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Post by JamesVincent »

Apropos of nothing I was looking at something on Amazon and ran across this. During the heyday of the QEG chronicles I remember us talking about things like the old Heathkits and figured I'd share.

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Re: Electronics

Post by The Observer »

But will it allow me to build a HAARP array that will control the weather and mind-control the sov cits in my area?
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Re: Electronics

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

For those of us of a certain age, the main synthesiser used on Joy Division's 'Closer' album (and 'Love Will Tear Us Apart') was the legendary Powertran Transcendent 2000, a synthesiser published in Electronics Today International so you could buy the components and make it yourself, but also available as a kit.

Bernard 'Albrecht' Sumner bought the kit and put it together himself.
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Re: Electronics

Post by Tinkle Bucket »

Now can we get back to the subject of Robert Crabby White....hang on.....where am I?.....oooeerr I'm scared .... mummy!
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Re: Electronics

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Since you are here, I was a youthful fan of ETI's entry level electronic magazine called Hobby Electronics. I even built their HEBot robot in 1981.

They had a cartoon strip which I loved, which had the two most groan worthy electronics gags ever.

"She was only the electrician's daughter, but none of the lads could resistor."


"I'm baking a protective coating on these microprocessors that are going to be used to control a nuclear power station."
"I see. You're cooking fission chips."
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Re: Electronics

Post by AndyK »

Anyone for Theremins?
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Re: Electronics

Post by Cathulhu »

I received a theremin kit for Xmas a couple years back. I happily assembled it and having read the manual and looked at youtube videos, I attempted to play it.

I got a migraine and the cat threw up. No more theremin concerts here.
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