From: edwinworsh edwinworsh
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:40 AM
Subject: Bless U
From Mr. Edwin Worsh
N0 268 hosipital road,
Box 1287 Port Shepstone
Chaka -South Africa.
Dear Friend,
We want to transfer to overseas ($36,000.000.00 USD)Thirty six million United
States Dollars) from a Bank in South Africa. I am looking for a reliable and
honest person who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank
account or to set up a new Bank a/c immediately to receive this money, even
an empty a/c can serve, as long as you will remain honest to me till the end
for this important business, trusting in you and believing in God that you
will never let me down either now or in future.
I am Mr, Edwin Worsh. the Auditor General
of a bank in South Africa. During the course of our auditing
I discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank
in 1995 and since 1998 nobody has operated on this account again.
After going through some old files in the records I discovered
that the owner of the account died without a [heir] hence the
money has been floating and if I do not remit this money out
urgently it will be forfeited for nothing.
The owner of this account is Mr. Ahmed Tariq,
a foreigner and a sailor, he died since 1998. No other person
knows about this account or anything concerning it, it has no
other beneficiary. My investigation proved to me as well that
Mr. Ahmed Tariq until his death was the manager Tariq Coy.(pty).
SA.The amount involved is (USD 136M) One hundred and Thirty Six
million United States Dollars, I only want to first transfer
$36,000.000[Thirty Six million United States Dollar from this
money into a safe foreigners account abroad before the rest,
but I don't know any foreigner, I am only contacting you as a
foreigner because this money can not be approved to a local person
here, without valid international passport, but can only be approved
to any foreigner with valid international passport or drivers
license and foreign a/c because the money is in US dollars and
the former owner of the a/c Mr. Ahmed Tariq is a foreigner too,
[and the money can only be approved into a foreign a/c.
However, I got your contact address from my
secretary who does not know the need for it. I am revealing this
to you with believe that you will never let me down in this business,
you are the first and might be the only person that I am contacting
for this business, so please reply urgently so that I will inform
you the next step to take.
I want us to meet face to face to build confidence
and to sign a binding agreement before transferring the money
to any account of your choice where the fund will be safe. Before
we fly to your country for withdrawal, sharing and investments.
I need your full co-operation to make this
work, because the management is ready to approve this payment
to any foreigner who has correct information of this account,
which I will give to you, upon your positive response and once
I am convinced that you are capable and will meet up with instruction
of a key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this
I need your strong assurance that you will
never letme down. With my influence and the position of the bank
official we can transfer this money to any foreigner's reliable
account which you can provide with assurance that this money
will be intact pending our physical arrival in your country for
The bank official will destroy all documents
of transaction immediately we receive this money leaving no trace
to any place and to build confidence you can come immediately
to discuss with me face to face after which I will make this
remittance in your presence and three of us will fly to your
country at least two days ahead of the money going into the account.
I will apply for annual leave to get visa immediately
I hear from you that you are ready to act and receive this fund
in your account.I will use my position and influence to obtain
all legal approvals for onward transfer of this money to your
account with appropriate clearance from the relevant ministries
and foreign exchange departments.
At the conclusion of this business, you will
be given 35% of the total amount, 60% will be for me, while 5%
will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during
the process of transferring.
Hope to hear from you soonest.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr,Edwin Worsh
N.B. I need your phone and fax numbers for easy communications as the case
may be.
Dear Edwin Worsh:
This sounds like an exciting opportunity indeed! However, there
are only certain periods when I am able to travel to South Aftrica
because of my current responsibilities as co-owner of one of
the leading teams on the Worldwide Shuffleboard Circuit and as
executive producer of several TV reality shows. Please tell me
more. I am sure we can work something out because this sounds
like a very lucrative transaction. I am a tad concerned, however,
about your comment that the "money is floating." Where
is it floating and why don't you run and get a fishing net before
it's too late?
Brad Christensen
The Raging Relics Shuffleboard Club
Sun City, Arizona
----- Original Message -----
From: edwinworsh edwinworsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:19 AM
Subject: thanks for your response
Dear Brad Chistensen,
I wish to thank you response to my request for your assistance
and i do hope that we can work together to make this a reality
hence the trust i have in contacting will be extended to me in
the couse of this transaction.
The success of this transaction depends on our abilities to
communicate and reason with each other and the need to keep this
transaction confidential regardless of you interest is very important.
To enable me properly inform you on the way forward in this
transaction as demanded i will like to have your phone number
so that i could call you before i email you the details for security
purposes. Please i hope you will bear with me on this. this is
important as it enables me to understand who am dealing with,
Your kindness in providing the requested information will be
kindly appreciated.
Best regards
----- Original Message -----
From: Brad Christensen
To: edwinworsh edwinworsh
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: thanks for your response
Dear Edwin Worsh:
E-mail is the easiest and most confidential way of reaching
me. I have secretaries
who screen all my calls at both the television studio and at
the Sun City
Shuffleboard Dome. My secretaries are very dedicated to my businesses
and have been instrumental in helping to make me a wealthy man.
However, my secretaries are notorious gossips who cannot keep
secrets! I learned
this the hard way: The Woldwide Shuffleboard Circuit has a strict
policy against
performance-enhancing drugs. Well, from a telephone conversation
one of my
secretaries learned that my star player, Bernie Schwartz, had
injected Geritol in
his buttock region. The very next day it was all over the papers!
Commissioner Palmeiro responded by suspending Bernie for 10 days.
I do not want to
make the same mistake with our extremely important and confidential
I am eager to meet you and get started with our transaction.
Please provide more
details and for God's sake let me know that the money is still
floating and not at
the bottom of some lake.
All the best and God bless,
Brad Christensen
The Raging Relics Shuffleboard Club
Sun City, Arizona
Dear Edwin Worsh:
I am a very busy man, but have a window of opportunity for
travel to South
Africa in early September. I am very concerned, however, that you have not
responded to my last e-mail. Is there a problem?
Brad Christensen
Raging Relics Shuffleboard Club
Sun City, Arizona, USA
----- Original Message -----
From: edwinworsh edwinworsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:51 AM
Subject: bear with me
Dear Mr. Christensen,
Please kindly bear with me for the delay in responding to you
as i have been very
busy with the banking inspection we are carrying out within my
bank of recent and
for that i hadly have time to check my mails.
Thanks for your kindly response as the funds are still within
the bank and like i
had previously informed you that i have perfected the means to
move the said money
into your account. The way forward now is that i have made arrangement
to use your
name as the next of kin to the deceased account holder and have
the bank upon
request move the funds to your provided account after supporting
you with all the
necessary documentations.
To have this done and be within the law i have hired the services
of an attorney
who will provide you with the necessary document and submitt
it to the bank for
the banks approval and subsequent remittance to your provided
account and with my
assistance as an insider i will make sure that the application
is approved by our
management. this will take some little time considering that
the lawyer has to
secure a death certificate and letter of administration from
the probate court and
other necessary document making you the beneficiary of the funds
as agreed by the
depositor. I will provide him with the necessary information
to this effect.
Please the need for the phone is to enable me communicate you
at wish to have with
you a person relationship considering that you will be helping
me to invest my
share of the funds in the United State. From your mail i understood
you are into
communications business media. please let me have your mailing
address to enable
me fill out the necessary papers as may be required.
Please i am trying to secure a confidential phone line that
we can communicate
with, with out much problem that way you can always call me at
Your response to this will be kindly appreciated.
Best regards,
Edwin Worsh
----- Original Message -----
From: Brad Christensen
To: edwinworsh edwinworsh
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: bear with me
Dear Edwin Worsh:
Sorry for my own delay, but I had to go to Blythe, California
to oversee the filming
of my newest reality series for the C-Span television network.
Very good show
involving Congressmen who engage in a fierce competition in which
they must write
their own speeches, personally answer irate phone calls from
voters and reimburse
lobbyists for all lunches. This is a secret, but in the grand
finale we are going
to have them eat their own words.
Regarding my mailing address, I have two of them - one in California
and one in Arizona. They are as follows:
Sun City Shuffleboard Dome
10348 W. Lawrence Welk Lane
Sun City, AZ 86702
Christensen Worldwide Studios
51 N. Robin Leach Lane
Blythe, CA 92102
All the best,
Brad Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: edwinworsh edwinworsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:12 PM
Subject: my identifications
Dear Mr. Christensen,
please i wish to extend to you my identification as you stated
that you will be
coming to south africa very soon. Please i need to have the information
requested as this will go along way to speedy up the process.
Please i will like to have your identification to enable me
have an idea of your
self and to enlighten you more on the way forward
Best regards,
Edwin Worsh

Dear Edwin:
Yes, I'd certainly like to speedy up the process and therefore
have included my
California driver's license. Excuse the photo; it was a very
bad hair day. Thanks
for your IDs. Very nice suit. You look like one of the contestants
on my C-Span
Brad Christensen

----- Original Message -----
From: edwinworsh edwinworsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 4:03 AM
Subject: thanks for your mail
Dear Mr. Christensen,
Thanks for your mail and the identification
as provided. Your picture looks just like Robin Leach of the lifes of the rich and famous, I supposed
you are no way related to him considering that your mailing address in california
happens to be in the same street with his name.
With regards to your coming down to south Africa
this weekend please i will like to
confirm your readiness to come down and the opportunity for us
to meet and conclude
the transaction. Meanwhile i have consultated as informed you
last time the services
of an attorney to secure for us the needed documents making you
the beneficiary and
next of kin in the said transaction.
As you will bear with me am just a civil servant working in
the bank and am doing my
best to see that i raise the legal charges to enable the lawyer
to secure the needed
documents before you arrives here. please it is important that
i reach you through
your cell phone and would like for you to give me your travelling
details so that i
can come and meet you at the airport here.
Bear with me for the delay response to your
mail as i often works outside my office
these days. However i will be working within my office through
out this week. please
endeavor to contact me with the needed information so that we
can just talk before
your arrivals.
Best regards,
Edwin Worsh
----- Original Message -----
From: edwin worsh
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:12 PM
Subject: contact me please
Dear Mr. Brad Christensen,
Please kindly bear with me but i travelled to
london since last week and had tried
to access my mail but could not hence i had to open this mail
to write you. Later i
found out that some one had accessed my previous box and possibly
has been
communicating you from there after changing my password.
It is rather difficult as i had informed you
of the need to have your phone number
so that we can communicate and have some kind of personal understanding
of each
other. Please i will like for you to call me with this number
so that we can
communicate and move on with transaction. 44 70 31 84 66 85 or
fax number 44 87 01
35 69 25
Please kindly be adviced that this is my first
mail to you since last week when you
indicated that you are expected to arrive south africa some time
within the first
week of september.
I will like for you to give me your phone number
and also to let me know of your
interest to continue the transaction as i have gotton the lawyer
to secure more
documents for the smooth remittance of the funds.
all communication should be directed to this mail only hence
Best regards
Edwin Worsh
----- Original Message -----
From: edwin worsh
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 6:58 AM
Subject: contact me on 44 7031846685
Dear Mr. Brad Christensen,
I have written you several mail without response
from you and i dont know if you are
sending your reply to my previous mail which i informed you the
password was changed
by an unknow person since weeks now and i have not been able
to access the mail
since then.
please it is paramount that you write me back
and let me know on the way forward as
i have not heard from you since then. However if you do not wish
to continue with
the transaction i still wish that you write and let me know.
Iike i informed you
some time that i have already invested so much money into this
transaction in
getting the paper works in your name and since i could not hear
from you again i
have been confused as my hard earn money looks wasted for nothing.
if i do not hear from you i will notify the bank
as i believe that some one was
behind my change of password.i was watching an old documentary
on the rich and
famous and i couldnt help but imagine the similarities and resemblance
on the id
card you sent me.
Best regards
Dear Mr. Worsh:
I have put off responding to you until now because
you had ascertained that Brad
Christensen and Robin Leach are one and the same. Yes, I am Robin
Leach on the
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and they have named a street
after me. However,
that is only my television name. My real name is Brad Christensen
and I value my
privacy more than a mouthload of caviar so huge it oozes uncontrollably
down both
cheeks. Should it become generally known that Brad Christensen
is Robin Leach, the
autograph hounds and all my creditors will find my address in
the phone book and
there will be no peace. If we are to continue with this transaction,
I must have
your solemn vow that you will never reveal my true identity to
a soul.
Brad Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: edwin worsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: contact me on 44 7031846685
Dear Mr. Christensen,
Thanks for reading from you and i assures you
of my utmost confidentiality to your
identity. I quess i could reason with you considering the pressure
authors and
actors goes through at the airport in the hands of the public.
Needless to say much but i have been confused
considering the time and money i
have invested into this transaction and all of a sudden i could
not hear from you
again. As indicated in my mail, am in london right now but that
does not prevent
the transaction from conclusion hence the attorney has been helpful.
I still believe we need to discuss over the
phone and will be very glad to have a
number where to reach you as i think it is necessary that we
talk. you can equally
call me on my cell number which i forwarded to you in my last
mail. please get
back to me so that i can update you on the way forward in this
Best regards,
Dear Edwin:
I've got some very good news. I will be able
to travel to London in about a week
because shuffleboard season has ended for the Raging Relics and
I've nearly finished
taping all of this year's episodes of my two reality TV shows.
I think I told you a
little bit about my C-Span show "Survivor - The Potomac." The
other one is about
the amazing club and party scene in Sun City, Ariz. It's called "Grannies
Wild." As you can probably tell, I'm very proud of both
shows. I'm not so proud of
my shuffleboard team, though. They were knocked out of the playoffs
last night by
the Grizzled Geezers. The Geezers bend the rules and play a roughhouse
brand of
I tried to call you last night, but the number
you gave me didn't work. Are those
all the numbers I should dial? What about dialing 1 for long
distance? I tried
dialing at least twice, but had to give up due to the arthritis
in my fingers.
Usually I have one of my personal assistants dial my calls for
me, but because our
transaction is confidential I could not do that.
I will send along my flight information as soon
as finalize my travel plans. Is
there anything in particular I should bring with me?
All the best,
Brad Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: edwin worsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2005 11:03 AM
Subject: waiting to to see you then
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the news as i just has to get some
of the paper work together to
enable us have a smooth transaction while in london. I will just
have to stay
till then and please i will like for you to forward your flight
once you have concluded on it.
With regards to your calling me you
can just dail 011 as i believe that will
give you access to dail international number from your AT&T
phone line if that
is what you uses. However if you can give me your number i can
then call you
and chat with you if you dont mind.
I will keep you updated with development of
things and good luck with your tv
Best regards,
Dear Edwin:
I have booked my flight. It is British Airways
Flight 288 arriving at London
Heathrow Airport on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 1:25 p.m. You must
meet me at the
airport and hold up a sign so I know who you are. However, I
remain a bit
apprehensive about the possibility of accidentally revealing
my identity to a
horde of autograph seekers. I have a large fan base in the UK,
especially the
nursing homes, and fear I might be trampled by a mob of overzealous
armed with my centerfold in Modern Maturity magazine. They also
might recognize
the name Brad Christensen, because that is the name I use as
a television
producer. Additionally, I'd rather not reveal your identity because
of the
confidential nature of our transaction. For these reasons DO
NOT put "Robin
Leach," "Brad Christensen" or "Edwin Worsh" on
your sign. I am thinking that a
shuffleboard-themed sign would be good because nobody's identity
is revealed. I
will think of an appropriate phrase and get back to you.
I must go now because I've got a conference
call to discuss ideas for a new
reality show.
All the best,
Brad Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: edwin worsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: waiting to to see you then
Dear M|r Christensen,
Thanks for the information on your arriving
to london as i hope to meet with you.
I am doing my best to make sure that i get the documentation
process together so
that we can conclude on this transaction while you are still
in london here.
It is rather unfortunate that we still have
not spoke to each other over the
telephone before we meet as i thought it is very important considering
transaction we are partaking in. All documents will be ready
by friday this week i
learnt from the attorney and i will make them available to you
once it gets to me
for your records.
Once again i look forward to meet with you.
Please if you dont mind give me a
number to reach you as soon as you recieve this mail so that
i can confirm some
personal matters with you. Our meeting at the airport will not
be a problem hence
you have my number and call always call me once arrived london
but i will be at
the airport same time. I will also give you another number where
you can reach me
if my cell number is not going through.
Best regards,
Edwin Worsh
Dear Edwin:
Once again I have tried calling you, but to no
avail. And once again, it seems I
must remind you that if you call me at work or my homes in Blythe
and Sun City, one
of my personal assistants, maids or butlers will answer the phone.
I certainly
trust my staff, but know from past experience they are gossips
of the first order.
Our transaction might soon be in the newpapers and discussed
on Oprah's show. So
please, Edwin, respect the confidential nature of our dealings.
E-mail seems to be
working just fine for both of us.
When I arrive I may not be entirely recognizable
because I will be wearing dark
glasses, a hat and possibly earmuffs to help conceal my identity.
Therefore, it is
of critical importance that your sign be easily visible to me
because you probably
won't be able to recognize me as Robin Leach. As discussed previously,
you will put
a shuffleboard code phrase on the sign instead of either of our
names. Use the
phrase "Shuffleboard Is A Contact Sport." Be sure that
the letters are very large
because my eyesight has declined considerably over the years
and I will be wearing
dark glasses.
What should I bring with me to London to finalize
the transaction, assuming we both
decide to move forward with it?
All the best,
Brad Christensen
Dear Edwin:
I have made my flight and lodging reservations for London, but
now am quite troubled that you have not responded to my last e-mail
asking whether I would need to bring any financial resources with
me to finalize our transaction. You also haven't said whether
you have been able to obtain the necessary documentation. If there
is a problem, let me know so I can cancel my flight and hotel
Although I am a multi-millionaire television star, producer and
sports team owner, this transaction remains extremely important
to me. I have been wanting to buy a much bigger yacht and the
more than $12 million I will receive from our transaction will
allow me to do just that. I also am looking forward to meeting
you and staying in the historic Bates Motel. The famous motel
and its adjoining mansion were just reopened last month. Both
were closed in 1960 following an unfortunate shower incident that
resulted in the death of movie star Janet Leigh. It was in all
the papers back then and Alfred Hitchcock even made a movie about
Please let me know what's going on so I can take the appropriate
actions regarding my flight and motel reservations. Time is running
short! I board the plane this Monday evening and it arrives in
London on Tuesday.
Brad Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: edwin worsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 9:13 AM
Subject: Immediate attention
Dear Mr
Please kindly bear with me as i travelled out
of london on a business related to transaction related to the
transaction we have at hand. I am aware of your mail and have
been hoping to meet with you and conclude this transaction.
I have been in communication with my bank in
South African as well as with the attorney trying to make sure
that he releases the documents in his document possesion however
this has been rather difficult considering the amount i need to
pay the attorney. However i wish to inform you that i have been
able to get the funds to the attorney and the papers will be here
this evening.
With regards to what you are asking, Truely
we will need some funds and your assistance to that will be gladly
appreciated.i have already arrange with a diplomat to bring the
consigment from south africa under a tigh arrangement and we will
need to pay off the diplomat and some funds to open account within
a local bank here. all these will cost about sixteen thousand
pounds. the diplomat will be paid twelve thousand pounds for his
services. I will need for you to come down with your identification
and a copy of this mail to proper identification. Please ones
arrived i will like for you to call me with my number or this
number for immediate response 44 20 70 60 01 17 or fax 44 20 79
90 88 33 and ask for Marvin Smith, additionally any kind of gift
item for two will be appreciated as i look forward to finalising
the transaction with you. Please let me know as you indicated
the name of your hotel where you will be staying and possible
phone number.
Best regards
Edwin Worsh
Dear Edwin:
Time is running short. I will easily be able to cover the sixteen-thousand
pounds required to finalize the deal. Regarding the gift, I have
no time for that now, so let's shop for that together after we
meet at the airport. I do have a half dozen Rolex watches I purchased
recently over the Internet, but you are deserving of a much more
elaborate gift for your troubles.
Again, my flight is British Airways Flight 288 and it arrives
at London Heathrow Airport on Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 1:25 p.m. As
agreed, you will meet me immediately upon arrival and, so as not
to reveal our identities, your sign will carry the code phrase,
"Shuffleboard is a contact sport."
All the best,
Brad Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: edwin worsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: Our Transaction
Dear Mr Brad,
Please bear with me as i just understand that
you will be living states for london this evening considering
on the time of your flight. Please i will like for you to write
me and confirm these mail so that i will be at the airport at
the appointed time tomorrow.
Hope to see you and finalise this deal and
i must equally informed you to understand the confidentiality
involve in this transaction and the need to make it a private
thing considering the publicities as indicated before.
Your cooperation will be gladly appreciated.
remember as requested the financial assistance.
Best regards
Edwin Worsh
Dear Edwin:
Again, Edwin, my flight is British Airways Flight 288 and it
arrives at London Heathrow Airport on Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 1:25
p.m. Please write this down so you do not forget. As soon as I
arrive I will be looking for your sign with the code phrase "SHUFFLEBOARD
IS A CONTACT SPORT" in big letters so that I can see it easily.
I do not want there to be any possibility of being stranded and
unable to find you in an unfamiliar airport.
The financial assistance of 16,000 pounds will be no problem
whatsoever. It is a very small price to pay for my share of the
transaction, which is more than $12 million. I will need your
assistance in driving to the historic Bates Motel and adjoining
mansion. As you know, it has just reopened and most taxi drivers
are unaware of its location. It is a private, invitation-only
motel and proprietor Norman Bates makes sure its location is kept
secret from the general public. I have a directions that came
with my invitation, however, and will see to it that you also
are provided with a customary suite. Do not worry about cost.
I will pick up the 1,200-pounds nightly charge.
Time to finish packing now. See you soon,
Brad Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: edwin worsh
To: Brad Christensen
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Immediate attention
Mr. Brad,
Catch you then at the airport morrow by 1.30pm.
We dont need to waste much time at the airport
as i have other appointment that i need to meet up with but my
driver will surely be around in the case you need ride to convey
you to your hotel. I suppose we can't discuss anything at the
Meanwhile are you coming with any other person
Mr. Worsh
Dear Edwin:
I will look for your sign directly upon my arrival at the airport.
I am traveling alone, as I have kept our transaction confidential,
even from my personal assistants. See you at Heathrow.
Brad Christensen
I arrived at Heathrow a bit ahead of schedule and got on a shuttle
by mistake that took me from terminal 4 to terminal 1. I am outside
of the WHSmith store using the Internet station to e-mail you.
I will await
your arrival at The Bridge Bar.
See you soon. Looks like good weather here. A little cloudy
but not bad.
Brad Christensen
From: edwin worsh <>
Date: 2005/09/27 Tue AM 09:17:55 EDT
To: Brad Christensen
Subject: Re: heathrow airport
I just got back from
the airport after standing for so long. I will have someone to
come and meet with you as i am in a meeting right now.
this is not our arrangement but all the same i will do my best
to meet with you today. everything is in place for a successful
transaction while you are here.
Best regards,
Dear Edwin:
I became quite disappointed when you didn't show up after I
waited for two hours at the bar in Terminal 1 for you. I met
Clint Eastwood in the bar who told me about a yacht he was selling
that was moored near Venice, Italy. Thinking you had abandoned
me, and not realizing you were unable to get access to the bar
in Terminal 1, I traveled with Clint to Venice and tomorrow will
be testing his boat. If it is a worthy craft I will commit to
purchasing it and then get back to you for the finalization of
our deal. Our deal now is more important to me than ever because
require the funds to purchase Clint's marvelous craft.
Brad Christensen
From: edwin worsh <>
Date: 2005/09/30 Fri AM 05:52:06 EDT
To: Brad Christensen
Subject: just a thought
Dear Brad,
To say you were disappointed was not the right
choice to make considering that you had me runing around the airport
even when i informed you that am not conversant with the airport
as this was my second time of being in london.
All the same as i was living the airport i saw
jeneth jackson with her security guards and i stopped to see what
was wrong with her car. we talked for some minutes and i gave
her ride to the hotel where she was staying. I did not discuss
anything with her with regards to our business but i was tempted
to do so.
It is a pity I checked the arrival list from
the states and your name was not in it and i supposed you used
another name as usual. I wait to hear from you after your trip
with clint. he is a good european like yourself. thanks Robin
and hope meet with you soon. I will be living for South Africa
this weekend. sorry i called you Robin Leach instead of Brad,
well you are the same person and only known by me right.
Best regards
Dear Edwin:
Pardon for your unfamiliarity with Heathrow. You obviously checked
the wrong flight list because I used the name Brad Christensen
and was on that flight.
I have decided to purchase Clint's giant yacht after taking it
for a spin down the Grand Canal. It is a very fast boat and the
gondolieres honored its power by jumping out of their boats to
avoid the wake. They all shouted loudly at us. Although I do not
speak Italian, I think they were saying something congratulatory
like "Fantastic boat!"
Tomorrow Clint and I are going to Florence, Italy to finalize
the yacht purchase agreement. Thereafter, I will book a return
flight through London to finalize our deal, which will enable
me to satisfy the loan for the yacht.
All the best,
Brad Christensen
Dear Edwin:
Clint and I have finalized our agreement to purchase the yacht
and now are sailing from the Adriatic around Italy to the Mediterranean.
Within a few days we will arrive in Nice, France and from there
I will fly to London to complete our transaction. As soon as I
make my flight arrangements I will send you the details.
All the best,
Brad Christensen
Dear Edwin:
Clint and I are nearing Nice, France. We should arrive on Monday,
Oct. 10. I already have scheduled a flight for the next morning
to London. It is British Airways flight 341 and it arrives at
London Heathrow Airport on Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 9:20 a.m. at
terminal 1. I will look for your sign that says "Shuffleboard
is a contact sport." So that we do not repeat the errors
of a couple weeks ago, I urge you to become familiar with Heathrow
in advance of my arrival. I assure you that I also have learned
from a past misjudgment and will stay right there in Terminal
It is critical that we finalize our transaction immediately
because I owe Clint more than $4 million for the yacht. He will
be waiting for my return in Nice. I asked what might happen if
I couldn't provide payment and he simply sneered and said," Make
my day." I'm not sure what he means, but I don't think it's
Brad Christensen
to the Exhibit