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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > EXHIBIT: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam > Letters

Nigerian Scam Lettery Gallery
"Make millions helping me defraud somebody else..."


TEL/FAX: 234-1-7592951.



I saw you on net[aol],and I realized that you can assist me if only you are prepaired to be understanding.I'm very much interested in you,as well as your nationality and your profile.You are the one with versatile and credible antecedent,as you remain the one to help me out of my predicament and of course political/business bondages. Your trustworthiness and reliability in assisting me to invest in a profitable business venture in your country,depends upon your understanding.I sincerely hope you'll be of assistance.

My name is SHAKA MOBUTU, a citizen of Zaire. I am the son of the former president of the Republic of Zaire MOBUTU SESE SEKO who ruled Zaire for 32 years before he was overthrown by rebel forces led by LAURENT KABILA. My father later died while exiled in morocco. At the death of Mobutu Sese Seko, I received the sum of US $ 38.5m (Thirty Eight Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) as my inheritance, for me to start a new life anywhere in the world outside Africa away from the rebels of Laurent Kabilar who is still haunting the decedents of my father,infact his son is not left out in this attempt to get rid of us all at all cost!!!!! With special arrangement I was able to move my inheritance in a packaged consignment to West Africa where I have been granted temporary asylum. The money is presently in safekeeping with a security outfit here in West Africa. I have no intention of investing my inheritance in Africa due to its unstable political unrest and its abuse of human rights. Hence I am soliciting your kind assistance.

I have made arrangements with a diplomatic courier company called GLOBAL DIPLOMATIC SECURITY COURIER SERVICES to move my consignment[inheritance] to any secured environment[anywhere in the world for safe keeping!!!] This company specializes in the movement of cash consignments in diplomatic boxes from Africa to anywhere using diplomatic[means], immunity. I shall feed you with the detailed proceduiral outline of how to get this stuff to you after your acceptance.

What I require from you at the moment,is for you to help me take delivery of my consignment,after which we will then discuus fully some other issuues over this. There after you will send me a letter of invitation to enable me process my traveling documents to join you in your country for the commencement of our investment programme. I am willing to pay you 10% of the total sum for your assistance. 5% has been set aside for all expenses incurred in the course of this transaction, while the remaining 85% will be invested in a joint venture in your country. I shall furnish you with more details upon the receipt of your reply.

Please note there is a password for this transaction, which is (Omega) on receipt of your call (response) you should ask the password and any failure to answer correctly (Omega) please discontinue any further discussion or information about your self, still keep trying my direct line, and only the password (Omega) allows you to talk or disclose any information. I look forward to your prompt and positive response. Best regard.


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