> Report
From Quatloosia > August-September

By Tony-the-Wonder-Llama
(August-September 2005)
I like to go to seminars where new products and strategies are
being introduced. Primarily, this is because the continuing education
credits are free, and they usually offer you a free continental
breakfast and lunch. This latter is not to be discounted, as it
provides you a professional incentive to eat lots of high fat pastries
and chicken florentine dishes
that your spouse wouldn’t let you eat at home.
The other cool thing about product and strategy seminars is that
they give you lots of shwag. if you don’t know, “shwag” is
the term for the free promotional goodies that are given out by
the promoters, such as golf shirts or pens or tote bags that have
the promoter’s logo on them. Go to any seminar hosted by
a life insurance company and you will walk out with more shwag
than you can carry, although usually by the time that you make
it back to your hotel room you have discarded everything but the
logo pens and the logo baseball caps (you can never have too many
of either, IMHO).
The purpose of shwag is to make you feel good about the promoter
and their product or strategy, and to make you think that they
are special. The better the shwag, the better you will feel about
the promoter so their marketing gurus say. But at the end of the
day, shwag is really ridiculous since you never really wanted it
in the first place and it doesn’t do you any professional
good. But it serves its purpose by making you think, to some degree
or another, that maybe the promoter who gave you the shwag is maybe
an iota better than another promoter who didn’t give you
quite as good shwag (or maybe their muffins or chicken florentine
wasn’t as tasty).
Lately at these seminars, I have been hearing various promoters – inevitably
the cheesiest ones – talk about how their hot new legal strategy
or financial product has either a patent application pending, or
they have actually obtained a patent on whatever it is they are
selling. I mention this in the context of shwag because having
a patent in the legal and financial context has the precise same
effect of shwag, insofar as it tries to make you think that their
strategy or product is somehow better than everybody else’s
without it actually doing anything professionally useful for you.
Indeed, I have come to consider the whole phenomena of promoters
holding their strategies and products out as being patentable is
at best sleazy, and at worst fraudulent. Yet, it seems to be a
growing trend for promoters to claim that their pet strategy or
product has either obtained a patent or has a patent pending. By
this, the promoters seek to make you think that their strategy
or product is super-special, for if it were not, the patent office
wouldn’t even consider giving them a patent, right?
Patentability Doesn’t Mean It Works
Promoters attempt to play the patent card to make you think that
because it is patentable, it is ipso facto a good idea. Wrong. There
are lots of inventors who over the years have obtained patents
on a lot of screwy stuff that were ridiculous ideas and flopped
badly. It is not the job of the U.S. Patent Office to decide whether
something is a good idea or not. Instead, they merely look to see
whether somebody else has made an application on that particular
idea before. If not, and all the paperwork is in good order and
fees have been paid, then they issue the patent.
In other words, you could come up with the dumbest idea in the
world, and the U.S. Patent Office would still give you a patent
on it if all the other criteria were met. Indeed, there are several
websites such as http://totallyabsurd.com that collect examples
of incredibly stupid patents that have actually been issued by
the U.S. Patent Office. For instance, patents have been issued
on a shirt with plastic tubes so you can take your gerbil with
you wherever you go, a plastic shield that allows you to kiss your
loved one without getting kooties, and a “butt bra” that
makes your cheeks stand out and look perky.
Nonetheless, some promoters have taken the professional low road
by touting the fact that their pet strategy or product has been “patented” with
the intent of making prospective clients think that their deal
must “work” and is better than any similar strategies
out there. Again, it is a sleazy practice at best and at worst
it is outright fraud.
Prior Art
Even worse, some promoters have been obtaining patents on strategies
that were either common, or their variation is so slightly different
that it falls squarely into the category of “prior art”.
This is a defense to patent infringement claims, and virtually
all of the patented legal and financial deals that I have seen
fall squarely into this category. Again, the U.S. Patent Office
doesn’t check to see whether they actually invented something
new, but rather whether somebody has applied for a patent on it
or not. A promoter could, theoretically, apply for a patent on
a common form for a will, living trust, or promissory note (or
maybe just a slight variation thereon) and have a chance of getting
the patent.
Better than that, the promoter could just claim that a “patent
application is pending” which seems to have about the same
marketing effect, i.e., it makes their product look special whether
or not it actually is. Somebody could thus apply for a patent on
the wheel and have their attorney keep the patent application alive
for a couple of years (the Patent Office is notoriously backed
up anyway), and thus imply to potential buyers that their wheel
is special.
What are these patents worth? Other than the marketing effect,
such patents on legal strategies and financial products have little
more value than the paper they are written on, since any attempt
by the promoter to actually enforce their patent would be met with
the “prior art” defense.
How Do Patents Help You?
All of which brings us to the next point, and our main complaint.
The problem with patents on legal strategies and financial products
is that, even if they are unenforceable, the mere threat of being
bogged down in patent infringement litigation has the effect of
chilling further development in that area. While that is good for
the promoter, it is bad for everybody else. Your attorney or financial
planner might not recommend a given strategy, even if it is good
for you, because they don’t want to get bogged down in patent
infringement litigation. This means that you may not get the fullest
representation you deserve because some sleazy promoter has patented
or applied for a patent on something that is either common or a
slight variation thereof.
And how would the fact that the promoter has a patent help you
anyhow? It doesn’t. Even if the promoter has obtained a patent,
that is not going to be the least bit relevant to whether the legal
strategy will be defensible in court against whomever or that the
financial product will perform as promised in the markets. In other
words, all the patent does is work against– not for – the
best interests of the purchaser because it doesn’t do them
any good but possibly limits their alternatives.
Because of this, the patenting of legal strategies and financial
products is professionally reprehensible, in addition to being
possibly fraudulent, and you should avoid like the plague any planner
or firm who claims that they have such a patent or are in the application
Patented Tax Strategies are probably Tax Shelters
Under the new IRS regulations and notices relating to tax shelters
and so-called “listed transactions”, as well as the
revised Circular 230, a tax strategy which is patented is probably
ipso facto a tax shelter, requiring tax shelter registration with
the IRS. Thus, if saving or deferring taxes plays any role in a
strategy that is claimed to be either patented or proprietary,
you should avoid these strategies unless you have a burning desire
to spend quality time in tax court.
Patented Legal Strategies Are Unethical
Model Rule of Professional Conduct 7.1 prohibits a lawyer from
making a false or misleading communication about the lawyer’s
services. As discussed above, the patenting of legal and financial
strategies works to defraud clients since it creates unreasonable
and unjustified expectations that the patented strategy “works” or
is somehow special. We hope that the state bar associations will
start disciplining lawyers who use the existence of their patent
or patent application as part of their sales pitch to clients.
We similarly believe that financial firms that use the fact of
their patented financial strategies to sell to clients probably
violate the Securities Act of 1933, which prohibits false statements
from being made in connection with the sale of a security. We hope
that the SEC, NASD, and state securities commissioners will start
taking actions against the firms, representatives and advisors
who engage in this practice. Also, it wouldn’t surprise us
to see class action lawsuits against those who sold patented financial
products that failed to deliver.
Avoid Promoters with Patents or Patent Applications
The practice of patenting legal and financial strategies is a
scummy one, and those who use the fact of their patents to sell
to clients are arguably engaging in misleading and fraudulent conduct.
At the very least, this is a very scummy practice and those who
are pitched such strategies should probably avoid the use of those
professionals and financial firms. Maybe“ probably avoid” is
too light of a term, and “Run!” may be more appropriate.
For in the end, it’s all just shwag.
* * *
The following case represents one of the first convictions arising
from the plea agreement of Terry Neal to cooperate against his
(202) 514-2007
TDD (202) 514-1888
Defendant Ordered to Pay Restitution of Over $1.1
URBANA, IL - Denny R. Patridge of Shelby County, Illinois was
convicted today of tax evasion, wire fraud, and money laundering
today in a U.S. District Court. Eileen O’Connor, Assistant
Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Tax Division;
Jan Paul Miller, United States Attorney for the Central District
of Illinois, and Nancy Jardini, Chief of the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) Criminal Investigation Division.
After almost 13 days of evidence and approximately five and a
half hours of deliberation, the jury convicted Denny R. Patridge,
age 56, of evading the payment of his 1996 and 1997 personal income
taxes; evading the assessment of his 1999 personal income taxes,
two counts of wire fraud and two counts of money laundering. Patridge
was acquitted on one charge of willfully filing a false tax return
for 1998.
“People who develop and use schemes to hide income and assets
from the IRS and who evade their tax obligations should expect
to be prosecuted and convicted, and to serve time in federal prison,” said
Assistant Attorney General O’Connor.
U.S. Attorney Miller stated, “Today’s jury verdict
makes it clear that those who engage in “shell-games” to
avoid paying their fair share in taxes will be held accountable.”
“This conviction confirms that the IRS is determined to
stop abusive tax schemes. Promoters as well as those who knowingly
invest in the use of abusive trust schemes for the purpose of evading
taxes will be pursued by the IRS,” stated Nancy Jardini,
Chief of the IRS Criminal Investigation Division. “We will
continue to investigate and recommend for prosecution those individuals
who willfully disobey the tax laws.”
Denny Patridge operated an insurance business known as Patridge
Insurance Services, Inc. from an office in his Strasburg home.
The evidence presented at trial established that Patridge established “trusts” which
he used to conceal his earnings, hide the origin of his income,
deceive the Internal Revenue Service, and circumvent personal income
taxes. Patridge placed funds in bank accounts which bore the names
of his “trusts” and claimed on trust tax returns that
the funds had been distributed to an offshore trust. At all times,
however, Patridge retained full control over funds in the trust
bank accounts and enjoyed the beneficial use of those funds, which
made the income taxable to him personally.
The trial evidence also established that Patridge did not report
a substantial amount of his income on returns he filed for 1996
and 1997. In 2000, after the IRS notified Patridge that it had
made a formal assessment of the 1996 and 1997 back taxes he owed,
Patridge liquidated his investment accounts, set up an “offshore” account,
and placed approximately $200,000 in the offshore account. Patridge
also evaded approximately $19,523 in taxes for calendar year 1999
on taxable income of approximately $76,796. He evaded those taxes
by, among other things, transferring money he earned as income
to a foreign account, concealing that money from the IRS, using
the money to pay personal expenses, and failing to file an individual
income tax return.
According to the evidence presented at trial, shortly after the
IRS informed Patridge that a lien could be placed on his property
if he failed to pay his 1996 and 1997 income taxes, Patridge set
up a system to hide his assets from the IRS. He began to move his
money offshore to an account that was under his control but not
under his name. He established a new account at Edgar County Bank
and Trust in Paris, Illinois, in his own name, through which funds
could be directed offshore. In October, 2000, he wired approximately
$200,000 in funds from the account at Edgar County Bank to an account
at a bank in St. Kitts held in the name of Nevis American Trust
Company, an entity which maintained the funds on behalf of Sultan
Services, Ltd. Sultan was under Patridge’s direction.
After he transferred $200,000 to St. Kitts, Patridge then took
steps to prevent the IRS from obtaining a first lien on his real
estate. He caused the mortgage on his home in Strasburg to be recorded
with the clerk of Shelby County, Illinois, with a $100,000 “loan” from
a corporation controlled by Patridge. In October 2000, Patridge
wired $100,000 from an offshore location to a corporation he controlled
in the U.S. The purpose of the transfer was to provide the corporation
with sufficient funds to “loan” Patridge $100,000,
using his home in Strasburg as security for the loan. Then, after
Patridge transferred $100,000 from offshore to the U.S. and established
a false mortgage, he transferred the money back offshore and was
able to use the money as he personally desired.
The evidence also showed that Patridge had obtained the sham trusts
that he used to conceal assets and evade taxes from an entity known
as Aegis, located in Palos Hills, Illinois, and that Patridge assisted
in the sale of at least one Aegis trust package. Eight individuals
associated with Aegis are currently under indictment in the Northern
District of Illinois for various offenses related to the sale and
promotion of these trusts. Three tax preparers associated with
Aegis have also been indicted in the Northern District of Illinois,
and two of those preparers have pleaded guilty.
Patridge also utilized a business, known occasionally as Offshore
Consulting Services (OCS) and Laughlin, Inc., run by Terry Neal
out of Portland, Oregon to set up a nominee company in St. Kitts,
and Nevis and one in Reno, Nevada. At least three individuals associated
with OCS and Laughlin, Inc., have been indicted in the District
of Oregon.
Sentencing is set for Monday, November 21, 2005 before U.S. District
Judge Michael P. McCuskey in Urbana, Illinois.
Patridge faces maximum statutory penalties of up to three and
five years imprisonment respectively and fine of up to $250,000
for each count of tax evasion. The maximum statutory penalty for
the offenses of wire fraud and money laundering is up to 20 years
in prison and fines of $250,000 to $500,000.
The charges were the result of an investigation by the Criminal
Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service. The case
was prosecuted by Hilary W. Frooman, Assistant U.S. Attorney in
the Urbana Division, and Lea A. Carlisle, Trial Attorney, of the
Justice Department’s Tax Division.
Quatloosian Updates
Tax protestor Larken Rose, one of the leading proponents of the
so-called “ 861 argument” got to test his theory in
court, and was convicted of all six counts. He faces up to five
years in prison.