Scams & Frauds Exposed

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Financial & Tax Fraud
Education Associates, Inc.

A Non-Profit Corporation

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Quatloos! Directory

General Fraud | Tax Scams | Investment Fraud | Quatloosia!
Quatlosers Hall of Shame
| Law Enforcement | Forums | Stuff to Start With
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General Fraud

(Advance Fee Fraud | Other Scams & Frauds)

Advance Fee Fraud

Exhibit: Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam

Nigerian 4-1-9 Forum

Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam News & Articles

Exhibit: Submitted Nigerian Scam Letters

Submit a Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam Letter

Exhibit: The Brad Christensen Exhibit

Brad Christensen Forum

Spoofing the Nigerian Scammers Forum

Self-Liquidating Loans

No Deposit Credit Cards

Other Scams & Frauds

Exhibit: Bogus Invoices/Office Supplies

Exhibit: Identity Theft

IRS Reissues Consumer Warning on Identity Theft Scheme

Feedback Form

Frauds & Scam Forum

Tax Scams

(Tax Protestors | Tax Shelters)

Tax Protestors

Anti-IRS Theories a/k/a Tax Protestor Junk

Recent Tax Protestors Cases

Tax Protestor Theories De-Bunked

Frivolous Filer Arguments

IRS: The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments (pdf)

IRS Codebusters Scam

Live presentation from the IRS regarding Tax Scams

Tax Protestor News and Articles

Exhibit: Tax Protestor Dummies

Exhibit: Tax Protestor Dummies 2

Exhibit: Constitutional Trusts a/k/a Pure Trusts

Summary of Abusive Trust Schemes (pdf)

Exhibit: Breaking News Regarding Tax Scams

Exhibit: Dr. Sweet and the JoY Foundation

Tax Protestor Message Forum

Tax Practice & Policy and Tax Shelters Forum

Tax Shelters

Exhibit: Corporate Tax Shelters

Abusive Corporate Tax Shelters Background Paper (pdf)

U.S. Tax Shelter Industry: The role of accountants, lawyers and financial professionals (pdf)

Exhibit: Individual Tax Shelters

Exhibit: Listed Abusive Tax Shelters

Live presentation from the IRS regarding Tax Shelters

Breaking News Regarding Tax Scams

The Role of Professional Firms in the U.S. Tax Shelter Industry (pdf)

Tax Practice & Policy and Tax Shelters Forum

Investment Fraud

(Multi-Level Marketing | High-Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) & Bank Debentures
Offshore Planning | Treasury Scams & Forgeries | Forex Scams & Commodities Fraud Viaticals Fraud | Financial Planning)

Multi-Level Marketing

Introduction to Multi-Level Marketing

MLM Message Forum

MLM Links

MLM News and Articles

Federal Trade Commission's "Bottom Line About Multi-Level Marketing Plans"

The Truth Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of Multi-Level and Network Marketing (pdf)

New site report on 10 years on investigative research on MLM/Network Marketing

Exhibit: Global Prosperity Group/Investors International

High-Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) & Bank Debentures

HYIP, Bank Debentures & Bank Debenture Trading Programs, and Prime Bank Programs

Exhibit: Quatloosian HYIP Programs

U.S. Department of Justice Explanation of Prime Bank/High-Yield Investment Schemes

Exhibit: Omega Trust & Trading, Ltd.

Omega Promoters Admit Guilt

U.S. Attorney's Press Release

Latest Stupid Omega Rumors

More Latest Stupid Omega Rumors

The Omega Chronicals

Exhibit: NESARA Scam

Dove Updates

Dove Doo Doo

Jennifer Lee Updates

Deep Knight Updates

Mother Sekmet v. Tony-the-Wonder-Llama

Morganthau Bonds

HYIPs & Bank Debenture News & Articles

Prosperity Programs - NESARA forum

Securities Fraud Forum

Offshore Planning Scams

Exhibit: Terry Neal

Terry Neal Arrested

Exhibit: Jerome Schneider

Exhibit: Merrill Scott

Letter from Merrill Scott's Receiver

SEC vs. Merrill Scott

Summary of the Receiver of Merrill Scott

Exhibit: Marc Harris

Marc Harris Loses Appeal

Marc Harris v. David Marchant and Comments by OBNR

Exhibit: Fake Nations

Dominion of Melchizedek

Kingdom of Enen Kio

Diplomatic & Consulate Titles

Costa Rica Property Scams

Hiding Money Offshore

Offshore Personal/Private Banks

Unsecured Offshore Credit Cards

Le Clube Prive

Offshore Books & Seminars

Offshore Scam Forum

Treasury Scams & Forgeries

Exhibit: Treasury Securities Fraud

Exhibit: Phony Securities

Exhibit: Historical Bond Fraud

Securities Fraud Message Forum

FOREX Scams & Commodities Fraud

FOREX Information

Consumer Advisories

Enforcement Bulletins

Enforcement Actions

Reporting FOREX or Commodities Fraud

CFTC Warning About Investment Opportunities Promising Large Profits and Little Risk, Even When Offered by Friends and Aquaintances

Russell Allen Erxleben Sentenced to Federal Prison for Conspiracy to Commit Mail Fraud and Securities Fraud in FOREX scam.

Viaticals Fraud

Exhibit: Viaticals Fraud

NASD Warns on Viaticals

Article on the rising trend of Viatical Settlements

Truth About Life Settlements - Life Insurance Rescue

Financial Planning

Annuity Abuse

Investor Alerts Regarding Annuities and Insurance

Regulators to Warn of Annuity Abuses

Quatloos! Guide to Insurance

412i Defined Benefit Plans

Imperial Consolidated Scam

Asset Protection Scams

Texas Joint Stock Company Scam

Insurance Company Bad Faith

Life Insurance to Pay Estate Taxes

Sales Commissions and Loaded Investments

Self-Liquidating Loans

Black Holes & UFOs

Alaskan Trusts and Delaware Trusts

Living Trusts

Avoiding Investment Scams

Financial Planning or Fleecing of Seniors?

Investment Fraud & Business Opportunities Scams Forums


(About Quatloos! | Quatloosian Guide to Gambling | Recommended by Quatloos!)

About Quatloos!


Feedback Form

Ask Tony-the-Wonder-Llama

About Quatloos! Forum



Copyrights and the Fair Use Doctrine

Quatloosian Guide to Gambling

Introduction to Casino Gambling

Money Management



Introduction to Odds

Craps Strategies

Craps Crap

The Parity Hedge System


Casino Gambling Reading Room

Recommended by Quatloos!

Scams & Fraud Reading Room

Quatloosia! Casino Gambling Reading Room

Free Downloads



Clyde Hood

Dave Struckman, Dan Anderson & Zoe LaMantia

Sani Abacha

Marc Harris

Terry Neal

Jerome Schneider

Joe Banister

Thurston Bell

Bill Benson

Bill Conklin

Rick Haraka

Eddie Kahn

Devvy Kidd

John Kotmair

Dan Meador

Lynne Merdith

Paymon Mottahedeh

"Judge" John Rizzo

Larken Rose

Irwin Schiff

Bob Schultz

Otto Skinner

Law Enforcement

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies & Other Links

Report new scams & frauds

State Agencies: AL thru GA

State Agencies: HI thru MD

State Agencies: MS thru NJ

State Agencies: NM thru SC

State Agencies: SD thru WY

Message Forums

General Questions and News

Frauds & Scams General Questions and News Items

Tax Fraud and Tax Protestors Scams

Tax Protestors, Pure Trusts, and
Other Stupid De-Tax Schemes & Scams

Tax Practice & Policy and Tax Shelters

Investment Fraud & Business Opportunities Scams

Advance Fee Fraud and Mortgage & Debt Elimination

Securities Fraud

Financial Planning and Estate Planning Scams

MLM Forum

Offshore Scams Forum

Internet & Nigerian Scams

Nigerian 4-1-9 Forum

Brad Christensen Forum

Spoofing the Nigerian Scammers

Identity Theft

Miscellaneous Scams

Other Stuff

Quatloosian Good Life

Ranting & Raving

About Quatloos and Site Comments

Prosperity Programs - NESARA

Stuff to Start With

Brad Christensen Exhibit

Dove and Jennifer NESARA updates

Deep Knight Updates

High Roller Keno Story

Quatloosian Guide to Gambling

New Articles

Report From Quatloosia

May 2005

April 2005

March 2005

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Grobaty & Pitet LLP

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We do NOT spam. Various multi-level marketers & other criminals have recently sent out spam impersonating us, & having our return email address, so that people would complain about spam and cause us to be shut down (a/k/a "joe job"). These multi-level marketers and other criminals have engaged in this form of cyber-terrorism because our telling the truth about their fraudulent schemes was hurting their ability to sell to new victims. Fortunately, our ISP now recognizes that these fake spams are bogus and ignores them, and additionally we are duplicating this site on numerous other servers (including "hardened" servers as well as our own proprietary servers) so that we cannot be harmed by these multi-level marketers and other criminals. Death to Spammers!

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