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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > EXHIBIT: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam > Letters

Nigerian Scam Lettery Gallery
"Make millions helping me defraud somebody else..."

Date:14th March,2001

Firstly, let me apologize for infringing into your privacy. This is necessary as I hope to present a proposal to you, which I know, would be of immense benefit to you and me. I am very much aware that you might have come across this kind of preposition, as a lot of scandalous misrepresentation, has been perpetuated by my government in collaboration with other foreign government to curb and frustrate the effort of people like myself who are trying to better the life of their families.

My name is Dr Obi Emeka and I am a Director with the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Though I am highly placed I am also poorly paid. With this kind of situation the trend in my country is to use your position to get as much as you can for your family before retirement or else you will suffer a great deal. So that when you get an opportunity to help yourself you will immediately do so without destroying anything or any one. Such a God sent opportunity is what I am faced with now.

I And four of my co-directors, (who make up the Committee on Contract Procurement, evaluation and Payment Recommendation", of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing here in Nigeria, with two floor members,) have in the course of our duty, been able to secure for ourselves the sum ofUS$35,000,000.00(thirty-five million United State Dollars), which is very safe in the Ministry's account with the Central Bank of Nigeria. How we came about this fund will be explained to you in due course.

As Civil servants we are well monitored in the sense that we are not allowed to travel out of the country at our own free will, also we are not allowed to own foreign accounts and Our account are known to the government etc. For this reason we need an outsider who will front for us and make claims to this fund, bearing in mind that we are directly in charge of payment recommendation. We intend to use our good office and position to make all the necessary documentation that will be needed. I want to assure you that this transaction is a hundred percent risk free as we are directly at the helms of affairs.

What we need you to do for us is to front for us and receive the fund, provide a safe and reliable bank account to secure this fund and to help us invest part of the funds in real estate and profitable shares. For this we are willing to give you 20% of the total fund after transfer. We anticipate the whole transaction will take about 14working days to complete.

I decided to communicate this to you through your e-mail because I know it is very confidential. Due to the nature of this transaction we beg you to maintain absolute confidentiality at all levels. I expect you to respond to this proposal urgently through my e-mail address:, or call me on my phone number: 234- 1774-8735.And please if you are not interested, I beg you in the name of God almighty to forget about this mail and me.

Thank you.

Dr Emeka Obi.

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