Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

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Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by YiamCross »

Kate Ward is mounting an attempt to parlay what she perceives to be her victory over the banks, where she reoccupied her property by breaking in after a repossession, into a guruship. She has a few barely coherent videos and appeared to a large audience, nearly 80 eager listeners, on BAstion Raido the other night where she impressed me with her hysterical abuse, all in CAPITALS of course, on the comments feed and is now offering her services to the Crawfords. I'm not sure how long she's managed to remain in her property but I expect it to end the same way these things always do. More costs and no home. The best thing about her is she's keen to create publicity and quickly goes hysterical so I expect the show to be a good one.
Amanda Pike more evidence of our stuff being there
19 hrs · Like

Kate Ward Who put the fences up and by what authority? Was it the police or the estate agent or an independent security firm?
2 hrs · Like

Mark P Conway Kate Ward after many months of fighting and hundreds of police cording off the area stopping us all from entering the street under threat of causing a breach of the peace they illegally allowed the bailiffs with NO WARRANT to gain access and occupied the premise. There was hundreds of supporters at the location in support of Tom and his family but in Nottingham the police there follow no code of conduct and do not abide by there oath so far to say that they have chased a child abuse victim down for blowing the whistle on them, this is the type of people the Crawfords have had to deal with
41 mins · Edited · Like · 1

Mark P Conway Dirty low life T*****'s
52 mins · Like · 1

Amanda Pike We need to get you all our videos honey lol x
35 mins · Like · 1

Kate Ward I heard Mark P Conway. It's disgusting. That is why the police need to be stopped in their tracks. I sorted the two coppers my end, who's behaviour was mild compared to tom's. In fact without a shadow of a doubt, looking at tom's case I'd be going for the prosecution of a senior officer, just for starters. That'll get them round the table. Contact Michael Ough who is ex-police and now an expert in police corruption. He's the one who helped me nail things down my end xx
22 mins · Like

Mark P Conway great bit of advice
21 mins · Like · 1

Kate Ward Yes Amanda Pike the police are not doubt being bastards. Time is now to make them answer. I'm with you, I AM YOU, all the way and if there's ANYTHING I can do other than what I'm doing then let me know. Am sorting some transport out after the weekend so intend to come see you the week starting the 10th and we'll for a cunning plan...xxxxxxxxxxxx
18 mins · Like

Kate Ward *no doubt! Ducking predictive Titsey! Grrrrrrx
She has a Facebook page for those who do but it's the usual stuff. Challenging the power of attorney clause in the mortgage agreement, that kind of thing.


For those who don't FB or just cant be bothered to trawl through the rants of another nutjob, here's a sample of a response to one of her critics. More verbose than her comments to me on Bastion Radio the other day which basically centered around a 4 letter word beiginning in C, endint in T and all in capitals. She makes the lovely Amanda Pike seem rather reserved and shy so I expect this one to provide some high-grade sovcit fuckwit on the land entertainment before the dus finally settles.
Mark Atch I'm no expert, but surely, by admitting you were made aware of your arrears on the account & also ignored the eviction notice, then legally speaking, you're kind of on the back foot, as regards any possible claim to being illegally evicted??? In essence.
7 hrs

Kate Ward Ah feck it! Can't figure how to delete your message. Truth is am just being lazy...so for transparency, here's my message back to you on messenger earlier today.... "hiya luv! sorry but had to delete our exchange. it's really important that i'm as positive as possible and although would normally not fuck about with anything that's said, PATICULARLY by you, I need to build up some more momentum on the back of such an extreme action (i.e. tekking me house back!) But fyi, when ive studied the paperwork, I had 7 days from the eviction order (itself not passed through the court but merely applied for online) and furthermore, i have since found out that if i had paid the extra £50 a month (catch up) separately (as ordered by the court feb 2014 i COULD NOT have been evicted. The £800 of excess charges (times that by 10) tnat have been applied to my account over the last 11 years have ;pushed my account into default. I HAD NO CHANCE. So that in a nutshell is that. But the essense of my arguement is that THE LAW is Different to THE LEGAL SYSTEM and that over the last 10 years in particular, our rights according to our Sovereignty have been eroded to such an extent that it is accepted that folks are expected to pay at least 4 times what their original loan was worth AND THEN they stand a good chance of losing their house as well! Me heads mashed now so off to watch some tv mush for an hour or so. Hey, we ok? you know i refer to you as my fb soulmate..so please trust me. I know what im doing. just stay close eh. i need you xxx"
1 hr

Kate Ward Lazy spelling. Lazy grammar. Tsk
1 hr
Another one who could have kept her house if she'd paid up what she agreed to pay but chose instead to stand under common law. Which sadly always results in having no roof to stand under, except possibly the one on top of a court.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by NG3 »

I have since found out that if i had paid the extra £50 a month (catch up) separately (as ordered by the court feb 2014 i COULD NOT have been evicted
Why do they always seem surprised to find that if they'd paid, like the court advised, they wouldn't have lost their house?

& why on finally discovering what any sane individual could have worked out do they choose to try and blame anyone but themselves for their own bad choices?

It's just like the Crawford's, blame the world, when it's only themselves to blame.

Moral of the story: Listen to the judge, listen to the police and listen to your solicitor, but don't listen to vexatious litigants, the drunk bloke down the pub, or the random uneducated attention seeker you met online.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by YiamCross »

For your viewing delight. If anyone can work out what she's on about then please let me know. I suspect this is her after the break in and the video is dated 31/7/15 so not been there long. I expect more tears before too much longer...

https://video-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvide ... e=55BFA72D

Those immortal words, about 4;20 in, "It's not about bricks and mortar any more! How dare they!" tell us all we need to know about how much fun this one is going to be.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by YiamCross »

Just gets better and better. S.26 will keep them out!!! The inability to use paragaphs and the hysterical language all point to the outcome being very enjoyable to watch.
Amanda Pike Whats this about? Sounds like a repo. But this is a positive video. May I share it if it is mortgage fraud? X
1 · 1 August at 07:18

Kate Ward Yes please share! I've decided that the house is more mine than theirs. I borrowed £56k in 2004 and despite repaying well over £60k INTEREST ONLY, I was violently evicted for what now turns out to be £300 arrears (and that's according to them!) I've already met with a Senior Police chap and now West Yorkshire Police know that if they come near this I'll go after them with section 26..I've already let them off once. I graciously accepted the 2 officers involved were "duped" into forcing entry on the say so of a Court Bailiff, who barged in behind them as they threw me to the ground and arrested me for "breach of the peace" (I was later unarrested; time enough for kensington to board up my house and evict my 2 lodgers) This was my exchange for this assurance. Over the last 3 months I have done extensive research into the "Kensington Group" and uncovered enough to prove that not only was the repossession unlawful AND illegal but there's also a good chance that they NEVER had any legal claim on my property. Meantime I have been charged £200 a day to retrieve my own stuff and been bounced between Countrywide (the middle men) Reeds Rains (the key holders) and Kensington (whoever the hell they are. I've had enough. At 50 years old I have b ad everything I've worked for taken from me by a faceless Corporate group of people and I'm onto them. I have merely scratched the surface. Now I'm in contact with Gain MacFayden of The Centre for Investigative Journalism (director of panorama/dispatches/World in Action) after hunting him down! So watch this space! Ive informed the police of my Action) and reminded then that this is a CIVIL MATTER. X
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by vampireLOREN »

YiamCross wrote:For your viewing delight. If anyone can work out what she's on about then please let me know. I suspect this is her after the break in and the video is dated 31/7/15 so not been there long. I expect more tears before too much longer...

https://video-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvide ... e=55BFA72D

Those immortal words, about 4;20 in, "It's not about bricks and mortar any more! How dare they!" tell us all we need to know about how much fun this one is going to be.

Thank You Yiam, lets see where she goes with this? Great she is meeting up with the Crawfords.
Only one real winner in all the sad people.....that is the viewer. :shrug:
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote:For your viewing delight.
Truth is I take no genuine delight in cases like this.

She's probably a nice woman who just made a simple mistake and who is now going to put herself in the hands of people who will destroy her.

They'll end up costing her friends, reputation, any money she has left, and possibly even her health.

I wish someone could direct her away from the sharks and to a place like here.

I know we're not here to solve her problems, but we could at least help her avoid the traps and pitfalls she's headed towards. I mean, for a start, if she read the Crawford threads and the goodf threads then I'm sure she'd rethink her connections there.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote:..

Truth is I take no genuine delight in cases like this.

Nor do I until such time as they call me all the names under the sun for trying to warn them that the path they are on is the SalliNae path to disaster. Then they've earned my scorn and I will sit back and watch the debacle with some glee.

However, if you think you can convince her, please try. All credit to you if you succeed and I'll be genuintely happy that she's been diverted away from her otherwise inevitable ruin.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by NG3 »

I perhaps worded that a bit badly. The post wasn't aimed at you, or anyone else, I was just dwelling on how often these stories do begin with someone making a simple mistake, and then getting sucked under because of it, & how the Fotl brigade drag them from a place where they'd maybe merit sympathy, to a place of ridicule and destruction.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by exiledscouser »

That's one very distressed lady in that video.

The very last thing she should be doing is teaming up with the Big Failure Club in Nottingham who'll only ensure things take a turn for the worse.

She needs to take proper advice from someone qualified, not a disgruntled former plod or some nutter off the internet.

She says she has spoken to an investigative journalist, well not a bad start if one really has been the victim of some sort of injustice. If this does prove to be the case then good, I hope this can help.

Quatloos is about exposing the scamers and con merchants. I'm reserving judgement on Kate as I hope, as I'm sure all do on here, that she can get herself sorted out before descent into Crawford territory and that her present state of mind can be forgiven and understood given the obvious stress she's undergoing at the moment.

Publicly humiliating yourself on Youtube won't help matters - I'll bet she'll want rid of that posting when enough time passes. There is more to this than meets the eye; seems that her two lodgers were turfed out too by bailiffs - what sort of mortgage was this? Reading between the lines I suspect Kate has taken out an interest only mortgage with a 'fringe lender' of which the Kensington Mortgage Company is a good example. High interest for perceived high risk clients and no proper concern as to the client's financial bona-fides- after all, the property market was booming an the lenders thought themselves well protected against non-payment. And before the 2007 crash and for the same reasons the fringe sector was none too bothered whether the customer on interest only had a repayment vehicle available at term. I'll further bet that there are very many mortgages out there on interest only where the customer has no means whatsoever to repay it.
NG3 wrote
Moral of the story: Listen to the judge, listen to the police and listen to your solicitor, but don't listen to vexatious litigants, the drunk bloke down the pub, or the random uneducated attention seeker you met online.
Hear hear - says it far better than I did.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by littleFred »

See also the FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/387-Manc ... 0532614025 . (This worked yesterday, but currently says "Sorry, this content isn't available at the moment. The link you followed may have expired, or the Page may only be visible to an audience that you aren't in.")

She says on Bastion that it was an interest-only mortgage, taken out 11 years ago. She fell into arrears so was repossessed. She says on a video that she received a notice of eviction and so on, but stuck her head in the sand. The twist is that she retook the house a few days ago.

She lists one of her professions as "landlady". She has at least two properties. When she (and two tenants) were evicted from this house, she moved into a room she had spare in another house.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by NG3 »

littleFred wrote:She has at least two properties.
I hope someone's explained shortfalls to her or this lot could see that number reduced to none.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

YiamCross wrote:Kate Ward is mounting an attempt to parlay what she perceives to be her victory over the banks, where she reoccupied her property by breaking in after a repossession....
Hmmm - why do I think she's now an unlawful squatter and will shortly be thrown out regardless of her charming "Bailiffs Keep Out" sign?
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by YiamCross »

littleFred wrote:See also the FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/387-Manc ... 0532614025 . ...
She lists one of her professions as "landlady". She has at least two properties. When she (and two tenants) were evicted from this house, she moved into a room she had spare in another house.
It's still there, though if you're blocked as some of me is you can't see it. The 2nd property went past me, it gets harder and harder to feel any pity for the woman.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote: It's still there, though if you're blocked as some of me is you can't see it.
First amendment for all groups and cults like this is "Thou shalt not listen to any other voice but ours".

They love block buttons and censorship because it aides indoctrination.
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Re: Kate Ward, a new Guru breaking into the scene?

Post by hardcopy »

YiamCross wrote:
NG3 wrote:..

Truth is I take no genuine delight in cases like this.

Nor do I until such time as they call me all the names under the sun for trying to warn them that the path they are on is the SalliNae path to disaster. Then they've earned my scorn and I will sit back and watch the debacle with some glee.

However, if you think you can convince her, please try. All credit to you if you succeed and I'll be genuintely happy that she's been diverted away from her otherwise inevitable ruin.
Having seen numerous similar cases we know only too well that advice offered in good faith and sincerity will be ignored, accompanied with a barrage of insults and name calling.
No point, the only thing to do is sit back and watch the show, even though we always know the ending!