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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > EXHIBIT: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam > Letters

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"Make millions helping me defraud somebody else..."

Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 16:34:54 +0200
From: Talib Usman
Organization: The Presidency, Federal Republic of Nigeria
X-Accept-Language: en
Subject: URGENT.

The Presidency
Office of the Presidential task force on Budget and Planning.
Garki, Abuja.

Tel: 234 -90 - 406 157
Fax: 234 -1- 759 6437
From the Desk of: Alhaji Talib Usman

Dear Sir,
We were members of a special committee for budget and planning of the ministry of petroleum resources which has previously been merged with the presidency. With our positions, we have successfully secured for ourselves the sum of $41.5m. This amount was accumulated from proceeds resulting from government's withdrawals of petroleum subsidies. What we need from you, is to provide a very safe and vital offshore account into which the funds will be transferred. My colleagues and I have agreed to compensate the owner of the account used for this transaction with 10% (or a re-negotiated sum) of the total amount remitted. Now we need a reliable, honest, decent and solvent person or a reputable company to assist us in this deal. So if you can convince my colleagues and I of your honesty and profound interest in this deal, then we can proceed to furnish you with the details of this transaction. All we need is your assurance that you are solvent and capable of handling a transaction of this magnitude, and that our share of the money will be safe with you. My colleagues and I are looking towards the possibility of a meeting with you as we proceed with this transaction. Please respond through my fax to the number above and you can call me on the phone number above. I honestly assure you that this deal is 100% risk-free, and I look forward to your urgent reply.
Thank you so much for your anticipated cooperation and God bless.

Kind Regards,

Talib Usman.

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Nigeriam Scam Lettery Gallery
"Make millions helping me defraud somebody else..."

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