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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > EXHIBIT: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam > Letters

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I pray you will have enough time to go through this my letter. My education is now in shamble if I do not receive the help I needed.

My late husband JOSEPH . K . MONOOH was accused among the groups that murdered the late president Mr Laurent Désiré Kabila of Congo Republic. Heaven knows that my husband did not have any hand in the death of Mr. Kabila my countries late President. They murdered my husband 3 days after the death of Mr. Kabila.

But before my husband's death, he made a 2 years fixed deposit account in my name with an International Bank in Abidjan . Now the date of the fixed deposit is due only that I can not have access to the account since my late husband indicated on the certificate of deposit that his foreign partner have to stand as the beneficiary of the account, now that my husband is death I do now know who this his partner/beneficiary is. The money is the only hope of my life now, I can continue my education I was wanted dead or alive in my country.

I sneaked to Abidjan where this money is deposited and I have been to the bank with all the certificate of deposit. The bank has promised that upon my forward to them with any name of my foreign partner who will stand as the beneficiary of the fund, that they will remit to any destined bank account of my choice. For this reason I writing to you. I am looking for a trustworthy and reliable person who have the fear of God to stand as my foreign partner and the beneficiary to this fund. The amount involved is USD$12,000,000 (Twelve Million Dollars).

Sir, I want your name to be use as the beneficiary to this account. I promised to reward you handsomely for any assistance. For now I am in exile in Abidjan. Gold bless you as you indicate interest to assist me on this trial period of mine. The bank has promised me a hitch-free transaction. If you are interested to render to me an assistance, please send your reply through my E-mail address :

I look forward to hearing from you soonest.

God bless you

Princess Elizabeth monooh

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"Make millions helping me defraud somebody else..."

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