(bolding added).Putting the Secretary [the Internal Revenue Service] on notice does not seem to move us in the right direction, just the opposite (more penalties). Any wins, anyone? I just want to know ...
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 5a6e#26269
Of course, SkankBeat ignores the question on "any wins." Instead, SkankBeat comes back with more idiocy:
(bolding added).Why do you say this?
If you notice the US Secretary of Treasury that your activity is the exercise of a right, and that exercising of rights cannot be subject to federal taxes, and that you demand return of unlawfully taken property that was obtained during the exercise of that right, and the Secretary does nothing, or even permits delegates to penalize you, then he has violated the US Constitution, and you can take him to court and force his removal from office, in addition to obtaining damages for injury caused.
SkankBeat is just soooooo good at this! He continues:
(bolding added).I would do this under common law as you remove interference by corrupt judges from the proceedings. Indeed, maybe you folks might think about building a case to present before one of these common law grand juries that have recently been established. Some things to think about.
Yeah, some "things to think about". Some things for YOU FOLKS to think about. SkankBeat has never tried this himself, and SkankBeat can't cite a case where any of his crap has actually worked. But SkankBeat is still throwing out nonsensical theories -and always suggesting that SOMEONE ELSE try out his theories.