Jonathan Altman again

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Jonathan Altman again

Post by Demosthenes »

Extension granted in tax-evasion case

Evening Sun Reporter

Article Launched: 06/24/2007 02:06:58 AM EDT

A U.S. District Court judge last week approved two Hanover brothers' requests for an extension to file pretrial motions on charges they conspired to defraud the Internal Revenue Service.

Judge Christopher C. Connor rescheduled jury selection for Gary Sollenberger, 52, of 15 Villa Vista Ave., and Wendell Sollenberger, 42, of 309 Primrose Lane, to Sept. 11.

The Sollenbergers were arrested by IRS agents May 25. Authorities allege the Sollenbergers failed to report about $4.7 million from their framing business between 1996 and 2004 and almost $126,000 from their real-estate business between June 2001 and December 2004. The Sollenbergers are also accused of using "sham trusts" to hide assets since 1994, according to an indictment.

After arresting Gary and Wendell Sollenberger, the U.S. Attorney's office unsealed an indictment against the Sollenbergers; their parents, Avery Sollenberger, 77, and Dena Sollenberger, 80, both of 309 Primrose Lane; and their sister Luanne Hunsinger, 49, of 5 Christians Drive.

The brothers, through their Philadelphia-based attorney, Jonathan F. Altman, requested the extension June 8.

Altman contends the IRS violated the Sollenbergers' constitutional rights during the investigation, alleging outrageous conduct of "rogue (IRS) agents."

"It will become clear as the case develops the IRS believes they're above the law," Altman said. "This is going to be a highly controversial, and highly contested, matter."

The court originally scheduled the brothers' jury selection for July 9.

The request said if an extension was granted, the Sollenbergers planned to file a motion to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction.

It is unclear why only Gary and Wendell Sollenberger were arrested.

Officials in the U.S. Attorney's office in Harrisburg said they could offer no more information on the case.