Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Joey Smith
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Joey Smith »

The Statute of Limitations has run out on all of the credit cards I've defaulted on.
According to you, but Heidi since you don't have two brain cells to rub together I seriously doubt that you could accurately calculate the SofL.

Also, you'll still get the 1099 for forgiveness of indebtedness income and your credit will be totally screwed for seven years. Congrats.
- - - - - - - - - - -
"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to suijuris.net)
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by wserra »

Red Cedar PM wrote:Forgive the softball question from a non-attorney, but couldn't someone be prosecuted criminally for fraud for hanging a shingle saying that you are a paralegal when you really aren't one? If so, we should report this to the relevant state / county authorities.
Florida law requires that, to hold oneself out as a "paralegal", one must be working under the supervision of a specific attorney. Rule 20-1.1 states that the various Rule 20 subdivisions "set forth a definition that must be met in order to use the title paralegal". Rule 20-2.1 then defines "paralegal":
(a) Paralegal. A paralegal is a person with education, training, or work experience, who works under the direction and supervision of a member of The Florida Bar and who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a member of The Florida Bar is responsible.
In other words, you can't just hang out a shingle and call yourself a "paralegal", even with a certificate from the "Millman College of Paralegal Knowledge" (apologies to Johnny Carson). Still, I don't know that Heidi is doing that. She calls herself a "paralegal" on Sooey, but if she isn't practicing, she isn't committing unauthorized practice.

Sorry, but I can't resist one more quote from the learned "paralegal" on Sooey, posted last night:
It seems to me that a case could be made that our currency is no longer backed by precious metals
Perhaps, along about 2020, Heidi will catch up with the events of 1971.
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by fortinbras »

She appears to be using the name Heidi Tunispeed.
Ordinarily I wouldn't point out a typo by someone I like, but the 'official' document being referenced spells it Tunipseed (not ...speed) ---- and I am willing to bet that this is, itself, a misspelling of Turnipseed (with an R).

Heidi might have spelled her alias wrong and is now counting on others to use a more conventional spelling, or maybe she gets to take advantage of someone else's fortuitous misspelling, but the difference in spelling the name is probably giving her a bit more time to use that alias before being caught.
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by cynicalflyer »

fortinbras wrote:
She appears to be using the name Heidi Tunispeed.
Ordinarily I wouldn't point out a typo by someone I like, but the 'official' document being referenced spells it Tunipseed (not ...speed) ---- and I am willing to bet that this is, itself, a misspelling of Turnipseed (with an R).
I stand corrected.

A rerun against the Florida Bar Paralegal demonstrates regardless the spelling, she's not there.

http://www.floridabar.org/names.nsf/AFR ... Start=2005
Pamela M. Tuck Ocala
Melissa Tukh Miami
Sandra B. Tuller Clearwater
Yolanda A. Tullo Tampa
Tunipseed would be here
Kim A. Turilli Tampa
Jane H. Turner Boynton Beach
Linda A Turner Melbourne
Sherry L. Turner Altoona
Karin Turner-Cooney Sarasota
Turnipseed would be here
Deborah K. Tuttle Indialantic
Kelly A. Tuttle Jacksonville
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order

Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Pantekhnikon »

wserra wrote:
Red Cedar PM wrote:Forgive the softball question from a non-attorney, but couldn't someone be prosecuted criminally for fraud for hanging a shingle saying that you are a paralegal when you really aren't one? If so, we should report this to the relevant state / county authorities.
Florida law requires that, to hold oneself out as a "paralegal", one must be working under the supervision of a specific attorney. Rule 20-1.1 states that the various Rule 20 subdivisions "set forth a definition that must be met in order to use the title paralegal". Rule 20-2.1 then defines "paralegal":
(a) Paralegal. A paralegal is a person with education, training, or work experience, who works under the direction and supervision of a member of The Florida Bar and who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a member of The Florida Bar is responsible.
In other words, you can't just hang out a shingle and call yourself a "paralegal", even with a certificate from the "Millman College of Paralegal Knowledge" (apologies to Johnny Carson). Still, I don't know that Heidi is doing that. She calls herself a "paralegal" on Sooey, but if she isn't practicing, she isn't committing unauthorized practice.

As I mentioned on another thread here, I'm grateful to you for pointing out the criteria for doing business as a paralegal. I had no idea. The so-called "paralegal" I used for my first 2 and 1/2 pleadings is not licensed, either. Fortunately I never "practiced" -- I have never been paid for helping anyone with their legal writing and drafting.

Of course "ignorance of the law is no excuse".

Sorry, but I can't resist one more quote from the learned "paralegal" on Sooey, posted last night:
It seems to me that a case could be made that our currency is no longer backed by precious metals
Perhaps, along about 2020, Heidi will catch up with the events of 1971.

Are you REALLY that oblivious to deliberate SARCASM, wserra?
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by wserra »

Pantekhnikon wrote:Are you REALLY that oblivious to deliberate SARCASM, wserra?
You wrote:
It seems to me that a case could be made that our currency is no longer backed by precious metals, and therefore our national debt isn't either. All our Gov't has promised to repay to foreign creditors are "dollars" - vapor money - backed by nothing.... (except the "full faith and credit of the American people"?????)
Characterizing that seemingly perfectly serious statement as "sarcasm" has a certain revisionist quality.
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by jcolvin2 »

Red Cedar PM wrote:Forgive the softball question from a non-attorney, but couldn't someone be prosecuted criminally for fraud for hanging a shingle saying that you are a paralegal when you really aren't one? If so, we should report this to the relevant state / county authorities.
As well as an unauthorized practice violation, calling oneself a paralegal (when one is not licensed) and accepting money could be prosecuted under 18 USC sections 1341/1343 as wire and mail fraud. To reverse the McNally decision, Congress added 18 USC sec 1346, defining fraud to include the depivation of an intangible right to honest services. Even if the paralegal services had value, if one intentionally mischaracterized one's status and right to offer such services, a fraud prosecution would be possible.

Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Nikki »

Why should possible prosecution for a minor item like pretending to be a paralegal matter to a common thief?

Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Pantekhnikon »

wserra wrote:
Pantekhnikon wrote:Are you REALLY that oblivious to deliberate SARCASM, wserra?
You wrote:
It seems to me that a case could be made that our currency is no longer backed by precious metals, and therefore our national debt isn't either. All our Gov't has promised to repay to foreign creditors are "dollars" - vapor money - backed by nothing.... (except the "full faith and credit of the American people"?????)
Characterizing that seemingly perfectly serious statement as "sarcasm" has a certain revisionist quality.
Ah HAH... NOW you decide to put the first part of that sentence back into (at least partial) context... but ONLY when it serves your present purpose. Thank you for exposing your tactics so 'nicely'. 8)

FIRST, you quoted the partial sentence in an attempt to make it appear that I was ignorant of the fact that we've been on 100% fiat currency for decades... THEN you post the complete sentence to argue that I wasn't being sarcastic (and therefore... whether the first portion of that sentence was sarcastic or NOT... I was informed that fiat currency has been our lot for decades). OOPS!

Well ... which is it, then, counselor?

Either I was fully aware of the fiat currency status quo all along, OR I was uninformed? Once you quote that entire sentence it becomes clear that I knew perfectly well what I was talking about, whether sarcastic or not.

It's not too difficult to demonstrate that given enough 'rope', and/or enough 'bait', that you will inadvertently expose your own 'tricks of the trade'. And that's all it really IS... right, counselor? A pure game of wits.

BTW ... when you succeed in getting an alleged criminal acquitted, do you ask him/her the same question you asked me earlier?

I.E. -- "I know we've WON, but don't you feel the least bit guilty about getting away with..." (choose however many may apply):
A. Murder
B. Assault with a deadly weapon
C. Grand theft
D. Rape
E. Drug trafficking
F. Prostitution
G. All of the above
H. Other _____________________

Talk about conditional ethics......... :roll:

Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Pantekhnikon »

jcolvin2 wrote:
Red Cedar PM wrote:Forgive the softball question from a non-attorney, but couldn't someone be prosecuted criminally for fraud for hanging a shingle saying that you are a paralegal when you really aren't one? If so, we should report this to the relevant state / county authorities.
As well as an unauthorized practice violation, calling oneself a paralegal (when one is not licensed) and accepting money could be prosecuted under 18 USC sections 1341/1343 as wire and mail fraud. To reverse the McNally decision, Congress added 18 USC sec 1346, defining fraud to include the depivation of an intangible right to honest services. Even if the paralegal services had value, if one intentionally mischaracterized one's status and right to offer such services, a fraud prosecution would be possible.
Such poor reading comprehension and short-term memory retention skills really should preclude you from debating on quatty... unless, of course, the general consensus is not to bother about a few leaky sieves poisoning the well.
wserra: She calls herself a "paralegal" on Sooey, but if she isn't practicing, she isn't committing unauthorized practice.
ME: As I mentioned on another thread here, I'm grateful to you (wserra) for pointing out the criteria for doing business as a paralegal. I had no idea. The so-called "paralegal" I used for my first 2 and 1/2 pleadings is not licensed, either. Fortunately I never "practiced" -- I have never been paid for helping anyone with their legal writing and drafting.

Of course "ignorance of the law is no excuse".
As soon as I read those posts I changed my signature on suijuris and I have never been paid for helping anyone with legal writing and drafting, nor have I offered legal advice. I also thanked wserra for the information.

It's just like you Fed Res Tools to attack someone for actually appreciating valuable information and correcting an honest mistake.

But why should I be surprised? Nikki the Noodnick thought that no one else in the world would ever use the handle: "heidig7" except someone named Heidi Guedel. Tell that to "the Governator" and Edward Heidig, and all the other pages and pages of "Heidig's" that appeared upon a simple google search, dumb-dumb... :lol:

Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Nikki »

I might be a noodnik, but I'm not living in a rented home, under an assumed name, and waiting for someone to repossess my car.
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by LPC »

Pantekhnikon wrote:
jcolvin2 wrote:As well as an unauthorized practice violation, calling oneself a paralegal (when one is not licensed) and accepting money could be prosecuted under 18 USC sections 1341/1343 as wire and mail fraud. To reverse the McNally decision, Congress added 18 USC sec 1346, defining fraud to include the depivation of an intangible right to honest services. Even if the paralegal services had value, if one intentionally mischaracterized one's status and right to offer such services, a fraud prosecution would be possible.
Such poor reading comprehension and short-term memory retention skills really should preclude you from debating on quatty... unless, of course, the general consensus is not to bother about a few leaky sieves poisoning the well.


As soon as I read those posts I changed my signature on suijuris and I have never been paid for helping anyone with legal writing and drafting, nor have I offered legal advice. I also thanked wserra for the information.

It's just like you Fed Res Tools to attack someone for actually appreciating valuable information and correcting an honest mistake.
Speaking of "reading comprehension and short-term memory retention skills," what part of "and accepting money" in jcolvin2's reply did you not understand or could not remember for more than a few seconds?
Dan Evans
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

CaptainKickback wrote: ...

Frankly, calm in the currency markets will not occur until the world adopts the Captain as a standard currency. The 1C (1 Captain) coin will feature a profile of me on the front and a giant redwood on the back. The other denominations will be:

2C coin - Crescent moon and star on the front, minarets on the reverse
5C bill - Nelson Mandela on the front, assorted African wildlife on the reverse
10C bill - Alfred Nobel on the front, the Alps on the reverse
20C bill - Confucius on the front, bamboo on the reverse
50C bill - Dec. of Independence group portrait on the front, Libert Bell on the reverse
100C bill - Mahatma Ghandi on the front, the Ganges on the reverse
I'm afraid you're up against some stiff competition:

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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

What's really humorous is "your" coin is offered at a higher price than several Libbie offerings.
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

CaptainKickback wrote:That's because The Captain, has a much nicer ring to it than The Libbie - which reminds people of a line of canned fruits and vegetables.
True, but "The Captain" reminds me of ...


IMO, Crunch Berries are the best. In all seriousness; Alfred E. Newman coins are offered on eBay at a higher price than some Libbies.

Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Pantekhnikon »

LPC wrote:
Pantekhnikon wrote:
jcolvin2 wrote:As well as an unauthorized practice violation, calling oneself a paralegal (when one is not licensed) and accepting money could be prosecuted under 18 USC sections 1341/1343 as wire and mail fraud. To reverse the McNally decision, Congress added 18 USC sec 1346, defining fraud to include the depivation of an intangible right to honest services. Even if the paralegal services had value, if one intentionally mischaracterized one's status and right to offer such services, a fraud prosecution would be possible.
Such poor reading comprehension and short-term memory retention skills really should preclude you from debating on quatty... unless, of course, the general consensus is not to bother about a few leaky sieves poisoning the well.


As soon as I read those posts I changed my signature on suijuris and I have never been paid for helping anyone with legal writing and drafting, nor have I offered legal advice. I also thanked wserra for the information.

It's just like you Fed Res Tools to attack someone for actually appreciating valuable information and correcting an honest mistake.
Speaking of "reading comprehension and short-term memory retention skills," what part of "and accepting money" in jcolvin2's reply did you not understand or could not remember for more than a few seconds?
What are you talking about? :roll:

How could you manage to miss my following statement, (which you, yourself quoted):
I have never been paid for helping anyone with legal writing and drafting

I have not received remuneration for paralegal services. I corrected my error as soon as I was apprised of it.

Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Pantekhnikon »

MEANWHILE... for all of your hilarity regarding specie-backed currency, it seems you fail to appreciate the salient point made by Rothbard, Mises, Vieira, and all hard-money economists -- that it is the inflation of fiat currency which robs the public of wealth. Thomas Jefferson knew this as well. It benefits the initial creator of the new deposits (in the form of 'loans')... but cheats to an increasing degree everyone to whom it is passed afterward.

Listen to a true Conservative economist:

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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Gregg »

Nikki wrote:I might be a noodnik, but I'm not living in a rented home, under an assumed name, and waiting for someone to repossess my car.

you just so ruined my preconceptions about you, how disappointing! :shock:
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by LPC »

Pantekhnikon wrote:
LPC wrote:Speaking of "reading comprehension and short-term memory retention skills," what part of "and accepting money" in jcolvin2's reply did you not understand or could not remember for more than a few seconds?
What are you talking about? :roll:
Pantekhnikon wrote:How could you manage to miss my following statement, (which you, yourself quoted):
I have never been paid for helping anyone with legal writing and drafting
Which shows how poor your reading comprehension is, because jcolvin2 never said you had.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Heidi Guedel Now a "Paralegal"

Post by Pantekhnikon »

CaptainKickback wrote:Even with precious metal backed currency there will be inflation.
Do you not recognize the difference between incidental, circumstantial inflation and deliberate, privileged and profiteering inflation?

Do you not understand that the latter is far greater, and that it benefits those who have special permission to engage in it while cheating the rest of us?

This is Rothbard's main point -- that a 'counterfeiter' (obviously) profits most from creating new money... and that all those to whom such 'currency' passes afterward are cheated by this back-room inflation. It works well because so few people comprehend its true cause -- they only complain of its effects.

You may disagree with conservative economists like Rockwell and Rothbard, but you should realize that even the liberal economists like Keynes acknowledge the creation of new money and its resulting inflation. It's just that the libs think the privileged class of bankers can best 'manage' it for the rest of us.

Some of us disagree. We think it's rather like the fox guarding the hen house.