Quatloos! > Tax > Tax
Investigation > Xelan
IRS reaches agreement
Doctors Benefit Insurance Company, LTD.
IR-2005-114, Oct. 3, 2005
WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service
announced today that it has reached an agreement
with Doctors Benefit Insurance Company, Ltd. (“DBIC”),
assignee of xélan Insurance Company Limited.
The agreement resolves various issues relating to
group supplemental insurance programs offered to
members of xélan, The Economic Association
of Health Professionals, through four separate trusts
created by xélan, Inc.
Without admitting or denying wrongdoing or legal
liability under the Internal Revenue Code, DBIC agreed
to cease operations and return approximately $500
million to participants in the programs. DBIC is
being required to withhold taxes on the payments,
which will be taxable to the participants when received.
Additionally, under the terms of the agreement, DBIC
agreed to make a $2.34 million non-deductible payment
to the Internal Revenue Service to resolve issues
arising in connection with its issuance of the supplemental
The agreement included a disclosure authorization
that allowed the IRS to issue this release. Section
6103 of the Internal Revenue Code strictly limits
the IRS in disclosing taxpayer information.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Dear DBIC Participant:
After substantial negotiations with the IRS, DBIC
has entered into a settlement agreement with the
IRS regarding its four supplemental insurance policies.
Pursuant to the agreed civil settlement, DBIC will
commence liquidation proceedings, pay $2.34 million
to the IRS, and distribute as follows:
Current individual certificate holders will
receive their current certificate values, calculated
as of the date DBIC receives a Certificate of
Intent to Dissolve from the Barbados Registrar
of Companies;
Individuals whose policies were terminated
for failure to make minimum premium payments
will receive their certificate values at the
time of termination, less the applicable percentage
that would have been deducted if they had kept
paying minimum premiums (4% or 6% of the minimum
$4000 premium);
Individuals who have already received their
experience adjusted refund benefits will receive
the difference, if any, between that refund amount
and the certificate value at the time the refund
was calculated.
Individuals presently receiving claims benefits
will receive lump sum distributions rather than
continuing with monthly payments; and there will
be no downward adjustment because of increases
to present value.
After DBIC has met all of its obligations through
the liquidation process, if there are funds left
over, they will be distributed to the individual
certificate holders mentioned above pro-rata. It
is contemplated that these distributions will take
place no later than December 15, 2005.
The IRS will issue a press release which states
that DBIC will cease operations and pay the non-deductible
amount set forth above to the IRS, but also makes
clear that DBIC is not admitting or denying wrongdoing
or legal liability under the Internal Revenue Code.
While not addressed in the IRS press release, the
agreement also resolves the tax treatment of premium
payments for DBIC’s affected certificate holders
and their employers.
Current Certificate Holders
Current certificate holders will be subject
to tax on the full amount of the distributions
from DBIC in the year of receipt.
If the income is properly reported in the year
of receipt, the IRS will allow in full the deductions
claimed for premiums paid with respect to the
DBIC supplemental insurance policies for all
years in which premiums were paid.
The deductions for premiums paid on supplemental
insurance policies will be allowed so long as
the refunds were reported as income in the year
of receipt.
The settlement agreement provides that the certificate
holder will obtain the benefit of a single-level
tax (that is, the distribution is being made directly
to the certificate holder rather than the employer
that paid the premium, so there is no tax effect
at the employer level). Further, the agreement provides
that the distribution will be reportable by the certificate
holder on line 21 of the Form 1040 as “other
income,” which treatment eliminates potential
employment tax consequences (no FICA or FUTA withholding
or contributions need by made by the employer). Finally,
no penalty will be imposed on either the employer
or the certificate holder, nor will any interest
be due, provided the certificate holder timely files
and pays his/her tax for the year in which the distribution
is received.
DBIC has agreed to withhold 20% of the amount paid
in 2005 and/or later years to certificate holders
and to pay this amount over to the IRS at the time
of distribution. The certificate holder will receive
from DBIC a 1099MISC form with appropriate detail
of this distribution. Each certificate holder will
be entitled to claim on his/her tax return for the
year of receipt a credit for taxes paid with respect
to the withheld amount. Given that marginal tax rates
exceed 20%, certificate holders may wish to consult
with their tax advisors regarding whether any additional
amounts should be paid to the IRS as estimated payments
for the year of receipt.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Michael C. Durney, an attorney who represents many
of the certificate holders, and who is familiar with
this settlement. He can be reached by email at office@mdurney.com,
or if necessary, by telephone at 202 965-7744.
Press Releases
U.S. Department of Justice Press Releases
4, 2004 – Court freezes $500 million that Justice
Department alleges was paid to firms running fraudulent
insurance and charity schemes -- http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2004/November/04_tax_732.htm
Doctors Benefit Insurance Co. Ltd.’s Press
3, 2004 – Press release after U.S. District Judge
ruled against the DOJ’s motion to enter a preliminary
injunction in the case; also, the U.S. District Judge dissolved
the receivership for xelan.
Links to Other Websites Covering the
xelan Case
(links added by request to us)
– Information website by Doctors Benefit Insurance
Company, Ltd. – http://doctorsbenefit.com
– Hosts on-going article: Xelan: A Bitter Pill
for Doctors, by Bill E. Branscum -- http://www.fraudsandscams.com/Xelan.htm
– Informational website for xelan victims by plaintiffs’
attorney Mike Johnston – http://xelanvictims.com
Links to News Articles Covering the
xelan Case
The following are links to newspapers and magazines known
to be actively following the xelan matter:
Diego Union Tribune – Various Articles,
by Mike Freeman -- http://www.signonsandiego.com (search
York Times – Various Articles,
by Lynne Browning (search “xelan”)
– The doctors’ deductions: Hundreds of doctors
and dentists are undergoing a painful IRS exam, September
20, 2004, by Janet Novak (search “xelan”)
Post – Various Articles, by
Albert B. Crenshaw (search “xelan”)
Analysts – Various Articles, by Sheryl
Stratton (search “xelan”)
The DOJ’s Civil Injunction Case
USA v. L. Donald Guess, et al., Case No. 04-CV-2184-W
(U.S.D.Ct.So.Cal. at San Deigo, 2004) – The main U.S.
Department of Justice case against the xelan companies and
Follows are some of the key documents filed in the case,
in reverse chronological order by YY-MM-DD. We have omitted
purely administrative filings. The entire file is available
online via Pacer at http://pacer.casd.uscourts.gov/
of dismissal 2004-12-16.pdf
(Final) on Prelim Inj 2004-12-15.pdf
The Selznick Case
Selznick, et al., v. Xelan, Inc., et al., Case No.
04-CV-1038-L (U.S.D.Ct.So.Cal. at San Deigo, 2004) –
Civil lawsuit by xelan client for fraud, etc., in connection
with an ERISA plan.
Follows are some of the key documents filed in the case,
in reverse chronological order by YY-MM-DD. We have omitted
purely administrative filings. The entire file is available
online via Pacer at http://pacer.casd.uscourts.gov/
Xelan Disability Insurance Trusts Examined
- Xelan of San Diego is under investigation for selling
tax shelters to physician groups nationwide...

Have a question for Quatloos?
Protestors, Pure Trusts, and Other Stupid De-Tax Schemes & Scams Have a stupid theory why you shouldn't have to pay taxes? 861?
Non-Filer? Sovereign Citizen? Believe that the federal courts
are actually admiralty courts or that the only real citizens
of the USA live in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the District of Columbia,
then this forum is for you.
Practice & Policy and Tax Shelters Practical
and Practice issues for Professionals who practice in the
area of taxation. Moral, social and economic issues relating
to taxes, including international issues, the U.S. Internal
Code, state tax issues, etc.
Financial Firm Files Chap. 11 Bankruptcy Xelan's tax shelter draws IRS attention (July 15, 2004)
Report of investigation of Enron Corporation and related entities
regarding Federal Tax and Compensation issues.
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