Quatloos! > Tax
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Protestors > Tax
Protestor Theories De-Bunked > Fraudulent
Trusts Warnings
There are many scam artists who are actively selling
what they call "legal" trusts for tax reduction, that's
are 100% tax evasive. For instance, the old Global Prosperity
Group used to sell a combination of Pure Trusts and Offshore Trusts
which were tax evasive -- telling the suckers who bought into
these trusts that they were "100% legal" and showing
them a bunch of "legal research." This didn't make the
trusts legal, and it didn't keep the suckers who bought the GPG
materials and actually set up these trusts from going to jail.
This page highlights some of the IRS warnings about
these types of trusts.
IRS Tax News of 17 April 2000
April 17, 2000, Volume 2000, Issue 7
To Trust or Not To Trust?
That is the Question!
A trust is a form
of ownership, which completely separates responsibility and
control of assets from all the benefits of ownership.
Trusts are used in such matters as estate planning; to
facilitate the genuine charitable transfer of assets; and to
hold assets for minors and those unable to handle their financial
Under a trust arrangement,
you must give up control over income and assets.
An independent trustee is designated to hold legal title
to the trust assets, to exercise independent control over the
trust, and to manage the trust.
Taxes must be paid on the income received by the trust,
including the income generated by property held in trust.
The responsibility to pay taxes may fall to the trust,
the beneficiary, or the grantor.
A trustee is designated
to hold legal title to the trust property, to exercise independent
control over it, and is responsible for its management.
All trusts must comply
with the tax laws as set forth by the Congress in the Internal
Revenue Code, Section 641-683.
Trusts established to hide the true ownership of assets
and income or to disguise the substance of financial transactions
are considered Fraudulent/Abusive Trusts.
Too Good to be True...
Promoters of fraudulent
trust arrangements use a variety of methods to advertise their
schemes. They may
include seminars, flyers, and even the Internet.
The main selling point of fraudulent trust arrangements
is that the paperwork will look like you are giving up control
of your assets and money; when in reality you still control
how your money and assets are used.
A fraudulent trust
only has the appearance of a trust.
It is typically promoted by the promise of tax benefits
or avoidance with no meaningful change in the taxpayer's control
over or benefit from the taxpayer's income or assets.
Using the name "trust"
in association with financial arrangements does not make it
a legitimate trust. No
matter how carefully written the trust documents are, if the
intent is to evade taxes, the trust will be treated as fraudulent.
Fraudulent trusts
are illegal and are a specific area of concern for IRS Criminal
The Jungle of Fraudulent
Trust Schemes-
Currently, there are
two prevalent fraudulent arrangements that are being promoted:
The "domestic package" and the "foreign package."
The domestic package involves a series of trusts that
are formed in the US, while the foreign trust packages are formed
offshore and outside the jurisdiction of the US.
Further, trusts involved in the schemes are vertically
layered with each trust distributing income to the next layer.
The goal of this layered distribution of income is to
fraudulently reduce taxable income to nominal amounts.
The Business Trust-
Some trust promoters are advising taxpayers to transfer their
on-going business to Business Trusts.
This scheme gives the appearance that the taxpayer has
given up control of his/her business to a trust; however, in
reality the taxpayer is still running the day-to-day activities
of business and is controlling its income stream.
This is accomplished through trustees or other entities
controlled by the taxpayer.
The Equipment or
Service Trust- The Equipment or Service trust is formed
to hold equipment that is rented or leased to the business trust,
often at inflated rates.
The business trust reduces its income by claiming deductions
for payments to the equipment trust.
The Family Residence
Trust- Taxpayers are being advised to transfer family residences,
including furnishings, to trusts.
These trusts sometimes rent the residence back to the
taxpayer. They
also deduct depreciation and the expenses of maintaining and
operating the residence, such as gardening, pool service, and
The Charitable
Trust- Taxpayers are receiving advice to transfer assets
or income to trusts claiming to be charitable organizations.
These trusts or "charitable organizations"
pay for personal, educational, or recreational expenses on behalf
of the taxpayer or family members.
The payments are then claimed as "charitable"
deductions on the trust tax return.
Foreign Trusts-
These trusts are often domiciled in a foreign country that imposes
little or no tax on trusts and also provide financial secrecy.
Typically, abusive foreign trust arrangements enable taxable
funds to flow through several trusts or entities until the funds
are ultimately distributed or made available to the original
owner, purportedly tax-free.
These trusts are usually used in combination with a foreign
corporation and foreign bank account.
Beware! Recognizing a Fraudulent Trust. Common Warning Signs:
- A promise to reduce
or eliminate income and self-employment tax; - Deductions for
personal expenses paid by the trust; - Depreciation deductions
on an owner's personal residence and furnishings;
- High fees for trust packages, to be offset by promised tax
- Use of back-dated documents and post office boxes for trust
- Unjustified replacement of trustee; - Lack of an independent
trustee; - Use of terms such as pure trust, constitutional trust,
sovereign trust,
or unincorporated business organization.
Just the Facts
It is estimated that
$4.8 trillion in wealth will be inherited or transferred from
one generation to the next by 2015, with much of it transferred
through a variety of trusts.
Filings of trust returns (Form 1041's) are now the third
most frequently filed income tax return behind individual and
corporate returns. Although
the vast majority of these transfers are legal, there is widespread
potential for fraud.
In Fiscal Year 1999,
Criminal Investigation elevated abusive foreign and domestic
trusts from an emerging issue to a program area.
This elevation was due to the proliferation of abusive
promotions in the US.
These promotions are targeted towards wealthy individuals,
small business owners, and professionals such as doctors, lawyers,
and dentists. The
promotions, which are in some instances distributed by a national
network of promoters, promise taxpayers substantial tax reduction
and asset protection.
In reality, these promotions are nothing more than complex
tax evasion schemes.
The IRS takes fraudulent
trust arrangements seriously.
It is a matter of maintaining public confidence in the
fairness of the tax laws. Recommending prosecution of those
who violate the tax laws demonstrate the IRS' commitment to
ensuring all taxpayers pay their fair share of taxes.
Civil and Criminal
If a taxpayer chooses
to participate in a trust that improperly avoids or evades income
tax, that person will not be shielded from payment of taxes,
interest, and penalties due.
Evasion of income taxes may result in a civil fraud penalty
or criminal prosecution:
- Civil fraud can
include a penalty up to 75 percent of the underpayment
of tax attributable to the fraud in addition to the taxes owed. - Criminal conviction may result in
fines up to $250,000 and/or up to
five years in prison for such offenses.
Since the 1990's there
has been a substantial increase in both civil examinations and
criminal investigations.
The tax court has consistently found against abusive
schemes, deeming them shams or simply grantor trusts that do
not deliver the promised tax benefits.
Following false, misleading,
or unorthodox tax advice is seldom free. Upfront you pay fees
or commissions to subscribe to fraudulent trust schemes and
in the end; unfortunately, you pay even more in penalties, interest
and fines for following bad advice.
Knowingly participating
in fraudulent trust arrangements has led to the incarceration
and/or financial ruin of many taxpayers.
The bottom line is
Don't Buy In!
Too Good - Exhibit
A -- A physician was sentenced to 37 months imprisonment
followed by 3 years supervised release, and ordered to pay $414,819
in restitution to the IRS for tax evasion for the years 1992
through 1996. The
physician created trusts, including one for his family residence,
that he controlled and used to conceal his taxable income.
In addition, he transferred funds between trusts, offshore
corporations, and their corresponding bank accounts located
in the US, Bahamas, and the Channel Islands in order to conceal
taxable income.
Too Good - Exhibit
B -- A father and his sons were sentenced to 60, 57, and
46 months imprisonment followed by three years of supervised
release, respectively, for conspiracy to defraud the IRS and
for failing to file tax returns.
A Federal jury found them guilty in an attempt to conceal
income, assign their income to several nominees and purported
irrevocable trusts that that had no economic substance.
As part of the conspiracy, they used several bank accounts
opened in trust and other names to conceal insurance commission
receipts and proceeds from the sale of certificates of deposits
and coins. They
also attempted to conceal their assets from the IRS by the conveyance
of real property from their names to purported trusts and nominees.
In addition to their imprisonment, the judge in the case
ordered them to pay fines of $413,500 and restitution in excess
of $635,000 to the IRS.
Too Good - Exhibit
C -- A former CPA was sentenced to 87 months imprisonment
for defrauding the IRS by promoting bogus trusts.
In addition, an attorney and a former legislative aide
were sentenced for their involvement in the scam.
The men sold packages of bogus trusts to clients and
advised them on how to use trusts to generate fraudulent tax
deductions. Clients
of these individuals put businesses, homes, and other assets
in trusts, but in fact continued to control those assets.
Clients claimed various personal expenses related to
the bogus trust on their tax returns including depreciation
of personal residences, house cleaning, lawn care, and scholarships
for their children. The
judge in the case found that the trust scheme cost the federal
and state government more than $2.5 million in lost tax revenue.
For more information
about what the Federal Courts REALLY say about fraudulent trusts...
See Criminal cases United States v. Scott and United States v.
Noske at - www.findlaw.com
A recent fiscal year:
Criminal Investigations Initiated |
67 |
Prosecutions Recommended |
57 |
Incarceration Rate |
85.7% |
Average Prison Sentence (Months) |
35 |
News is published by the Public Affairs Office, Southern California
District. Please
send ideas or comments to IRS, Public Affairs Office, Attn:
Tax News Editor, P.O. Box 30210, Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-0210,
or e-mail them to socal@irs.gov.
IRS Notice 97-24
IRS Warns Of Abusive Trusts
The IRS has issued an alert to taxpayers (Notice 97-24) about
trust arrangements that purport to reduce or eliminate federal
taxes in ways that are not permitted by law (abusive trust arrangements).
====== SUMMARY ======
The IRS has issued an alert to taxpayers (Notice 97-24) about
trust arrangements that purport to reduce or eliminate federal
taxes in ways that are not permitted by law (abusive trust arrangements).
The trust arrangements that concern the IRS ignore the true ownership
of assets or the substance of transactions. According to the IRS,
promoters of the arrangements claim that they allow the owners
to retain full benefit of business or personal assets but reduce
or eliminate taxes. The arrangements often involve more than one
trust; for example, a person may put business assets in an unincorporated
business trust, transfer business equipment to an equipment trust,
place his home in a family residence trust, and set up a foreign
trust to hold the other trust units and to receive trust income.
The notice contains five examples of the arrangements.
The IRS warns taxpayers to be suspicious of arrangements that
claim to make personal living expenses deductible, to create charitable
deductions for payments benefiting the transferor or family, or
that otherwise result in an individual having to pay no tax with
no change in control over the assets.
The IRS says promoters of the arrangements advertise "investment
seminars" or "tax seminars" in local media and
the Internet. The trusts, says the IRS, may have names that refer
to constitutional issues, fairness, equity, or patriotic themes,
but often have names that are similar to common business organizations
and nonabusive trusts. The Service encourages individuals who
have participated in abusive trust arrangements to file correct
tax returns for 1996, as well as amended returns for prior years.
====== FULL TEXT ======
Communications Division
Part III - Administrative, Procedural, and Miscellaneous
Notice 97-24
[1] This notice is intended to alert taxpayers about certain
trust arrangements that purport to reduce or eliminate federal
taxes in ways that are not permitted by federal tax law. (The
notice refers to such arrangements as "abusive trust arrangements."
The notice describes some typical abusive trust arrangements,
as well as the tax benefits promised by promoters, and then explains
the correct tax principles that apply to these trust arrangements.
Taxpayers should be aware that abusive trust arrangements will
not produce the tax benefits advertised by their promoters and
that the Internal Revenue Service is actively examining these
types of trust arrangements as part of the National Compliance
Strategy, Fiduciary and Special Projects. Furthermore, in appropriate
circumstances, taxpayers and/or the promoters of these trust arrangements
may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties.
[2] This notice should not, however, create concerns about the
legitimate uses of trusts. For example, trusts are frequently
used properly in estate planning, to facilitate the genuine charitable
transfer of property, and to hold property for minors and incompetents.
[3] Under the federal tax laws, trusts generally are separate
entities subject to income tax (except for certain charitable
or pension trusts that are expressly exempted by the tax laws
and certain grantor trusts described in sections 671 - 679 of
the Internal Revenue Code). Under these laws and certain court
developed doctrines, either the trust, the beneficiary, or the
transferor, as applicable, must pay the tax on the income realized
by the trust including the income generated by property held in
[4] Abusive trust arrangements typically are promoted by the
promise of tax benefits with no meaningful change in the taxpayer's
control over or benefit from the taxpayer's income or assets.
The promised benefits may include reduction or elimination of
income subject to tax; deductions for personal expenses paid by
the trust; depreciation deductions of an owner's personal residence
and furnishings; a stepped-up basis for property transferred to
the trust; the reduction or elimination of self-employment taxes;
and the reduction or elimination of gift and estate taxes. These
promised benefits are inconsistent with the tax rules applicable
to the abusive trust arrangements, as described below.
[5] Abusive trust arrangements often use trusts to hide the true
ownership of assets and income or to disguise the substance of transactions.
These arrangements frequently involve more than one trust, each
holding different assets of the taxpayer (for example, the taxpayer's
business, business equipment, home, automobile, etc.), as well as
interests in other trusts. Funds may flow from one trust to
another trust by way of rental agreements, fees for services, purchase
and sale agreements, and distributions. Some trusts purport to involve
charitable purposes. In some situations, one or more foreign trusts
also may be part of the arrangement.
[6] Described below are five examples of abusive trust arrangements
that have come to the attention of the Internal Revenue Service.
An abusive trust arrangement may involve some or all of the trusts
described below. The type of trust arrangement selected is dependent
on the particular tax benefit the arrangement purports to achieve.
In each of the trusts described below, the original owner of the
assets that are nominally subject to the trust effectively retains
authority to cause the financial benefits of the trust to be directly
or indirectly returned or made available to the owner. For example,
the trustee may be the promoter, or a relative or friend of the
owner who simply carries out the directions of the owner
whether or not permitted by the terms of the trust. Often, the
trustee gives the owner checks that are pre-signed by the trustee,
checks that are accompanied by a rubber stamp of the trustee's
signature, a credit card or a debit card with the intention of
permitting the owner to obtain cash from the trust or otherwise
to use the assets of the trust for the owner's benefit.
[7] The owner of a business transfers the business to a trust
(sometimes described as an unincorporated business trust) in
exchange for units or certificates of beneficial interest, sometimes
described as units of beneficial interest or UBI's (trust units).
The business trust makes payments to the trust unit holders
or to other trusts created by the owner (characterized either
as deductible business expenses or as deductible distributions)
that purport to reduce the taxable income of the business trust
to the point where little or no tax is due from the business
trust. In addition, the owner claims the arrangement reduces
or eliminates the owner's self-employment taxes on the theory
that the owner is receiving reduced or no income from the operation
of the business. In some cases, the trust units are supposed
to be canceled at death or "sold" at a nominal price
to the owner's children, leading to the contention by promoters
that there is no estate tax liability.
[8] The equipment trust is formed to hold equipment that is
rented or leased to the business trust, often at inflated rates.
The service trust is formed to provide services to the business
trust, often for inflated fees. Under these abusive trust arrangements,
the business trust may purport to reduce its income by making
allegedly deductible payments to the equipment or service trust.
Further, as to the equipment trust, the equipment owner may
claim that the transfer of equipment to the equipment trust
in exchange for the trust units is a taxable exchange. The trust
takes the position that the trust has "purchased"
the equipment with a known value (its fair market value) and
that the value is the tax basis of the equipment for purposes
of claiming depreciation deductions. The owner, on the other
hand, takes the inconsistent position that the value of the
trust units received cannot be determined, resulting in no taxable
gain to the owner on the exchange. The equipment or service
trust also may attempt to reduce or eliminate its income by
distributions to other trusts.
[9] The owner of the family residence transfers the residence,
including its furnishings, to a trust. The parties claim inconsistent
tax treatment for the trust and the owner (similar to the equipment
trust). The trust claims the exchange results in a stepped-up
basis for the property, while the owner reports no gain. The
trust claims to be in the rental business and purports to rent
the residence back to the owner; however, in most cases, little
or no rent is actually paid. Rather, the owner contends that
the owner and family members are caretakers or provide services
to the trust and, therefore, live in the residence for the benefit
of the trust. Under some arrangements, the family residence
trust receives funds from other trusts (such as a business trust)
which are treated as the income of the trust. In order to reduce
the tax which might be due with respect to such income (and
any income from rent actually paid by the owner), the trust
may attempt to deduct depreciation and the expenses of maintaining
and operating the residence.
[10] The owner transfers assets to a purported charitable trust
and claims either that the payments to the trust are deductible
or that payments made by the trust are deductible charitable
contributions. Payments are made to charitable organizations;
however, in fact, the payments are principally for the personal
educational, living, or recreational expenses of the owner or
the owner's family. For example, the trust may pay for the college
tuition of a child of the owner.
[11] In some multi-trust arrangements, the U.S. owner of one
or more abusive trusts establishes a trust (the "final
trust") that holds trust units of the owner's other trusts
and is the final distributee of their income. A final trust
often is formed in a foreign country that will impose little
or no tax on the trust. In some arrangements, more than one
foreign trust is used, with the cash flowing from one trust
to another until the cash is ultimately distributed or made
available to the U.S. owner, purportedly tax free.
[12] As noted above, when trusts are used for legitimate business,
family or estate planning purposes, either the trust, the trust
beneficiary, or the transferor to the trust, as appropriate under
the tax laws, will pay the tax on the income generated by the
trust property. When used in accordance with the tax laws, trusts
will not transform a taxpayer's personal, living or educational
expenses into deductible items, and will not seek to avoid tax
liability by ignoring either the true ownership of income and
assets or the true substance of transactions. Accordingly, the
tax results that are promised by the promoters of abusive trust
arrangements are not allowable under federal tax law. Contrary
to promises made in promotional materials, several well-established
tax principles control the proper tax treatment of these abusive
trust arrangements.
[13] The Supreme Court of the United States has consistently
stated that the substance rather than the form of the transaction
is controlling for tax purposes. See, for example, Gregory v.
Helvering, 293 U.S. 465 (1935), XIV-1 C.B. 193; Helvering v.
Clifford, 309 U.S. 331 (1940), 1940-1 C.B. 105. Under this doctrine,
the abusive trust arrangements may be viewed as sham transactions,
and the IRS may ignore the trust and its transactions for federal
tax purposes. See Markosian v. Commissioner, 73 T.C. 1235 (1980)
(holding that the trust was a sham because the parties did not
comply with the terms of the trust and the supporting documents
and the relationship of the grantors to the property transferred
did not differ in any material aspect after the creation of
the trust); Zmuda v. Commissioner, 731 F.2d 1417 (9th Cir. 1984).
Accordingly, the income and assets of the business trust, the
equipment in the equipment trust, the residence in the family
residence trust, and the assets in the foreign trust would all
be treated as belonging directly to the owner.
[14] The grantor trust rules provide that if the owner of property
transferred to a trust retains an economic interest in, or control
over, the trust, the owner is treated for income tax purposes
as the owner of the trust property, and all transactions by
the trust are treated as transactions of the owner. Sections
671 - 677. In addition, a U.S. person who directly or indirectly
transfers property to a foreign trust is treated as the
owner of that property if there is a U.S. beneficiary of the
trust. Section 679. This means that all expenses and income
of the trust would belong to and must be reported by the owner,
and tax deductions and losses arising from transactions between
the owner and the trust would be ignored. Furthermore, there
would be no taxable "exchange" of property with the
trust, and the tax basis of property transferred to the trust
would not be stepped- up for depreciation purposes. See Rev.
Rul. 85-13, 1985-1 C.B. 184.
[15] If the trust is not a sham and is not a grantor trust,
the trust is taxable on its income, reduced by amounts distributed
to beneficiaries. The trust must obtain a taxpayer identification
number and file annual returns reporting its income. The trust
must report distributions to beneficiaries on a Form K-1, and
the beneficiary must include the distributed income on the beneficiary's
tax return. Sections 641, 651, 652, 661 and 662.
[16] Transfers to a trust may be recognized as completed gifts
for federal gift tax purposes. Further, whether or not the gift
tax applies, if the owner retains until the owner's death the
use of, enjoyment of, or income from the property placed in
a trust, the property will be subject to federal estate tax
when the transferor dies. Section 2036(a).
[17] Personal expenses such as those for home maintenance,
education, and personal travel are not deductible unless expressly
authorized by the tax laws. See section 262. The courts have
consistently held that non-deductible personal expenses cannot
be transformed into deductible expenses by the use of trusts.
Furthermore, the costs of creating these trusts are not deductible.
See, for example, Schulz v. Commissioner, 686 F.2d 490 (7th
Cir. 1982); Neely v. United States, 775 F.2d 1092 (9th Cir.
1985); and Zmuda.
[18] Charitable trusts that are exempt from tax are carefully
defined in the tax law. Arrangements are not exempt charitable
trusts if they do not satisfy the requirements of the tax law,
including the requirement that their true purpose is to benefit
charity. Furthermore, supposed charitable payments made by a
trust are not deductible charitable contributions where the
payments are really for the benefit of the owner or the owner's
family members. See, for example, Fausner v. Commissioner, 55
T.C. 620 (1971).
[19] If an arrangement involves a foreign trust, taxpayers
should be aware that a number of special provisions apply to
foreign trusts with U.S. grantors or U.S. beneficiaries, including
several provisions added in 1996. For example, a U.S. person
that fails to report a transfer of property to a foreign trust
or the receipt of a distribution from a foreign trust is subject
to a tax penalty equal to 35 percent of the gross value of the
transaction. Other examples of these provisions are the application
of U.S. withholding taxes to payments to foreign trusts and
the application of U.S. excise taxes to transfers of appreciated
property to foreign trusts. See sections 6048, 6677, 1441, and
[20] The participants in and promoters of abusive trust arrangements
may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties in appropriate
cases. See, for example, United States v. Buttorff, 761 F.2d
1056 (5th Cir. 1985); United States v. Krall, 835 F.2d 711 (8th
Cir. 1987); Zmuda and Neely.
[21] The Internal Revenue Service has undertaken a nationally
coordinated enforcement initiative to address abusive trust schemes
- the National Compliance Strategy, Fiduciary and Special Projects.
This initiative involves Service personnel from the Assistant
Commissioner (Examination), Assistant Commissioner (Criminal Investigation),
and the Office of Chief Counsel.
[22] As part of this strategy, the Service seeks to encourage
voluntary compliance with the tax law. Accordingly, taxpayers
who have participated in abusive trust arrangements are encouraged
to file correct tax returns for 1996, as well as amended tax returns
for prior years, consistent with the explanation of the law set
forth in this notice.
[23] For information regarding issues addressed in this notice,
taxpayers may call (202) 622-4512 (not a toll-free number).
Date Published: 04-03-97
Bob Sommer's Trust Scams Series
Well-respected tax attorney Bob Sommers has put together a series
of articles dealing with these inane and ineffective trusts.
Mark Pitcavage Expose of Pure Trusts
Mark Pitcavage, PhD, of the MilitiaWatchdog group,
has written an excellent expose of the Pure Trust promotes and
the lies they spin to sell Pure Trusts.
Vern Jacobs and Richard Duke
Two of America's best planner discuss Pure Trust
scams at great length.
Protestors Exposed

Have a question for Quatloos?
Protestors, Pure Trusts, and Other Stupid De-Tax Schemes & Scams
Have a stupid theory why you shouldn't have to pay taxes? 861? Non-Filer?
Sovereign Citizen? Believe that the federal courts are actually
admiralty courts or that the only real citizens of the USA live
in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the District of Columbia, then this forum
is for you.
Practice & Policy and Tax Shelters Practical
and Practice issues for Professionals who practice in the area of
taxation. Moral, social and economic issues relating to taxes, including
international issues, the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, state tax
issues, etc.
Protestors News & Articles
News Regarding Tax Scams
Filer Arguments
The truth about frivolous tax arguments. (pdf)
Attorney Bob Sommer's
Tax Prophet
Investigative Reporter David Marchant's
Adkisson LLP
Critical analysis of contemporary risk management and asset
protection issues.
