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Quatloos! > Quatloosia! > Quatloosian Guide to Gambling > Blackjack > The Basic Game

Blackjack a/k/a "21"

The (Real) Basic Game


As we mentioned in our introductory page to Blackjack, just about everybody thinks that they play the "Basic Game", but in fact probably less than 1/2 of 1% of all Blackjack players really know what the "Basic Game" is, or -- more importantly -- play it with any kind of consistency.

Indeed, the phrase "Basic Game" is a misnomer. The real phrase should be "Advanced Game". Just about anybody knows that they should stand if they have two face cards against the dealer's 9. But what if you have a 12 against the dealer's 18?

The (Real) Basic Game is based on a mathematical series of calculations for each combination of hands. Playing the (Real) Basic Game is simply memorizing those combinations and the right plays, and the executing them with robotic precision. All feelings that luck is "with you" or that the "deck is cold" have NO place in the (Real) Basic Game. You simply look at the Dealer's card, look at your cards, and then play the hand required by the combinations. THAT is the (Real) Basic Game, and if you haven't memorized each and every possible play according to the best odds, then you do NOT know the "Basic Game" no matter how many times you have been to the casinos.

In the pages which follow, we will NOT dwell on the mathematical underpinnings of the right plays. Instead, we will try to present the combinations, and how you play them, in a fashion which will be easy to you to remember under pressure, while heavily intoxicated, or both.

Focus on the Dealer's Card

First, you should always focus on the Dealer's card, and ignore you own cards until you have made an assessment of the Dealer's chances of winning. You see, one of the beautiful things about Blackjack is that the Dealer is required to draw between 17 and 21. If the Dealer doesn't draw a 17, then the Dealer must draw until at least a 17 is reached, or the Dealer goes bust. This means that there is a good chance on each hand that the Dealer will go bust -- even if you are commatose and never take cards!

Looking at the Dealer's cards, here's what you should see:

Ace or 2

3, 4, 5, or 6

7 or 8

9, 10 or Face

Dealer May or
May Not Win:
(No Surrendering
or Doubling Down)
Dealer Will Probably Lose:
Draw Cautiously,
Bet Aggressively
(Double Down?)
Dealer May or
May Not Win:
(No Surrendering
or Doubling Down)
Dealer Will Probably Win:
Bet Cautiously,
Draw Aggressively
(or Surrender)

Dealer Has Ace, 2, 7 or 8 -- Showing these cards, the Dealer may or may not win -- you just can't tell. You'll have to look carefully at your own cards to determine your odds. But whatever your cards, this will be an uncertain hand so don't double down or think about surrendering.

Dealer Has 3, 4, 5 or 6 -- With these cards, the most likely thing that will happen is that the Dealer will go Bust, and you will win. Thus, when drawing cards, don't take any chances. Instead, think about doubling-down.

Dealer Has 9, 10 or Face -- Mathematically, the odds are that you will lose. So don't even think about doubling down. Instead, think about aggressively asking for cards. If you can at least get a push you are that much farther ahead. In some cases, you will want to think about Surrender, if the Casino allows it.

Looking At Your Cards

Keeping in mind the dealer's card, you can now glance at your own cards, and determine what your play is (there are plays NOT involving Aces, or where you have a pair, i.e., two 8s, which plays are considered on the next page):


Ace or 2

3, 4, 5, or 6

7 or 8

9, 10 or Face

  Dealer May or
May Not Win:
(No Surrendering
or Doubling Down)
Dealer Will Probably Lose:
Draw Cautiously,
Bet Aggressively
(Double Down?)
Dealer May or
May Not Win:
(No Surrendering
or Doubling Down)
Dealer Will Probably Win:
Bet Cautiously,
Draw Aggressively
(or Surrender)
8 or Less Hit Hit Hit Hit
9 Hit Double Down Hit Hit
10 Hit Draw Draw Draw
20 Stand Stand Stand Stand
21 Stand Stand Stand Stand

Our Other Pages on Blackjack

Books on Blackjack

See our Gamblers' Reading Room for books on Blackjack.

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