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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > EXHIBIT: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam > Letters

Nigerian Scam Lettery Gallery
"Make millions helping me defraud somebody else..."

Dear Sir,

My name is Franklin Igwilo, I am a financial consultant, I have consulted for various top government officials in my country. In the course of handling the various financial transactions of these individuals, prominent of which were funds transfers and cash lodgements in various offshore banks, often through diplomatic means. I particularly handled that of the last head of state of my country General Sani Abacha, who is now late, amounts running into millions of dollars.

Unfortunately before the death of General Sani Abacha, we had well over $30million dollars ready for shipment via diplomatic means to a security company in Europe, for disbursements into secret bank accounts abroad owned by the late General. This was not to be due to his demise. However the good news is that myself and a top ranking official of the external affairs ministry  in my country have decided to move this money abroad to the security company in Europe. We are therefore seeking for a foreign investor who will provide an account where this funds will be lodged in  upon arrival in Europe as well as claim the consignment from the security company. This transaction is risk free as we are granting absolute protection, security and confidentiality, based on arrangements we have made to use official documents to back up the funds when it arrives your account.

The security company will honor any foreign individual who shows up to claim the consignment  believing that person to be the owner of the consignment. However the contents of the consignment will not be disclosed to the security company.

If you are interested please kindly contact me immediately, so that we can conclude this very awesome transaction, within a few days of receiving the required details. 

Please treat as urgent, while I await your response through email.

Yours faithfully, Franklin Igwilo

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