- Dr. Kent Hovind answered the Creation Science
- Hall of Fame after we shipped a packet of letters
- to him from his followers requesting that he give
- up his tax fight with the IRS and get back to
- Creation Science where he is needed the most.
-- Nick Lally, President
-- Creation Science Hall of Fame
http://creationsciencehalloffame.org/li ... nt-hovind/
Open letter from Kent Hovind, 26 September 2013:
In regards to your letters to the Creation Science Hall of Fame that you all wrote a while back:
I have taken the liberty to ask Marianne to add the email addresses of all those who wrote in answer to Nick Lally’s letter from the Creation Science Hall of Fame about my prison term and taxes to my short list of folks I send regular updates and blogs to.
He mailed them all to me.
I hope you don’t mind this intrusion but I don’t know of a more efficient way to answer all at once. I have many details about the 6 issues currently pending in my case posted on http://www.2peter3.com for those who care to study the issue and know the truth. Read Prov. 18:13 first please and maybe Job.

I will be sending a longer response answering all the comments at once in the future but this email is to let you know why you are getting this unsolicited email contact and to give a very short reply.
Most of the letters Nick sent to me are several months old now.
After reading all the letters and comments twice I admit I do understand the concern many have and also more about how Job must have felt when his friends spent 35 chapters of God’s Word telling him “he must have sinned” and he should quit fighting God.

The way Nick phrased the comment seemed misleading to me by asking that I “give up your Tax Fight with the IRS…” as if I started or wanted it.
Paul appealed to Caesar and spent a LOT of time fighting his case.
Was he wrong?
He didn’t ask to fight the Romans.
BTW-I would be glad to give it up after I win.

Paul and Silas demanded an apology when they were wrongly imprisoned in Acts 16-and they got it!

From reading the many letters it is obvious that there is still a great deal of misinformation floating around the internet about my case and why I am in prison.
It is certainly a serious thing in God’s eyes to lie (Rev. 21:8, 27) against an elder (I Tim. 5:19).
I’m sure God would also be upset if a brother or sister were to prevent someone from watching my videos and getting saved by their careless or untrue comments about me.
As it was with Job, God will be my judge as to my integrity but here is a short answer to clear up a few of the lies, rumors and misinformation.
For those guilty of spreading any of these lies (like Job’s friends) send your apology to: dr.dino@2peter3.com and I’ll pray for you like Job did in 42.
Then post it on Nick’s site as well, please.

1. I am NOT a tax protester and never have been, as can be seen in the IRS’ own record scanned and posted on http://www.2peter3.com in the legal section. There were 35 pages in the 710-page IRS file on me that clearly showed I owed no tax. These 35 pages were deliberately left out when the IRS entered that file in the trial and the IRS agent admitted at trial the pages were missing! See what happened to Peter J Limone 1st Circ. 2007 (497 F. Supp. 2d 143) when it was discovered government agents withheld evidence of his innocence and he FINALLY won his case! He and three other defendants were awarded $101,750,000. I’m sure I’ll have all sorts of new friends then!

2. I am NOT refusing to pay some taxes because I don’t like how they spend it on evolution (or ANYTHING else) and I never have. I DO think evolution is stupid and will fight it all my life, but NOT by refusing to pay some tax.
3. I DO render to Caesar what is Caesar’s. Always have. I have often said that everyone should obey the law including the government. BTW-Caesar is dead. I find it sad that most folks never quote the last half of the verse. Is EVERYTHING Caesar’s?
4. I DO pay lots of taxes and from what everyone who has really studied the issues and my case say, I did not break any laws-IRS or otherwise. I did not pick this fight with them. Nehemiah just wanted to build a wall but the enemy attacked him so he had to hold a sword and a trowel for a while. The British attacked us in 1776, we didn’t attack them.
5. I am NOT distracted from the ministry. Since being in prison (almost 7 years now) I have written 32 books or booklets on creation or soul-winning; have earned another masters and 2 more doctorates; have led hundreds of men to Christ and answered way over 10,000 letters; have received and answered scores of emails from evolutionists trying to defend their dumb religion; have written several thousand blogs and posts for Facebook and have helped about 10 others start their own creation ministries in various countries. God has supplied others to do the legal stuff for me and I just read it, sign it, and send it in.
6. I did NOT start any fight with the IRS. I wrote about 10 letters to the IRS asking for clarity about the bewildering tax laws that are about 40 times the size of the Bible. The lead IRS agent admitted at trial that he never answered ANY of my letters. He just had me arrested on bogus charges and assumed I would lay down and drink the Kool-Aid like most do.
If any of you can point to one specific law that I truly violated (AFTER you have read my Third Affidavit filed with the Grand Jury in 2005, my 2255 motions currently in the courts, my appeal to the 11th Circuit [case #13-12520] about the tax court judgment against me and my Complaint of Misconduct against Judge Rodgers for all her many violations of my Constitutional rights) PLEASE show me.
If you can show me the law I broke I’ll have Hal send you a free copy of my new book on end times: “What on Earth is About to Happen…for Heaven’s Sake?”
I’m TRYING to understand and obey the complex code and am NOT trying to cause a fight with them.
Job was not trying to antagonize the Sabians!
Paul was not TRYING to antagonize the Roman government either and neither were the disciples when they were arrested, beaten or threatened 53 times in Acts alone.
Paul said, “all who live godly in Christ Jesus SHALL suffer persecution.” II Tim. 3:12.
If no one is persecuting you what would that indicate?

I would invite you to stay on the list to follow my case and blogs and even email me if you like at dr.dino@2peter3.com.
If you wish to be taken off the email list of updates on my case please let Marianne know (psalm.37@live.com) so she can remove your name.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.
Longer answer later.

In Christ,
Kent Hovind