Covid vaccine suggestions

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Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by Arthur Rubin »

I'm looking for some out-of-the=box (but legal) suggestions....

We're in Orange County, California, and signed up on the county-recommended site, Othena, in spite of bad programming and dropouts. (This may have been in another post here, but....) I tested positive for COVID on 2020 December 25, and waited out the quarantine period, except that I had to take care of my wife once I sort-of recovered on Dec 27. My wife has gotten a qualification E-mail from Othena -- except

After an extended problem with replacement surgery, it requires two people to transfer her from any of the chairs we have to a wheelchair, and she cannot sit in the wheelchair for hours at a time. And we don't have an accessible van. To use one of the official county supersites, we'd have to rent an accessible van and an attendant for the entire time from leaving her bed to returning to bed. Without knowing how long the site is backed up, this is not really feasible. According to a third-party site, the pharmacies in California with vaccine programs are CVS and Rite Aide; CVS has no openings, and Rite Aide says "talk to the hand" (um, I mean, Othena). She is signed up with her primary care medical group, in case they get any vaccine doses, but it hasn't happened yet.

I've heard Long Beach (CA) has an actual program and site with somewhat predictable wait times, but the Los Angeles County and City vaccine systems require you to live or work in the county or city to be eligible.

I just recently turned 65, and also signed up for Othena that day, but haven't got a qualification E-mail yet. I've heard from our insurance broker (who may have no idea, but....) that I can't take the Moderna vaccine for 90 days after recovering. Since Othena doesn't know I was positive (they didn't ask), there's a good chance that, even if I get a reservation, they might decide I'm not eligible after I get there (wherever "there" is) and wait in line.

There's supposed to be a new state site run by Blue Shield, but it hasn't happened yet.

I've posted much on this on Facebook, as well; I have a few local "friends" there, but no constructive responses.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by The Observer »

Would it be feasible for you to establish some sort of residency in Long Beach (or LA County at least?) on a temporary basis? I don't know if you can afford renting an apartment or even a room that would allow your wife to show she is living there and entitled to participate. Usually proof of paying utilities is seen as a qualifier where residency is required.

Another alternative is possibly considering a change of healthcare providers. I have Memorial Healthcare as mine - they have offices in LA and Orange Counties - and they have a vaccination program set up, but it is based on age and so I don't know whether your wife would qualify to be scheduled for the current phase they have implemented. But a phone call to them would certainly give you more answers than you have now.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Update: I had my first shot at one of the supersites (through Othena), and my wife had her first shot at a local pharmacy. Her second shot is scheduled; mine is not yet, but will probably be around the same time.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm scheduled for my first on Thursday. Canada has done a very poor job of acquiring vaccines so it's uncertain when I'll get my second, they're saying four months at the moment. My child-bride, a mere babe at 69, will have to wait because they are working down by year of birth and are currently completely bogged down at 1949, she's 1952.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by The Observer »

Good to hear you are getting one. My friends in Victoria are still waiting for theirs and they are a little bit younger than you. I finally got my first jab last week and the second on at the end of the month (Pfizer). The only side effects that I have seen so far is a sore arm and a sudden ability to construct a Unified Field Theory that works.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by Frater I*I »

The Observer wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:18 pm Good to hear you are getting one. My friends in Victoria are still waiting for theirs and they are a little bit younger than you. I finally got my first jab last week and the second on at the end of the month (Pfizer). The only side effects that I have seen so far is a sore arm and a sudden ability to construct a Unified Field Theory that works.
That's the Bill Gates microchips working their magic :D
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm about to post on a previously discussed Canadian conspiracy fanatic who believes that the entire point of the covid scam is to inject Bill Gate's nanobots into us disguised as a vaccine to a non-existent disease.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by wserra »

Well, I'm fully vaccinated with Bill Gates' nanobots.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by webhick »

Getting my first shot on the 17th. I'm told that I will gain the ability to pilot shoats. Second shot upgrades the ability to weasels.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Burnaby49 wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:30 pm I'm about to post on a previously discussed Canadian conspiracy fanatic who believes that the entire point of the covid scam is to inject Bill Gate's nanobots into us disguised as a vaccine to a non-existent disease.
As if Bill Gates would be that stupid. :roll: He's put them in the MMR vaccine, so everyone has had his/her chips by the time they are 6 :snicker:
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:30 pm I'm about to post on a previously discussed Canadian conspiracy fanatic who believes that the entire point of the covid scam is to inject Bill Gate's nanobots into us disguised as a vaccine to a non-existent disease.
Behind the times. The latest theory is that the vaccines are what are causing the assorted variants to appear, or so I have been reliably informed. By keeping infection rates high, the jack booted Gestapo thugs of the Laurentian Elites can keep us locked up in a state of Nazi Communist fear. Spent a few hours yesterday watching clips of Covidiot demonstrations and counter demonstrations from Easter Sunday in Calgary so I know these things. As expected Chris Harrod from (discussed elsewhere on Quatloos) and his extreme right wing friends were there. The demonstration turned into a bit of a debacle in a slightly twisted fashion with some bodily injury inflicted upon his tough guy Urban Infidel buddies, all to the tunes of 1980's rock music.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by notorial dissent »

As to the nanobots, I would rather spend my time worrying about Apophis hitting us some time in the nebulous future, not likely to happen, but a better chance than Gate's and nanobots. Considering that Microsquish apparently/obviously cannot do security, witness the Outlook or software other software systems that were compromised bigly recently and are still compromised from the sounds of it or were completely off line for the better part of a week, or write code that works, the whole printer driver issue where their latest update screwed that up til they allegedly got around to fixing the problem. Yeah, they're going to infect everyone with functioning nanobots. I have a better chance of winning the lottery, which I have never ever played.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

My wife and I are both fully vaccinated... and now, I keep on hearing voices telling me that the Dinar and Dong RVs are about to happen ANY MINUTE NOW, and I'd better move fast if I want to cash in.
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

My only concern if the vaccinations are from the mind that brought us Windows is that we're all going to come to a complete halt and have to be rebooted from time to time. :)
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Re: Covid vaccine suggestions

Post by wserra »

Me, I'm waiting for the Blue Face of Death.
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