First, he started his own juice company, SYNAURA, made from the juice of the Maqui Berry. (Not relevant to the story at hand but worth noting the beaut of a story he came up with to help sell this over priced elixir:)
Well, Dan ran into a few problems trying to get Synaura off the ground and running, so to make a long story short, he sold the company to a company called Elur.The Maqui Berry is found in the Patagonian Region of Chile in South America. The Maqui Fruit and leaves have been used by the local people including the Mapuche Indians for centuries for food and various ailments. Apparently, they have never been conquered and have excellent stamina.
Funny thing is, if you look at the incorporation papers filed with the Nevada SOS for Elur, DANNY R MALTAIS is listed as the President, Treasurer and Director, and his girlfriend, ANDREA L WILSON, as Secretary.
So now it appears Danny boy has driven Elur into the ground and the distributors left a pile of unpaid commissions owing (took the money and ran more accurately).
Dan Maltais New Venture & Ugly Tactics!!!As most of you already know by now, Synaura/Elur is dead. The ISSUE is that ex-CEO Dan Maltais lied about Synaura being sold to Elur when the TRUTH is Elur is just simply re-branding himself due to the trouble with Synaura that resulted from his mistakes.
Not to let a good distributor base go to waste, Maltais has recently joined up with a new energy drink company, Xowii.
"you wont believe me? I don't know if you know this, but Brett Gurney and Andrew Sinay also joined Xowii under Dan!! and guess what? they are going after all Synaura/Elur database to try to get them in Xowii!! This is madness!! people are going to join Andrew or Brett when they are actually joining Dan Maltais!! that is bull#$#@#!"
As I said, it makes your head spin trying to keep up date with the latest con games these flimflam artists are playing.