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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > EXHIBIT: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam > Letters

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"Make millions helping me defraud somebody else..."

Original Message From: Johnson O. K [] Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 8:21 AM Subject: URGENT REQUEST

ATTN: [Omitted]


I know vehemently that this message may come to you as a surprise as we have no initial correspondence. I got your contact on the course of my search for a reliable person who will support and assist me to invest the sum of 25 million US dollars.  To start with, I am Anthony Kakulu .j. A banker by profession, and i presently work with an international bank in my country home Ghana West  Africa. I actually contacted you based on the information that came to our  knowledge two years ago that one of our foreign custom(German),who's  account with us is worth about 50 million US dollars, died  alongside his  family members in a plane crash since 1997, and he unfortunately didn't  nominate anybody as his beneficiary before he passed away.

Following this unfortunate and inevitable occurance, the result now is that  none of his relative nor his friend or business associate is aware of his  deposit with us, and the interest has yielded so much and it is still  rising. It was me and two other colleagues that had asses to the account but  the two also died afterwards. Presently, I'm the only person  fully impowering and maintaining the account and i took it upon myself and  made away with 25 million US dollars simply by packaging the bills into a  metallic box and depositing it in a security company here in  Accra-Ghana. It might interest you to note that even the company are not aware of the  content as i merelytold them that it contains expensive jewelleries. Besides  that, I'am presently tight down with my job as a banker and as such i decided to contact you if you will be willingly and kind enough  to assist me on my quest to transfer this money out of here and out of Africa  to invest with it in your country. Once you confirm your interest, i will  introduce you as my trustee and business partner to the security company. after close legal  agreement between.

Conclusively, I promise to offer a reasonable percentage of the money to you thereafter. I will give you more details concerning this venture  when i get the greenlight from you. I must be honest, i wouldn't want anything  that will deteroriate my image in banking field  as our ultimate goal is  transparency in service, I still want to secure my profession. You can contact me through this channel  using my email Thanks and bye for now.

Best Regards,


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