Xocai – Healthy Chocolate

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

Moderator: wserra

Doc Bunkum
Scamologist General (MLM Division)
Posts: 321
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Re: Xocai – Healthy Chocolate

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Thanks for an interesting post, Mickey.

As the poster above noted, Steven "Dr. Chocolate" Warren MD, has quite an impressive curriculum vitae on his site. At least it appears he didn't get his credentials through some on line degree mill.

But what the heck is this guy doing being associated with the likes of Jeanette and Martin Brooks?

MLM Nightmares - Jeanette and Martin Brooks’ Network Marketing Career

... and the follow up response from mlmwatchdog.com:

MXI XOCAI Choclate questions Investigations and truth

... make interesting reading.

That aside, my issue is the sloppy way the study is set up. A lot of questions arise.

Not the least of which, the guy running the study, "Dr. Chocolate", has a financial interest in the outcome of the study. Do you really think he can be objective? Do you think he's going to report anything that puts the product or results in a negative light?

That's sort of like Yoli promising to hire a 3rd party independent lab to prove their product was the best. How can you hire someone to do that and expect them to be objective?

My main beef though is that they talk solely about weight loss. There's no accounting what those lbs lost are made up of - fat, muscle or just water loss.

Put anyone on a 1200-1500 calorie diet, as you say, and they're going to lose weight.

But what about after the trial? Are they going to maintain that weight loss? Done the way they did this study, a large part of that weight loss is going to be muscle tissue, which is going to slow your metabolism. Making rebound weight gain an almost certainty.

Which is what I think they're hoping for. Once the weight comes back, then you're going to order some more of the shakes. Right?

Weight Loss Clinical Study - Update from Drs Kennedy and Warren
Arthur Rubin
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Re: Xocai – Healthy Chocolate

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Mickey7 wrote: I thought about alerting the FTC, but their site does not allow anonymous complaints and I really do not want to get my sister into any trouble--she's an unfortunate starry-eyed dupe in all of this.
Well, you could send the memo to someone who can't identify you (this means, probably not a moderator here), and let them submit it to the FTC.
Mickey7 wrote:After reading on this site that Jeanette Brooks has been in trouble with the FDA before (from a link to the BOW site--thanks), I feel all the more obligated to say something, but can't get around the need to identify myself in order to make a complaint and also to provide info on how I came to be in possession of the offending document.
Well, maybe that wouldn't work. Please keep it in mind, though.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Xocai – Healthy Chocolate

Post by doggone »

My thanks to Mickey7 for his comments. The only thing I like about Xocai is some of the cans that the junk comes in ... I can put pencils and pens in them.

Re: Xocai – Healthy Chocolate

Post by doggone »

I just received this (comments welcome):

Mike Kennedy MD
Steven Warren MD DPA
Lifestyle Study Trial Medical Directors
High Antioxidant Wellness System
September 22, 2010

Dear MXI Associates:

We would like to announce the successful completion of a 12-week, medically-supervised, Lifestyle Study. The study followed 50 individuals who wanted to lose weight by using a High-Antioxidant Wellness System. Participants varied in age between 26 to 76 and included both males and females from across the United States, all striving to achieve a personal weight loss goal of 20 to over 100 pounds. All 50 participants followed a weight loss protocol which included the substitution of two meals a day with the X-ProteinMeal Replacement Shake, three pieces of Xocai chocolate and/or other healthy snacks, and one high-protein complex carbohydrate meal for a total of 1,200 calories for women and 1,500 calories for men. The program also included walking (or other exercise), appropriate water consumption, 7-8 hours sleep per day, keeping an accurate food diary, and participation in a weekly accountability call.

We are happy to announce the results of this Lifestyle Study, which has blazed the trail for a population-based weight control program. After 12-weeks, the 50 participants achieved a total combined weight loss of 1,569.9 pounds, which equated to an average 31.3 pounds per participant. In addition to monitoring individual weight loss, participants were asked to monitor waist circumference throughout the 12-week study. On average, participants reduced their waist circumference by 5.8 inches. Furthermore, all participants experienced significant weight loss (6.6% to 24.6% of start weight) and all have elected to continue on with a one to two year maintenance program. Moreover, all 50 participants completed the 12-week Lifestyle Study, which is highly unusual for a study of this kind.

This Lifestyle Study is the beginning of a revolutionary, high-antioxidant movement to bring weight loss and maintenance; as well as, healthy lifestyle changes to the masses. By combining a powerful product, solid science, and consistent accountability, the High-Antioxidant Wellness System proved to be the recipe for success.

With sweet success to you,

Mike Kennedy, MD


Your partners in obtaining and maximizing your wellness dreams.

Re: Xocai – Healthy Chocolate

Post by Nikki »

a total of 1,200 calories for women and 1,500 calories for men. The program also included walking (or other exercise)
So, they proved that limiting caloric intake plus regular exercise (which burns calories) will result in weight loss.

Their findings deserve a major DUH :!:
Doc Bunkum
Scamologist General (MLM Division)
Posts: 321
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:45 am

Re: Xocai – Healthy Chocolate

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Besides the fact the whole study is bogus the way it was set up, Dr. Steven Warren (the guy running the study) is not only the chief medical advisor for Xocai, but affectionately known as "Dr. Chocolate" and has his own website selling the stuff.

Conflict of interest maybe?

I'll reserve final judgment though until I read the results in PubMed.

Re: Xocai – Healthy Chocolate

Post by doggone »


Four Loko, Other Drinks Turned Into Ethanol In Va.(MXI...Xocai)

RICHMOND, Va. -- Truckloads of Four Loko and other alcohol-laced energy drinks are being recycled into ethanol and other products after federal authorities told manufacturers the beverages were dangerous and caused users to become "wide-awake drunk."
Wholesalers from Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland and other East Coast states started sending cases of the high-alcohol, caffeinated malt beverages to MXI Environmental Services in Virginia after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a crackdown on the sale of such beverages in November.