Quatloos! > Investment
Fraud > Financial
Planning > Guide
to Insurance
> Variable
Universal Life (VUL)
As in the variable life insurance product, the
VUL also has the opportunity to achieve large gains which are tax-free to the
The variable universal life insurance policy combines many of the features
of a whole life policy, a variable life policy and a universal life policy.
The primary features are:
- premium flexibility;
- separate account control;
- assumed rate of interest;
- product is a security
- death benefit flexibility.
Initially, the insurance policy has a specified death benefit and a minimum
scheduled premium payment designed to meet the first year’s mortality
and expense charges. After that, the policyowner can pay into the plan whatever
the policyowner wishes to pay as long as the cash value continues to cover the
mortality and expense charges. If the performance of the separate account is
significant the first year and results in annual gains, the policyholder may
never have to pay a premium again.
Generally, within the separate account, the policyowner has several investment
options created by the insurance company to select from when the initial premium
is paid into the policy. The investment options may be mutual funds or other
investment securities set-up by the insurance company and they may be graded
from conservative to high-risk investments. The policyowner can redirect the
investments without charge, usually once each year, to take advantage of or
to speculate on the policyowners perception of the market.
The death benefit options are similar to the options discussed in the universal
life insurance section.
Partial withdrawals may also be made from the VUL policies.
* * *
This material contains only general descriptions and is not a solicitation
to sell any insurance product or security, nor is it intended as any financial
or tax advice. Consult your financial or tax advisor for specific questions.
For information about your specific insurance needs or situation, contact your
insurance agent. Before investing, understand that variable annuities, mutual
funds and variable life insurance products are subject to market risk, including
possible loss of principle. All individuals selling variable annuities and variable
life insurance products must be licensed insurance agents and registered representatives.
Variable life products allow the contract holder to choose and appropriate amount
of life insurance protection that has an additional cost associated with it.
Our articles are intended to assist in educating you about insurance generally,
but they cannot provide personal advice. They may not take into account your
personal characteristics, such as budget, assets, risk tolerance, family situation
or activities, etc. which may affect the type and amount of insurance that would
be right for you. In addition, state insurance laws and insurance company underwriting
rules may affect available coverage and it costs. If you need more information
or would like personal advice, you should contact an insurance professional.
You may also visit http://www.nasd.com
and http://www.sec.gov and the websites of
your state’s insurance department and securities department for more information.