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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > EXHIBIT: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam > Letters

Nigerian Scam Lettery Gallery
"Make millions helping me defraud somebody else..."

I am Mrs. Mariam Abacha, the widow of Sani Abacha the Late Nigerian Head of State. You were introduced to me through the Chamber of Commerce. I am presently in distress and under house arrest while my son Mohamed is undergoing trial in Lagos and Abuja. He is presently detained in prison custody.     The government has frozen all the family account and auctioned all our properties. To save the family from total bankruptcy I managed to secretly code or bank the sum of US40,000,000.00. through the assistance of our family lawyer/attorney respectively. kept by my late husband. To avoid government from know about this fund/money my lawyer/attorney have advise me to seek for a foreigner  through whom this money can be transferred out of the country (Nigeria) for safety because it is the asset left for my family and myself.

I want you to receive this money and pay it into your account for the family safely.   I am offering you 30% for assisting mesecure this money fast before it is located  by the NigerianGovernment Agents.  Contact me immediately with my E-mail Address so that we can start the transferring of this fund into your designed bank account for safety.

Best regards.
Mrs. Mariam Abacha.

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