National Conspiracy Theorist day

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National Conspiracy Theorist day

Post by JamesVincent »

Also known as Coming Out day for the thousands of morons who emerged from their parents basements to disparage hundreds of engineers and scientists who wrote the 9/11 reports. If not for them we would have just accepted the perfectly reasonable and logical explanations provided by intelligent and thoughtful experts and instead embrace theories that involve a vast conspiracy involving multiple nations, tens of thousands of government employees across dozens of government agencies as they tell you how incompetent the government is. Who wouldn't believe?

In all seriousness this second day of infamy us still remembered and will never be forgotten.
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Re: National Conspiracy Theorist day

Post by The Observer »

JamesVincent wrote: Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:54 pm If not for them we would have just accepted the perfectly reasonable and logical explanations provided by intelligent and thoughtful experts...
Or just accepted what our lying eyes were telling us when we thought saw two airliners crash into the Trade Center towers on live TV.
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Re: National Conspiracy Theorist day

Post by Frater I*I »

The Observer wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:40 am
JamesVincent wrote: Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:54 pm If not for them we would have just accepted the perfectly reasonable and logical explanations provided by intelligent and thoughtful experts...
Or just accepted what our lying eyes were telling us when we thought saw two airliners crash into the Trade Center towers on live TV.
Seriously, you gonna believe your lying eyes, which have lead you astray many times, or some 40 year old guy in his mom's basement who has the mainline to the ultimate truth... :naughty:
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Re: National Conspiracy Theorist day

Post by JamesVincent »

The Observer wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:40 am
Or just accepted what our lying eyes were telling us when we thought saw two airliners crash into the Trade Center towers on live TV.
Every year I see the same theories floated around. Every year I see them put down and myself have helped to put them down and the people spreading them. Never ceases to amaze the lengths people will go to make something simple into something so complex.
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Re: National Conspiracy Theorist day

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

These conspiracy theorists are well edjiccated. They got their degrees from Youtube University, Facebook Institute of Technology, or Google Schools of Graduate Studies.
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Re: National Conspiracy Theorist day

Post by Jeffrey »

I do wonder what conspiracy theory will replace it. It’s been nearly two decades, at some point a new one will come along.
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Re: National Conspiracy Theorist day

Post by JamesVincent »

Jeffrey wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:46 pm I do wonder what conspiracy theory will replace it. It’s been nearly two decades, at some point a new one will come along.
There's been other events and other theories but none of them gained the traction that 9/11 did. Several mass shootings had conspirists coming out of the woodwork, like Newtown, but none of them have the endurance. What was kinda surprising is that several large scale terrorist attacks have occurred around the world and never got the treatment that 9/11 did. And it can't be just that it happened on American soil, we've seen plenty of conspirists around the world. It's almost like people actually believe what the government reports.... except for that report.
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Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"