Quatloos! > Tax
Scams > Tax
Protestors > EXHIBIT:
Tax Protestor Dummies 2 > Cases
("Damn, We Lost Again!
And why is it
that people who sell
tax protestor materials file their tax returns anyway . . .")
Do you have any idea what these people have been smoking and where I can get
-----Original Message----- From: Quatloos! [mailto:quatloos@quatloos.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 11:17 PM To:
Subject: FW: Location of Article III Court(s)
<snicker> Looks like the damn courts have been misplaced again. <snicker>
-----Original Message----- From: Julian] Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000
2:54 PM To: Cc: Subject: Location of Article III Court(s)
To all Parties in receipt;
Please be noticed that we join in Mr. Kearns request. Our various copies
of the attached letter to Janet Reno of September (one to Clerk Weiking in
S.F.) have all been ignored. A party of our association has been left with
no choice but to file an action in USDC in S.F. which appears by the Buck Act
and 28 USC 132 following on its heals to be removed from the judicial district
and located in an insular Federal State and/or Federal area (al la Buck Act).
Please reply to us separately on this important matter. Cordially, Peoples'
Law Association/
Ladies and Gentlemen: I am requesting from you the name, location and contact
information of a truly independent impartial Article III Federal Court where
I can Petition the Government for a redress of my Grievances.
This request is not for legal advice, this is for information from you, as
the people who have the responsibility to see that the people of America have
an independent impartial Court under Article III to take their Petition for
Redress of Grievances for proper adjudication.
By the way, I have asked every lawyer and judge and legal scholar the same
question, and they have all ducted the question.
The ball is now in your court.
I appreciate your response and your time to read this email.
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