Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

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Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

Weston White of Weston World is at losthorizons and is straining mightily to bring Mutter back. Examples of Weston's latest:
Of course there are Pollock and Brushaber for the most prominent to be noted. The cases do not have to have to specifically be about “personal income”, because the IRC does not prescribe a separate definition for such class of tax, regardless the same rules apply, it is the same subject matter and scope of law. Ergo, the ‘income tax’, is the ‘income tax’, period. The terms within the IRC depend mostly upon established legal definitions which are found in legal dictionaries, that is your supporting evidence. As well as legal traditions, statutory construction, etc. You want to better understand something you always go to the source and to get to the source you rollback to the past, the truth is always found in the past… deeply rooted and entrenched. However, pristine its condition will remain.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 3060#13060

Weston? Weston? Earth calling Weston.... Are you there? Weston, pay attention. The topic of the day is Cracking the Code. Look for a U.S. federal court case where a taxpayer made Peter Eric Hendrickson's arguments about the U.S. federal income tax and the court ruled in the taxpayer's favor on that issue. Stop beating around the bush, Weston.
Now mind you going off such illogical findings in the process of destroying your own so-called evidence, you have simultaneously destroyed their evidence as well. For if you have found that your own cited cases have become invalidated because there are none which apply, the effect would twofold, thereby destroying those cases which were used to refute your own.
OK, I have no idea. Your guess is as good as mine. Make up your own joke.
Being that you now consider yourself a staunch legal mind, do you not wonder why the IRS and Quackloss depend so much on citing lower court cases and tax court cases, as if they mean anything or have some effect on the mass populous? Surely, if there were any kernel of truth to their contentions they could muster some really nice SCOTUS cases for us all, or hell how about a CRS Report now and then right?
Weston, you should really leave Weston World once in a while and spend some time at Quatloos.

And Weston: Aside from the fact that we cite Supreme Court cases over and over and over and over and over and over..... My response would be: Why do you cite the same old cases we cite -- cases like Brushaber? Neither the Supreme Court nor any other federal court has ever ruled in favor of the arguments that Hendrickson makes.
No, no the best they can do is twist the context of Pollock and Brushaber and bark aloud at the moon as to how we are depending on outdated court cases that are almost 100-years old! As if the age of the case itself matters a bit, 100, 200, 500 years old, unless overturned, the age of the case, it matters not! BTW, do you never ponder why so many of these cases have to do with mining and railroad companies?
Do you ever ponder why tax protesters keep citing these old mining and railroad company cases, when the courts in those cases did not rule the way you say they ruled, Weston?
Also, why can’t they properly address the issue from President Truman’s letter to Congress, about how the rapid increase in taxypayer’s in the early 1940’s, prior to that it was less then 8% annually, (usually being between 3-4% annually)?
Again, I have no idea where Weston zoomed off to on this one. Make up your own joke.
In the greater perspective, debating topics such as the meaning or purpose “includes”, the value of ones labor v. the exchange, the correct usage of IRS Pubs, Manuals, Forms, et al are of little consequence and serve as more of a distraction than anything else. The meat and potatoes of the argument is, was, and always has been ‘compensation for services’ and ‘earned income’. Does Dan’s FAQ even address such issues? [I just glossed through and was UTL, but I faithfully doubt he does.]
I count 24 specific references to the phrase "compensation for services" in The Tax Protester FAQ by Daniel B. Evans. Weston, maybe a little more lucidity in your complaint would be helpful, here.
The logic of the “tax professions” regarding income means everything that comes is one of fallacy.
Ah, the old "everything that comes in" argument. Ever notice how tax protesters love this phrase? Yet you almost never see it used by the tax professionals.
For if that was the true intention our Nation’s Framers [to tax "everything that comes in"], they would have simply created one category of taxation with several classes therein. As there would be no need, nor even any application for the Direct Category of taxation, (they could have set the apportionment requirement for Representatives without the reference to any categories of taxation, just as they referred to Direct Taxes without any specific reference to Representative in Article I, Section 9). If a capitation tax is a tax in consideration of your labor, the only thing an income tax can thereafter exist as is a tax in consideration of your profit from your labor.
OK, you're off into the weeds, again Weston. The topic is Cracking the Code, remember? Cracking the Code. Can we say this now, all together???: Just go look for a case where a taxpayer made Peter Hendrickson's arguments and the court ruled that those arguments were correct.
[Direct Taxes – capitation and other direct taxes (hence more than one, i.e. assessments, head, personal, subsidy, local, and poll)]

[Indirect Taxes – aid, tribute, franchise, gabel, privilege, license, inheritance, legacy, succession, tallage, transfer, toll, sinking fund, duties, occupational, imposts, excises, estate, detraction, and the ‘income tax’ (which was another class of tax born at a later date)]
See more about tax classes here: http://defendindependence.org/whatistaxation.html
Why do I get the feeling that I'm talking to a brick wall? Or maybe just a brick? Weston! Weston! Snap out of it, buddy! Just go look for a case where a taxpayer made Peter Hendrickson's arguments and the court ruled that those arguments were correct.
Similarly we could just as well compare the current misapplication of the federal government’s right to establish a militia for the defense of the county, by making it appear that the SSS process is for the purposes of the “armed forces” to fight offensively or more aptly proactively in foreign lands. Also we could compare the complete discarding by the states of Article I, Section 10, Clause I by the Legislature of Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 regarding our Nation’s monetary policies.
Weston! Weston! Snap out of it!
And would could even compare the Legislatures abuse of their taxing powers, being that taxation is to be conducted for specific and defined purposes those being: “to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States”.
I'm gonna go get another cup of caffeine-laden bean sludge derivative, and I need one bad. Just watch him while I'm gone, and make sure he doesn't hurt himself.
Regarding Mr. Dan’s FAQ, that monstrosity only pertains to actual frivolous arguments and no others. CtC is not listed officially as a frivolous argument and it cannot be, because the moment it is the entire IRC becomes unconstitutional, so far as it related to Subtitles A and C.
It just doesn't ever get any better, does it, Weston?
Perhaps you should have a reading from the Annotated Constitution in regards to the XVI Amendment: http://www.law.cornell.edu/anncon/html/ ... amdt16_hd8
No. It doesn't.
If that does not clear up your misconceptions than I do not know what will. Though if you are looking for a small school project to grope all over here you can start by proving these cases wrong:
Thank you for sharing that with us, Weston.

Now, go look for a U.S. federal court case where a taxpayer made Peter Eric Hendrickson's arguments about the U.S. federal income tax and the court ruled in the the taxpayer's favor on that issue.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

More from Planet Weston:
Just to mix it up a bit, lets look at a recent argument theoretically, while putting specially defined terms (profits and gains) aside for the moment.
Just to mix it up a bit, Weston, would you mind showing me a case where a taxpayer went into a federal court and argued Peter Eric Hendrickson's theories, and the court ruled that Hendrickson's arguments were correct?

Does anyone notice that I'm repeating myself?
If an individual can't incur a loss through the act of laboring, nor can they realize a gain from the same. A gain implies risk, thereby where there is no existing risk, there is no possibly for a gain to take place. Furthermore, even if there is a gain realized, how could we legally proof we had a gain? How would we ever know?
Ummm, how about - if we receive money for doing the work? Does that count?
For the simple fact that we have nothing to compare the gain to. Being that the mechanism requires an equation to be performed, if one portion of that equation is always zero, it is not an equation being performed.
Um hmmm.....
An equation requires variables, zero is not a variable it is a constant, an invariable.
Boy, I need to trim my nails. Look at that....
To add another final and more obvious point, why do businesses get to deduct losses, meanwhile individuals do not. If the true scope Code is designed to equally effect and apply to both person and entity. To state that a person would still expend the same regardless if they were laboring or not, thus all is a gain and losses are always zero, the same would hold true for a business [ . . . . .]
Why do I get the feeling that this will not actually turn out to be Weston's "final and more obvious point"? Oh! Sorry, I interrupted......
. . .. would not the business realize expenditures and gains just the same just as an individual? Is not a business merely representative of the individual or individuals that own it? Regardless if the business is closed or opened, all that comes would be remain a profit and all that is expended would remain a loss.
Weston is kinda like that fan that you like to run in your room in the summer. As long as he doesn't change the volume too much, the incessant droning will puutttttt you riiigghttt to sleeeeeeppp......
To further clarity ......
.......it is the individual that has to expend to produce labor each day, it is the individual that bears the burden of expending, while the business does not, the business is a fictional object. The individual realizes the time and effort expended, meanwhile the entity never does. The individual is cognizant of their labor of their efforts, their training, their knowledge, skill, etc., this is never the case for the entity. The individual feels the sweat on the brow, the strain in their muscles, the joy of their production, the pressure of a deadline, the pride of accomplishment from all their many hard years of learning and working… again not so for the entity.
Oh, is this the movie? I thought this was the commercial....
As well, it is the individual whom feels and realizes the pains of having to pay $4.00 a gallon of gas in their beat up old car that only gets 12 MPG and has to travel from three towns away to find part-time work and back and forth going between their two-three different jobs racking up a large tab of mileage in their car with no air conditioning in August each passing day and causing great wear and tear on their vehicle with a run down engine, it is the person that has to each properly to keep their energy and health up, to pay for a parking stall to park their vehicle during the workday, to buy, clean, and iron nice clothes, and stay well groomed, that has to study, train, and learn to do their job and that has to often use their own tools to perform their work tasks. It is the person that consumes both the mental and physical power to perform their work. It is the person expending their own personal time for the entity; it is the person growing in age and maturity, not the entity. Meanwhile, the business is left to simply write off its losses as they occur, gone, as if nothing bad had ever happened.
OK. Got the nails done. I usually do 'em on Sunday.
Finally, how can the government ever put a price on what one person values their labor at in respects to what another person values their own labor at?
Finally? Are you sure, Weston? No. You're not sure, are you?
Were does the federal government have such legal power to deem what the value of a persons time, labor, or barter is worth? Do not such matters fall under realm of private contract laws, something the federal government only has say in only in very specific situations?
OK, look, you're not gonna make us do any math, right?
Seriously the Congress might as well next pass a law that states all labors will make the determined amount minimum wage, given their occupational class, no less and no more.
Weston, go look for a federal court case where a taxpayer argued Hendrickson's theories, the court ruled that Hendrickson's theories were correct.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

CaptainKickback wrote:Famspear, you would do better to give him the big padded helmet, so as he continually butts his head into walls, he won't damage the walls.

Like far too many people, he has reached a conclusion and is trying desperately to cobble together and sort of argument that might support his preordained conclusion. And he will never answer your question(s) Famspear, because they are completely outside the orbit of his conclusions.
The key word here is "orbit."
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »


please secure your beverages, passengers........

In response to my request that Weston White look for a U.S. federal court case where a taxpayer made Peter Eric Hendrickson's arguments about the U.S. federal income tax and the court ruled in the taxpayer's favor on that issue, Weston responds:
Quite honestly, even if there were one, it would not mean a thing to me. So far as CtC related court cases are concerned, it is a new idea.
Oh, so now Cracking the Code is a new idea? Earth calling Weston: If it's really a "new" idea, it cannot possibly be legally correct, Westie-poo. The validity of the federal income tax law was established... oh, I think sometime before Pete's first prison term, if I recall correctly.
It will take time, just like it took the feds what all of about 8-years to finally get the courage to pull PH into court… just like it took the feds to what say about 4-years to get DC into court? And oh yea that went real well for them didn’t it! Please don’t make me laugh.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 42ad#13061

Ah, the old "Pete has 'em right where he wants 'em" delusion, eh Weston? Ohhhhhh the BONDS HE HAS PLACED UPON THOSE TAX COLLECTORS!

We're not trying to "make you laugh," Weston. We're trying to keep you from bumping your head so much.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

By the way, to whom is Weston referring with the initials "DC"?

I hope he doesn't mean Dave Champion. Weston doesn't know what happened to Dave Champion? :lol:
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

Weston, I just have a question. If you were to send people out to find a court case where a taxpayer argued that the federal income tax is limited to activities involving some sort of exercise of a federal privilege, or that the federal income tax cannot tax the private-sector earnings of individuals not involved in an activity in connection with the exercise of a federal privilege, or however it is that Peter Hendrickson words his theory....

whom would you send???

Would it be....

....a plain old ordinary "TRT (Tyrannical Response Team) Member"?

http://defendindependence.org/Forum/trt ... &sk=t&sd=a

Would it be one of your "TRT Team Leaders"?

Would it be a "TRT Coordinator"?

Could it be just anyone from the "TRT Legal Task Force"?

Or would it have to be a "TRT Intel & Recon Specialist"?

Would you send an entire "TRT Intelligence Team"?

How about the "TRT Reconnaissance Task Force"?

Or a "TRT Special Investigator"?


Weston White's Tyrannical Response Team......

....just waiting to go into action.....

Make sure that whoever is sent wears a helmet.....
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by ASITStands »

I nominate 'Demo' to the Tyrannical Response Team.'

She's the only one among the crowd who wears a helmet.

'Famspear,' I think you've already risen to Weston's challenge:
Famspear wrote:
If that does not clear up your misconceptions than I do not know what will. Though if you are looking for a small school project to grope all over here you can start by proving these cases wrong:
However, when I read that challenge, I thought it would be 'fun' to tear apart each one of those showing how the particular citation is taken out of context and is not the holding.

I think you've already written about every one of the cases cited by Weston. Just pull them all into one post and shut the mouths of those who pretend to be legal scholars.

What more 'fun' could you have on a Saturday afternoon?
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by The Operative »

ASITStands wrote:I nominate 'Demo' to the Tyrannical Response Team.'

She's the only one among the crowd who wears a helmet.

'Famspear,' I think you've already risen to Weston's challenge:
Famspear wrote:
If that does not clear up your misconceptions than I do not know what will. Though if you are looking for a small school project to grope all over here you can start by proving these cases wrong:
However, when I read that challenge, I thought it would be 'fun' to tear apart each one of those showing how the particular citation is taken out of context and is not the holding.

I think you've already written about every one of the cases cited by Weston. Just pull them all into one post and shut the mouths of those who pretend to be legal scholars.

What more 'fun' could you have on a Saturday afternoon?
In just a quick perusal, there were at least two 'cites' that were not from the court's decision. A third cite mingled sentences from the court's decision and others that are not found in the court's decision. Also, Weston placed bracketed words in a couple of cites to try and make the cites support his position.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by ASITStands »

Now the ForumAdmin himself has chimed in to wish 'mutter' goodbye.

More fodder for 'Famspear!'

And, note to MN Stix: My 'banter' is meant to goad 'Famspear' into action. Some of us have commented many times before and need not confuse the on-point discussion by him.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

ASITStands wrote:Now the ForumAdmin himself has chimed in to wish 'mutter' goodbye.
I've started a separate thread about ForumAdmin's response to Mutter.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Cpt Banjo »

The Operative wrote:In just a quick perusal, there were at least two 'cites' that were not from the court's decision. A third cite mingled sentences from the court's decision and others that are not found in the court's decision. Also, Weston placed bracketed words in a couple of cites to try and make the cites support his position.
What, you mean that Mr. White is relying on phony quotes? Surely he didn't try to pass off the losing argument that Mr. Earl's attorney's made as if it were part of the Supreme Court's decision in Lucas v. Earl, did he?

He did? I'm shocked, shocked!
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by wserra »

ASITStands wrote:My 'banter' is meant to goad 'Famspear' into action.
Hardly necessary, ASIT. He's already beaten you to it.

No one expects the Famspish Inquisition.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

Now, Weston White writes:
Here are some supporting cases, just for consideration and reference:

IRS Gets Crushed in Washington State
http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1218324298
Nope. No supporting cases here. There is no court ruling that an individual's private-sector non-federally privileged compensation would be non-taxable.
161 Federal Tax Charges, 0 Convictions
http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org/UP ... -09-30.htm
No. No supporting case. There is no court ruling that an individual's private-sector non-federally privileged compensation would be non-taxable.
Inventor Wins Tax Dispute Jackpot In Vegas
http://www.forbes.com/2008/08/20/hyatt- ... can03.html
No supporting case. There is no court ruling that an individual's private-sector non-federally privileged compensation would be non-taxable.
Illinois Court's Failure to Show Jury Proof of Federal Tax Law Prompts Acquittal on State Tax Fraud Charges (the Whitey Harrell case) ... deral.html
No supporting case. There is no court ruling that an individual's private-sector non-federally privileged compensation would be non-taxable. By the way, Harrell was convicted of Illinois tax charges. Weston's reference above to an "acquittal" is to an earlier case a while back, where he was indeed acquitted. And that was in state court, not federal court. And even in the acquittal case, there was no determination about the nature or validity of federal income tax laws. And a verdict of acquittal in a criminal case, federal or state, does not generally constitute a determination about what the federal income tax law is. Sorry, but that's how our legal system works.

EDIT: Dear Weston: The good news for Mr. Harrell is that he did get probation. On February 5, 2009, he was sentenced to two years probation, plus a $2,500 fine and court costs, plus payment of 1996, 1997, and 1998 taxes, plus interest and penalties. If he keeps his nose clean, I would assume he can stay out of jail. Another big tax protester "victory," eh?
This one makes you want to shout “Oh now I get it! Silly me!” (regarding Ed and Elaine Brown) ... chive.html
No. No supporting case. There is no court ruling that an individual's private-sector non-federally privileged compensation would be non-taxable.
There were two other cases I think (IIRC), I can’t really recall them though, one was about some type of compensation from a loss or a lawsuit and the other was (they might have lost their case, but in that case there was some good information considered, I think it was posted on Devvy Kidd’s site awhile back)… I thought I had it but now lost my train of thought maybe I will think of it later. To additionally note from what I have heard Michael Minns and Jim Mattatall have impressive records in shutting the IRS’ filthy mouth up.
No. Michael Minns is an attorney. He represents taxpayers in disputes with the government. Some of his clients win. Some of his clients (presumably) lose. I'll have to check on Jim Mattatall before commenting on him. No supporting case. There is no court ruling that an individual's private-sector non-federally privileged compensation would be non-taxable.
The point of citing this is to point out that the folks at Quatloos avoid discussions on these matters.
No we don't, Weston. And several of the very items you cited have been discussed in the forum.
If you read through prior posts on their site regarding such topics, even more recently regarding Dave Champion, the content of the threads are filled with juvenile jokes and the like (blah! pointless rhetoric), you are lucky to find 1-3 posts that are actually serious in nature. There is also the fact that never do they discuss the results of Dave Champions case, none that I found anyways, they sort of seem to have just forgotten about him since his case ended, which was several months ago.
No, his case hasn't ended. My recollection is that because of his antics and his refusal to obey the IRS summons, he was finally arrested and, as a result, he finally turned over the materials that had been summoned. That was just a few months ago. If the IRS has dropped its investigation of him, we probably wouldn't know, as that would not normally be public information. If the IRS is still investigating him (or his followers), you won't know until something hits the court system.
If things are as they say they are, why will the government not simply address the We The People Foundation and put an end their harping?
The government has addressed "We the People." Several court cases have occurred -- cases filed by We the People. And We the People lost those court cases. And Bob Schulz has been personally under investigation. Whatever is going on with Schulz and the IRS is not public information until and unless somebody releases something. And the government should not be, and is not, in the business of ending the "harping" of Bob Schulz and company. It's a free country, remember? First Amendment? Ring a bell?
These people (the Quatlosians) honestly appear to believe that the government has no obligation to address the grievances of the people, only that the people have the right to submit grievances, though they never have to be addressed, that there are no standards for the government to uphold.
That's pretty much the law Weston. That's pretty much what the courts have ruled. So it's not a question of what you or I "believe". For the umpteenth time, under the U.S. legal system, the law is what the courts rule the law to be, not what you or I want the law to be, and not what you or I believe the law to be.
Is that the type of person you would really want to be associated with? My friend the ship is sinking and these people want to sit in the lounge enjoying their scotch. I say let them. As for our own people, there is much work to be accomplished.
Maybe it's just me, but if I have to choose between associating with convicted felons and tax cheats, on the one hand, and the Quatloos regulars on the other, I think you know what my personal choice would be.
Meanwhile everything will be ok, because in the end, I know in my heart that our Founding Fathers will be maintaining a very large vat of bubbling tar for all the scandals and traitors of our Nation! When that day finally comes I will take a seat in a fine leather chair and enjoy a nice glass (or two) of scotch.
Yeah, let us know when that happens, Weston. Why don't you call your Tyrannical Response Team and ask them what's taking so long....
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by webhick »

Famspear wrote:Now, Weston White writes:
Here are some supporting cases, just for consideration and reference:

IRS Gets Crushed in Washington State
http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1218324298
Nope. No supporting cases here. There is no court ruling that an individual's private-sector non-federally privileged compensation would be non-taxable.
I think I remember the Morans. Something about the judge screwing up by not allowing them to testify about where they got their shitty advice about how to file their tax returns. IIRC, they were acquitted on retrial because the jury honestly believed that they unknowingly followed shitty advice.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by mutter »

Weston writes at LH
Just do what the peanut butter execs do, it seems to have worked swell for them, just change:

"Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, on advice of my counsel, I respectfully decline to answer your questions based on the protections afforded me under the U.S. Constitution," Parnell responded."


"Mr secret agent person and whomever else it might concern, on advice of my counsel, I respectfully decline to answer your questions based on the protections afforded me under the U.S. Constitution."

Then at the close if you are feeling saucy enough, you could advise them that only courts of law can issues enforcing documents, that they have no legal jurisdiction over a private citizen of whatever state, that you expect to be treated innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, period. And further still if they actually think you are that stupid and/or ill-informed, then please stop waiting both of our time and to be quite frank and forthright, you are no longer permitted on my private property.

Additionally, if you come at a later date to serve a valid order form the court you better make arrangements with the local police or sheriffs office to assist you as you have no legal right to act without their presence.

Anything short of that I will be calling the police/sheriff myself and will bring trespassing charges against you.

[But that just may be me, heh.]
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Famspear wrote:....
Why do I get the feeling that I'm talking to a brick wall? Or maybe just a brick? ....
All together now - to Weston:
We don't need your explanation
Mutter gave up thought control
There's no dark secrets in the courtroom
Weston leave them kids alone

Hey, Weston! Leave them kids alone

All in all you're just a
'nuther brick in the wall.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:All together now - to Weston:
We don't need your explanation
Mutter gave up thought control
There's no dark secrets in the courtroom
Weston leave them kids alone

Hey, Weston! Leave them kids alone

All in all you're just a
'nuther brick in the wall.
Methinks that with Weston ("Weaksauce") White and his fellow scammers, when the Internal Revenue Service comes a-callin', it is just a question of .....
Money, get back.
Im all right jack keep your hands off of my stack.
[ . . . ]
--by Roger Waters

But when Weston ("I like to post fake quotations about Supreme Court cases") White zooms off to Weston World in interstellar overdrive mode, Weston shows that he knows about as much about federal income tax law as my sister's dog knows about the Dark Side of the Moon...... For Weston ("we don't need no education") White, the law is really a saucerful of secrets.

EDIT: correct my typo: "intersellar" ------>> "interstellar"
Last edited by Famspear on Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Demosthenes »

By the way, which one's Pink?
Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Demosthenes wrote:By the way, which one's Pink?
Aren't they all? :shock:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Weston White at losthorizons: The Latest from Weston World

Post by Famspear »

An income tax scammer called Weston
Thinks that freedom from taxes is destined.
But he’s not all that bright--
Mister "Fakery" White!
Will the IRS find and arrest him?
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet