Sorcha Bends Over

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Sorcha Bends Over

Post by Deep Knight »

David Booth, er, Sorcha Faal, has this annoying habit of bending the details of any notable event to fit some strange conspiracy theory. Emphasis on the "strange." In this case, some nutjob who fires on the White House happens to have a Spanish surname, so he must have been part of a Mexican drug cartel. Fox News and others had a different theory, since he had long hair and a beard, he must have been part of Occupy DC or Occupy Wall Street (reported on Wednesday before anyone had details). In fact, he was someone who thought he was Jesus and Obama was the anti-christ.

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Attack On White House By Mexican Cartel Stuns Obama Regime
November 16, 2011
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new Federal Security Services (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Obama regime was stunned this past weekend after a brazen attack on the White House was carried out by members associated with at least two Mexican drug cartels that shattered at least one window in what is arguably the most protected building in the world.
According to this report, and confirmed by the US Secret Service, this Friday past at least 2 bullets from an AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifle were fired at the White House with one reported to have reached the building's internal anti-ballistics glass which was shattered by the impact.
The timing of this attack, according to the FSB, was meant to occur when President Obama (he had just begun a trip to Asia) was not in the building as the normally high security when he is there, though still potent, is somewhat relaxed.
The FSB further reports the firing of just 2 bullets was a deliberate attempt by the attackers to thwart the White House areas acoustical-detection system which under normal conditions needs at least 3 shots before it can accurately pinpoint the location from which the shots are being fired from.
Later Friday evening, this FSB report continues, the vehicle from which the shots were fired from was located by US Secret Service, FBI and local police authorities with the AK-47 laying across the back seat with a warning note saying “Aquí está uno de los nuestros, no la suya necesitan,” roughly translated from its original Spanish meaning… “Here’s one of ours, we don’t need yours.”
The FSB states that the warning note found on the AK-47 was in direct reference to the Obama regimes gun-running efforts (known as Operation Fast and Furious) to arm the dangerous Sinaloa Cartel as it battles to gain supremacy in a Mexican Drug War that has so far cost nearly 40,000 lives.
The Sinaloa Cartel, whose leader Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman was just named by Forbes as one of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world, is backed by the Obama regime over their fears the Mexican government is collapsing.
Citing an unnamed CIA source, a recent Washington Times article theorizes that the Obama regime was actively aiding the Sinaloa Cartel with guns and immunity in an effort to stymie the Los Zetas Cartel. That’s because, according to the article, the powerful and brutal criminal Zetas syndicate has the potential to overthrow the government of Mexico — and might be planning to do so.
To who directed this unprecedented attack against the White House the FSB states was a Knights Templar Drug Cartel assassin smuggled into the US from Mexico by the brutal drug gang known as Barrio Azteca which has recently extended its reach to the American State of Idaho.
Both the FSB and US news report identify the Knights Templar assassin as Oscar Ramiro Ortega, a 21-year-old Mexican national who the FBI is currently seeking in Idaho, but who Russian intelligence experts say may already have already been secretly captured by the CIA.
Lending credence to the Russian experts who say Ortega may have already been captured and tortured for information by the CIA are reports emerging from Mexico that the leader of the quasi-religious Knights of Templar drug gang, Juan Gabriel Orozco Favela, was captured Monday in a combined raid on his headquarters by US and Mexican special forces troops.
Important to note, this FSB report says, is that coinciding with this historic attack on the White House was the assassination of Mexican Interior Minister Francisco Blake Mora whose helicopter was shot down over Mexico City on Friday, a shocking death that saddened President Obama.
The FSB reports that Mora was “targeted” due to his allowing the Obama regime to send hundreds of CIA and US Military forces into Mexico in what many Mexicans consider a blatant violation of their sovereignty, but Russian intelligence experts say were needed due to the inability of Mexican authorities to control what is actually an “all-out” war.
Unfortunately for the American people is their not being allowed to know from their “mainstream” media that the deadliest war of the 21st Century is currently being waged on their own border, and with Mexican drug cartels now reported to be operating in nearly every US State.
As American law enforcement authorities are now warning that they are tracking what appears to be a more aggressive approach toward the United States by Mexican drug cartels, and the powerful Sinaloa Cartel is now warned is considering a military assault against US government or media buildings in Mexico City, and as many of these cartels also have moved some of their marijuana cultivation into the Upper Midwest of the United States, one should think the knowledge of these things should be of vital importance.
The “powers that be” in the US, however, think otherwise leaving their citizens in great danger from the greater horrors to come…and by this latest attack on the White House shows its coming much sooner than later.
November 16, 2011

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:12 AM

More has come out today. Nothing about him being a dangerous liberal or drug kingpin.

Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez Thought He Was Jesus, Obama Was Antichrist

BOISE, Idaho -- An Idaho man accused of firing an assault rifle at the White House believed he was Jesus and thought President Barack Obama was the Antichrist, according to court documents and those who knew him. At one point, he even suggested to an acquaintance the president was planning to implant computer tracking chips into children.

Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, 21, was charged Thursday with attempting to assassinate the president or his staff. He is accused of firing nine rounds at the White House last Friday night – one of them cracking a window of the first family's living quarters – when Obama and the first lady were away. If convicted, Ortega faces up to life in prison.

Ortega was arrested Wednesday at a western Pennsylvania hotel when a desk clerk there recognized him and called police.

Ortega's public defender, Christopher Brown, declined comment after his first court hearing in Pennsylvania. Ortega's mother has said he has no history of mental illness, though when authorities were looking for him, they reported he had "mental health issues."

In Idaho Falls, where Ortega is from, a computer consultant told The Associated Press that the two met July 8 after Ortega asked for help editing a 30-minute infomercial. Monte McCall said that during the meeting at Ortega's family's Mexican restaurant, Ortega pulled out worn sheets of yellow paper with handwritten notes and started to talk about his predictions that the world would end in 2012.

"He said, `Well, you know the president is getting ready to make an announcement that they're going to put GPS chips in all the children, so they're safe,'" McCall said. "... And then he said, `That's just what the Antichrist is going to do to mark everybody.'"

Kimberly Allen, the mother of Ortega's former fiancee, said he had been well-mannered and kind in the four years she had known him. But he recently began making statements to her daughter that were out of character, including that he believed he was Jesus. Allen said the family was worried when he went to Utah recently, where he said he had business, and didn't come back. Ortega's family reported him missing Oct. 31.

Allen said they were flabbergasted to hear he was wanted in Washington.

"I believe that the boy needs help," said Allen, of Shelley, Idaho.

Her daughter, Jessica Galbraith, was engaged to Ortega and is the mother of their 2-year-old son. She declined to comment Thursday except to say: "I love him, and I'm here for him."

It was unclear why or when they split.

Reached by the AP on Thursday, Ortega's mother said she didn't have anything to say. She earlier told the Post Register in Idaho Falls her son has no history of mental illness.

"He has different ideas than other people, just like everyone, but he was perfectly fine the last time I saw him," Maria Hernandez told the newspaper. "He might be saying weird stuff that sounds crazy, but that doesn't mean (he) is crazy. He might be confused and scared."

At his first appearance in court in Pennsylvania, Ortega sat quietly, his hands free but his feet shackled. He said only, "Yes, ma'am" when he was asked if he understood that he would be going back to Washington to face the charge.

According to a court document released after the hearing, authorities recovered nine spent shell casings from Ortega's car, which was found abandoned near the White House shortly after the shooting. An assault rifle with a scope was found inside.

A person who knows him subsequently told investigators that he had become increasingly agitated with the federal government and was convinced it was conspiring against him, the document said. Others told investigators that Ortega had reportedly said Obama was the Antichrist and the "devil." Ortega also apparently said he "needed to kill" the president.

Authorities said Ortega was clad in black when he pulled his car within view of the White House on Friday night, fired shots and then sped away. The White House has not said whether the Obamas' daughters, Sasha and Malia, were there at the time or commented on the shooting.

Ortega was questioned by police on Friday morning, before the shootings, just across the Potomac River from Washington in Arlington, Va. Police said they stopped him after a report of suspicious behavior, but let him go after photographing him because they had no reason to make an arrest.

Ortega has an arrest record in three states but has not been linked to any radical organizations, U.S. Park Police have said.

Ironically, he sounds like someone who would read and believe Sorcha Faal reports!
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Re: Sorcha Bends Over

Post by fortinbras »

Initially, because, among his several tattoos, he has "Israel" in a flowery script on the left side of his neck, some were suggesting that he was Mossad. The Israelis, besides frowning on the whole idea of tattoos, are evidently too dumb to think of lasering off such an obvious clue before sending an agent on a mission that will likely end in his apprehension.
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Re: Sorcha Bends Over

Post by Lambkin »

So, you're saying the tattoo is the perfect cover for a Mossad agent?
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Re: Sorcha Bends Over

Post by Gregg »

Does anyone else find it ironic that this guy would likely be a big fan of Sorcha?
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Re: Sorcha Bends Over

Post by Deep Knight »

Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, Sorcha Faal's "Mexican Drug Cartel assassin," made an audition tape for "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in his home town of Idaho Falls. Some quotes.

"My name is Oscar Ortega, from Idaho Falls, Idaho, and I feel like I am the perfect candidate to get casted onto your show."

"Our government deceives the American people so that us and the army can go steal other countries' goods -- oil."

"I have never felt so sure I was sent here from God to lead the world to Zion. You see, Oprah, there is still so much more that God needs me to express to the world. It's not just a coincidence that I look like Jesus. I am the modern-day Jesus Christ that you all have been waiting for."

"I believe that everybody has a guardian angel that is a past relative that controls every human's thoughts."

"When humans party, they party hard."
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Re: Sorcha Bends Over

Post by texino »

I believe the correct diagnosis would be: "Crazy as a Sh*t House Rat"
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Re: Sorcha Bends Over

Post by notorial dissent »

So you're saying that Sorchie is trans gender as well as trans reality?

Wonder what she'll make of the million year old dead pod of whales they found on a mountain top down in Chile, obviously a CIA plot of some kind, just has to be. And how did she miss that juicey little item if she is so tied in to the Kremlin, that has to be a flash red priority item with them after all.
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Re: Sorcha Bends Over

Post by Cathulhu »

Don't forget the news out of CERN about neutrinos that travel faster than light--it's obviously a conspiracy!
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