UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by JonnyL »

Bones wrote:
wanglepin wrote:More bilge from sycophant Salli
by SalliNae » Tue May 19, 2015 8:25 pm

Can someone who was attendance confirm whether the Judge was Court dress. I vaguely recall someone saying he wasn't but would love confirmation.
WT... I see, I got it! ,(1) So the Judge was not dressed in robes this then means Tom Crawford loses his home but won his case.
(2)The Judge was dressed in his robes so this lawfully means Tom Crawford won his case but will lose his home. Yes Syco Salli, I see the difference in what you're saying. :lol:
Tom's house is saved because the Judge was not wearing matching socks

Might be a good time to list the people Tom called for help. Call it a rogue's gallery if you will for people that aren't familiar with Tom's legal experts

Let's start with

[*]Michael of Bernicia, aka Michael Waugh,


Details of his lack of success can be found in this thread
The judge said:
17. I refused the application for Mr O’Bernicia to act as amicus as this was misconceived. An amicus is a court appointed lawyer to act independently of the parties, not on behalf of one of them. :haha:

[*]Guy Taylor


Details of his previous stay at her majesty's pleasure and overal lack of any success can be found in this thread


[*]Mr Ebert


Details of the cases he has lost can be found in this thread


[*]Mark "Ceylon" Haining [/b]


Not sure he has had any success in ever doing anything in life. His failure in life can be read here

With these legal beagles helping and supporting him, is it any wonder that he lost so completely
Oh dear, my ribs are splitting reading that hahaha!!!! :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

I think Ceylon is having difficulty accepting that even with his help and support Tom lost

Re: Tom Crawford case: Compelling Public Interest facts beh

Postby ceylon » Tue May 19, 2015 10:16 pm
and i can confirm this is just the tip of the iceburg as you will be seeing very soon

Apparently rumour has it that new information is going to be released tomorrow to show that Tom did win and the judge was wrong. :snicker:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by JonnyL »

BlueBurmese wrote:Hello all

I've been lurking on the forum a while now watching how this case and the WeRe Bank one have panned out. It has been enlightening finding out what was really behind the "bank attempts to steal house from man with cancer" story. Two sides and all that...

Difficult to add much to what has already been posted but just a few points:

*It seems clear that Tom (and perhaps the rest of his family, I'll come to that in a minute) is pretty bad with money. There's a long history of arrears on the mortgage account and I suspect that the offer of a repayment mortgage was turned down because he simply couldn't afford it. He was (is?) self-employed as a carpet fitter as I understand. Work that I doubt was highly paid nor was guaranteed. It does make you wonder why he's stuck it out if he couldn't make ends meet. Does anyone know if his wife worked also?

*He was paying £302.55 a month on a £41,800 interest only plus £5,000 capital and interest mortgage. That looks a bit steep to me and would indicate an interest rate of between 5% and 5.5%. There are far better deals out there and failing that, surely B&B could have moved him on to something cheaper?

*The son, Craig, describes himself as CEO of Paramount Profits, a marketing company. It's not actually clear what it does although it appears to be some sort of affiliate marketing scheme. The website design and text are boilerplate stuff and have the whiff of a get-rich-quick scheme. I have serious doubts that the profits from that bought the Audit with personalised number plates that he proudly displays on Facebook.

Overall, Tom is going to lose his house in the next month or so. Personally, I'd rather he didn't but it's clear that he hasn't got a trusted friend to shake some sense into him and get him to renegotiate with B&B, and even if he had, I doubt he'd listen.
I think you're right about not being able to afford it, and when they offered Tom the opportunity to move onto a repayment mortgage they probably would have revised the interest rate, but on both occasions Tom refused to change the mortgage, without his consent there's very little they can do.

As for craig, yes I've seen his site, and the problem with PR people is that they become very adapt at pushing dumb ideas in the pursuit of money, or in this case losing it.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by JonnyL »

On a serious note now people, they haven't played the blaming the Rothschild banking dynasty card yet, will that be in Thursdays video?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by BlueBurmese »

JonnyL wrote:On a serious note now people, they haven't played the blaming the Rothschild banking dynasty card yet, will that be in Thursdays video?
Yes they have - ... 75&t=86284

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by JonnyL »

***UPDATE*** News just in... People are retracting their critical statements, now I've seen various threads suggesting they'll pay the outstanding capital then they'll appeal it after. Can anyone else feel a crowdfunding campaign coming on?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Hercule Parrot »

BlueBurmese wrote:Overall, Tom is going to lose his house in the next month or so. Personally, I'd rather he didn't but it's clear that he hasn't got a trusted friend to shake some sense into him and get him to renegotiate with B&B, and even if he had, I doubt he'd listen.
Hello Blue, and welcome. I think there's a fair amount of sympathy here for TC. He isn't the first overstretched homeowner to put his head in the sand, and he won't be the last. But as you say, he is in total denial about his options now. He won't understand this until he's on the street with a suitcase in his hand.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Tom is getting very crabby that some people are doubting his word and that of his handlers about winning the case in court. He's so confident that he won that he has printed Elizabeth Watson's diatribe that mounts an entirely different (and even more ridiculous) defence to the one he advanced in court. He also calls out his "doubters" about all the good work he and his crew are doing to help other people. "Help" in this case probably being self importantly stomping about outside somebody's house and waving their camera phones while the bailiffs don't turn up.

It's this self righteous attitude and relentless propagandising for the GOODF cause that have worn away any sympathy I may once have had for his situation. The judgement enhances my belief that although perhaps getting into this situation as a slightly confused and financially illiterate man, in trying to extricate himself he has developed into a cunning and bare faced liar and promoter of the damaging sovrun ideology that makes him just as despicable as any of the others. ... 376290892/

Edit: I also meant to add that in my experience it's perfectly possible to help other people in difficult circumstances without using it as a self serving justification for ones own lies and evasion and without getting them into more trouble than they started with. And without charging for one's time and travelling expenses!
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Normal Wisdom »

BlueBurmese wrote:Hello all

I've been lurking on the forum a while now watching how this case and the WeRe Bank one have panned out. It has been enlightening finding out what was really behind the "bank attempts to steal house from man with cancer" story. Two sides and all that...

Difficult to add much to what has already been posted but just a few points:

*It seems clear that Tom (and perhaps the rest of his family, I'll come to that in a minute) is pretty bad with money. There's a long history of arrears on the mortgage account and I suspect that the offer of a repayment mortgage was turned down because he simply couldn't afford it. He was (is?) self-employed as a carpet fitter as I understand. Work that I doubt was highly paid nor was guaranteed. It does make you wonder why he's stuck it out if he couldn't make ends meet. Does anyone know if his wife worked also?

*He was paying £302.55 a month on a £41,800 interest only plus £5,000 capital and interest mortgage. That looks a bit steep to me and would indicate an interest rate of between 5% and 5.5%. There are far better deals out there and failing that, surely B&B could have moved him on to something cheaper?

*The son, Craig, describes himself as CEO of Paramount Profits, a marketing company. It's not actually clear what it does although it appears to be some sort of affiliate marketing scheme. The website design and text are boilerplate stuff and have the whiff of a get-rich-quick scheme. I have serious doubts that the profits from that bought the Audit with personalised number plates that he proudly displays on Facebook.

Overall, Tom is going to lose his house in the next month or so. Personally, I'd rather he didn't but it's clear that he hasn't got a trusted friend to shake some sense into him and get him to renegotiate with B&B, and even if he had, I doubt he'd listen.
Hi Blue and welcome to Quatloos.

I cannot be absolutely sure but I seem to remember that when I took out my endowment mortgage (a few months before Tom) it was actually slightly more expensive than a repayment mortgage. The selling point was that the endowment policy would provide life assurance cover on the loan sum and "almost certainly" generate a surplus once the loan was paid off. That turned out to be bollocks but that's another story.

I think you're right that Tom could have made a better deal towards the end of his mortgage. I think the interest rate quoted on his original offer was around 9 or 10% and certainly within a few months of taking out my mortgage the rate soared up to 16%! That was quite a hairy time.

Tm's wife did work. In fact he said that she had three jobs to try to make ends meet while he was ill with prostate cancer. It's not clear whether he has worked since then but I think it is unlikely. So we should bear in mind that since he was ill and from the issuing of the suspended Order of Possession they had made the mortgage payments in full and on time right up to the end of the loan period when they (wrongly) felt that they could just stop even though they still owed both the capital sum and some interest from earlier in the loan period. It was this that triggered the Order of Possession.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by wanglepin »

Bones wrote:I think Ceylon is having difficulty accepting that even with his help and support Tom lost

Re: Tom Crawford case: Compelling Public Interest facts beh

Postby ceylon » Tue May 19, 2015 10:16 pm
and i can confirm this is just the tip of the iceburg as you will be seeing very soon

Apparently rumour has it that new information is going to be released tomorrow to show that Tom did win and the judge was wrong. :snicker:
This is a favourite line of Mark Hainings- Ceylon. When things are going a little awry on his forum he will always, alway post something along the lines of "as you will be seeing very soon". "watch this space", "an arrest is imminent". Remember the "cunning plan watch this space" at Eberts daughters house, and "Tom has a secret weapon wait and see". He's a maggot who craves the limelight and who believes these 'headline grabbing' lines will some how put all eyes on him.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by wanglepin »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
It's this self righteous attitude and relentless propagandising for the GOODF cause that have worn away any sympathy I may once have had for his situation. The judgement enhances my belief that although perhaps getting into this situation as a slightly confused and financially illiterate man, in trying to extricate himself he has developed into a cunning and bare faced liar and promoter of the damaging sovrun ideology that makes him just as despicable as any of the others.
I agree. Taylor, Ebert and Mark Haining - Ceylon did a good job on Tom Crawford. He then went past the point of no return. I Believe he knew a long time ago that he didn't have a chance once the first warrant had been issued and Judge Godsmark`s decision has proved that to be the case. He had a chance to pull this around but Mark Haining - Ceylon was right there at the right time to introduce him to Guy Taylor who in turn introduced Tom to the vexatious litigant Mr Ebert... at more cost.
I want to actually see this eviction,not for the reasons of seeing a man on the street though. No, I want to see how much support Tom has now that the decision has been handed down.
Will Sycho Salli be in attendance, will Hayes, Gerrish, show? There is more chance of Rob Menard and Santos Bonacci showing up.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by PeanutGallery »

Normal Wisdom wrote:It's this self righteous attitude and relentless propagandising for the GOODF cause that have worn away any sympathy I may once have had for his situation. The judgement enhances my belief that although perhaps getting into this situation as a slightly confused and financially illiterate man, in trying to extricate himself he has developed into a cunning and bare faced liar and promoter of the damaging sovrun ideology that makes him just as despicable as any of the others.
Your description of Tom Crawford reminded me of one of my favourite pieces of Shakespeare.
Iago, Othello Act II Sc III wrote:When devils will the blackest sins put on,
They do suggest at first with heavenly shows,
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Normal Wisdom »

wanglepin wrote:
Bones wrote:I think Ceylon is having difficulty accepting that even with his help and support Tom lost

Re: Tom Crawford case: Compelling Public Interest facts beh

Postby ceylon » Tue May 19, 2015 10:16 pm
and i can confirm this is just the tip of the iceburg as you will be seeing very soon

Apparently rumour has it that new information is going to be released tomorrow to show that Tom did win and the judge was wrong. :snicker:
This is a favourite line of Mark Hainings- Ceylon. When things are going a little awry on his forum he will always, alway post something along the lines of "as you will be seeing very soon". "watch this space", "an arrest is imminent". Remember the "cunning plan watch this space" at Eberts daughters house, and "Tom has a secret weapon wait and see". He's a maggot who craves the limelight and who believes these 'headline grabbing' lines will some how put all eyes on him.
I bet Leigh Ravenscroft hasn't got his boat back either!
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by littleFred »

Welcome to BlueBurmese and all the other recent new members!
Normal Wisdom wrote:The judgement enhances my belief that although perhaps getting into this situation as a slightly confused and financially illiterate man, in trying to extricate himself he has developed into a cunning and bare faced liar and promoter of the damaging sovrun ideology that makes him just as despicable as any of the others.
That more or less describes a typical pattern: Mr Ebert, the two Michaels and Guy Taylor all had financial problems they didn't fully understand, and/or decided to stop paying mortgages, had their property repossessed, and develop careers as leaders to take others down the same self-destructive path.

Ceylon and Peter of England may have started from a different position, but the outcome is the same: lies about the law and how real life works, which almost seem designed to get people into more trouble.

On the Eviction the fraud of the bank FB:
Craig Crawford wrote:Can EVERYONE PLEASE wait until Thursday before getting into any disagreements and posting things, as there's being a video released to stop all of this confusion
I suppose this will be the translation from Legalese to SovCit, which will probably invert the meaning of every sentence.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

littleFred wrote:
I suppose this will be the translation from Legalese to SovCit, which will probably invert the meaning of every sentence.
No doubt they have sent a copy to the judge to obtain his approval before its release.
They wouldn't want to be accused of putting words into his mouth would they?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
wanglepin wrote:
Bones wrote:I think Ceylon is having difficulty accepting that even with his help and support Tom lost

Re: Tom Crawford case: Compelling Public Interest facts beh

Postby ceylon » Tue May 19, 2015 10:16 pm
and i can confirm this is just the tip of the iceburg as you will be seeing very soon

Apparently rumour has it that new information is going to be released tomorrow to show that Tom did win and the judge was wrong. :snicker:
This is a favourite line of Mark Hainings- Ceylon. When things are going a little awry on his forum he will always, alway post something along the lines of "as you will be seeing very soon". "watch this space", "an arrest is imminent". Remember the "cunning plan watch this space" at Eberts daughters house, and "Tom has a secret weapon wait and see". He's a maggot who craves the limelight and who believes these 'headline grabbing' lines will some how put all eyes on him.
I bet Leigh Ravenscroft hasn't got his boat back either!
There used to be a video on youtube where someone made a rap of gregg wallace of master chef saying something about a buttery biscuit base...

I wonder if someone could make one of Ceylon doing a "I will arrest you" rap
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by JonnyL »

Do you think yesterday's non eviction in Battersea was of the phantom variety to keep the illusion going? In their words a 'false flag'?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by GH132 »

Morning all

The more I think about it, the more I think they are going to pay off the B and B privately, and then state "the B & B have confirmed that after our victory, they have now wiped the balance of the account" .. how would we know any different ... b and b are bound to privacy !
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by vampireLOREN »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
littleFred wrote:
I suppose this will be the translation from Legalese to SovCit, which will probably invert the meaning of every sentence.
No doubt they have sent a copy to the judge to obtain his approval before its release.
They wouldn't want to be accused of putting words into his mouth would they?
What is fascinating to me is their "high level" cases, Michael Oh Deara , Russ twotimes McGarry, that really stupid Mr Sinclair-Grant and of course the Grand Daddy Tom are all guilty of their own demise . It defies logic, they are masters of confusion and appear to be devoid of any practical sense. It is actually is if they do all this .....just for the amusement of others.
I see that cretin Cleveland Williams is on all their facebook pages as a friend now that takes Stupid to the MAX. The way they are handling the "TOM" judgement could not be better, and yes its all highly amusing but the dark side to this is appalling. These people are Bastards they think it right not to pay Utilities, rent, any form of tax. They don't care about anyone as long as they are followed. They can not be helped....they are masters with their hands out.
Bastards. (now I feel better :D )
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by daveBeeston »

When this whole situation first came to light I did have alot of sympathy for the Crawfords as like most others I wouldn't wish the loss of a home on anyone, but the longer its gone on and the untruths he has fed his followers(beit on his own or via influence from others) has eroded that sympathy to the point of I actual now cannot wait for the eviction to happen.

Its needed to bring him and his family back down to earth and to get him away from the leeches who will no doubt abandon him like rats from a sinking ship once he's out on the street.

I do wonder what will happen to Tom and his family when that happens from both a mental and physical side of things.
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