservation, because it’s more beautiful and it’s just — it’s gorgeous. Well, that trip should have taken maybe two to three hours, and we left in the morning so that we would be making our trip primarily in daylight, because it’s desolate.
Well, we got — what I can put in quotes: “lost.” And we drove and drove and drove — for hours! And we never saw a soul. Now it’s nighttime, and we finally come to, literally, four corners in the road. I don’t mean Four Corners, the place, I mean, like, there was a gas station and the other three corners were empty. So we pulled in to try and ask for directions. Now, the amazing thing was, this is like, oh, seven hours later? We looked down at the gas thinking, “Thank God, we didn’t run out of gas,” but we looked down at the tank and it’s still full.
Now, the whole time we had been traveling across the reservation, there had been ships following us. We had been following it, and no matter which way we turned, it was with us. It was guiding us.
So, we get out of the car and there’s this old woman. And we’re on the Navajo reservation, but this is an old, old, old black woman. And we say, “Where … where are we? And how can we find our way back to Flagstaff?” And so we said…. She gave us directions, and her directions were, “Follow the star.”
And so we did. And we found our way back to what would have been a major thoroughfare, which was really just, still, a two-lane highway. So we were on that highway, not very long; Linda’s driving at this point; and we haven’t seen a soul — not another car, no nothing, in hours and hours and hours. And all of a sudden, in a field off to the side, is this huge thing — is the only way I can describe it — with what we would think of as emergency lights spinning around, blue and red. And it was massive, and it was lit up. And we thought, “Oh, my God!” Because we had lost track of our star. All of a sudden it had disappeared. And we were thinking, “This is it! This is our ship! This is — we’ve been following [it?]!”
We try and pull off, but right then and there there’s a car right on our tail — right on our tail! So, we couldn’t pull over. We’re really disappointed; now we’re getting back to the major highway to lead us back to Phoenix. We get on the highway, and all of a sudden — we’re looking for our star, obviously, and — it appears again, like hovering. We’re talking eye level — oh, I could tell you so many stories! I’ve had a lot of experiences like this — but eye level, and so we pull over. We pull over, we want to — we want to — we want contact, right?
We pull over and we get out of the car, and we look up, and there’s the moon, again, huge harvest moon coming over the Mogollon Rim, which is the mountains just outside of Sedona. And it’s coming right at us. And not just us. People on the highway are all pulling over, and they’re looking at this phenomenon, and again, it came right down and just hovered there. It was unbelievable.
So we stayed there for about an hour. Then we thought, okay…. Now, Linda was a computer geek long before that was keen. We go home, and apparently this kind of moon phenomenon, which has happened to us several times, is really common!
GD: So when it’s right over your head like that, does it look like a cylinder? Does it look like just a smaller moon right over you?
LD: It [looked?] egg shaped.
GD: So it looked like an egg? Okay.
LD: It looked like an egg shape. It didn’t look like the moon any longer.

GD: So, why didn’t they — you wanted, obviously, physical contact where they come out of the ship and you’d have a chat. So, why didn’t that happen the first time or this time around? Why didn’t they come out and make themselves more available?
LD: Well, I think the second time was that by that time there were …
GD: Too public…
LD: … hundreds of people pulled over on the side of the road, and maybe that was, you know, against the rule. The first time, I think they were teaching us. You know, we think that we’re ready. I don’t know that we always are. And I think that sometimes, you know, it’s like people say, you know, “I really want to see. I want to see, I want to know….” But if a star being or an archangel appeared directly in front of you, there’s a good number of us that would have a heart attack.
That can be my only understanding, because from that the contact just grew and grew and grew.
GD: But at that time weren’t you pretty plugged in and aware? You had been working with the Council of Light, so —
LD: Yes. Yeah, I was… [ ? ]
GD: That wouldn’t have — that wouldn’t have rocked your world that much. Maybe the people with you —
LD: It wouldn’t have rocked my world. but don’t forget, Graham, I was going there …. Well, that’s not true, they would come to me, too. But primarily I would go there. So, I don’t know. Maybe it’s they — abiding by the rules of contact, that they, you know, that they are adhering to. But man, oh, man, it was phenomenal.
GD: That’s great. I know you wanted to talk a little bit about technology, a little bit more.
LD: Yes, I wanted to talk about their ability to put things in what I can only describe kind of as microwave ovens or huge microwave ovens, and just take energy particles and make whatever it is they want. That’s one of the most amazing things. They just put it in these energy cylinders to create and to bring forward whatever’s needed …
GD: Well, what’s the — what’s the material or substance in advance? Or is it a molecular construct that you can’t see and it goes into this microwave-like unit?
LD: It’s just a molecular construct. And the reason I’m bringing it up is that we’re being told, a lot, to gather the creation codes. You know, if we’re trying to work on something, to feel like we’re putting out our arms and collect the codes and bring them into our body. And I think that that’s basically what they’re doing. They’ve learned how to collect the molecules of energy and then just program it, technologically program it into, you know, what do we need? You know. Do we need clothing? Do we need a vest? Do we need a replacement for a part on a spaceship? Do we need, you know, new furniture? Whatever it is that’s needed. Food? It’s amazing.
GD: If I want to bring in a ship, what’s your advice for doing that? How do I facilitate contact?
LSD: Okay. Go out at night, and look up …
GD: What’s the best time?
LD: The later at night the better. Just because many of the lights from the city or the ambient light in your neighborhood is gone. So, if you’re in a rural area it’s even better. So, go out at night and look up.

And first of all, before you go, you’ve already created your intention to have contact. So, you go out and look at the stars. And a little hint is that very often the bigger ships will — oh, I’m having a senior moment! — put themselves over a planet, so they’re super-imposed. So pay attention to what you’re looking at. But that’s the advanced class. So, let’s just talk about how to contact a ship.
See that you want to look up at the sky and look for the “stars,” quote-unquote — and the way that the starships move is very different than airplanes, so that’s a given — and look at what stars are moving and blinking and not in a starry kind of way but seem to be talking to you. Then focus on one or two or three. They always work in triads, so if you see one ship you’re going to see three.
So, focus on one and notice the color. Is it more of a reddish hue? Is it more of a blueish hue? Just for the fun of it, focus on it. And then allow yourself to say, okay…. Ask it, you know, “Are you my star brothers and sisters?” and watch it move. And we’re not talking about, “Oh, did they really move? Did I really perceive that?” We’re talking about dancing and bouncing across the sky like your other friends were describing.
So it will move up. And then you can say, “Okay, are you Pleiadian? And for yes, please go up,” or “go sideways,” or “come down.” And start talking…
GD: Are you saying this out loud or telepathically?
LD: I do both.
GD: Yeah.
LD: I do both. Because I get excited. But they are there. Just — all you’ve got to do is just go out and look.
I had a…. You know, I do these gatherings every year in Sedona, and very often, because it’s a great spot to visit, people will come with their spouses. Well, this one year this guy, who was the spouse of one of my dear friends — and a great guy, great guy! but a lawyer, very methodical, very, you know, logical — but he came out.
We went out one night so I could show people how to spot the ships. And we went out, and he was just completely wowed. Because we called them in. And then the next night we were going out for dinner and we were just standing outside chatting, and he looks up at the sky, and he looks at me and he says, “Linda, this isn’t the same sky as last night. I really believe that the starships are there now.”
So, just look up, call them, and start the fun.
GD: And the reason why they’re not coming right down to Earth and coming to the ground and popping out is just the mindfulness of our readiness, and the process that we have been talking fairly openly about Disclosure, and when the timing’s right, and when…
LD: Yes.
GD: Yeah.
LD: But, you know, there are portals that you can go and see. I mean, I used to live in Sedona, in Oak Creek, just outside of Sedona, by Bell Rock. And Bell Rock is a portal for the spaceships, the small ships, to be coming into. It’s a spaceship itself, it’s landed. It looks like a rock, it isn’t. It’s hollow inside. It’s a portal for landing.
GD: So you go out there, and then what?
LD: You can go and you can see the ships flying into the rock.
GD: Inside the rock?
LD: And then [what?] they do is they’re…. It’s one of the spots where they’re delivering people who are part of the ground crew. And there’s tunnels underneath and they come out on the other side of Cathedral Rock. So there are places —
GD: So you can see them come down and …
LD: — there are a couple of places, in North Carolina, that I’m aware of.
GD: You see them…
LD: Yep.

GD: … come down and fly into the rock?
LD: Yep. You can see them — well, you can see them come — you think something’s going to crash, and then all of a sudden it disappears.
GD: Oh.
LSD: Guess what? Yeah. It’s way cool.

What I think is the most important thing is we, as starseeds, Earth-keepers, human beings, are the biggest piece of the equation in making Disclosure happen. That we are in partnership with those star brothers and sisters, and the more that we talk about it openly, not as something woo-woo or out there, but just something that is, like, “Of course there’s planes in the sky. Well, guess what? There’s also ships in the sky.”
That we are — we are Disclosure.
GD: Yeah. Well said. Well said. Linda, what’s your website?
LD: My website is, [spells it out].
LD: You’ve been listening to Linda Dillon, and, Linda, it’s been terrific to have you on the show. And thank you for sharing your knowledge and your experiences. It’s been delightful.
LD: Oh, thanks for having me, Graham. This was a lot of fun.

From “Our Galactic Family” May 27, 2012

Woo-woo to you too, Linda-Lou.
"Follow the Money"