From: Fr william J Scanlan []
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 8:42 AM
Subject: Bequest inheritance
St Anselm's Church
89 West Hill
Dart ford
Name: Fr William J Scanlan
Position: The Parish Priest
Address: The Presbytery 89 West Hill Dart ford
Postcode: DA1 2HJ
Day Time Tel: 7031894417
Dear Beloved,
Greetings from St Anselm's Church,
On behalf of the Trustees and Executors of the late British Prime,Sir Edward Richard George Heath, KG I once again try to notify you as our letter to you by the lawyer through the post were returned undelivered, hence I hereby attempt to reach you via your e-mail address.
I wish to notify you that the late Sir Edward Heath made you a beneficiary to his (will), he bequeathed the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars Only (US$750,000.00), to you in the codicil and last testament to his (will).This may sound very strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true. Being a widely popular traveled man, he must have been in contact with you in the past or simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends here or abroad who wished you well.
Sir Edward died in Salisbury , England , July 17, 2005 at the age of (89) years. He served in the Royal rtillery during World War II, rising to the rank of Colonel. He was elected to Parliament as a Conservative in 1950, and held several posts in the party whip'soffice (1951-55),before becoming Government chief whip and parliamentary secretary to the treasury (1955-59), He was Minister of Labour (1959-60) that led the Tory Government as Prime Minister between 1970
and 1974.
The late Sir Edward Heath until death was a real gentle man; a very dedicated Christian who loved to give out, his support to the Church here in England is very fresh in our memories. Quoting former Labour Chancellor Roy Jenkins, a friend of Sir Edward, Mr.Tony Blair added: "He was a great lighthouse which stands there flashing out beams of light, indifferent to the waves which beat against him.
He was also a member of several non-governmental organisations (NGOs), here in UK and beyond, his great Philanthropy earned him numerous awards during his lifetime. According to him this bequest is to support your Christian activities and to help the poor and the less privileged ones in your local community and country.
Please if I reach you as I am hopeful; endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable the lawyer executing the (will), conclude his job, you forward your most current telephone and fax numbers including your mailing address .
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely in the Risen Lord,
Fr. William J. Scanlan
Mass Times
(Holy Communion)
- our main act of worship.
6.30pm Evening Prayer
(with Benediction on festivals)
5.15pm Mass
5.15pm Mass
5.15pm Mass
5.15pm Mass
Parish Team Fr. William J. Scanlan
Rev. Maurice Williams
Sr. Ursula Hyland RS
Dear Fr. William J. Scanlan:
I myself am a leader of the spiritual community here in Gila Bend, Arizona, USA. Most in these parts call me a tin-horn preacher, but I have exchanged e-mails with the Pope in the past, so you can call me Your Holiness if you'd please. I don't rightly recall this Sir Edward Heath fellow, but suspect he's the scalawag who ran off with my church's Confederate flag a few years back and thinks he owes us. I got the thang cheap at Squiggy's Emporium and Horse Barn, and was only offering a copy of the NRA handbook for an award. But if he bequeathed me $750,000, I'm not one to quibble. Let me know what I've got to do to get my hands on it. I've already raked in a tidy sum selling Hillary Clinton voodoo dolls to my flock in Gila Bend, so I'm able to travel to England if need be. Hallelujah and adios for now. It is lunch time.
Pastor Brad Christensen (Your Holiness)
Church of the Mighty Flatulence
Route 6
Gila Bend, Arizona
From: "Fr William J Scanlan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:09 AM
Subject: Greetings in the lord!
Dear Beloved ,
Thanks for your e-mail received today May 10, 2007. I am very grateful to the risen Lord for the grace He has given us to start communicating to one another through this great wonderful and gracious gift to you from the blessed memory of the Late Sir Edward Heath. How are you doing with your activities today ? I'll continue remembering you in my daily prayers.
I know that this Bequest news may be quite surprising and asstonishing to you, sure we cannot outdo our God in His surprises: He is a God of Surprises.As I did said in my previous email massage, Sir Edward must have been in contact with you in the past or you must have been nominated to him by one of his numerous friends here or aboard that wished you well and as a Child of God that has been of help to the people of God, this is the Lord's doing and we don'thave to say or do anything than to say "Alleluia" to the risen Lord and glorify his arvelous name.
Dear Pastor Brad,I believe as a servant of the Lord that the hour of God's remembrance has come upon your life and destiny,just to give you a little brief about the Late Sir Edward R.G Heath,Sir Heath was a very kind and well popular great Philanthropist a Honorable and a dedicated Child of God whom loved to reach out to the less privileged, his support to the Church here in Manchester is ever fresh in our memories,I could emember in our last discussion before the Lord called him on 17th July 2005, he said" Fr. William I know when the Lord sends a man to work is his vine yard he will provide hima man to support him" Sir Heath is a great help and support to us herein england.
I pray May his gentle Soul Rest in Perfect Peace in the Bosom of the Lord "Amen".
Pastor Brad,if every human on earth will only sit and focus on our creator and his promises then will it done on us that he cannot fail us because he is not man, I am assuring you that by the grace of the risen Lord, I as a servant of the Lord and also a Member of the Board of Trustees to execute this estate,I will make suren that this fund reaches you and I want you to assure me also that you as a(Steward) to this Bequest fund will utilize it to accomplishing the (Will) of Sir Heath in helping the less privileged ones I mean the "have-nots" in your community and also to propagate the work of the Gospel in your Country US .
I wish to inform you that I have forwarded your e-mail to the Board of Trustees and they have instructed Mr. John Edward (Esq.) the Lawyer executing this (Will) to contact you with more information concerning this endowment grant to you, in no distant time Mr.John (Esq.), will be reaching you. Please do feel free to correspond with him and do not forget to be keeping me updated with day-to-dayupdates as things progresses.
I will stop here, looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely in the risen Lord,
Fr. William J. Scanlan
Hallelujah Brother Scanlan:
Indeed I have big plans for the bequest money here in Gila Bend for the underpriviliged once my church's needs are satisfied. I have developed a list of priorities topped by a 52" big screen TV, a fully automatic assault rifle, a Mercedes-Benz roadster, several cases of Wild Turkey, barbed-wire fencing, flush toilets and the replacement of our outdated hymn books with copies of "The World According to Ann Coulter." These items will be used for the entertainment, transportation, protection and indoctrination of churchgoers.
Additionally, I will purchase new camelflage uniforms and National Rifle Association memberships for the alter boys. Critics of my church have accused me of an affiliation with the KKK, but I tell them that's only because I'm a wizard under the sheets. That draws thunderous laughs from the women, especially those who've nicknamed me Stubby.
I have attached a photo of our lovely church and adjoining cemetery. We will purchase more land for the cemetery soon, as it is becoming overloaded with tax collectors, illegal aliens, CPS agents and other unsavory types.
I have not yet heard from the lawyer John Edward or the Board of Trustees regarding the bequest. Can you please follow up on this as soon as possible?
Pastor Brad Christensen (Your Holiness)
Church of the Mighty Flatulence
Gila Bend, Arizona

to the Exhibit