Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

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Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

This is the kind of thing that gets whacko cheerleaders all fired up:
"It goes even further. In a tax case in California, DOJ Attorneys confessed on the record that Department of Justice Attorneys, as well as Judges, receive bribes called incentives for successful convictions. Wouldn't you know, they still got a conviction! In another tax case, the DOJ Attorneys lied to the Grand Jury to get an indictment and lied to the trial court jury to get a conviction."
(The filing in the case titles itself as a confession of the US and is seven pages of "adjudicative facts" under which the court is supposed to take mandatory judicial notice.): :roll: ... fesses.pdf

Of course it wasn't a confession on the record, and was just part of a nonsensical, frivolous filing, but that doesn't stop the lunacy from this goof-ball, Jeff Sedgwick (who's a Cornforth seminar promoter) trying to hook people on someone else's site by posting an alleged "press release" which is nothing more than irrational spam: ... ia/id/4213

The fun never ends. :Axe:
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Famspear »

Yes, tax denier Bob Hurt, who I believe has allied himself in some way with Charles Conces and the "Lawmen", began pushing the Laugenour garbage on me about a year ago in another forum, quoting from the document the Laugenours filed. Based on what I have read on Bob Hurt, he is very bitter about the Internal Revenue Service and about federal judges in particular.

Bob's wackadoo theory was that a request by the Laugenours under Rule 201(d) of the Federal Rules of Evidence -- that the court judicially notice certain preposterous tax protester assertions -- somehow resulted, in the Laugenour case, in a formal, legal determination that those assertions were true - merely because the DOJ failed to respond and the court did not rule.

Here are some of the assertions -- made by Bob Hurt, or by the Laugenours, and quoted by Bob Hurt:
Plaintiff, The United States of America, by and through McGregor W. Scott and Goud P. Maragani, has confessed the following adjudicative facts:

[ . . . ]

# Every time an IRS or Tax Division attorney from the Unite [sic] States Department of Justice makes any sort of demand relative to IRS form 1040, they are committing a felony crime.

# On one or more occasions a federal magistrate has been financially rewarded for a prosecution involving an IRS form 1040.

# On one or more occasions a federal prosecutor has been financially rewarded for a prosecution involving an IRS form 1040.

# Two or more rewards paid to two or more federal judges, magistrates, or prosecutors for a prosecution involving an IRS form 1040 would constitute racketeering.

# Use of the courts to prosecute actions involving IRS form 1040 has the intent and purpose of federal judges, federal magistrates, and federal prosecutors receiving money and not for the purpose of putting money into the United States Treasury.

[ . . . ]

# Every single criminal or civil suit filed by the United States involving IRS form 1040 was a fraud absent a procedurally proper, lawful assessment including identifying the type of tax owed such as an impost, custom, duty, or an excise tax.

[ . . . ]

# An IRS levy does not apply to people in the private sector.

[ . . . ]

# Many of the people who have worked for the Internal Revenue Service or the United States Department of Justice, many federal judges, federal magistrates, and federal prosecutors have played a role in taking money or property under the false pretense that many millions of Americans and others who happened to be domiciled within the United States or its territories actual owed some sum to the United States Treasury where no procedurally proper assessment verified a valid tax debt, are nothing in the world but common criminals.

[ . . . ]

# It is the standard operating procedure of the Internal Revenue Service to falsely state, on the Individual Master File and the Individual Master File's underlying documents, that individuals domiciled in the several states of the United States are actually operating a business in one of the Territories of the United States.

# Congress has made an alliance with the federal court system to the effect that if the federal judiciary will enforce the collection of the 1040 tax, the federal system can operate extra-legally for the purposes of fraud and extortion.

# Personnel within the United States Department of Justice have actual knowledge that federal judges and prosecutors receive kickbacks, dividends, and bonuses from Corrections Corporation of America and have a stake in sending people to prison for tax crimes that are never proved.

# The CID, "criminal investigation division" of the Internal Revenue Service maintains a file on every single federal judge and federal prosecutor to extort compliance with IRS fraud.

[ . . . ]

# Goud P. Maragani and McGregor W. Scott fabricated tax bills for David E. and Debra L. Laugenour.

# Gaud P. Maragani and McGregor W. Scott are nothing in the world but common criminals with a pattern of fraud and extortion that exceeds the requisites for criminal and civil racketeering warranting: (a). Inquiry to determine how many U.S. Attorneys, IRS agents, federal judges, federal magistrates, federal clerks, and federal circuit court judges are engaged in this racket, (b). Prosecution of all U.S. Attorneys, IRS agents, federal judges, federal magistrates, federal clerks, and federal circuit court judges involved in the racket to the full extent of the law including five years in prison per count to be served consecutively [after all these are the "keepers of the law"], (c). the United States of America returning all that has been taken from the American people for a so-called 1040 tax, (d). exoneration of all those imprisoned for a so-called 1040 tax issue, (e). compensating all those who have been imprisoned relative to a so-called 1040 tax, and (f). executing each and every U.S. Attorney, IRS agent, federal judge, federal magistrate, federal clerk, and federal circuit court judge whose acts in re: the so-61led 1040 tax were the proximate cause of the death of the target of IRS racketeering [ . . . ]
This was my response to Bob Hurt:
There is a procedure under the U.S. legal system whereby a party can be deemed to have admitted a fact. Unfortunately, that procedure is not found in Rule 201 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. As explained below, a request by a party under Rule 201(d) does not result in an admission of anything.

Rule 201(d) relates to requests made by one party that the court ''judicially notice'' a particular fact. The "fact", however, must be "capable of accurate and ready determination by resort to sources whose accuracy cannot reasonably be questioned" (Rule 201(b)). Examples of statements of facts of this kind would be: "Albany is the capital of New York" or "the sun generally rises in the east and generally sets in the west" or "spring is followed by summer."

Preposterous statements like: "Every time an IRS or Tax Division attorney from the Unite [sic] States Department of Justice makes any sort of demand relative to IRS form 1040, they are committing a felony crime", and "An IRS levy does not apply to people in the private sector", and "The CID, 'criminal investigation division' of the Internal Revenue Service maintains a file on every single federal judge and federal prosecutor to extort compliance with IRS fraud" are about as likely to be judicially noticed as I am likely to arrive on the planet Neptune later today.

By law, the judicial notice of adjudicative facts, if one is made at all, is made by the court, not by the silence or acquiescence of an opposing party after the filing of a Rule 201(d) request. The idea that the absence of a Department of Justice response to the above-listed Laugenours' assertions found in a Rule 201(d) request would constitute, "by silence and acquiescence," an admission, agreement or confession of "all the Langenours' [sic] assertions" is without legal merit.
Bob wasn't satisfied with my answer. He pops in at Wikipedia every so often and tries to engage me in a debate about taxes. I haven't heard from him in a long time, though.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by ASITStands »

Famspear wrote:Yes, tax denier Bob Hurt, who I believe has allied himself in some way with Charles Conces and the "Lawmen"
Bob Hurt started by hosting a 'Lawmen' group in Tampa, FL. However, he and Conces had a disagreement [over Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17], and Bob distanced himself a bit.

Bob tries to maintain a congenial attitude toward Conces, but the reason is likely because he's tried to take over the Lawmen mailing list. I think he foresees a Conces demise.

He's also disagreed with Conces over the Fair Tax.

Bob publishes to his mailing list all kinds of stuff. He's sort of a tax denier pack rat. I believe he's suffering from some sort of long-term disease. And, I believe he's a veteran.

There's pictures on his profile. Different sort of fellow.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by ASITStands »

The interesting thing about these sort of cases, and those who promote the theories, is the promoters' inability to read the rest of the story. The Laugenours lost their home.

And, a complete reading of the case shows why. The United States foreclosed on liens, arising out of unpaid FICA taxes, and the Laugenours contested jurisdiction on weak theories.

"I am not a taxpayer!" "Show me the summary record of assessment." "Procedurally proper legal assessment, etc." Such a shallow misunderstanding of law and procedure.

They lost their home to sheriff's sale, but that doesn't deter Bob Hurt.

What I'm trying to say is that people like Bob Hurt and Jeff Sedgwick read one document, and all of a sudden, they're legal experts, and the rest of the world is wrong.

Many times they know nothing of the case, and many other times, they have no understanding of case law or procedure, statute, etc. It's a sickness unto itself.

Not sure I'm making sense, but it's early Friday morning.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Famspear »

For Bob Hurt's views on the intelligence of African-Americans as a group, and his views on eugenics, see:

"What to Do about the Stupid" by Bob Hurt, September 14, 2005, at

You'll have to scroll down the page a bit. Actually, the first article, about his views about a disabled person in his own family is enlightening as well.

Some excerpts:
It is not racial discrimination to point out that the most egregiously stupid and most troublesomely criminal people in America are identifiable by skin color - they are black or brown, and they are African or Ibero-American in genetic origin. There [sic] race is just a coincidence.

And the most profound example was revealed by [Hurricane] Katrina. It effectively ripped the covers off the bed of the stupid people of New Orleans' welfare projects and inner city ghettos, and showed them to be a nest of parasites, indigents, welfare abusers, and criminals. More than 95% of them were black.

[ . . . ]

New Orleans is populated largely by stupid people. Even the cops are stupid, for they are required to be residents of the city in order to be members of the police. In general, only the stupid would live there, knowing the imminent danger that threatens them every year.

[ . . . ]

Stupid people cannot and will not evolve a superior civilization. As proven in the ex-European colonies of Africa, a stupid populace will destroy any superior civilization bestowed upon them.

[ . . .]

The bottom line is that nobody with an IQ below 90 should be allowed to procreate a child or immigrate to America. We have the technology to implement a wise and benign eugenics program. We are derelicts for not using it.

[ . . . ]

As illustrated in New Orleans, we are now reaping the harvest of our own widespread irresponsibility and laziness. Maybe we need a few more hurricanes to rip the bed covers off of our inner city ghettos so Americans can see how terrible is the genetic rot that infests our nation. People are impoverished because they are stupid. Our prisons, jails, and welfare roles are packed with stupid people. They are terrible burden on our society. The obvious conclusion we must eventually agree upon is that if they did not exist, they would not be a burden.

[ . . . ]

The stupid are free to procreate other stupid people. They do not excerise their responsibility to restrain themselves from breeding more stupid people. The financial and emotional burden on us will increase, and our liberties will continue to disappear to the extent that we allow the stupid to proliferate. Our president is right to show a tender heart and helping hand to those in need. He is wrong to ignore his responsibility to push for wise and benign eugenics programs that elevate the IQ of our gene pool.

I encourage the President, our legislators, and all Americans to make eugenics the number one thrust of the remainder of this millennium. Only three generations of rigorous and benign eugenics will be necessary to rid our nation of the bulk of its stupid people, without doing actual harm to anyone.
Although eugenics and race would seem to be topics far removed from the topic of tax law, I hope that this puts Bob Hurt's confidence about his ability to parse the intricacy of U.S. income tax law in some perspective.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by webhick »

In that short excerpt, he used the word "stupid" fourteen times. Even people with an IQ below 90 can use a thesaurus.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Famspear »

Here's more from Bob Hurt, from another section of the same web page, apparently in response to something written by someone else:
But let's be clear as to the meanings and relevance of the words we use . Smart is the opposite of stupid. Smart means intelligent - able to solve problems. Stupid means unintelligent - unable to solve problems. IQ is the measure of one's ability to solve problems. IQ is relative. Race enters the picture because it so happens that on average Indigo people are far less intelligent than are Caucasians and Northeastern Orientals (Japanese, Koreans, certain Chinese). We have no choice but to generalize about IQ and races because so many people of so many genetic and cultural endowments populate our world and affect its evolution.
You might recall reading the story of Adam and Eve. They were to be biological uplifters of the human races. They were originally slated to have 2 million direct-line descendants before mixing in with humans, then the plan was changed to 1/2 million. The result would be a biologically (genetically) superior array of humans.
It would be instructive to put yourself in Adam and Eve's shoes. How would you go about mixing in with humans? I'm guessing the wisest approach would be first to publicize the characteristics and achievements of the violet race, then to initiate a competition among other races to earn the right to be a prospective mate of one of the violets. Would you allow the stupid to enter the competititon? I doubt it. You'd allow only the average and bright with a balance of other good characteristics.
Why would God, through his agents in charge of our Constellation, set forth to uplift the races biologically? Might it not be to eliminate defective, degenerate, and inferior people from the gene pool?
Now that Adam and Eve have blown their mission here, who will rise up to take their place in the biological upliftment program? Will you do it, Cheryl? Frankly, until you are willing honestly to face the reality that Blacks are relatively stupid, as are Mexicans and certain groups of Caucasians, and that their low-IQ natures are neither needed nor wanted in future generations of humans, you will not be qualified to participate in the planning for such a program. Why? Because getting rid of the stupid is one of Adam and Eve's purposes for coming to this world.
It is only a coincidence that the vast majority Blacks and Mexicans have relatively low IQs, but it is a reality. It is true that, out of 45 million Blacks, a good 6 to 7 million have IQs higher than the average Caucasian IQ of 100. I do not think such people should be excluded from a biological upliftment program. But I do think all of those Blacks and Mexicans and Caucasians with IQs lower than 90 should be prohibited from procreating, as should all welfare recipients, criminals, crazy people, and children under 21. If such a law were implemented, our nation's genetic, family, and crime problems would diminish dramatically and within 3 generations.
That is only half of a good gene-pool enrichment program, for the other half would encourage smart people to meet and procreate a lot of children, rather than 1.7 per family as they are doing now. 3 per family is required to sustain a race or gene group. The stupid generally procreate at greater than 3 children per family.
Why is there no decent and benign eugenics program in America? For one reason: people like you, Cheryl, say it is stupid to call people stupid. It has become politically incorrect to tell the truth about IQ and genetics because that might offend someone. I think it is far more important to be loyal to truth than to be concerned over offending someone with the truth.
Ah, the mind of Bob Hurt.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Imalawman »

Now, that would be racism. Whoa.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by The Observer »

Given the horrible grammar/spelling of Bob's posts, I will assume that he is including himself in procreation prohibition.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by webhick »

Did anyone see that movie Idocracy? Its a little low-brow, but it made some interesting observations (without bringing race into it).
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Imalawman »

The Observer wrote:Given the horrible grammar/spelling of Bob's posts, I will assume that he is including himself in procreation prohibition.
One can only hope...
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

This is one of his "fixes" for the country:
"10. Slam the doors on immigration,eject all illegal immigrants summarily, and allow only productive, law abiding people of 110 or higher IQ to enter the country for residence or citizanship[sic]."
Don't leave the country, Bob. :lol:
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by ASITStands »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:This is one of his "fixes" for the country:
"10. Slam the doors on immigration,eject all illegal immigrants summarily, and allow only productive, law abiding people of 110 or higher IQ to enter the country for residence or citizanship[sic]."
Don't leave the country, Bob. :lol:
I'm in agreement, Judge!

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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Famspear »

By the way, I don't want to say that Bob Hurt might be a little overly "self-absorbed", but in over two years of editing in Wikipedia, I have seen only one example of a case where a poster actually inserted his own picture in a Wikipedia article's talk page:

--as Bob Hurt did in the discussion about the Laugenour case (scroll about half way down).

The man's attention to detail is just astonishing. Well, OK, he can't really spell "Laugenour" correctly, but it was so nice to get a picture!
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by wserra »

Assuming that it's the same "Robert Hurt" from Clearwater, all of his mumbo-jumbo didn't stop AmEx from getting a judgment against him:


Filing Number: 119631177



Filing County: PINELLAS
Filing Date: 04/2002


[address redacted]



Total Amount: $7,385.00
He's also one of those nitwits who thinks he can make a cop who wants to give him a traffic ticket fill out a questionnaire.
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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by grixit »

So is God a grey or a pleadian?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Laugenour nonsense filing touted as victory/admission

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

grixit wrote:So is God a grey or a pleadian?
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