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Omega Trust & Trading HYIP Exhibit

("Clyde may look like a local electrician, but he's really only one of
6 or 8 people in the world capable of pulling off this $97 Quintzillion
trade which is now being held up by the European bankers . . .")

Hello Dear Friends,

We've heard that all worked according to plan regarding the last  weeks sprinklings of deliveries.  All was successful.

We also continue to hear about lenders in other programs who have  received paperwork to fill out and return in preparation for funding  of those other programs.  We continue to hear that the 57 programs  are dependent upon our big program providing fulfillment to all our  lenders.

From our many sources around the world we continue to receive  verifying information that demonstrates that all the pieces are  moving into place very well.  From what we are hearing, it sounds  like fulfillment will move quickly to all countries around the world  after the 50 states have been completed.

And remember, our program's funds for the trades were originally  provided by the Wealthy Visionaries years ago and these funds have  continued to multiply in these trades through the years.  WE are the  Humanitarian Project the Wealthy Visionaries designated in their  proposal for doing these trades.  This is why we ARE receiving our  funding. 

In addition, our program's funds HAVE BEEN verified as being CLEAN  funds by ALL the offshore banks SEVERAL TIMES.  This is a normal part  of the funding process and has already been completed and updated  numerous times over the last year.

The events in Urbana are about "other money" and are totally  UNimportant to our funding process.  If you like soap operas, stay  tuned to the "Urbana Days of Our Lives" soap -- however, that whole  drama is totally UNconnected to our funding.

To protect the process, this is all I can tell you today.  All is  going VERY WELL.

In the near future, all of us will be entering a new phase of our  lives.  Let's remember to CAREFULLY READ and RE-READ everything we  receive regarding our program and understand it thoroughly before  taking action.  Let's remember to keep a LOW PROFILE and structure  our abundance so our privacy and safety are maximized.

Also, we need to pay STRICT attention to all the important changes  occurring in the 50 states, and organize our abundance in alignment  with these beneficial changes.  When these changes become public  info, each of us needs to think about how these changes impact what  we are doing with our abundance. 

I wish I could share all the details and info my sources tell me  about -- it would put your minds and hearts at ease.  Because of the  secrecy surrounding these programs, I would endanger the funding by  telling you these details. 

The reality of what our program's funding begins is VAST.  Each  lender, by being in our program, is part of these VAST AMAZING events  about to unfold.  I feel honored to know so many sincere, good- hearted people in our group who have maintained their faith and are  ready to begin their world improvements projects!  This is the great  Divine Plan in action and each of us is part of it. 

Let's continue to AFFIRM and KNOW our great abundance is OURS NOW - - to see and feel our abundance in our hands now!  To AFFIRM that all  lenders and White Knights are strengthened and supported with  protection and wisdom as this great peaceful transition into the Age  of Miracles occurs!

Blessings and Love,


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