Quatloos! > Investment
Fraud > Financial
Planning > Asset
Protection Scams > Shysters
This web page directly
addresses the seedy side of the asset protection industry, including
those people who run scams in the guise of providing asset protection
structures, or who mislead people about their organization or qualifications,
or who themselves are unqualified and/or misguided to assist clients
with asset protection issues.
Pure Trust Scam
a/k/a Constitutional Trusts,
Common Law Trust Organizations
The most widespread asset protection
scam is the Pure Trust scam, which involves a non-existing form
of trust and - in attempt to keep one step ahead of law enforcement
- goes by a variety of aliases, including Constitutional Trust,
Patriot Trust, Common Law Trust, Business Trust, Common Law
Trust Organization (COLATO), Foreign Common Law Trust Organization
(FOCOLATO), and a bunch of other names
While the scam artists who push these
have a lot of neat-sounding reasons why they should defeat creditors,
the truth is that Pure Trusts are easily blown up by creditors
under a bunch of theories, including that they are "self-settled
spendthrift trusts" (expressly disallowed by all but a couple
of states), that they have an illegal purpose (tax evasion),
that they are a sham, that transfers to the trusts are fraudulent
conveyances, and a bunch of other reasons.
Pure Trusts are often part of a three-tier
trust structure, which purport to hide the existence of the
trust (and also make the structure tax free). In reality, it
doesn't do anything except make it seem like the structure is
worth the cost (it isn't).
On top of everything else, the IRS goes
after Pure Trusts like the proverbial heat-seeking missle, because
the IRS has never lost a case against the Pure Trust and knows
that it can easily grab the assets to satisfy the taxes, interests,
and usually heavy penalties which are awarded by the court (using
a Pure Trust really is like waiving a red blanket at a mad bull
- while your feet are stuck in concrete; something very bad
is bound to happen and usually does).
We could talk all day about this scam,
but this gives you a flavor of how they work: http://www.quatloos.com/taxscams/contrusts.htm
Protection Consultants Scam
A new scam being marketed is the "Asset
Protection Consultant". Basically, you pay thousands of dollars
for some rudimentary information worth maybe $12 which talks
about the benefits of Nevada corporations. You then launch yourself
as the "Advisor to the Stars", never mind that your lack of
a law license will both subject you to criminal penalties for
the Unlicensed Practice of Law (UPL) as well blow the attorney-client
privilege for whatever your client says to you or whatever information
they give you.
Then, you charge your clients thousands
of dollars to set up Nevada corporations that could be set up
for a couple of hundred bucks, tops. You tell your clients that
these are "foolproof" structures, and that creditors will be
thwarted by the "Bearer Shares", even though ownership can be
imputed even when the bearer shares can't be found, and Nevada
law probably doesn't even apply when the person and their assets
are in another state.
Then, you have to hire your own lawyer
when: (1) the tax bill for the entity comes due, and you didn't
know how to advise your client about how to correctly structure
and fund these entities; or (2)
your client actually gets sued by a creditor, who adds
you as a co-defendant on a civil conspiracy claim, or, worse,
your client gets sued by the U.S. government who then files
money laundering charges against you.
And you get all this for just a few
thousand bucks? Shrewd, shrewd. But, hey, even when you blow
up you can be comforted in the knowledge that you paid for all
of this stuff in advance, and whoever sold you this stuff is
gone, long gone.
Asset Protection
Seminars & Materials
Lot's of good planners give "asset protection"
seminars - we hold "The Summit" once per year, and various other
respected asset protection planners give seminars.
Unfortunately, we are in the minority.
You see, the planners doing the best work are actually working
for their clients, and don't have time to be out on the seminar
circuit. I've pretty much limited my appearances to a half-dozen
or less times per year (frankly, I'd rather be out on the boat
or up in the mountains), and most of the best planners try to
limit themselves to a dozen or so appearances per year.
So mostly who you see giving the asset
protection seminars are the dregs of the sector, being people
who make their money either giving expensive seminars ($1,500
or more per person - real value $300), or giving ultra-cheap
seminars ($15 per person) where they sell nearly worthless books
and other materials, partnership forms and trust forms, etc.,
for many thousands of dollars (like $2,500 for a "do it yourself
asset protection kit").
If you go to one of the cheapie seminars,
when they announce that they are selling materials at the back
of the room, you'll see about 20 people jump up out of their
seats and rush back there, checkbook in hand. Don't be fooled;
most of these people are "shills" who are paid by the seminar
promoters to run to the back to make it look like there is a
great interest in the worthless materials being sold (your invitation
to "join the herd" - Las Vegas casinos are notorious for using
shills to encourage people to bet and to make bigger bets than
they should be making). Just remember that if 20 people run
to the back of the room to purchase a set of materials for $1,800
yours might be the only check actually cashed.
Concerning Asset Protection
There are no "Institutes" where learned scholars
sit around daily discussing asset protection issues. What you
have instead are a bunch of marketers who put together the "Institute"
to give this impression, but is really just the marketer trying
to create a herd mentality for you to send them clients.
Is this practice illegal? No. Is it misleading?
Can be, and often is.
Various Books on Offshore
Wanna know about offshore trusts and so-called
"Foreign Asset Protection Trusts"? You're in luck,
as there are a lot of books readily available for your casual
perusal. Yessir, books (and even do-it-yourself kits) on offshore
trusts are all the rage. Seems like everybody and their dog
has written one book or another extolling the virtues of offshore
Unfortunately, as I chronicle elsewhere, offshore
trusts are a bottom-tier asset protection solution, falling
into the Dissociation Methodology ("It's Not Mine Because
I Gave It Away"). And they have been blown up in a major
sort of way in several federal court opinions. Unless you are
interested in the (nominal) federal gift and estate tax benefits
of offshore trusts, there's a good chance that forming one of
these entities could put you into a worse situation than
if you hadn't done anything at all.
The problem is that books sales mean dinero,
and even though the law has changed, nobody is rushing to pull
their books from the shelves to talk about how the main focus
of their books is now walking the legal plank into the Abyss
of Failed Strategies.
You might be interested to know that many
of these books are "ghostwritten" by somebody else
-- I know because I have had other planners ask me to ghostwrite
their books for them, and though I refused, I didn't fail to
notice that their books were still later published (and basically
were a re-hash of somebody else's book; you'll find that there
is a real shortage of original ideas out there, especially amongst
the offshore trust crowd).
The Unqualified
and/or Misguided
A recent phenomenon is the entry of accountants
into the asset protection planning sector. They are not only
totally unqualified to engage in this sort of planning, but
for reasons I will discuss their planning will often put you
into much worse shape than if you had done nothing at all.
Fundamentally, if you really think about it,
asset protection is "Pre-Litigation Planning," i.e., doing things
in anticipation of going to court and standing in front of a
hostile judge with determined creditor's counsel making arguments
about how to get at assets. This requires knowledge and experience
in the areas of debtor-creditor law, commercial law, civil procedure,
conflicts of law, judgments & remedies, bankruptcy, etc.
Note that "tax" isn't included in the foregoing.
The only time that tax law is implicated in asset protection
planning is in figuring out the tax treatment of certain transactions
- but basically tax has nothing to do with asset protection
planning, except that you don't want to make a tax error while
you are doing the planning.
Another way to say this is that you don't
let the anesthesiologist do the cutting.
What happens is that accountants have this
terrible tendency to assume that because something is X for
purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, that it must be X for
purposes of civil law also - but this simply isn't the case.
With regard to asset protection issues, there is often inconsistent
treatment of situations between civil law and tax law, and this
is where accountants most often get into trouble.
Unfortunately, accountants are also unaware
of criminal laws, and assume that if something is permissible
in the Internal Revenue Code, that it must be legal. Thus, in
two of the landmark asset protection disasters, Lawrence and
Brennan, the plans in each case were put together by the client's
accountant, who got the clients indicted for bankruptcy fraud
and money laundering, and the accountants themselves were also
indicted on a variety of theories. Ugly.
Unless an attorney is directly involved and
retains the accountant, communications between a client and
an accountant are not subject to attorney-client privilege.
This means that anything the client and the accountant discuss
will be known to creditors, creating evidence of actual intent
to defraud creditors.
Finally, by law attorneys are privileged to
assist clients with certain types of transactions, but accountants
are not - meaning that if the transaction goes south, the accountant
and the client may have created the additional
liability of civil conspiracy, thus making the client potentially
worse off than if he had not engaged in the planning at all.
I have personally found that in collection
cases where an accountant did the planning, the first thing
to do is to add the accountant as a co-defendant under a civil
conspiracy theory. Since the accountants Errors & Omissions
insurance doesn't cover intentional torts like civil conspiracy,
it creates a tremendous amount of leverage on them to assist
in unraveling the debtor's asset protection plan, in addition
of course to creating another (usually easy) source of funds
to collect.
[Some accountants believe that they have something
like an attorney-client privilege with their clients. They don't,
but rather have a very weak privilege as to actions brought
by the IRS for taxes only, i.e., the privilege does NOT apply
in civil lawsuits, bankruptcy hearings, etc. Really, this doesn't
help you as the client at all.]
Estate Planners
Most Estate Planners, to the extent they are
attorneys, are usually competent to create some very basic asset
protection for the Client, such as maximizing homestead exemptions,
structuring limited partnerships, etc.
Unfortunately, too many Estate Planners will
go to a couple of "asset protection" seminars, and suddenly
decide that ten hours of legal training can substitute for a
litigator's years of actually fighting creditors. They go hog-wild,
and start setting up entities and offshore trusts with abandon,
and throwing lots of language into documents to "intimidate"
a creditor, and thus deter any lawsuits.
The asset protection plans created by Estate
Planners seem to almost always have two major defects: First,
they involve a lot of "gifting" transactions, which may be good
from a federal gift or estate tax perspective, but are usually
easy to set aside as Fraudulent Transfers; and, Second, their
planning is usually too overt, meaning it is easy for a creditor's
attorney to go to the judge and show that there was actual intent
to subvert the interests of creditors.
(attorney) Estate Planners are very good asset protection planners,
but most aren't - the key seems to be whether they do much business
planning also.
Good Website on
Asset Protection
Visit http://www.assetprotectionbook.com
which is the informational website about creditor-debtor law and
contemporary asset protection issues by the original creator of
Asset Protection Consultant
A multi-level marketing scam involving franchisees who
pay $10,000 to become "consultants" in the area of
asset protection and who, though they have no education or training
in the area, solicit clients to participate in Nevada bearer
share structures that have highly questionable advantages, and
many tax disadvantages. The scam operates on two levels: first,
against the franchisees who are suckered into buying into the
program, and, second, the clients who are duped into buying
services from the franchisees.
Asset Protection Kits
Do-it-yourself packages that purport to allow purchasers
to create one-size-fits-all asset protection plans. Suffice
it to say that the quality of these plans is highly suspect,
which is compounded by the fact that the purchasers almost never
implement the plans correctly anyhow, often leading to very
negative tax consequences.
Cookie-Cutter Plan
A plan of a one-size-fits-all nature sold by promoters,
who make enormous profits from selling such plans because their
costs to implement the plan are nominal. The effectiveness of
such plans is highly questionable, since typically if a creditor
is able to defeat one plan then all similar plans can be likewise
Father of Asset Protection (or sometimes, "Grandfather
of Asset Protection")
A self-annointed title shamelessly used by some cookie-cutter
promoters in their sales materials in an attempt to falsely
give the impression that they were the one who created the field
of asset protection planning. There have been no claims to be
the "Mother of Asset Protection" yet, but as women enter the
field of asset protection planning it is inevitable that such
a title will eventually be claimed.
One who sells one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter plans
to any client whose check clears, regardless of whether the
plan is suitable for the particular client or not. Promoters
often attempt to maximize their profits by selling asset protection
Pure Trust
A sham trust sold by scam artists that purports to be
free of government regulation or intervention because of the
Contract Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Have a question for Quatloos?
Fraud - Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms
/ Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX
scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding,
IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical
Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc.

Protection: Concepts and Strategies for Protecting Your Wealth
For more on
Protection visit www.assetprotectionbook.com

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have recently sent out spam impersonating us, & having our return
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us to be shut down (a/k/a "joe job"). These multi-level
marketers and other criminals have engaged in this form of cyber-terrorism
because our telling the truth about their fraudulent schemes was
hurting their ability to sell to new victims. Fortunately, our ISP
now recognizes that these fake spams are bogus and ignores them,
and additionally we are duplicating this site on numerous other
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proprietary servers) so that we cannot be harmed by these multi-level
marketers and other criminals. Death to Spammers!
