From: Pincess Miriam Kolonga
Rue 6 BP 01 Cocody CI
Abidjan Cote d Ivoire.
Hello Dearest,
I am princess Miriam Kolonga 23years of age. Am attracted to your profile and I'll like to share my secret with you concerning an inheritance.PLEASE CONSIDER PERSONAL. I have sum fund totaling Thirty million US dollars( $30m) with a financial instutue in channel island. Actually was deposited by my father who is now late but I am the next of kin. I have not been to island before and do not know how to get to this place for the claim of the whole amount. I need your help to stand as a guardian and business partner to my late father who deposited these fund and to help claim and retrieve them safely to your country on my behalf after which I will join you through your help for relocation and investing the funds there in your country.
I am ready to compensate you with 25% of this total amount for your diligent efort assistance.
Please if you are capable and sincerely willing to assist me, kindly reply me to this email address only at: for discussion and an understanding between us to make the claim from there.
Sincerely yours
Princess Miriam Kolonga
Dear Princess Miriam Kolonga:
I stand willing and eager to help you, but I'm not sure you meant to send this to me. It was addressed to, but I have nothing to do with Country Lane Farm. I am Brad Christensen, owner of Christensen Porcupine Ranch. I also operate a used septic tank dealership in the budding metropolis of Gila Bend, Arizona. I have access to a private yacht to travel to Channel Island. Please let me know if I can be of assistance.
All the Best
Brad Christensen
Christensen Procupune Ranch
Septic Tanks R-Us, Inc.
Gila Bend, Arizona, USA
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 11:58 AM
Dear Brad Christensen,
Thank you exceedingly for your response to my proposition.I have actually had a hard time thinking on how to actualise this claim. My contacting you is divine and am not going to make light of it.I think you are destined to help me out of this claim.
I have to let you know that I have carefully planned out how we can actualise this claim. In the first place I will furnish you with a letter of introduction indicating you as my Guardian to the claim.A copy of the letter will be forwarded to the financial institution in the Channel Islands.I will equally attach a copy of my International passport to back it up.
However,before we proceed, i will need to have your complete address including telephone and fax numbers.These are needed to enable me draft the requisite letter of introduction that will necessitate your claim of the funds on my behalf.
Please,let me have the details I mentioned above so that I can proceed with the arrangements.
Thanks again for your time
Princess miriam Kolonga
Dear Princess Miriam Konlonga:
Pardon me for not responding until today. I've been away on a porcupine roundup. This year's herd is healthy, but quite aggressive. As a result there were several incidents, requiring substantial emergency tweezers work.
My address is:
Brad Christensen
Bar X Ranch
Route 2
Gila Bend, AZ 85928
I additiionally have a second home in beautiful Blythe, California. Do you need that address too?
No Fax; for documents, just scan them and use e-mail. Servants answer my home phones, so due to the confidential nature of our transaction you should not call my home phones. However I will be purchasing a mobile phone soon and I'll give you that number.
Where are the Channel Islands? Once I obtain my $7.5 million share from our financial transaction, I'd like to use some of that money to extend my business operations beyond Gild Bend. Porcupine meat is great for grilling. Tastes just like marmot. Also, we have the finest used septic tanks in Arizona. Each has been thoroughly rinsed with canal water. Let me know about possible business opportunities in the Channel Islands.
Warm regards,
Brad Christensen
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 10:38 AM
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day to you. Please note that I am stll waiting for the remaining information from you as I detailed in my last email sent to you. I have completed drafting the recomendation letter but I need to put in your telephone and fax number with the other of your address in california before I can send to the financial institute. So please hury up to get them across to me to enable me round up.
Yours sincerely
Hi, Princess Miriam Konlonga:
As I mentioned previously, I do not have a fax machine. I have ordered a mobile phone from Ronco, and it should arrive shortly. When it does, I will notify you. As for the address of my second residence, in Blythe, it is on my driver's license, which I have attached so you can see what I look like. Do you have a photo you could possibly send me?
You failed to answer my question about the location of the Channel Islands and potential opportunities for expanding my business operations there. Please respond in good faith about the potential for porcupine herding and slaughterhouse operations. Also, are pliers and tweezers commonly available or must they be imported?
Brad Christensen

From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 5:27 AM
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day and thanks for your kind responce. I received your ID with address on it and I am going to include it on the letter as required but still will need your phone so when likely will it be available? Please I need it very urgent. Here is easter holiday till tuesday, I will get the letter attached to the bank after the holiday. Regarding your question ,I am from Cote D'Ivore not Chanel Island and not living in Channel Island and have not been there ever in my life,it is my late father who could know much about that place, I do not know any thing there and any business operations over there. You can find more from the bank when you get inturch with them for the claim of the fund. Find attached is my picture that you requested.
I am waiting to hear from you
Yours sincerely
Princess Miriam Kolonga

Dear Princess Miriam Konlonga:
I expect to receive the phone any day now from Ronco. I just received the Pocket Fisherman and I ordered that only two days before I ordered the phone. What is the business climate like in Cote D'Ivore and what are the prospects for starting a porcupine herding and slaugherhouse operation there? I am eager to expand my operations internationally beyond Gila Bend and Blythe.
By the way that's a beautiful photo, but why aren't you smiling? I assure you, you'd be smiling if you had a porcupine steak and proper septic tank facilities.
Warm regards,
Brad Christensen
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 4:04 AM
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day. As mentioned by you, I will be expecting to have the number soonest. The letter is suppose to be forwarding to the financial instutute by tomorrow if I can have the telephone line from you today but if not possible,it will be delayed till I have it included.
Per your question, I will like to tell you much that I have knowledge about the country on the area of investment... Here in cote d Ivoire is not realy a business place for now due to the political situation in the country since year 2000, though is not as it was since the france government enter into the matter and trying to settle the problems between the oposition and the ruling goverment. The only thing I can assure you or any person coming down here is torist ,it is one of the most torist country in africa where most of the european and americans come to have some holiday peacefully and return back to their country so if you are coming here as a torist,you will not regret your trip efort.
But I will not advice you to think of investing here in anyother business because I have seen many of the foriegners who invested with much money and when the problem start, they lost all they have invested in one day in the hand of angry mobs who were using the oportunity to loot peoples office and shops including their cars if they have access to any.
Again I will like to know what you meant by pocket fisherman,porcupine herding and slaughterhouse operation.
I wait to hea from you
Princess Miriam Kolonga
Dear Princess Miriam Kolonga:
Sorry to hear about the internal strife within the Ivory Coast. I have internal strife whenever I eat at a Gila Bend restaurant. But don't get me wrong; Gila Bend also is a fine tourist destination. Great surfing in the canal. Best landfills in Central Arizona.
The mobile phone should arrive tomorrow, according to package-tracking information from Ronco. You asked about the pocket fisherman. Please click the link below. I'm going to use it on the banks of the mighty Colorado River to snare a pile of marlin and shark. I will provide you with the phone information the minute the delivery arrives. Then we finally can get our financial transaction moving without further delay on your end.
Ronco Link
Warm regards,
Brad Christensen
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:57 AM
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day and thank for your mail. I will be waiting to have the telephone number as promised. Meanwhile I have gone through the sit but there seems not to be any thing I properly understood there may be you will intimate me more about it later
Yours sincerely
Princess Miriam Kolonga
Dear Princess Miriam Kolonga:
Great news - the Ronco shipment arrived today, and along with the Bass-O-Matic, was my mobile phone. My number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. I am very confused by your last e-mail. What do you mean when you say you have "gone through the sit" and that maybe you want to be "intimate" with me? I am much older than you, but I have much personal charm and most of my teeth. The women of Gila Bend flock to my door, but I'd really like to start a relationship with somebody who doesn't wear bowling shoes. Please let me know that you're sincere.
Very warm regards,
Brad Christensen
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 10:45 AM
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day and thank you for your mail and telephone number provided. As promised, I have this day the 13 of April 2007 compiled the recommendation letter which was included your full address , telephone number and email address including my ID to the financial institute in channel Island for their perusal and warrant on your behalf to stand as my guardian for the claim of the entire fund. Should they contact you from henceforth regarding this issue as I explained to you, please feel free to corporate with them for the release and transfer of the fund to your bank account on my behalf. Do also update me on all your communication with them for my own record keeping.
Again to your question, I meant in my mail that I have gone through the site but really do not understood every thing as stated there then I said you should explain more of it to be understood.
Thank you for your kind assistance, I look forward to hearing from you
Sincerely yours
Princess Miriam Kolonga
Dear Princess Miriam Kolonga:
Sorry to have not gotten back to you now, but I was in Bullhead City trying out my new pocket fisherman. My fishing team was quite successful and I give the Ronco Company most of the credit. Sorry also that you went to the pocket fisherman site on the Internet and remain confused. Let me explain: The pocket fisherman fits comfortably in your hand. You can hardly see it. There is no unwieldy pole to accidently bop your partner into the river. Some day even the Consumer Reports people will catch on. They keep saying the product is hazardous during the casting procedure. Sure there have been reports of the line mistakenly swinging around the inexperienced fisherman's neck, but these are way overstated. Very few strangulations, really. For bait, we use hairless rats, and I have a great source for them in Texas. I have attached pictures. The first two show the pocket fisherman in action. Note there is no pole. The third shows my team. The fourth is a sign from my bait source. Yes, it says "pets only," but who's to know? I hope the photos clear up your confusion about the pocket fisherman.
Now on to more important matters. I have yet to receive a call from the Channel Island financial institution. I have provided all my information and have received nothing in return. I am growing very impatient. What is going on? Also, you said you wanted to be "intimate" with me, but now it seems you've dropped the subject. I had great hopes that you would be smitten with my charm and answer the call of the porcupine. Trust me, if you join me in Gila Bend, you will only need to wear bowling shoes on special occasions.
Brad Christensen

From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:52 AM
Subject: I want to hear from you
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day to you. I have not heard from you recently and I am getting worried for not hearing from you, I hope there is no problem. Still wish to find out if you have heard from the financier institute regarding the letter that I sent to them on your behalf for the claim of the money with them. Please keep me informed so that I can know my position.
Yours sincerely
Princess Miriam Kolonga
Dear Princess Miriam Konlonga:
Good day to you as well, but I am becoming very upset, nervous and distraught with the lack of progress on several fronts. No, I have not heard a bellow or even a peep from what you call a "financier institute." What is the matter with them?
But more disheartening than that: You have tantilized me with your photo, especially the orange decorating motif. You have teased me with your past talk about being "intimate." I have expressed what I thought was mutual interest. Orange is even my favorite color if you ignore blue, green, purple and some of the others. But you have not said anything further, leaving my heart hanging like frayed underwear on a clothesline. Only you can mend my heart by expressing your feelings for me as a soulmate. Otherwise I'll be forced to endure Gila Bend women and their tattered underwear the rest of my life.
I have shared my photo, address, phone number, and vital fishing information. I am at wit's end. Please let there be no futher delays!
Brad Christesen
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: I want to hear from you
Dear Brad Christensen
I am more worried than you are ever getting and you should know it is true. Frankly saying, I am not happy with the whole delay and why the financial institute has not contacted you up till this day, it's what I can't definitely explained. I sent them a recommendation letter to contact you for the claim of the money and discuss with you on how to transfer the money to your country on my behalf even sent them another reminder of the same letter but do not know again what is the matter. Maybe you have to contact them direct bearing my guardian and foreign business partner to my late father as I indicated on the letter that I sent to them and I think it is the best thing we should do since they are not willing to contact you after I have sent them the letter. May be they think since my father is dead, no person is coming again to ask for the entire money but if they should have such impression, which is too bad and will not work for them in any way they may plan to eat the money. I am still going to send them the same letter as a reminder and see if they will contact you this time but if they pretend that they did not get it and insist not to communicate to you, I can then give you their contact information to contact them direct. Or to avoid further delay. I am forwarding their contact detail to you. You can equally contact them direct if after two days from today you did not hear from them.
Their contact detail are thus:
HSBC Bank International Limited
HSBC House, Esplanade
St Helier, Jersey , JE1 1HS
Tel: +448456860330
Fax: +448701326554
The name of my father is Robert Kolonga, he is the one that deposited the money before he died and I am the person the money was willed to while you are acting as my guardian for the claim of the money for onward transfer to your country on my behalf.
I have tried to call you on the number you gave me that I forwarded to the financial institute but ringing no picking, what is wrong? I hope the phone line is good, please cross check so that the bank wont be calling you and will not get you on the line.
I remain yours sincerely
Princess Miriam Kolonga
Dear Princess Miriam Konlonga:
They still have not called me. And let me tell you -- you cannot be more worried than me because I am twice as worried as you can ever get. I can't sleep. I've lost my taste for porcupine ribs. I no longer care that my socks don't match. I have devolved into a state of atrophy to the point that I watch Dr. Phil.
But I must refuse to call them. They must call me. After all, I am the No. 1 porcupine herder and used septic tank dealer in Central Arizona. They must cater to my whims, and should we ever meet, my odors as well. If nothing comes of this business transaction, then so be it. I already am a wealthy man. It is you, my dear Princess, that has piqued my interest and other body parts. Are you married? Are you able to travel to lovely Gila Bend, or should I travel there to meet you? Where is there? I seem to have forgotten. Must go now. Dr. Phil is on.
Brad Christensen
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 5:36 AM
Subject: Please I need your diligent effort
Dear Brad Christensen
Please I need your diligent effort for the claim and transfer of this whole money. You don’t have to wait anymore for the bank to contact you; you have to contact them now since they are delaying to contact you so that we can know what is going on. There is nothing I can do my self from here and I don’t want to get confused so please I am taking you in confidence to achieve the claim and I know you wont disappoint me. Please try and contact them, it is why I forwarded to you their contact detail.
About your other question, I am not yet married. My country is Cote D'Ivoire and I am willing to travel with you to any decent and safe place but that has to be after the issue of this fund claim because it has been giving me much concerns, not until its over, I cant be really happy and relaxed to do any other thing or even to engage in any relationship deeply. Once the claim became successful and the fund transferred to your account in your country, I can then fully give up my self to you and as an African girl or woman. it is my duty to obey every other from the person I call my boy friend or husband.
Note, you stil can not be reached on the telephone number you gave,please reconfirm it correct so that I can call to get you.
Thanks for your goodness
Yours sincerely
My Lovely Princess Miriam Kolonga:
So happy to hear you're not married and are wooed by the charms of the porcupine and life amid the septic empire. Also very happy to report that the bank has contacted me and has asked for various information, which I will happily send to them. I must fly out to Cote D'Ivoire as soon as possible to meet you and consummate our business deal and deep personal relationship. I could fly out as soon as this weekend. Is that convenient for you? Also, you keep saying my phone isn't working. It is functioning properly. Again, the number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. I yearn to hear garbled English from your lucious lips.
With growing affliction,
Brad Christensen
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 10:23 AM
Subject: Claim valued at US$30,000,000
Dear sir,
find attached our official letter on the above subject matter.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Kevin Cartlidge

Dear Mr. Cartlidge:
I have attached a scan of my California driver's license, which contains my Blythe, California address. My address in Gila Bend, Arizona is:
Brad Christensen
Bar X Ranch
Route 2
Gila Bend, AZ 85928
My telephone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. I do not use a fax because it is outdated technology - a real dinosaur. If I am not present when you call, please leave a message. We have both telegraph and Pony Express service here in Central Arizona. That means I will receive your message within only a day or so from my trusted assistant.
You will need to obtain Princess Miriam Kolonga's "identity" from her. Do you mean her DNA or just some fingerprints? I have copied the Princess on this e-mail so she can help fulfill this request.
Looking forward to a speedy and smooth transaction.
Brad Christensen

From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: Please I need your diligent effort
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day and thanks for your mail information. I am very much happy to hear that the bank finally contacted you after all this while,I have almost started getting afraid with their silent but am beggining to get my self now and can eat well today.Please I relied on you to handle it with them safely till they aprove the transfer to your account. Do always inform me of your communication with the bank so that I can know what is going on and for my own record keeping.
It is also nice to hear about your plan to visit me here in my country,that will be the happiest moment I will ever have but if you can hold on till this claim is succeeded and the fund transfer into your account then after that, you can come and after our staying ,you and I can fly back togather. I dont want you to come and go back living me behind or you coming and I will not be completely free with you just because the fund is still unclaimed which is the most thing bodering me.
I still do not know the problem getting you through,I tried the number again today and it rang and entered to another ringing tune and start counting. I do call you from a pay phone and if it counts, it is payable which I have be doing all the while I have been calling you paying without talking to you,it is a waste of money. Please get me another number or reprograme this very one to ring direct for you to pick immediately I called you so that I wont be wasting my time and money calling you.
Thanks for your kind corporation,it is exceedingly appreciated
Your sincerely
My Lovely Princess:
Glad to hear you're able to eat today. I wish you could have some porcupine. They really stick to your ribs -- internally and externally. You will not be hungry again for a very long time.
I copied you on my correspondence with the bank. They asked for your identity, so please visit a lab as soon as possible. Dental records also may suffice. I am not exactly sure what they are looking for.
I am trying to finalize the transaction as quickly as possible, but I cannot wait to see you. I can finalize the deal from Cote D'Ivoire. Do not worry about me leaving you behind because my heart yearns for a woman with real teeth and a semi-regular bathing regimine. I intend to book a flight today to Abidjan. I'll provide the details as soon as I can and I will expect you to greet me at the airport.
You mentioned my phone. It is in working order. If I am out herding porcupines or hosing off septic tanks, just leave a voice-mail message.
With blossoming affliction,
Brad Christensen
From: <>
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:31 AM
Subject: Claim valued at US$30,000,000
Attention:Mr.Brad Christensen,
Dear sir,
We confirm receipt of your email and have noted the content.We have equally despatched an e-letter to Princess Miriam Kolonga to confirm your personality.
Right now we shall commence the process of releasing the funds.We have externalAuditors whose duty it is to scrutinize all claims flooding the bank with a view to ascertaining the genuity or otherwise of claims.These Auditors will commence work on your claim and within 48 hours(two banking days),the exercise wil be concluded and the total claim transfered to your designated receiving bank.
In view of this,please furnish to us the details of your receiver bank account where the funds will be transfered to viz:
Name of Bank:
Address of Bank:
Aba Number/Routing Number:
Swift Code (if available) :
Account Name/Beneficiary:
Account Number:
This will enable us process the transfer of the funds to your account.
We assure you of our best services.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Kevin Cartlidge
Dear Mr. Cartlidge:
Here are most of the details you requested:
Name of Bank: Popeil Bank of Central Arizona
Address of Bank: 548 W. Ronco Way, Gila Bend, AZ 85337
Account Name/Beneficiary: Bradford W. Christensen
Account Number: 91-280/1332 AZ 3279
I do not know what an Aba Number/Routing Number or a Swift Code are. I have stood in line at this bank and trust me, there is nothing swift about it.
I intend to fly to Abidjan within the next couple of days and would like to finalize this transaction in person. I anticipate that Princess Kolonga will meet me at the airport. She then can bring me directly to your bank where we can quickly and smoothly consummate our business. I will see you soon.
Warm regards,
Brad Christensen
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 8:25 AM
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day and thank you very much for all your concerns,it is exceedingly apprreciated.I have gone through your communication with the bank and I am well pleased over your corporation with them. Please endearvour to see that every thing is done accordingly for the claim and transfer. As soon as that is completed,you can then come down here as planed to see me after which I shall fly back togather with you. Please follow it this way for my own convinience and happiness since you have decided to help me. I woulodnt want to hurt my self or starting what I can not get to an end. Once you have concluded with the bank and inform me that everything is finanlized succssefully and the bank has aproved to transfer the fund into your account on my behalf ,I can now be free and confortable to be with you upon your arival and flying back togather with you.
Meanwhile, I am forwarding to you my national ID card by attachment for your own view and more convenience with me. Please keep it safely with you and dont disclose.
I remain yours sincerely
Princess Miriam Kolonga

My Dear Lovely Princess:
I cannot wait to meet my newest soulmate. There is no reason we cannot finalize this transaction together, hand in hand, heart to heart, hip bone to pelvis. I have scheduled a flight that will arrive in Abidjan on Tuesday, May 1, at 5:55 p.m. It is Air France Flight 8574. Please have an aide or yourself on hand to meet me. I am not bringing my compass and might get lost. Our budding relationship makes me feel like a new man. I have made many fantastic preparations for our glorious meeting. I've even been thoroughly scrubbed and deodorized by professionals. And I did so willingly, just for you. Thank you so much for sending your beautiful national ID card. I have studied your fingerprint very carefully and it appears that if the other nine are similarly formed you will be able to give me a fabulous massage.
On other matters, the bank has asked me to contact a lawyer in London. I shall do that a bit later today. Right now I'm floating on clouds, thinking about life in Gila Bend with a woman whose fingers are not gnarled and calloused. I have attached the town's welcome sign.
With mountains of love and affliction,
Brad Christensen

From: <>
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Claim valued at US$30,000,000
Attention:Mr.Brad Christensen,
Dear sir,
We have received your banking information and have commenced the process of releasing the funds.
Please,be informed that the funds are presently,in the name:MR.ROBERT KOLONGA. In this case the deposit has to be changed to your name as the new beneficiary before the transfer could be effected to your designated bank in Arizona.
To achieve this change of ownership,a lawyer has to be contracted to handle this on your behalf.The lawyer will be responsible to swearing an Affidavit at the Court to support the claim;undertake notaries endorsements so that the claim can be legalised in the United Kingdom.As soon as this is done,the funds will be ready for transfer to your account.
We have an accredited Attorney to the bank based in London who can handle this transaction on your behalf.His name is MR.ROBERT WRIGHT,his telephone number is ++44 7024032866;email: OR
You are hereby advised to contact this lawyer and arrange with him on the conclusion of this process.
Meanwhile,you are advised to fill the attached transfer Form and send back to us. We also attach our TERMS and CONDITIONS OF TRANSFER ,fill also and send back to us to enable us tidy our own end of the process.
We assure you of our best services.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Kevin Cartlidge
Thank you so much for your efforts, Mr. Carthlidge. I will contact Attorney Wright right away. Also, I have booked a flight to Abidjan, which will be due to land there on Tuesday, May 1, at 5:55 p.m. I have asked Princess Kolonga to meet me at the airport. But if she is unable to do so, could you send an assistant to pick me up? I do not know my way around Abidjan.
Warm regards,
Brad Christensen
Dear Attorney Rob Wright:
I have been asked by Kevin Cartlidge of HSBC to contact you regarding the transfer of the a $30,000,000 inheritance from the deceased Robert Kolonga to my trustworthy self. I am Bradford W. Christensen, well-known rancher and septic parts dealer in Central Arizona, who is well-aquainted with Robert's next of kin, Princess Miriam Kolonga. The princess, as my soon-to-be fifth wife and latest soulmate, has nominated me as the bonafide recipient of this fund. I have provided HSBC with all of the information they have requested. Now you are supposed to "arrange the conclusion of this process." Please do so at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Brad Christensen
From: miriam konlonga
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 12:05 PM
Dear Brad Christensen
Good day and thank you once again for your email of today, it is warmly appreciated.
I have totally believed in you for the claim and transfer of the money and I know you can never disappoint me at end. What ever necessary you can do just to realize the claim for me, please do not hesitate to do it and I will be glade and thankful.
About your coming down here, please I still will like you more to wait until you finalize the issue of the claim and make sure that the fund has been transferred to your account after which you can then begging to come down here. As I have told you earlier , coming now when the fund being the reason that I contacted you are still there will not give me joy. Beside, I have to secure my traveling document which most of them will take me about a month or more to be ready from the issuance place which I wouldn’t want us to stay this long to go back when you come here so please try to see if you can postponed the trip till after the claim and transfer of the money by then I would have taking my time to get my safe fully ready to stay with you upon your arrival and going back same time with you without taking much time. I promise to keep my self for you till then and onwards
I remain yours sincerely
My Dear Lovely Princess:
I will not postpone my trip. I am counting the days and hours until we finally meet. I already have purchased my ticket. I've packed my bags. I've gone through the fumigation process. So please, no more talk, as in your last e-mail, about being thankful for "Glade." There is no reason on Earth why we cannot finalize the transaction while in Abidjan. You are breaking my heart with your nonsense about delaying our romance.
Again, my flight is Air France 8574, due to arrive in Abidjan on Tuesday, May 1, at 5:55 p.m. I expect you or your driver to meet me upon arrival. I have packed some tins of freeze-dried porcupine and a Coleman lantern for a wonderfully romantic dinner together.
With spreading affliction,
Brad Christensen
Dear Lovely Princess:
I am preparing to travel to the airport now for the flight to Abidjan. This will be my last correspondence until I arrive. I have packed the porcupine provisions and $23,000, most of which will be needed for fees necessary to finalize our financial transaction. I was told to bring $17,000 for the transaction, so the rest will go toward a hotel for me and gifts for my Princess. Again, it is Air France Flight 8574, which is to arrive at 5:55 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1. I am looking forward to meeting you and your driver at the airport. Soon we will finally be together.
With enduring affliction,
Brad Christensen
From: <>
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 6:15 AM
Subject: Re: Claim valued at US$30,000,000
Dear sir ,
We hope you had a safe flight. However,Abidjan is quite far from our bank,but while there you can reach us so that we can advise you on how to finalise the transaction while you are there.
Expecting to hear from you while we wish you a safe flight.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Lovely Princess and Mr. Cartlidge:
The flight was as safe as it can get. In fact, it never got off the ground. I have been stranded at the Gila Bend Municipal Airport since Monday. Airport personnel say the airplane needs some work before it is ready to fly. But it looks fine to me. I've attached a picture. They retort that I know a lot about porcupines but nothing about planes so maybe I should fly a porcupine. Ungrateful upstarts!
Anyway dear, sweet Princess, I had hoped to arrive before the fumigation effect wears off. That now seems unlikely, so please go ahead and buy a case of that Glade.
Brad Christensen

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