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Florida Court Issues Asset Freeze and Appoints
Receiver in CFTC Action Charging Fraudulent Commodity Pool;
CFTC Charges Michael Colton and Future-Comm Trading With Defrauding
Customers Through Personal Solicitations and an Internet Site, 4221-98, December 23, 1998.
California Federal Court Enters Permanent Injunction
Against Linton Samaru in Case Charging Nationwide Telemarketing
Scheme Involving Precious Metals, 4219-98, December 22, 1998.
CFTC Files Administrative Complaint Against First
Options of Chicago, Inc., Charging Recordkeeping Violations, 4218-98, December 22, 1998.
CFTC Files Enforcement Action Alleging Fraud by
Steven G. Soule of Atlanta, GA and Aiding and Abetting Fraud
by Kyler F. Lunman II of Rumson, NJ and Hold-Trade, Inc., a/k/a
Hold Trade, Ltd. of Red Bank, NJ, 4217-98, December 22, 1998.
CFTC's ALJ's Initial Decision On Remand Revokes
Registration of Michael F. Staryk, Orders Him to Pay Civil
Penalty of $1,327,500 and Imposes Permanent Trading Ban, 4216-98, December 21, 1998.
Kentucky District Court Enters Consent Order of
Permanent Injunction Against Charles Nicholas Barth in Commodity
Pool Fraud Case, 4215-98, December 17, 1998.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Announces
Its Participation in Department of Justice and FBI Telemarkting
Fraud Initiative, 4214-98, December 17, 1998.
CFTC ALJ Denies Todd Alan Thomas Relief from Default,
Finds Fraud in Solicitations of Commodity Options Customers, 4212-98, December 3, 1998.
Florida Federal Court Enjoins Richard Maseri and
Private Research Inc. From Violations of the Commodity
Exchange Act, and Orders Masteri to Pay Over $552,000 and Private
Rsearch to Pay Over $239,000 in Restitution to Customers, 4210-98, December 2, 1998.
CFTC Files Complaint and Obtains an Asset Freeze
Against Defendants in Illinois Accused of Commodity Fraud, 4208-98, November 24, 1998.
CFTC ALJ Enters Cease and Desist Order and 10-Year
Trading Ban Against Shahrokh Nikkhah For Trade Practice Violations, 4207-98, November 18, 1998.
New York District Court Orders Disgorgement of
$2.6 Million in Frontrunning Scheme and Bars Thomas E. Kelly,
Andrew David Rhee, adn Reflex Asset Management Corporation
From the Futures Industry, 4206-98, November 18, 1998.
CFTC ALJ Finds Grain Land Cooperatives Entered
Into Illegal Off-Exchange Futures Contracts, 4205-98, November 17, 1998.
CFTC Releases Consumer Advisory Warning on Sales
Pitches Based on Seasonal Demand and Other Public Information, 4204-98, November 3, 1998.
CFTC Issues Order Finding Henry & Horne, PLC,
an Accounting Firm, Engaged In Improper Unprofessional Conduct, 4203-98, November 2, 1998.
CFTC Issues Order Finding Anatoly Osadchy a/k/a
Anthony Osadchy, An Accounant, Engaged in Impropoer Unprofessional
Conduct, 4202-98, October 29, 1998.
CFTC Issues Order Finding That David Green Committed
Numerous Violations In Operation of Commodity Pool, 4201-98, October 29, 1998.
Hawaii Court Finds That Brien Sullivan, A Defendant
In A 1997 CFTC Enforcement Action, Defrauded Customers in Connection
With Managed Accounts And A Commodity Pool He Controlled, 4197-98, October 20, 1998.
CFTC Charges Bethesda, Maryland Firm and Their
Principal with Fraud and Sale of Illegal Off-Exchange Foreign
Currency Futures Contracts in International Foreign Currency
Trading Scheme, 4195-98, October 6, 1998.
CFTC Accepts Settlement Offer of Terry A. Dirksen
Arising From Marketing of So-Called"Hedge-To-Arrive" Contracts, 4194-98, September 28, 1998.
CFTC Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Finds That
Jerry W. Slusser, Hans J. Brinks, and Two Indiana Corporations
Violated the Anti-Fraud Provisions of the Federal Commodity
Law, 4187-98, September 4, 1998.
US District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Enters
Consent Order of Preliminary Injunction Against Two Defendants
in Alabama Commodity Pool Fraud Case, 4184-98, August 27, 1998.
CFTC Accepts Settlement Offer of Competitive Strategies for
Agriculture, Ltd.; CSA Investor Services, Inc.; and Lee D.
Amundson Arising From Marketing of So-Called "Hedge-To-Ariive" Contracts, 4182-98, August 25, 1998.
CFTC Enforcement Action Alleging Fraud, Registration and Regulatory
Violations by International Futures Corporation, an Introducing
Broker in Washington, D.C., As Well As Failure to Supervise
Diligently by Its Futures Commission Merchant, LIT Division
of First Options of Chicago, 4179-98, August 17, 1998.
Indiana Court Enters Preliminary Injunction in CFTC Enforcement
Action Against Six Defendants Charged with Commodity Pool Fraud, 4178-98, August 13, 1998.
CFTC Files Seven-Count Enforcement Action and Obtains an Asset
Freeze Against New York Curency Exchange Corporation,
New York Currency Research Corporation, and Michael T. Matejka
in Illegal Currency Futures Fraud Case, 4177-98, August 12, 1998.
Oregon District Court Issues Permanent Injunction Against
michael Myatt, Pragmacapital Corp., and Berkshire International
Hedge Fund, All of Beaverton, Oregon, Ordering Restitution
to Defrauded Investors, 4172-98, July 28, 1998.
CFTC Files Civil Anti-Fraud Action Against Thomas Edward Kelly,
Andrew David Rhee and Reflex Asset Management Corporation, 4171-98, July 23, 1998.
CFTC Files Complaint in Alabama and Obtains an Asset Freeze
Against Seven Defendants Accused of Commodity Fraud, 4166-98, July 13, 1998.
New York Court Finds That AVCO Financial Corp. and Anthony
Vartuli Defrauded Over 1,000 Customers in Connection with the
Sale of Futures Trading Computer Software, and Directs Them
to Disgorge $4.1 million, 4164-98, July 8, 1998.
CFTC Accepts Settlement Offer of Lawrence J. Bilello, 4161-98, June 30, 1998.
Texas Court Enters Consent Orders
of Permanent Injunction Against Christopher C. Schafer and
A.R.S. Financial Services; Schafer Ordered to Pay Restitution
to Defrauded Investors, <a href="> 4158-98, June 16,
Court Issues Contempt Order Against Shaun Schlossmacher for
Failing to Comply with Order Requiring Accounting, 4153-98, June 8, 1998.
CFTC Files Complaint and Obtains An Asset Freeze Against Defendants
in Indiana Accused of Commodity Fraud, 4152-98, June 8, 1998.
New York Federal Court Enters Permanent Injunction Against
S. David Friedman, Intercap International, Inc., and the Whitehall
Trust in CFTC Anti-Fraud Enforcement Action, 4151-98, June 8, 1998.
CFTC Charges Joseph J. Marchiano, Hartford Financial Group,
Inc., Keri L. Stewart, Glenn R. Taubman, and Gary V. Valletta
in Florida Federal District Court with Violations of A
Commission Order and Registration Provisions, 4150-98, June 2, 1998.
Michigan District Court Permanently Bars Meca International
Inc., Gary Berus and Patricia Gale from the Futures Industry, 4149-98, June 2, 1998.
California Court Enters $1.1 Million Judgment Against 2 Redondo
Beach, CA, Ponzi Scheme Operators in CFTC Enforcement Action, 4147-98, May 12, 1998.
CFTC Files and Settles Action Against Sumitomo Corporation
For Manipulating the Copper Market in 1995-96, 4144-98, May 11, 1998.
CFTC Accepts Settlement Offer of Gloria Albino of Miami, Florida,
Finding That She Engaged in Commodity Fraud, 4136-98, April 23, 1998.
CFTC Files Civil Anti-Fraud And Registration Charges In Vermont
Federal District Court Against Thomas B. O'Connell In Connection
With The Sale Of Commodity Futures To The Public 4133-98, April 8, 1998.
CFTC Files Enforcement Action Against Henry & Horne, PLC,
an Accounting Firm, And Two Of Its Accountants 4132-98, April 8, 1998.
CFTC Files Administrative Complaint Against John F. Ackerman
and Sterling Investments of America, Charging Solicitation
Fraud and Unauthorized Trading, 4131-98 (CFTC Docket No. 98-9), April 3, 1998.
CFTC Files Administrative Complaint Against CMB Capital Management
Corp., Grace Hsu, and Allen Tsui, Charging Fraud by Unauthorized
Trading and Failure to Disclose Trading Risks, Among Other
Violations of Federal Commodity Law and CFTC Regulations, 4130-98 (CFTC Docket No. 98-10), April 2,
Tennessee Court Issues Permanent Injunction in CFTC Enforcement
Action Against Ronald Barback of Knoxville, 4128-98 (Civ 3-97-638), April 1, 1998
CFTC Files Complaint and Obtains an Ex Parte Asset Freeze
Against Eight in Utah Accused of Commodity Fraud, 4129-98 (Civ-98-Civ-00216J), March 31, 1998.
New York Court Orders Defendants To Pay Nearly $4.2 Million
in Civil Penalties, and Orders Restitution to Customers in
the CFTC's Anti-Fraud Enforcement Action Against Titlis International
Inc., 4121-98 (95 Civ. 5416), March 16, 1998
CFTC Files Administrative Complaint Against James W. Bradshaw
d/b/a Neural-Tech Capital Management of Greenwich, CT, Charging
Solicitation Fraud and Account Churning, Among Other Allegations
of Federal Commodity Law and CFTC Regulations, 4120-98 (CFTC Docket No. 98-6), March 11,
CFTC Charges Hanover Trading Corp. and Dupont Group, Inc.
Both of New York, the President Michael Singer, and a Salesperson
in Nationwide Telemarketing Scheme Involving the Fraudulent
Sale of Illegal Off-Exchange Futures Contracts, 4116-98 (98-CIV-1365), March 10, 1998. Text of complaint.
CFTC Files Six-Count Administrative Complaint Against Abraham
and Sons Capital, Inc. and Brett G. Brubaker of Colorado, Alleging
That the Respondents Defrauded Commodity Pool Customers, 4115-98 (CFTC Docket No. 98-7), March 6, 1998.
California Court Enteres Orders of Permanent Injunction Against
California Telemarketing Firm, Its President, and Two Firm
Employees; Orders Resititution Be Paid to Firm's Investors, 4111-98 (Civ 97-4443), February 19, 1998.
CFTC Files Complaint Against Jack Dwight Cullen of Pradise,
Texas, Alleging That He Committed A $174,000 Commodity Fraud
and Obtains an Ex Parte Asset Freeze, 4110-98 (4-98-CV-0140A), February 18, 1998.
Arizona Court Enters Order of Permanent Injunction and Restitution
in CFTC and State of Arizona Enforcement Action Against United
Metals Trading Corp., Western National Trading, and Anthony
F. Andrews, of Scottsdale, Arizona, and Marvin C. Pendergraft,
of Phoenix, Arizona, 4109-98 (CIV-96-2185), February 18, 1998.
Ohio Court Issues Permanent Injunction Against Jeffrey A.
Smith of Westerville, Ohio, Ordering Him to Disgorge Ill-Gotten
Gains, 4107-98 (C2-94-981), February 17, 1998.
New York Court Issues Preliminary Injunctions Against William
Sanchez and Brian Willis in CFTC Anti-Fraud Enforcement Action,
Which Also Charges Worldwide Commodities Ltd. and Templar International
Ltd, 4105-98 (97 Civ 5255), February 12, 1998.
CFTC Institutes Proceedings Against William Koerner and IV
Great River Corp. -- Both of Vero Beach, Florida -- Alleging
Fraud and Simultaneously Settles the Charges, 4104-98 (CFTC Docket 98-5), February 9, 1998.
CFTC Files Amended Complaint in CFTC v. FTI Financial Group
Charging Four Additional Defendants in Ohio With Fraud, Among
Other Violations of Federal Commodity Law, 4103-98 (CIV-97-C7061), February 9, 1998.
CFTC Files Complaint Against James F. Bonney of Plover, Wisconsin
Alleging that He Committed a $540,000 Commodity Fraud, 4102-98 (Civ 98-C0087C), February 5, 1998.
BROKERAGE FIRMS, 4096-98 (CFTC Docket 95-8 and 95-9), January
12, 1998.

Have a question for Quatloos?
Fraud - Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler
Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund
Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture
and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank
scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc
Planning and Estate Planning Scams
Discusses abuses and issues in financial planning, including questionable compensation
practices, bogus institutes and accreditations, bad products, annuity abuse,
inappropriate life insurance sales, living trust mills, and related misconduct.
Also answers questions about usually legitimate but developing areas such as
life insurance premium financing, life settlements, charitable gifting strategies,
We do NOT spam. Various multi-level marketers & other criminals
have recently sent out spam impersonating us, & having our
return email address, so that people would complain about spam
and cause us to be shut down (a/k/a "joe job"). These
multi-level marketers and other criminals have engaged in this
form of cyber-terrorism because our telling the truth about their
fraudulent schemes was hurting their ability to sell to new victims.
Fortunately, our ISP now recognizes that these fake spams are bogus
and ignores them, and additionally we are duplicating this site
on numerous other servers (including "hardened" servers
as well as our own proprietary servers) so that we cannot be harmed
by these multi-level marketers and other criminals. Death to Spammers!
